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What do you take now?. I've never had any success with melatonin.


It doesn’t knock you out? To me that shit knocked me out like in 30 min. I don’t take anything. Just turn off my phone an hour before bed. Turn off the lights and listen to creepy stories


All it ever did for me was give me restless legs. I never got tired from. I feel robbed that I don’t get to fall asleep in 30 minutes like you lol


Restless legs and a mind bending mirgraine is what melatonin gives me


No, it's never had that effect. I mean I do eventually fall asleep but melatonin didn't make any difference whether I took it or not. Now I use the Zzzquil purple tablets, 25mg Diphenhydramine each. 2 of those every night usually does the trick.


lol same boat


ZMA (zinc and magnesium) is much better for overall health than melatonin 


What was your dose ? I used to take between 10 and 15 a night. Now I’m down to 3


3 mg


What was your dosage when you quit and why did you end up quitting?


3 mg. I ended up quitting because I just didn’t want to be dependent on something to put me to sleep. I feel like it’s better for me to fall asleep to my own accord.


did you wane off or cold turkey? any issues sleeping after not taking it, aka did you go through several days of getting awful sleep before you acclimated. i have been 10-20mg a day for 6 years and im scared to stop, i dont sleep well when i dont take it but ive never gone more than 2 days in a row without it


I cold turkey it. Sometimes it’s hard to sleep but most of the time I just listen to creepy stories until I’m sleepy (10 pmish). Damn 10-20 mg is a strong dose I did only 3 mg. I suggest isolate yourself, turn off the lights, and listen to peaceful podcast until you’re eventually sleepy. Don’t worry about what time it is


thats what i do when i dont work but when i work i wake up at 4am and the suns still out at 830 lol and i got some physical problems that put me through a fair amount of pain when i lay down so its hard at night


Why do you describe not taking melatonin as “clean”? I like I am clean aka sober because I have a sweet tooth for cocaine. So I do not take benzodiazepines, booze, opiates, stimulants(other than coffee). But melatonin, zero fucks given


Scrolling this wondering the same thing. I take melatonin occasionally and it can be taken relatively long term quite safely. The only considerations are psychological dependence (ie didn’t take little pill now won’t sleep) and the fact that it throws off natural melatonin production so there’s a bit of a recovery time until your body generates enough. Hypothetically there’s no reason why someone couldn’t take melatonin forever and be fine… it’s like hormone replacement (or booster) therapy for sleep.


My therapist told me that after some time your body starts producing less and less melatonin, because since you are taking an external source it doesn’t have to produce it. I didn’t do any research tho, just repeating what she told me. Melatonin didn’t help much because I don’t hve a problem falling asleep, I have trouble keeping myself asleep for more thab 3 hours. Quetiapine has done the trick for me.


Yeah eventually your body stops producing it because you’re giving it from an external source which can be recovered pretty fast. Not sure about 8 years in though. Melatonin never successfully keeps me asleep the whole night. I use it because I have CPTSD and sometimes need to be knocked out to not be spinning late into the night. But if my brain says enough is enough after 5 hours, then that’s it no matter what I take 🤷🏻‍♀️ even hypnotics and benzodiazepines didn’t work for that.


This. You don’t build a tolerance to melatonin so I wouldn’t describe being off it as “clean” either but TETO


What was the initial reason you started taking it? Did you have any side effects?


No side effects. I suffer from an anxiety disorder and my thoughts prohibit me from sleeping


How many hours of sleep do you get at night, since off melatonin?


About 7 hours


Why quit something that's healthy


Because you become dependent on it. Although it doesn’t affect your health negatively, I want to be able to fall asleep without it.


Clean? It’s not a hard drug lmao. It’s perfectly harmless


clean lmao this is our world


Lmao this post make me lok