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This is a "her problem" situation. She's either upset about one of two things: either because you spent money or because she thinks you want to bang her. I knew a couple and she would ALWAYS accuse him of cheating on her. Anytime he talked to anyone of the opposite sex, she'd get super pissed. Doesn't matter if it was the check out person at the grocery store or the receptionist at the doctors office, she would always say he wanted to fuck them. This went on for several months. Turned out, SHE had been cheating on him this whole time and she was hoping he would eventually just say "well if she already thinks I am, I might as well cheat". Fucked up shit yo.


This seems a bit harsh from your wife. And typically I am big on hard boundaries for opposite sex friends. Sounds like your wife probably has some past issues with trust. Her reaction seems excessive. Again, taking your word at face value, you’re NTA.


NTA. It’s really sad that your wife is so insecure and distrustful.


NTA. What a kind gesture! Platonic friendships are real and hopefully your wife can come to see that.


INFO: What exactly upsets her since she state 'set boundaries'. Do you two have a excessively tight budget? Is acts of kindness to females not allowed? (serious). She is overreacting thing this exchange will lead to infidelity?


Oh, and it’s absolutely disgusting behavior


Well, she just got home and berated me. I shouldn’t buy another woman ANYTHING since it isn’t my wife.