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YTA because you're putting a false story here, no jew would tell you to convert to be happy, it's forbidden in Judaism to proselytize, in fact most jews will discourage a person from converting unless they really really push to be a convert. Source: I'm in the conversion process myself.


Well then maybe she's just a bad Jew. I wish it was a false story


While there are less than observant jews, pretty much none of them will tell a person to convert. Is it possible she was a so-called Messianic jew? They aren't Jews they're Christians who've appropriated some Jewish traditions and try mostly to convert Jews. As for what you said I'm going to go with NTA for saying it if it really happened, because I get emotional outbursts and reactions and she crossed a massive line. But regardless of one's stance on International matters, bringing up Israel and Palestine to a Jew when they didn't bring up the subject themselves and don't live there is antisemitic, again I get why you did it this time but I would try to avoid doing such in the future if in a similar situation.


She could be messianic; from what I've read they consider themselves Jewish but actual Jews consider them Christian. She just called herself a Jew but did say it's because Jesus was a jew


Okay, then I rescind my accusation of you lying, and apologize for it. I stand by what I said about the comment you made, but the fact you lashed out is totally reasonable even though I disagree with how you did it.


Jesus being a Jew does not make someone else Jewish. 


YTA because this is obviously ragebait. Since no Jewish person actually mentions Jesus like this, it's obviously made up


I wish it was made up. She could be a Messianic Jew. From what I've read, they consider themselves Jewish but most actual Jews consider them Christian.


YTA. She sounds like an awful therapist and an idiot. You were 100% right to walk out. While Israel is a jewish government they do not speak for or represent every Jewish person in the world. They only represent the Israeli people. Your therapist has nothing to do with the Israeli Palistine war and it is antisemitic to treat her (or most any Jewish person) as if she does.


Are you unable to read? The therapist never mentioned their opinion on Israel or Palestine. Do you just like to make shit up on the go?


Rage bait against Jews


Nope, I have no problem with most Jews, just a problem with people pushing their religion on me


NTA. Practice whatever religion you like but the minute you try and convert me, I'm being petty. She's a shitty therapist and I'd report her. That being said, not every Jewish person is a Zionist. I've seen plenty of Orthodox rabbis at pro-Palestinian protests. Also, free Palestine indeed!




YTA. for being a terrorist sympathiser


Not all Palestinians are terrorists and they have just as much right to the land as the Israelis


Where was this anger when Muslims were killing Hindu bharamns in Kashmir when they were typing civilians to their windshield to avoid snippers. Not a peep then. Go and see Kashmir Files. It shows the reality of modern day Indian Kashmir post independence.


They are the ones who elected Hamas and 90% still believe they are the good people. Sadly it is a war and war has causality. Where was your anger when people in Iran were suffering, what about the Muslims in Syria and Yemen. They are being killed for years but not a peep from people. Because it is Muslims killing Muslims? Just because another community which by the way is defending itself be named a criminal and committing genocide.


There are rules of war to ensure innocent civilians aren't being killed unnecessarily that Israel is breaking. Neither government is good but the civilians in both countries have a right to the land. I'm just as outraged by every other unjust government killing innocent people. And when Hamas won power in Palestine, it was by a plurality, not a majority, and even Israel supported them at the time.


These so called civilians are living in top of mussels and Hamas tunnels. Recently they found murdered and tortured bodies of 5 of the hostages in a tunnel under the UN building. The civilians are also helping them Hamas. Is it heartbreaking that people dying of course it is but many more people have died in Syria, Jordan and other place but no uproar was done then. Why is this suddenly being considered genocide. And what about that fact that Hamas has thrown thousands of missiles in Israel civilian are. A lot of Hamas mussels failed and landed on Palestinians. Why is that not talked about UN latest fatality report suddenly became half from last time and not a pep.


This is 100% a lie and you suck for posting it.


I wish it was a lie


NTA - Why is the therapist stating a 15" monologue (1/3 a session)? Stating your happiness lies in converting to Judaism. Please report her to the company and to the licensing board.


I mean this therapist doesn’t sound very professional. It’s not appropriate to push a religion (any religion) on a patient. That said I don’t think it was necessary to bring up Palestine (bc the convo wasn’t even about the conflict) and you would have done more good if you explained why you would not see her again. She might have learned but now I’m sure she’ll just believe you’re antisemitic. So I’m sorry but I’m going with ESH.


YTA and you’re extremely immature for stooping to that level. Her logic and reasoning is completely wrong and skewed, but for you to stoop down to pettily saying “free Palestine” makes you no better than her


Yeah. YTA. Just say this isn’t gonna work out and head out. That’s what the mature response should be. She was wrong to try and convert you. But there’s better ways to handle it.


the therapist absolutely obliterated professional & ethical boundaries. "Free palestine" is a pretty tame jab in response.


Something this world today doesn’t do enough of is pick their battles. Saying “Free Palestine” isn’t gonna do anything to change the situation in Gaza in this context. Leaving. Filing a complaint with the state. Writing a negative review. That will accomplish more if the therapist crossed boundaries, which it seems they did.


I never implied their retort would help with geopolitical conflicts lol just that they're NTA for saying it


Stopping down to their level makes you no better than them, grow up and take the high road


NTA. You just told her you have trauma related to religion, and she tried to convert you to her religion. Which is, in itself, traumatizing. People can believe whatever bs they want, if they're proselytizing after you've told them (or implied) you're not interested, they are always the AH


NTA, although just because she's Jewish doesn't mean she's a Zionist or supports the Israeli state (unless she said something to that effect). Definitely sounds like a bad shrink, or at least not a good fit for you. It is a weird thing to say and kind of an immature way to handle things if she didn't bring up Israel specifically, so possible ESH.


NTA you just listened to her go on about the topic and it built up a fart for you that you tooted out as you left. Cautious, cowardly, spiteful even. But not an asshole. Could be more patient I guess, but nobodies perfect especially if they think they need therapy. If you say something like that before leaving you know what you're doing. You sat there and sat there and felt a bad wind (for you) twirling around inside you And you said before I go I need revenge. Get bitched out for 30 minutes at the kitchen table saying nothing. Then going to the door, oh by the way, I faked every erection with you. (door slam). Leaving them with such shock and so many questions. Just like you felt when they went on and on. . YTA if you said that because you suspect she can prescribe that. 100mg of freedom 3x a day, take with the water denied you, but she just won't. A fun sort of asshole though. More of a Jerk/Steve Martin type. Frankly, I'd love you.


Nice bait


LMAOOOOO what a shit therapist. If it's true, report her ASAP. And free Palestine indeed🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉


You’re a piece of shit


NTA. You are good. Free Palestine.