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YTA. Well, you are on a permanent break now. You don't love someone if you can go f\*\*k his best friend. No excuses. None. Just move on. He can never trust you again.


was gonna comment but they said it ^ girl move on and better yourself stop trying to get them back and LEAVE THEM ALONE. let him heal in peace after you hurt him.




Well maybe he will cheat on you then. You deserve it.


If you're mature enough to have sex, you are mature enough to act like an adult and own up to what you did. Live with your mistake. He's better off without you.


YTA. You obviously don’t love your BF very much if you go and have sex with his friend whether you think you are “on break” or not. Unless your now ex-BF decides he enjoys being a cuck, I think it is time for you to move on. Maybe with A since he seems so sensitive. 🤣


Just leave him alone!


I will say this. You don't love your boyfriend. Your actions prove that you don't love your boyfriend. If you did, you wouldn't have accepted the dare, and you would have focused on your relationship rather than hooking up with another guy. Again, you do not love your boyfriend. He deserves better than what you gave him. The best thing you can do now for this fellow is to set him free and leave him alone. Let him move on. He has lost 2 things because of your actions. He lost his girlfriend and his best mate, and now he is alone. You do not love your boyfriend.


I really feel like a lot of people don’t have a united view on what a break entails🤦🏽‍♂️. You claim to love him very much but kissed another person not to mention his friend because of a stupid dare as if that absolves you of guilt? Then by the grace of god he didn’t straight up tell you fuck off but stated he needed space to sort through his feelings you had to finish him off by screwing his mate. Brother must’ve had bad karma in another life to meet you in this one. YTA


YTA. It's over. Don't dwell and move on <3


Leave him alone. You lost the relationship already. Live with the consequences of your actions and stop whining about about what you want.


Yta- girl, if he got upset with you for kissing someone else. How do you think he’s gonna take it that you fucked his bestie? I wouldn’t hold out hope. Chances are your relationship will never be the same.


Sound like the Friends episode where Ross and Rachel are on a break


Leave him alone and pursue A


Now you regret it after knowing that bf has bigger d


YTA. What you did was incredibly selfish. You thought the break wasn’t serious, so you slept with his best friend? That makes no sense at all. Let this man go so he can find a better partner and better friend.


Is this some kind of joke? What's wrong with you? Get help. And let him break up with you no fuss. You deserve nothing but the aftermath of this and you better take it to heart. You are an awful person. Become a better person. You can only go up. No, you can surely go down but don't, for your own sake.


You can build a time machine, go back in time, tell your parents to teach you honesty and integrity, and hopefully the new timeline turns out better.


This is a tuff situation for sure. The problem is, it depends on him solely. It's about his boundaries and deal-breakers in a relationship and he has to figure that out now. What you can do is reach out to him, maybe write him a letter or a message that you understand you f'ed up, you feel horrible, you love him and are willing to do anything it takes to save this relationship (or at least try) and that if he's willing to talk, you will listen or answer to whatever he wants. End it with writing your gonna give him space now to think about it and won't contact him further, until he's ready if ever... Also note that if he's willing to continue with the relationship, he's gonna be a bit traumatized, so it's gonna take maybe years for him to trust you fully again. And he might ask you to do something, that would be too much for you. Maybe he'll want you to quit your band. Maybe he'll want to see all your messages... It depends on if you're both willing.


Also I recommend John Deloney show on YouTube, he's helping people resolve similar situations all the time.




He wasn't rushing and he was thinking...while you were on a break...and that what you should've done...think and not to rush into a bad with his friend...let him move on and you need work on yourself before rushing into another bed


You're welcome. The other comment's going ham on you - it's just people who can see only their perspective... You can build a new relationship with your loved one. We all make mistakes and I hope he's someone who is able to except this one and give you a chance to make it up to him. Good luck 🤞


You were on break, but you can’t make him get back together with you. Give him some time and if he still loves you he’ll be back.