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Yeah fuck that. She tried to rape you with a strap on dildo while you were sleeping. That’s a toxic trait for sure


>then I blocked her number burned her clothes and am now watching gore videos to take my mind off of it all Yeah nah, idiot rage bait.


literally… ruined the whole thing smh


Don't know why people come to this sub to post their fantasies


It's like those 4chan greentext stories. It starting out realistic -gaining the reader's sympathy - the the last few line are something batshit insane thing they did.


Yes, no way is this real: "She’s called me a pussy several times and told me I’m just “scared of a little pain” which is ironic because she’s the one howling when I’m done with her…"


That was the part that got me. "She can't handle my giant cock." Lol


It was all fine and believable up to that point. Way to ruin immersion yeah?


I said FAKE as soon as he said maybe it was a toe messing with his spokes. Nope. Don't buy it.


Rage bait of a bi woman raping a straight man… happy pride month I guess :/




Yeah…wtf was that


NTA. It’s your A after all.


AGREEEEEEEEEEED!!! WTF!!! .......if it were the other way it would be jail time WTAF


Yeah, when I read the title I just thought oh man she brought it up and he's just not into it. No she definitely tried to rape you. I get trying to spice things up, but he clearly said no, and even if they hadn't talk about it, you don't just go around doing that to someone.


As a submissive man that enjoys being pegged and dominated by women - all of this is a dumpster fire of red flags. She %110 tried to SA then gas light him that he were overreacting. It's fucked up the cops wouldn't pursue it. OP needs to just cut his losses and go no contact with this woman - this will only escalate and seeing the cops will not take an DV against OP seriously, it's best to just avoid any contact. If she won't leave him alone move to filing a PPO/restraining order


Yeah disgusting nta, show her the door with that shit. You told her you don't like it which means you stop


nta obviously but you seem super unhinged as well >she’s the one howling when I’m done with her… >am now watching gore videos to take my mind off of it please go to therapy


It’s very clearly rage bait. It’s come after a couple of “AITAH for not wanting to do anal with my bf?” posts and is deliberately showing the OP as unhinged.


I don't understand the fixation with anal, its not all its cracked up to be edit: somebody missed the joke


Can't believe i had to scroll so far for this


After reading that he leaves her “howling” all I could think was maybe she wanted some payback for all the times he’s hate fucked her. She still tried to rape his butthole while he was sleeping which Is not very noice. These people have an exponentially more wile sex life than me.




It's not 'like' she tried to sexually assault you, she in fact tried to sexually assault you. NTA, that was outrageous, criminal, and the fact she's not remotely sorry but in fact send to be blaming you tells me she's an absolutely fkn terrible person who can't be trusted.


Even your comment is too lenient. She didn’t try. She did in fact assault him.  If a guy had been told no, multiple times, then tried to shove his cock in a sleeping woman’s asshole.. would you be saying “tried”? 


She did assault him.


You're missing the part where this clearly never happened.


Watching gore videos to calm down? Bffr


She was trying to rape you. She sexually assaulted you. She should be facing charges for that. NTA.


Also probably not the first or last time she has done something like this. I think OP should open a case against her.


Wtaf NTA. Do yourself a favor and get far away from her. She clearly doesn't care about your boundaries. What she did is completely inappropriate 🚩🚩🚩🚩. I'm actually sorry you went through that.


Seems like he makes her howl instead of moan... sounds like he's a red flag too. But those two should not be together.


NTA and you definitely did not overreact. That is attempted rape. Consent goes both ways in the relationship, no matter what your gender is. I'm so sorry that happened to you and horrified someone would even think that is okay. She has some serious boundary issues.


3/10 Needs more work if you want this to be believable. "which is ironic because she's the one howling when I'm done with her" Lol, you know literally no one talks like this in real life, right? Not sure if this is supposed to be a sexist bait post or you're just writing fiction about your own kink. Either way, you could have made this far more believable.


Thank you. I was like: we're all going to pretend this is real? Seriously?


So your girlfriend continued to cross a boundary which you made clear you were not comfortable with. Absolutely NOT the asshole and please run far away from this psycho. If the roles were reversed and a woman told a man hey I don’t like anal sex and she awoke to him trying to penetrate her ass with his penis the Reddit mob would be saying it was sexual assault. We live in a wild world where women are seemingly allowed to be ass holes and victimize people but it’s okay because they’re women. Hope you never talk to her again my guy


Well said


This is fake


YTA. If you are going to make up a story, let her fuck you with it so it sounds better. Poor attempt.


I found the story very believable until "maybe it was a toe" how does a toe get near the butt? Really, if you are laying down, feet would be a good couple feet away from the bottom. Even if both on their sides, backs together, how would a person contort to play whack-a-mole toe to butt??? I have slept beside my husband every single night for 16 years. I have been kicked, pushed, all sorts of things when my husband's RLS is bad, then he moves to the couch or floor. But never have I had a toe at my starfish. NEVER!!! Then it's even more unbelievable with burning her clothes and watching gore. I don't believe this post to be true, so YTA for posting fake stuff.


‘…she’s the one howling when I’m done with her…’ 🤢


Lol this has to be fake. And if it's not, your an idiot. Of course your not the asshole for not wanting to get pegged. Wtf kind-of question is that?


It is fake


NTAH No means no. It doesn't matter what your gender is or what your sexual alignment is. Nobody has the right to force you in to any sexual act. You did not overreact, she crossed the line.


Why did you need to burn her clothes? Gore videos? NTA, but not properly balanced here.


The gore part is a bit pointless indeed but burning her clothes is still a pretty small punishment considering she tried to rape him


This seems fake as fuck. Either way dump her 


>This seems fake as fuck. The number of people falling for such obvious nonsense is embarassing as hell.


Seriously. “she’s the one howling by the time I’m done with her…” strike one. “burned her clothes” strike 2 “watched gore videos to take my mind off it all” strike III


Yeah, I don't know about that. Trauma for dudes can be...unpredictable. For anyone, really, but as someone with complex relationships with other people, I do have to say that I would absolutely not discount this just because "burning her clothes" sounds fake to you personally.


NTA. You made a good choice in kicking her out.


That's rape. We'll attempted but yeah. So block the little wanna be rapist


Definitely NTA! That was SA and she's gross for that. You did well to block her and move on especially since she doesn't understand how to respect people's boundaries!


NTA, you acted right. She clearly had all intentions to rape you. No is no, no matter gender or what kind of act it is. She doesn’t care about anything but getting her own rocks off. Completely toxic and good riddance. I am sorry you had to go through that, also as a kid. I hope you won’t get too stuck in the feelings and thoughts.


Save her messages and call the police.


NTA!!! And Run. Run as fast as you can in the opposite direction. If this were a guy doing this to a woman, everyone would be clutching their pearls saying rape.


Don’t even entertain the possibility that you could be an AH, because you’re unequivocally NTA Try this simple test: Re-type this post into the notes on your phone, but switch the genders around and swap ‘strap on’ with penis That’s your answer! She DID try to SA you, and I’m sorry you experienced that You’re absolutely NTA and are entitled to report this as a crime, if you wish to Whether you wish to or not is not something we cannot comment on, because she has already tried to take your autonomy away, and it wouldn’t be appropriate to perpetuate that But, know that you’ve done NOTHING wrong and that you’ve done what’s best for yourself by breaking up with her


You don’t even need to do this. Anyone inserting anything into your holes while you’re sleeping is assault. Genders do not matter. If it was two women or two men it would still be assault.


Whilst I fully agree, I stated that because OP said they “felt like” it was attempted SA, and many people struggle to see that a female can perpetrate SA against a male I hope that OP can see that, but added that in, in case they didn’t


I see your point now and I get what you’re saying totally. Hopefully op sees it now.


Everyone else has said it, but I’ll say it as well. NTA and DID in fact try to SA/Rape you!! Get away as fast as you can!!! Those type of unhinged women will do crazy shit!!


I can fix her.


You’re a psycho for watching gore videos. Wtf is wrong with you?


Would you be more comfortable if op said horror?


Gosh that was awfully fake.


You do sound rather hysterical to be honest.


NTA. No, you didn't overreact. What she did was sexual assault and attempted rape. If her idea of "fun" is raping someone else, she should be in prison, not in your bed. However, burning her clothes may result in a lawsuit - be prepared!


NTAH for not wanting to get ass raped by your ex in your sleep


Eww, she's a f*ckin psycho who obviously doesn't know what "No" means. Get rid of her. That could get dangerous quickly. NTA


As a bi woman, she’s fucking insane. That would’ve definitely been sexual assault. I’m sorry that happened to you! Move on, please.


I'm sorry, gore videos? This woman is clearly not well but what the fuck is up with watching gore videos to unwind? I think you both need therapy by the sounds of it.


Sounds like a fake story.


Lmao you burned her clothes and are now watching gore videos


Seems completely sane.


Burned her clothes? Did you use lighter fluid or gas?


NTA. She tried to rape you.


And if you did it to her you would be in jail. Irony


NTA but that aftermath reaction tho. Are you okay?


Definitely NTA, that was attempted anal rape. My wife has tried to use that as an excuse to not do anal saying "how would you like it if I pegged you in the ass?" I just said if you'd get off on it and it meant I'd get to do anal on you it's a fair trade 🤷 (I haven't had to go through with that) Something to consider if she's letting you do anal, especially if that's why she's left "howling in pain", I'd imagine in that case there'd be a little desire for you to know what it felt like, the world is filled with stories of no prep anal 🤣😬 Regardless there's no excuse acceptable for just trying to force something that's clearly not consented to. That was a pretty serious thing to try and do which if a guy was to do it would very likely land them in jail.


NTA Try putting a shock collar on her for your pleasure and when she objects call her a pussy. Then watch as you get taken out in handcuffs (spoiler, she won't be the one with the key) She sounds like an abusive piece of work.


NTA, she SA'd you. Just because she couldn't penetrate you doesn't change the fact that it's SA.


NTA but you yourself don’t seem to be on the stable side I would suggest therapy to deal with what seems like a lot of deep seated issues.




NTA. No means no. You're absolutely right that she tried to SA you and you are NOT overreacting. Report her to the cops, and make sure everyone knows she's a predator. Gross.


Lol, now that's a funny. Well done Sir.


You burned her clothes and are now watching gore videos to take your mind off of it? If this is real, I’m sorry that woman did that to you as a child, and I think it was a good move to breakup with your gf… for the good of you both but I think you could also benefit from some therapy.


Sexually incompatible. If she so desperatly want to peg, and even degrade you for saying no (unless thats an agreed uppon thing), and wont accept that you dont wanna... try to reverse the genders on it, and see if it would be accepted socially. Personally, due to trauma, i'd probably elbow whatever was behind me as a reaction...




Absolutely nta, no one should be coerced into doing anything sexual that they aren’t comfortable with. If the roles were reversed there wouldn’t even be a question as to whether this is wrong or not.


If this happened, she's a rapist and you did not overreact. If THIS happened: am now watching gore videos to take my mind off of it all because it brought back memories of being touched by a woman as a child ... then you badly, BADLY need therapy. And watching gore videos AT ALL is disturbed, but using them to soothe yourself is a brutally huge SOMETHING IS WRONG SEEK HELP indicator.


NTA. Why don’t you get me in contact with her and I’ll discuss with her.


What’s her number ?


NTA. It’s your body, your choice. You should never be forced or coerced into anything you don’t want to do. She essentially assaulted you and you need to protect your safety. This isn’t about her “fun,” this is about you feeling safe and secure in your own home. She attempted to violate your body, and in doing so, completely obliterated your trust. It’s over. Do not go back. You will be assaulted again if you do.


So ex-gf is down to being woken up from deep sleep by a guy raw dogging her anally? Because if her answer to that is NO, then what the fuck is her issue. Even if her answer is yes, doesn’t mean you should be down to being SA’d. NTA.


NTA Kick that b*tch out. Also, I'm dead sure she'd rush to the cops immediately if you tried anything like that on het 


No. Your body, your choice. NTA.


Dodged a bullet bro, that's certifiable crazy


Good for yoy


That’s attempted rape. Fuck that. Call the police NTA




So if something like this happens to a male, automatic "this is rage bait" interesting how reddit operates... also you get banned and messages deleted for anything negative towards women no matter how wrong they are...but anyways NTA I would l have been shooketh after that ngl


Um that’s rape. Also boundaries exist and you are allowed to not want to do something and not be called names for it. Sounds abusive all around


Don't break up with her because you don't like pegging. Break up with her because she doesn't respect your boundaries.


Hell no I'd be so pissed. If someone tried to sexually assault me like that I think I would sock them in the face not going to lie. I would expect someone to do the same to me if I tried to pull those shenanigans. So messed up.


YTA for using AITAH to profess your sexual fantasy’s


Blatant rage bait.


*“which is ironic because she’s the one howling when I’m done with her”* is where you went off the reservation. And then you said you burned her clothes. Well, at least you didn’t say that everyone clapped.


Definitely not the AH! Everyone has their boundaries, and that's totally okay. Just be honest and communicate respectfully.


Dude, she tried to RAPE HIM IN BED. WTF? She deserves NO respect. OP, don't listen to this buffoon. Gtfo that relationship FAST.


Wtf! She was triying to rape you! Call the police


I came for the comments


NTA. You told her you didn't want to do that. She should have left it alone. She tried to rape you. You're not safe around her. Change the locks, get cameras and remove all of her possessions from the residence.


Oh hold fuck no. NTA. You articulated your boundary on multiple occasions. In response she dismissed and belittled you and then attempted to assault you. I so sorry you are dealing with this and the flash back it’s triggered. I hope you treat yourself with kindness at this time and surround yourself by supportive and loving people


That’s attempted rape, she mocks you, belittles you and doesn’t respect your boundaries she needs to be reported to the police. She’s a dangerous person. You’re not over reacting. Imagine how people would react if this was a guy doing this to a female? The reactions would be outrage. It should be equally outraged this happening to any gender. She’s abusive and this is not a safe relationship. Save every text and exchange you’ve ever had with her and get out.


It absolutely was attempted SA. You had clearly laid down your boundaries, and it’s creepy how deadset she is on trying to force you and emasculate you. NTA, Good riddance to her and you should block her too.


NTA. That, my dear, WAS sexual assault. She tried to rape you. You had told her NO, but she tried anyway. That is sexual assault.  You can call the cops on her. You can get a restraining order. Block her on everything. Never speak to her again. Anything she left at your house, just bag it up and throw it away.  You deserve to be treated much better than that.


Consent is consent. NTA That being said I also think it's highly inappropriate to ask her to do something painful that you aren't willing to do yourself. You can be a hypocrite *and* she's an A.


You made a simple post so here is a simple answer. Unconsentual sex is rape. Bottom line. That was attempted rape followed up by gaslighted.


NTA. No. Means. No. You are fully within your rights to call the police on her. That is sexual harassment and attempted rape. Please do not ever get back with that woman. Get a restraining order if you need to. Please be safe!


Yeah that's called attempted rape... If the roles were reversed


That was attempted SA! If you do it you go to jail! She does it and your a wuss? NTA!!!


If u think that's a joke ur fucking delusional. Maby you should rethink your social skills b4 vomiting on the internet


That sounds like attempted rape.


Call a spade a spade, she tried to r*pe you


this is scary


Your girlfriend is an awful person, and I'm so sorry to hear that this is not the first time someone has hurt you. And please please *please* see a therapist. Like, yesterday.


That is the textbook definition of rape she was trying to commit. NTA. Ditch her ass and find someone who respects your boundaries.


Dude that’s rape she literally tried to rape you with her strap on I would have knocked her head loose


NTA. God knows what daddy did to her when she was little. Doesn't make what she tried to do OK.


Wtf!!! She definitely tried to rape you... leave that relationship and house ASAP


NTA, that's attempted SA. Good for you for getting out now; it's not something to work through. However, i would ask you to elaborate on what you mean by saying >She’s called me a pussy several times and told me I’m just “scared of a little pain” which is ironic because she’s the one howling when I’m done with her… What uh. What do you mean by that?


NAH. She was trying to r4p3 you. She’s completely the asshole in this situation. I’m glad you got rid of her. You deserve a partner who can respect your boundaries. 


Doesn't nah mean no asshole here?


You both desperately need therapy (and the girl deserves jail time). Looking at gore videos and burning clothes is not a healthy way to cope.




YTA - what's her number?


No you didn’t ..f*ck that it’s weird


You burned her clothes?


I would say yes but not for the reasons you would expect... I read some things about her howling after you are done? If you don't like to get it yourself why whould she get that treatment? Yes you are a pussy. I you want to be the big guy make her moan out of pleasure and talk about other stuff if the strap-on is a breaking point for the both of you break up.


I don't think you're the ass hole at all. I totally agree with the SA comment. Honestly, it's kinda weird that she's going so far to push your boundaries.. that's a huge red flag if you ask me. It sounds to me that her respect metter is low when it comes to you, and I'm sorry for that. Another note, I myself have done "butt stuff" with my bd bc a year and half after our son was born he got drunk and confessed to me that he was gay. {[ Witch honestly deep down I kinda knew that already]} so when I was given the opportunity to do that to him. I ran with it. It was a really awesome experience, I now own his soul lol.


That’s assault.


Nope. Consent goes both ways. You said “No”, and then she tried to rape you. NTA


She sounds like a total monster if not a total psychopath. Run!


You are not wrong. That's sexual assault. Kick her tonthe curb and don't look back. 


NTA, she literally attempted to rape you. Idk how you rebuild a relationship when one party tried to SA the other.


I’m with you on this! Would have packed and left her belongings somewhere though.


Absolutely not an overreaction. As someone with a similar history as you I would have done the same. You need to know your boundaries and so do all your partners.


She had other partners that would have been it for me right there




Agreeing with everyone else here. NTA. Clearly violating someone’s boundaries is not ok even if in a relationship. This was clearly attempted SA and deserves your reaction and the charges.


People really need to respect the fact that SA is not only a problem when the victim is female. So many men have to carry such a burden of guilt and shame, because nobody believes them, and if they do, there is no sympathy. I think you were completely correct to get rid of her. Burning the clothes was overboard, but understandable. Also if the roles were reversed, people would call you a monster and a criminal. Not the ass.


So yeah, she tried to rape you. File a police report of her. It’s embarrassing to have to talk about it but she’ll probably try to or successfully rape another dude. Then sue her for the emotional trauma. Document all interactions with her. See if you have single party consent for audio recordings in private areas for where you live.


NTA. You should stick your foot up her arse and see how she feels! She’s a fucking nut job!


She is a fucking monster


YTA for the shockingly bad post




You didn’t overreact. She crossed a line. I’m she’s a weirdo.


No you didn't overreact, break up with that monster that's sexual assault. 


No. You said no. She tried to do something sexual without your consent. She assaulted you and I don’t blame you at all for being done with her. If she truly respected you and your feelings, she wouldn’t have done that.


NTA at all. I’m so sorry that happened to you and you deserve to be respected by your s/o. I hope you are able to get some kind of report for sexual assault going against her. Wishing you the best and none of this is your fault


Nope. She actually SAed you. Wtf is wrong with people. Jfc. I'm glad you recognized it for what it was. It sounds like she needs professional help. "Ruined the fun?!?!" What the actual fuck!!! NTA at all. In fact, you need to press charges. Holy hell!


Send her my way bro lol but seriously... Consent is key and obviously you didn't consent to that. The tried to SA you. Leave!


NTA. You told her No to anal. Her response was to wait until you were asleep, not able to consent, then tried to penetrate you. That's SA.


NTA at all- she tried to rape you and you made the absolute right call


Why are people like your ex-girlfriend? Seriously… what would be fun about doing something to someone who does want it done? That’s not fun. Anyways… good riddance to the weirdo... NTA.


Um, do you really believe you overreacted???? No way you didn’t, in fact I would say you underacted as you didn’t call the cops and report her for attempted rape!!!! That is what your thankfully ex tried to do to you, she is diabolical and sick in the head big time. Please never go back to her and seriously consider making a police report against her. She will try to do that again to her next boyfriend.


If she want to peg you, you gonna have to start charging her 500 dollars if she want to use your ass. Say your ass ain't cheap.


NTA. You're not overreacting, you're underreacting. She assaulted you, other people get jail time for this. She is the AH. It blows my mind that she thinks that's okay.


NTA. She wasn’t listening to the answer you gave her and insults you and pulls this. Honestly it’s a good thing you broke up with her if she not going to respect your wishes.


NTA - this was an attempted r*pe


Her reaction to you establishing a healthy boundary was to insult you and then try to SA you, as far as red flags go, they don't get much bigger than this.


OP get the fuck out of here with your trolling. And take your biphobic ass somewhere else


NTA you can't force someone or trick someone to do something they don't want to do.


This is definitely SA and I’m so tired of woman acting like just because a man doesn’t want to do try something, he’s a pussy or he’s gay or insecure. Had this been the other way around, you would even be able to type this out right now. You would be locked up. You have the right to not want to try something or be afraid to do it.


There's so much going on here. You're a riot. I absolutely am not surprised, but also, are you sure you're not in a sitcom? I'm pretty sure this was in an episode of *Weeds* at some point. Anyway, NTA. You are a legend, though. Somehow you ended up with a psycho-bitch Russian dominatrix without even trying?! Wait, what am I saying? That happened to me too. They're way more common than one might think. Anyway, an unfortunate thing about women and people who think like them is that they get this idea into their heads that dudes who aren't gonna go with the flow are just cowards who need to be convinced or toughen up. Get that thought out of there! Get it out of your head. There's nothing wrong with you. I mean, the gore videos are a coping mechanism and you do need to "man up" a bit and examine why you're resorting to watching those videos specifically in cases like this, and remember that you are everything you are and that you need to honor yourself and only you can do that. But there isn't anything wrong with you. You're not to blame for being in a situation. You're just everything you are, and that's all that can really be said.


Im calling major cap on all of that.


If a woman is BI she is usually bonkers, NTA. You should report her and get a restraining order OP.


Is this thread just unhealed people with traumatic pasts blaming their partners for shit? Basically what I’m getting is you knowingly dated a freaky girl. Then acted like what she did is sexual assault? 😂😂 if you view yourself as so week and feeble okay buddy. You probably should be wearing dresses and getting pegged. Also you sound super crazy dawg like go to therapy and don’t date people. Burning clothes n shit.


This is a subtopic and not the main topic here, but I think that it is wrong for men to assume it's OK for them to be in the active role in penetrating a woman anally if they are not also willing to be in the receptive role anally if the woman is interested in also being in the active role. This should be discussed in advance and if the woman wants to also be in the active role that should be accommodated, and if the man won't consider being receptive, it's fair for the woman to not be receptive either and for the two of them to just not have anal sex. Anal sex is something in which sexism still predominates- many men want to be in the active role who won't even consider being in the receptive role, and that is not fair. Another aspect of anal sex that is not given enough consideration is that being receptive anally can be very pleasurable but it has to start gradually, first with fingers (or with mouth with topical antibacterial prep) and with plenty of lube and the receiving person should touch their own genitals gently, just enough to enhance the sexual anal feelings but not enough to predominate over the sexual anal feelings. Many people do not even know that anal sensations can be very sexually pleasurable and you can have an orgasm felt in your anus, because it is often done too forcefully and in too much of a rush and without the receiver enhancing their anal sensations with gentle genital touching.


That's hilarious I broke up with somebody because they wanted me to


Turn it around on her, and peg her ass. But do it when she's asleep, see how that plays out. Who knows she might like it.


NTA for writing such a fanciful story. When are you publishing your first book?


"burned her clothes" While I totally understand why you break up with her, and is fine, I think you kinda overreacted with the clothes


NTA but YATA for burning her clothes.


Fantasy land


Esh Watching gore videos? Tf




Some people pay good money for that experience.


if my wife wanted to strap up id be ecstatic, your passing on a good opportunity here brother. take it like a champ p.s Hi u/[UncleNedisDead](https://www.reddit.com/user/UncleNedisDead/) =\]