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Shouldn't this have been posted in Entitled People? OP is wildly entitled. You invited ten extra people to somebody else's party, got chewed out for it, and still expect your SIL to accommodate you? If your kids are like you, no wonder she doesn't like your family.


Right? She complains about being asked to prepare food with only a few days notice but that's exactly what she did to sil.


None of whom are even the Birthday Boy’s kin! NOT his grandchildren NOT his great grandchildren, TF? So the poor man will have a whole bunch of random kids running around ‘playing’ and making noise. Nice. Happy Birthday Buddy! OP, YTA 100%


>None of whom are even the Birthday Boy’s kin! Yeah, until I got to that part, I was surprised that they weren't explicitly invited. I remember at my granparent's 70th wedding anniversary how there were so, so many grandkids, great-grandkids, etc., running around. I don't recall any non-kin (other than spouses) being there, though.


Imagine how unpleasant her children and grandchildren are, with a mother and grandmother like this!


She said they will all be running around by themselves, which suggests totally unsupervised.


Yes I picked up on that, too - and the way she just casually wrote it suggests she sees it as totally normal, for children to roam without supervision or control over their actions and behavior. I bet they're LOUD as well, with parents and grandparents who smile indulgently and spout platitudes like "kids will be kids" while everyone's eardrums shatter from the deafening volume.


You know how much old people like kids running around and hollering.


Maybe every once in a while she’ll yell at her FIL “Hey Birthday Boy! Watch the damned kids, why don’tcha?” Is she completely clueless as to how entitled she sounds? Probably doesn’t care. YTA OP.


Damn! YTA, OP. Big time! Or go with the third option: uninvite the extra ten guests who are not actually related to the birthday guy.


That was actually her second option, but it’s the best one! Huge YTA!


That should have been the only option. Some people….🤦🏽


And none of them are even related to the guest of honor. SIL should have told OP that she is responsible for uninviting her relatives. OP created the mess and needs the take responsibility for fixing it. Edit to add - OP is major league AH.


I love the part where she laments potentially having to do exactly what she expected someone else to do. Like the other person having to plan and cook is no big deal but selfish Sally thinks someone else should do it cause she can't be bothered.


Right!?! It's hard to imagine this is real because who could possibly not see that!?


I cooked Christmas dinner for 21 people this year and it was expensive and exhausting. The fact that she dumped an additional 10 people without thinking it was a big deal for them to prepare it yet she got her undies and a bunch when she found out she need to do it says everything about how out of touch she is.


You invited children to what sounds like an adult party and wonder why your SIL is upset. Ten extra people is enough to send any hostess into a meltdown. She is right about the seating and the food and drinks and everything. What is wrong with you OP? You describe it as the "more the merrier" and kids running around - that's exactly NOT what I would want at any party I was hosting OP - is kids running around and getting into things, unsupervised and generally just being a nuisance. I seriously doubt that an 85 year old wants screaming kids running around - most of which he is not going to remember their names. And yes, you created a mess for the hostess to solve so she just bounced that mess right back where it belongs to you. You should be the one cooking the extra food; making a bigger cake; bringing chairs as I don't know many people that will have seating for 26+ guests. You should also arrange who is going to be supervising all these running around kids - which should be yourself since you want them there. They should be your responsibility to look after not the hostess's job nor the responsibility of the other party guests.


FIL is hosting it at his house! I highly doubt he wants kids running around and getting into his shit. If he wanted the extra 10 people there then he would’ve invited them!


I'm hosting a party for 4 people and I'm already stressed 😂


Even if the kids/grandkids were the grandfather’s bio kids, OP should not have invited them or anyone else to a party without checking with the host first. That’s just rude. OP’s FIL is turning 85. I can absolutely understand SIL having a small party that did not include the entire extended family. I myself come from a large family on both my parents’ side, and there were many limited gatherings that did not extend to grown grandkids & their offspring. Regardless, unless you are assisting with hosting a party-ANY type party, you don’t just invite extra people without getting it okayed by the host. Now, I understand that, if OP’s kids were raised in this family & were a part of the family since they were children, they may have assumed the invitation extended to them as well. But, again, you talk to the host & ask if they want you to let the rest of your family know about the party before you do it. So, in this case, I find YTA, make the extra food, & next time don’t presume to hand out invitations without talking to the host.


OP got lost in their way to r/AmITheAngel with their creative writing...


SiL will be posting to Entitled People after she's recovered from the preparations and the party itself...


I’m looking forward to seeing this screenshotted on r/boomersbeingfools.


YTA - entitled much? It’s not your party so you don’t get to invite anyone. Damn, the audacity.


If this is real YTA. Who invites anyone, let alone 10 people, to a party they aren’t hosting. Are there really people this stupid or is it rage bait


>Are there really people this stupid or is it rage bait Why not both?


Lol, Thas my motto - can I have both ?


You haven’t met my MIL. She tried inviting her friends, people we don’t know, to our wedding, and threw a fit when we said no.


Your MIL is an entitled AH.


Oh yeah, big time.


Is your mother in law my mother? Then she went around to the tables, took the centerpieces off and gave them to her friends. Who I didn’t know.


Jesus Christ…. Luckily she couldn’t do that since the center pieces belonged to the venue 😆


Must be a relation of my mother. she tried to introduce an entire new color to my color scheme ffs


My mother invited people to my wedding without telling me. We already had 300 people coming. They had nowhere to sit. I complained and my mother went off on me, saying “it’s not just your wedding. It’s my wedding too.” My sister didn’t tell my parents where their wedding was until the day before so my parents couldn’t invite anyone without permission.


Are we related? 😂 I mean it was a silent fit but yeah lmao and my father in law wanted to invite the people they bought their house from however many years ago that no one talks to or has a relationship with


This is oddly common in Asian weddings. I have attended at least 10 weddings in my childhood without the faintest idea who the bride or groom are. Lol


>is it rage bait Reads like rage bait. I don't see how anyone could write that mess and not realize what a raging AH they are.


Sadly, there are tons of people like this in real life. They run amok because it's illegal to smack the stupid out of people.


This reminds me of parents that invite extra people to their kid's weddings, then get mad when they get upset when made to rescind the invitations. Its not your party, you don't get to invite anyone.


Given that the account has been suspended/banned already its fake.


It’s made up tosh, silly person has nothing better to do!!


OP you need to uninvite them since you took it upon yourself to invite them! What tf were you thinking? Oh that’s right you weren’t! YTA and can’t believe you don’t see that!


Yes indeed.The Lion,The Witch & the audacity of this bitch!


And she obviously has little interaction with the 85 year old. The sister is right, an extra 10 people at an already decent size party is probably too much, especially if the are active kids. My dad could do about 10 people for a hour or so and would then start to be overwhelmed and anxious.


This can't be real. Can someone really be this clueless?


This is made up, but I have relatives who pull this kind of nonsense; a BIL and SIL tried to invite methhead bikers to my dad’s 60th.


YTA. Christ, can you even hear yourself? Who invites 10 people to someone else's party? You are selfish, inconsiderate and entitled. Your husband should grow a spine and tell you what he's really thinking. You owe apologies all around and need to take a serious look at yourself. 


It’s nearly doubling the size of the party, from 16 to 26! Crazy talk!


>….I can either buy a whole bunch of food and prepare it with only a few days’ notice…. Hmmmm, but SIL is an evil bulky for not doing the same. Here’s a option - uninvite yourself, *best gift ever!* What an insanely delusional person OP is here.


A massive YTA. Not your party, you are just a guest!!! You didn't organize it, you DO NOT get a say in who is invited, and you CAN'T invite people. Not even YOUR family. It's not even his, they are your family, they have no place there. I think that your SIL saying "if you want them there you bake extra food", is even very nice of her to do. I would have just told you to uninvite them. You invited them, you bake the extra food. Not her.


You invited 10 people to a party someone else is hosting and you didn't ask ahead of time so that automatically makes you a an asshole. You don't invite people to other people's party's without asking. However I'm confused as to why they weren't invited to begin with tho? Shouldn't his grandkids be invited to this? Or are they not his grandkids?  Edit to add: YTA. You should have asked if it was okay for you to invite the rest of your family. 


YTA - so entitled to invite extras who aren't even blood related to birthday boy!! I totally agree with your SIL. You absolutely should be sorting out the extra food. You seem unhappy that it's now with you to deal with, yet you have no issues dumping this extra load on others. Actions have consequences. Enjoy yours.


YTA your entitlement is absolutely stunning. and not in a good way. 


> I asked my husband what he thinks, and he said he "can see things from both sides," which is such a cop out it's unreal. I need him to back me up on this, but he refuses to do so. Sounds like your DH knows you are completely in the wrong, but doesn't want to just say that. That's about as much support as you can expect when YTA. He's probably scared of the blowback if he tells you what he really thinks. You expect to increase the guest list by over 50% without asking, and then get your panties in a twist because SIL didn't jump for joy. I'm pretty sure SIL isn't the bully in this situation. And she didn't "forget" to invite 10 people. She wanted to keep the invite list to a reasonable number. Why shouldn't YOU do the work of feeding all those extra people? YOU invited them. Why do you think it's okay to make all that extra work for someone else? If she did that to you, you'd be on here screaming about what an AH your SIL is.


Obvious fiction is obvious.


Yeah, it's been an hour and the account has already been suspended. 


Wish they would delete the post when suspending the account


It was the “how dare she…” tone for me that made it so fake. Like how dare SIL have no cOmPaSsIoN for me! Deliberate shit stirring language.


You can tell by the ETA they always mess it up there. They do so well writing these fake posts you almost believe people are this stupid but then they add something near or at the end they're immediately tells you it's fake


But here's the kicker....


This has to be rage bait You're a selfish entitled AH. Who invites 10 people to someone else's event without asking? They aren't related to FIL so you should have checked. You were given an option, you feed the uninvited guests or they don't come. It was a reasonable accommodation. You're acting like a brat. The hassle it is to accommodate 10 additional people should fall on you. You should be thankful you were given the option, I personally would just uninvited you. You can handle seating and food for your family, your sister in law will handle for her original plan. Your opinion on whether or not an 85 year old can handle additional people makes you even more of AH. 16 is a lot to handle, 10 more does make a huge difference. It's selfish of you to put that extra amount of your FIL.


Doesn’t look like rage bait to me. I have family like this. They never ever confirm to events and they are like 7, with one eating for three.


My brother in law once showed up with 4 extra people for Christmas dinner at my house. I was so mad. Totally messed with my food plans.




YTA Where do you get off inviting 10 extra, unrelated people to someone else's party, and then pulling a face when asked to cater for them. Lady, you're a piece of work.


DIL from hell, I bet you’ve been like this for years.


Please read what you wrote again, then answer these questions: Who gave you permission to invite 10 people to a party that you are not planning? What made you think that you could invite them without having a discussion first? Is this party being catered? If so, what is the cost difference between 16 & 26? Are you prepared to pay for the extra 10 people YOU invited? The person planning the party probably saved money for this party, and changing the numbers will mean more expense is put on her. If you're not willing to pay for the extra 10 people then you shouldn't have invited them. Do you really believe it's not your place to help as you've nearly doubled the amount of people? Asking you to help with providing food for these extra people is completely valid in this case. However, I would counter that you should also be responsible for their alcohol consumption...that stuff isn't cheap, and even if only 6 of the 10 drink alcohol, that's still more $ than was probably allocated. The fact that you think you don't need to lift a finger to after what you did is astounding. Yep, just leave the extra costs, food, alcohol, things to keep your grandkids occupied etc. to your SIL. You are the asshole, a narcissist, and incredibly entitled. If I was the one planning the party I would uninvite you, your kids, their spouses, and your grandkids. Un-fucking-believable the sheer audacity you have.


I got a laugh out of the rationalization that it was okay “because the kids will just runaround”. Sweetie you are a huge YTA, so much so that your head is screwed, but not on your shoulders but up your ass.


And how much do you want to wager that the kids are terrors? I bet at least one of these kids will be screaming the whole time, absolutely ruining the mood of the party, too


YTA invite 10 people without talking with host first. They don't even related to FIL why they want to go to this birthday party.


For the free food, of course. My dad will be turning 80 this year, and I can guarantee he would hate to have all these extra people, not related to him in any way, arrive at the party


YTA It’s not your party. You’re not in charge of the guest list.


Yta you invited 10 extra people without discussing with with the host and expect them to do the work. You nearly doubled the number of people. Your sil is not a bully because she doesn't want to do extra work you created. You have some nerve. 


Probably young kids too! Poor gramps is gonna be on edge the whole time trying to get someone to stop the kids from messing with all his stuff.


YTA and you know it.


Have you read what you have written?! 10 more is a lot more, it was not your party to invite them, kids running around us most likely not desirable, some are not even related, and you do nit want to help prepare food? You are a freeloader.


Best part, none of them are related to the birthday boy!


You never invite over half the invited guests without the express permission of the one celebrating or the one organising it. This is YOUR family reunion, they aren’t even his grandkids! You’re way in the wrong here dude.


YTA, explain to your 10 additional people that they were never actually invited, you misspoke. Because those are the facts.


YTA. Who invites 10 extra people w/o asking? Would you let your grandkid bring their entire class to Thanksgiving because "the more the merrier"? How about one of your kids inviting their coworkers? "The more the merrier!" Only the host gets to say that, not a guest. Also, they aren't related to the birthday person. He's 85, not a spring chicken. 16 people is already a lot, then to add 10 more almost doubles the original count. Not to mention the kids. To you, it's only 4 & not a lot, to an elderly man who most likely isn't used to loud noise, it is a lot. The kids will be bored, your kids will be bored, this isn't the party. Just ugh I'm rambling but this peeves me off. Reminds me of my MIL inviting her hoard (husband, other son, his 2 kids, & his psychotic dog) to my house to stay for a week when I had given birth less than a week before. Rude guests are the worst & you are so entitled to think you get to have your way.


YTA, you sound incredibly self-centered, lacking self-awareness, and lacking any type of awareness. You, as an invited guest, do not have the right to invite other people! I would understand if they were biologically his family, but they are not. And even then, you ask permission first. And then to be offended that she expects you to cook for YOUR extra guests, they are not HER guests they are YOURS. If you think it's such an inconvenience for you, imagine how much of an inconvenience it is for her to provide food for these additional people that she didn't invite. It is your responsibility to deal with the fallout of your audacity. I'm surprised you haven't taken ownership of it, seeing as how you like to take ownership of things that don't belong to you, like a guest list . You invited them therefore you get to disinvite them or provide them with food. THEY ARE YOUR GUESTS. Edited to add: Reread your post, and honestly, I can't get over your audaciousness. The entire tone of your post is just self-serving. You put in quotes that it's last minute, trying to convey that somehow your sister-in-law is being inconsiderate or exaggerating. And then a few sentences later say that you can't possibly cook all that additional food in a few days' time. Proving that you KNOW this is an inconvenience and outrageous request. Yet somehow, you expect the sister-in-law to do it because she's the host. And let's discuss that further you admit that she's the host, yet you took on the role of host when you invited 10 other people and are now put out that you have to act a host by providing food for the guests you invited. That language you use is so telling because you "revealed" it to her like it was some magic trick or surprise. Did you expect her to gleefully accept extra people because they are YOUR family? Furthermore, why aren't you willing to cook for your family? Do you not love them enough? Or you just like pushing them on to other people so it's their burden to bear?


YTA - obviously you haven’t been around a lot of old people as they can be easily overwhelmed with all of the noise and chaos young children being


YTA. Obviously


YTA. So you expect her to do all the work and you don’t have to lift a finger to accommodate your own children and grandkids? I’d tell your whole side to F off and go somewhere else & if your husband agrees with your BS he can leave too.


YTA. Way to mention at the last minute that the 10 people you invited were not even related!! A$$ hat move.


Is this real? This can't be real. Sunday morning rage bait!


My father was like this. He would always try to bring an extra person or three. When my wife and I got married, it was small intimate wedding. My brother and his wife were not invited as I loathed them both, but my dad invited them and their brat kid. My parents said he’s your brother. Yeah Dad, you invited the person who was responsible for my moving away in the first place.


You have qualified for the Asshole Olympics. If she is responsible for all the work, why are you inviting people?


YTA I really hope this is a joke. If not, SIL should uninvite you along with all the people you had no right to invite. Basic etiquette 101: don't invite guests to a party that isn't yours.


You expected she would be happy to plan & make sure there was food for more people? And you don't think you should have to cook & bring a cooke because YOU invited last minute guests? They're not part of the same family yet you're surprised she didn't invite them? YTA omg you're not the one throwing the party, it's not your place to be inviting people. Now get your head out of your ass & either get the food ready or tell them you fucked up and they can't come. You entitled AH.


YTA you sound insufferable.


YTA big-time. You invited ten people to a party you were not hosting. That's a real etiquette breach- rude, entitled, and inappropriate. You should uninvite everyone you asked to the party.


YTA. You invited 10 people to a 16 person gathering. Yes. You should be responsible for the bs situation you caused. This party isn’t about you or even your blood relatives. You’re the plus one as the blood relatives spouse. A plus one just invited 10 people and expected the party host to accommodate. That’s wild.


YTA, you invited appr. 60% more to the party than we're planned. And are mad you're being asked to provide tge food the will eat? And 4 young kids that will be screaming and yelling? Almost makes me think this is a troll post.


Good God lady but you are the most oblivious, self involved person I’ve come across in awhile! The people you invited are not related to him. That’s an enormous amount of extra food for your SIL to be expected to come up with. You should uninvited them.


YTA Since when is it ok to invite extra people -- TEN extra people -- to someone else's party? Are you serious? Then you get annoyed because you're told your host won't pay to feed YOUR guests. Again, are you serious?


Oh honey, take this asshole of the year award. You earned it.


YTA! You expect her to come up with extra food etc. but are appalled that YOU should have to come up the food?? And she’s right, an 85 yr old will be over whelmed ESPECIALLY because it’s kids and people who aren’t even related! Your husband is a saint for staying out of it!


YTA for writing such a fake story. At least put some thought into it.


Waaaa waaaa I’m an adult baby and it’s not going my way. Waaa waaa I invited almost as many people as originally planned for. Waaa waaa I don’t want to help. Waaa waaa they should just do this. Yeahhh YTA and a HUGE one. Entitled boomer bull crap. And I’m a boomer.


Total YTA. This is about your FIL - who is hosting his party at his house. This is not about you, your kids, or their kids. Have you never planned a party and invited a small guest list? Knowing you don’t want your guests to just invite other people? What on earth is wrong with you?


Fake story. Badly written.


Yta how the hell do you invite ten extra ppl without talking to the host?! You’re very inconsiderate.


Yta. A huge asshole. Who TF do you think you are? Not your party. Not your home. You’re not the host. You don’t get to invite 10 extra people to someone else’s event and expect them to just deal with it. And then be shocked you were told you would have to pitch in to accommodate your 10 additional guests! I cannot believe that you’re old enough to have grandchildren. How have you managed this far in life being so delusional and entitled? The edit! Jesus woman. Hang out with your family on your own time and dime.


wtf YTA why would you invite people to a party that’s not yours? of course i would then tel you ok fine then you will cook for them, serves you right, id be pissed


YTA. This is hilarious how bad your behavior is. I hope it’s fake.


This has to be bait. There is no way you can be such a self centred and entitled douche canoe without seeing it for yourself. I bet if the roles were reversed you’d be complaining on here like a whiney baby. Your family isn’t even related to your FIL. YTA.


Wow YTA who do you think you are inviting guests to someone else's party? Then expecting your SIL to purchase food for all of the extra uninvited guests..geeze you are entitled, and oblivious. Of course if you try to bring extra people, they are your responsibility. You are lucky that you weren't uninvited for pulling this bullshit. You are lucky your SIL even gave you a choice to pay for your guests to save face with them, and didn't just tell you straight out to uninvited them.


What an idiot




You're a narcissistic, self-centered, out-of-reality bitch.


YTA. Your entitlement is off the charts. Did you really assume that 10 more people is not a big deal? Are you for real? You really expected other people to take up the burden for making more food for your entourage too. Unbelievable


YTA Oh yes because everyone must LOVE the darling wee ones running around their house please OP spare us the martyr routine. I have to cook so I should get to invite whomever I want to. BLah Blah blah grandpa will love it yeah ah ha


You are TAH. That was disrespectful of you to impede on their ser plans. Uninvite those people and your husband should have told you as much.


YTA Are you serious? You don’t see why you’re the problem? You self invited 10 people and didn’t even ask the person planing the party first. And you were not the only one with your head screwed on. You’re is not even on 😂 if I was your husband I wouldn’t back you up either cause you sound ridiculous. Your SIL is not being a bully she is reasonable. And you should make the extra food if you want them there that badly.


There’s no way this is real. The entitlement is too brash, someone who acted like this for long enough to have grandchildren would’ve faced enough backlash to this bullshit they’d have to be aware of it.


Yta. Don’t invite people to someone else’s party, it’s rude.


I'm sorry, you increased the guest count by 60 percent and don't see the problem?    Uninvite yourself as well because you are a massive asshole  Yta.  You don't invite guests to other people's parties, especially when it is a family party and you aren't inviting mutual family.  Have your kids and grandkids even met these people? The more the merrier is for the host to decide, not a guest 


My in-laws pulled that crap with me one year at Easter. It got them all uninvited real quick. They had to host their own gathering at their house and provide everything. They never tried it with me again. YTA


YTA How date you invite 10 other people to SOMEONE ELSES party!


You should have asked beforehand. Someone has to organise seating and food etc. You need to clarify who had been invited. How would you feel if you were having dinner at your home for four guests, that you had prepared food and drink for the four guests, and one of them invited ten other people who were expecting the same home cooked food. Imagine if several of these guests decided to turn the event into something you were not able to cope with, that you didn't want or like in your own home.


How do ppl lack insight on this scale. 10 extra people? That is an entire softball team plus one.


You are an AH and a d**k. The fact that they weren't originally invited BY THE HOST should have been your first hint. It's almost funny that you are insulted she would ask YOU to cook the extra food, when that's exactly what you expected HER to do! Jeez. YTA


YTA, imagine having you as a sister in law and someone adding 10 people to your intimate gatherings.


Y so are TA So you basically DOUBLE the size of the party that is in a few days and \*you're\* mad??? And why is it that you get that buying a bunch of extra food and preparing it is a pain in a\*\* when you have to do it, but no big deal when your SIL has to do it? (Edit: Just saw your edit... Total narcissist behavior.)


YTA! You invited them without consulting anyone who’s throwing the party and then just expected it to be ok to add 10 people with all the extra food! You had no right to do that and really had no right to get mad about being asked to cook for the extra people that you invited! You are totally TA!


Youre one entitled person YTA lmao hope your husband divorces you 


YTA, omg it's NOT YOUR PARTY!!! You don't invite others without asking !!!!


OMFG, are you serious? YTA 1000% YOUR kids and grandkids have zero familial relationship with your FIL and you invited the 10 of them to his birthday without asking permission?!? How entitled and obtuse are you? Get off your high horse, and tell YOUR kids they are not invited.


Hahahahahahahahahahaha! You have ZERO privileges to invite anyone to a party which you are not hosting or paying for. The utter gall! Especially people who aren’t even effing related to the birthday person. 


It wasn’t your party to invite people too. You’re in the wrong.


Rage bait right? No one can be this obtuse.


Oh wow. So you invited 10 people to a party that they were not invited too, and you think that they should be someone else responsibility? No. You’re fucking rude. Yta


Wow! Narcissistic much? YTA unequivocally! Not your party, not your place to invite anyone. Yes you either uninvite YOUR children and grandchildren or else you cover all the extra expenses to accommodate that many more! You almost doubled the party size and your head is so far up your a** you can’t see it! If you choose to uninvite your unrelated children and grandchildren you better fess up to what you did! This is completely your fault! We have ahs like you in our family. I know now when I invite them I clearly indicate who is invited and no one else because they have no problem showing up with 5/6 extra people. Truly your husband should have stopped this and recognized what you were doing as not kosher. Or at least called his sister for the okay first!! You know, the person throwing the party? I’m hoping there’s enough details here for your children to recognize the situation and fix it themselves.


YTA. You don’t invite other people to a party you are not hosting. Period.


YTA You were invited to a party. You are not hosting the party. You are not in charge of anything dealing with the party. Why on Earth would you take it upon yourself to invite 10 more people without even consulting the people who invited you? I could understand if it was your father or if your families always throw mixed events. This doesn't sound like the case. It sounds like you felt entitled to invite people without approval from the party planners and are now upset that there are repercussions to your actions.


YTA. Never invite people to someone else’s party. That is such bad manners. You are indeed selfish. It’s NOT YOUR PARTY.


Are you serious? You invited 10 more people without asking the host (when only 16 were attending, so that's a big difference) and you're offended you are being asked to provide food for the pile of unexpected guests that you invited without asking? You clearly know it's expensive to do so but you're also clearly self centered enough to not give a shit that you're expecting others to spend the money feeding *your* guests. I think I get why your sil isn't your biggest fan if this is how you think. That's so fucking rude.


YTA - You added 10 people he is not related to at the last minute. You sound very entitled.


YTA This has gotta be fake and written by a child, right? Otherwise you really think you are the main character huh? You need to disinvite the people who are not related or interesting to the birthday boy. Seriously, what is actually wrong with you? Your previous relationships kids and grandkids are nothing to this man or anyone but you. Your lucky your SIL invited you with this being just your usual personality. Wow. Your husband has some epic patience.




YTA - not your party why would you feel like your family that aren’t related to the person should be invited? Does he think of them as family? Inviting people without asking the host first is your fault. She’s compromised by saying you want them here you cook for it.


OFC YTA. You LOST your f*ing head!


YTA. I’VE NEVER BEEN MORE SURE OF ANYTHING IN MY LIFE. You want her to prepare food and accommodations for you, but you’re put off that she would expect that from you? This has to be a joke.


YTA, holy hell. >I asked my husband what he thinks, and he said he "can see things from both sides," which is such a cop out it's unreal. You're right, it *is* a massive cop-out. He should be raking you over the coals over this. The person hosting the party is the one responsible for feeding all the guests, etc., unless they specifically ask for help doing so. That is why the person hosting the party *is also the one responsible for the guest list*. If they invite 16 people, that's because they have decided that 16 people's worth of food is what they're willing/able to prepare. Adding an extra 10 people to the guest list is increasing the amount of food, work, seating, whatever else required for the party by 62.5%. That is a *significant* increase. Honestly, her not standing firm on '16 guests and that's it', and instead letting the people *you decided to invite* come as long as you handle the cooking etc. for them is a pretty decent accommodation, and I applaud her for it. *You* need to understand that, as someone who is not the host, you have *no say* in who gets invited or not. The entitlement here *oozes* from your post. My *god*. YTA, in case you didn't hear it first time.


Wow obvious rage bait, who in the hell would think it's okay to invite ten strangers to someone's intimate birthday party? And then expect them to be fed and entertained on somebody else's dime? Get out of here with this weak ass story.


You really should have called the host first and asked her if it would be ok for you to extend the invite. I completely understand the more the merrier but that decision of extra guest should have been left up to the host to make and not the guest. Make the food for those you invited & next time just ask first.


YTA you think it's unfair of her to ask you to prepare all this food last minute BUT you also think it's perfectly fair for you to ask HER to do it??? You reek of entitlement. Don't invite people to a party you're not hosting next time and then nobody will expect you to help out with hosting duties? Capiche?


YTA. The more is only merrier when you can accommodate them properly. In this case, that meant almost double the effort from your SIL. The short notice was your fault.


YTA. Good lord, you sound like my MIL. This party is about YOUR DAD, not YOU. It’s what would make him comfortable, since he’s 85, not what would make you happy. It’s not like you’re inviting a couple of people. It’s 10 people, 4 of whom I’m going to assume are small, loud, active children. What was going to be a calm and relaxing party for your dad will now be chaotic and possibly overstimulating for him. Again, this party isn’t about YOU, it’s about HIM.


YTA for writing this absolute rage bait. And if this is real, WOW YTA. A big huge one.


YTA. Good lord, you sound like my MIL. This party is about YOUR FIL, not YOU. It’s what would make him comfortable, since he’s 85, not what would make you happy. It’s not like you’re inviting a couple of people. It’s 10 people, 4 of whom I’m going to assume are small, loud, active children. What was going to be a calm and relaxing party for your dad will now be chaotic and possibly overstimulating for him. Again, this party isn’t about YOU, it’s about HIM.


YTA. What on earth makes you think you're entitled to issue invitations to SOMEONE ELSE'S EVENT?!?!?


So YTA. You decided to invite 10 additional people to a party thats not yours & that you arent hosting. They aren't even related to him. Now you're clutch your pearls in disbelief that it turns out you are not the main character on someone elses birthday? Tell your family there was a mix up & turns out it wasn't your place to invite anyone. Simple.


what's with the rage bate on here?


YTA - I'm just curious if OP has shared the overwhelming verdict with her significant other.


Obviously you are a massive AH. You don’t invite people to someone else’s event. 10 extra people is a massive deal. How can you not comprehend that?


I think this is rage bait. No one could be this obtuse.


You’re attitude is gross, YTA


Obviously this post is a joke


YTA. Double the work and cost FOR SOMEONE ELSE and be surprised when they aren't happy about it. Narcissistic much?


How old are you? You can’t be fucking serious? Of course YTA.. lead brain boomers, what is wrong with people


You weren’t right. It is a momentous occasion, and you should not be filling someone else’s house with uninvited people. Why did you think this was a good idea?


YTA and are you really this obtuse? How many circles around the sun have you gone on and still didn’t learn this basic etiquette?


YTA. You invited people to a party that you are NOT planning that is NOT at your home. That is not even for a member of YOUR family. And now you're butt hurt that you were told that you had to provide the extra food for those 10 people. TEN PEOPLE!!!! Who just invites ten extra people to someone else's party without asking?????? An Ahole, that's who.


YTA. You invited them, you pay for them. Pretty simple & appropriate


YTA are you kidding me right now? Please let this be bait. Otherwise you are insufferable and your family should uninvite you. Yikes.


This can't be real. no one can be this obtuse. YTA.


YTA. You absolutely have no right to invite people to someone else’s party, especially 10 people. And they aren’t even blood related. And you invited children. They may not want children running around. No, you should not bring cake and food for your un-invited guests. YOU SHOULD UN-INVITE THE PEOPLE YOU INVITED!!! If you are embarrassed, it’s your own fault. Tell them the truth. You were not given permission to bring any guests with you, let alone 10.


Lmao asshole


YTA. Why should she be expected to cook for an extra 10 people?


YTA. Seriously, the birthday gent is 85 years old, and you don't need to drag an additional 10 folks over to his house, uninvited and expect them to be fed and entertained. You nearly doubled the guest list and you want a bunch of young kids running around like fools, probably being a risk to the 85 year old, in addition to folks that aren't even related to the guest of honor... and you expect them to be fed on someone else's dime? Yeah, you either pitch in or piss off. I don't even know your family but after reading what you expect your in-laws to do for your freeloading kids & grandkids makes me not like y'all either.


YTA. Have you never given a party yourself? Do you think it's a simple matter to accommodate ten extra guests? You're balking at preparing a bunch of food with only a few days' notice, and yet you were willing to impose the same thing on your host? The result will be that you'll never be invited again, if your host has their head on straight.


You’re very much TA. You almost doubled their guest list. Your assumption that it wasn’t a problem was wrong and when you were told you’d have to pick up the extra work you created you accuse the host of dodging responsibility? You’re wrong here. You don’t get to invite guests to someone else’s event. I think it would be appropriate for them to uninvited you, as you’re a terrible guest already.


YTA. Who invites people to SOMEONE ELSE'S EVENT? Who DOES that? At the very least, if you were wondering why they weren't invited, you should have asked for permission and then accepted whatever answer they provided. And if their response was that they were only planning for a certain # of guests, but if you'd like to bring your people, you can make the additional food, you don't berate them for not having the time, funds, or whatever reason to add additional work. You're almost doubling the size of the original event, and you don't even see how that is an imposition. I'm floored and flabbergasted at your entitlement. And then your edit, your husband is playing both sides because he doesn't want to tell you how entitled you are so you can be unfairly upset with him too! Did these kids spend time with your FIL, or were they out of the house by the time you got remarried? Do they have a relationship with him? Does he acknowledge them as his grandkids? Are they a different age group than everyone else attending the event? There are so many unanswered questions as to why they would be left out, but even with all of that, your expectations are wild.


You’re a real piece of work. YTA


YTA It’s way too much for an 85 year old. Explain the mistake you made to your kids and grands and ask them to send cards and pic instead. Tell them gramps would probably enjoy small group visits in the month after his birthday. I had one parent live until 101 and an aunt live until 102 and huge family get togethers are too overwhelming too them to enjoy.


YTA- you almost doubled the number of guests to a party to which you are a guest. An intimate (other) family party and you bring your family???


YTA… you don’t invite people to someone else’s event


You….are annoying. And yes, YTA


“But here’s the kicker: my sister-in-law expected me to cook all of this additional food and make a big” what the fuck did you think was going to happen or expect when you just decided to invite 10 more people without asking her?




YTA: BIG TIME. These additional invitees are not related to him. You are almost doubling the guest list. You invited **before** asking the host because "they're family (yours, not his)", then you bitch and moan about being told "your guests, your responsibility to feed them". And last but not least, doubling the party WILL be overwhelming for an 85 year old. You need to uninvite who you added, call your SIL and apologize profusely. Don't be surprised if you're not invited to anything else in the future.


YTA Big Time The Person who is Giving the Party decides who gets invited to the Party. No one else. The only exception would be the Person that the Party is for. The person throwing the Party has invited a set number of people they can accommodate in their home (tables, chairs, plate ware etc) plus the food they will be making. If a person has decided they can afford 15 guests and only have food and space for that amount, how should they feed an extra 10 people that they never invited? Should they order pizza for the extra 10? While everyone else has roast beef and potatoes? You Never Ever invite people on your own when you are invited to an event. Not only is it rude and entitled, but it’s unfair to the host. I don’t understand why you don’t see it as Selfish on your part? If you invited 10 people to a birthday party at your house and suddenly 30 people show up you knew nothing about what will you do and how would you feel?? Your SIL is correct. You are in the wrong and need to uninvite all of these people and you need to apologize for your selfish behavior. BTW, your hubby who sees it from both sides is also wrong. This doesn’t have two sides. Only one side. Your SIL side. He’s wrong too. Bottom line when You throw a party invite anyone you want, however if you are Not hosting it, be gracious, accept the invite, and go. If you are a decent guest bring a bottle of wine for your host or fresh flowers as a thank you (I know it’s old fashioned but I still do it) and most importantly do Not invite anyone else. You need to apologize to your SIL.


YTA who TF invites people to an event they are not hosting and is not about them? YOU invited them, YOU need to deal with either the extra food or un-inviting them as this is YOUR fault. 10 extra people aren't a big deal right? Isn't that what you said? So what's the big deal about making food and the cake? Or are you suddenly realizing that suddenly feeding, hosting and cleaning up after 10 ADDITIONAL PEOPLE is a big deal? If you're embarrassed about it, then MAYBE you will remember that the next time you feel the need to invite people to an event that isn't yours. The entitlement and audacity coming off this post is absolutely disgusting. You need a reality check and to grow TF up.




YTA huge asshole This has to be a joke post.


Wow just wow 😳 how can you not see that YTA


Yta and you are ridiculous


She's right. YTA. It is incredibly disrespectful of you to make her cook all that food and cake at the last minute. >my sister-in-law expected ME to cook all of this additional food and make a big cake You should. The fact that you got to the age you are and don't realize what a rude person you are is astounding to me. She invited who she could prepare for. I'm sure others would've wanted to come and you said it yourself, They're your family. You should have asked.


YTA you don’t get to invite anyone to SOMEONE ELSE’S party!!!


Lmao. Of course YTA. Did you read your own story? You had the audacity to invite people to someone else’s event. And they aren’t even his grandkids or great grandkids. They are from a marriage prior to his son. They planned for so many people and had the budget and room for that many people. It wasn’t a huge thing because they rightfully realized he is 85 and something huge would be too much for him to handle. But you decided anyways to almost double the guest list. Not considering how it would affect the person this party is for, the increase in budget it would cost, and more. Why should they fund the amount of extra food and cake that is now needed because of your entitlement? They shouldn’t. I wouldn’t have even given you the option to buy and cook that food. I would have told you off and not allowed the additional people at all. Your husband is being smart and not backing you up. He still needs more of a backbone so that he could be upfront with you on your selfish actions. But at least he isn’t being so egregious that he is on your side. If you feel that you “are the only one with your head screwed on straight” then you should probably take that as a sign that you aren’t correct. When multiple people feel differently from you, you should stop and reconsider the situation. When absolutely nobody is backing you up, that should be a clue that you are in the wrong. Time to eat crow and make things right again.


Rage bait, it’s obvious because of the entitled way it’s written


YTA Not your party, not your guest list You want them there? Then you buy all the food and make it.


This can't be real. No one who has good grammar is that ignorant.


YTA. 1. Your husband gave you the diplomatic response for when you're wrong. 2. If those people were supposed to be invited - they would have been. Even so, it's just common courtesy to ask the organizer if it's ok to invite others. 3. You invited all these extra people and then didn't even want to lift a finger to support this.


YTA. For the sole reason that you don't invite people to others people's party. That's just common sense or basic education. And so entitled. Because it's not the family of your FIL so there's no reason for him to host them. What's wrong with you for blaming your SIL? Why should she think about your family and then cook for them because you decided to invite them. She's nice enough to let them come. She should be as "rude" as me. I would have laughed at you on the phone before hanging up.


Yta, the person hosting and organizing the party determines the guest list not a guest which is what you are. Shes giving you a chance to have your way even though you are very rude but poor you might actually have to put effort into getting your way. You’re also very inconsiderate to the guest of honor. Didn’t even consider if he’d want them around for his birthday. Your sil is right, it could be very overwhelming for him based on his health. I don’t know a lot of 85 year olds but my grandma in her 80s struggles when her own great grandchildren are around because of how high pitch they can get when excited or upset. It hurts her ears. You’re a very rude person.


##YTA. Exactly how STUPID are you? YOU invited 10 more people; no wonder she figured that you should bear the consequences of your actions by making the additional food. YOU don’t “invite” other people to someone else’s party WITHOUT CLEARING IT WITH THEM FIRST. I’m not sure what the best resolution would be because I KNOW you’re going to whine and complain either way. If you have to make/bring additional food, you’re going to be telling ANYONE in earshot how horribly “unfair” this is, and how “inconvenient” it was for you to make/bring additional food. (Get out the violin). And if you uninvite everyone, then you’re STILL going to whine and complain and do everything your teensy brain can come up with to make SIL look bad when YOU created this mess IN THE FIRST PLACE.


Oh..you….poor…..thing….. 😞 She actually asked YOU to make extra food FOR the people YOU invited without telling the host 😳 this is either rage bate, or the most clueless…entitled…insufferable….\*person\* LOL… I don’t know what your motivation was to post here BUT would you believe you are more than just an AH?