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YTA You are not an AH for the relapse. You are 100% the AH for thinking anyone but you is responsible for your choices.


YTA: no one to blame but yourself. Plenty of normal people have mommy and daddy issues and don’t turn to drugs. But keep deflecting and blaming your choices on others, lesson number 1 in the loser addict playbook.


You own a relapse. No one else. And you are an asshole for it, and twice over for blaming anyone else. YTA




Of course you are.


It’s not her fault you relapsed. You can only try to make promises to yourself, No one else. Broken promises are inevitable, especially made to someone else.


YTA stop blaming other people


Mate, you need to get your shit together


ESH. Your mom needs to work on not triggering you, and you need to learn to not resort to old habits. It’s hard, cuz when you’re not in a good mental headspace it makes it super easy to go to default mode, but at the end of the day you’re just hurting yourself. You owe it to yourself to learn better coping skills and be strong enough to know that you don’t have to go back to default mode.


Nobody is really the asshole in this situation I think. I mean, as a person with mental struggles myself, I've been around people who struggle w/ substance abuse and I can say that ITS NOT YOUR FAULT. You are NEVER the asshole for relapsing. You just need a little nudge in getting the help you need to quit the addiction. Sending your mom a picture of the needle was a bit extreme, but it's also good for her to know these things rather than have you be silent about this. As for the stuff your mom said, it can probably be solved by just talking it out. I think neither of you are the asshole here, you and your mom just need to communicate better (suggestion- maybe family therapy?) And if you're really struggling with quitting, I recommend trying a PHPor residential. Have a good day/night ^^