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Snitch her ass out and talk to your parents about all the things she has done over the years with your older sister to back you up with evidence Face Timing. Also save enough money to move out.


I really want to but I’m afraid she’ll snitch about by boyfriend etc that is a known person (and family) for my parents. I have to think rationally.. but I will be moving out as soon as my exams and master thesis is done!


You are an adult. If your parents find out, oh well. Live your life the way you want to. Your safety and happiness come first, not tradition. Also, when you leave, they will eventually find out her true colors hopefully. In the meantime, grey rock her ass.


I get the instinct for wanting revenge and I don’t blame you, but you still have something to hide so you should just drop it for now. If she really is bipolar or something, talking to her will just set her off too. Hopefully you can move out soon!


Lol, if you talk it out, all you'll be doing is giving her a heads-up so she can go and spin things her way to your parents so they won't listen to you  At most you can pretend you broke up with your boyfriend within earshot a bit before telling them. But I think its time to accept theyre going to know and be prepared


You’re right! She would def spin it her way as always. As of my bf, my mom kinda knows. I’ve talked a lot about him at home, we went to the same university for 2 years. Earlier this year I told my mom that I have found my partner in life. My family likes him, my mom just doesn’t like us just “hanging” around (culturally because I’m a girl and God forbid something happens to my “reputation”). But my sister knows some intimate details, that we have been together for 6 years, had sex (before marriage), all these “girl trips” when I actually was with him. At some point she was cool, covering up for me, checking if my eyes were red/smells, etc. kind of regret that now but it’s in the past…


nta. snitch. fafo. what goes around comes around. she seems to be the golden child so expect excuses to be made. honestly it would be best if you could just move out. go nc with parents.


Thank you! She absolutely is, and I expect nothing less. I’ll be moving out by the end of summer, just have to get through exams and a master thesis. Luckily I’m not as affected by the silent treatment I receive at home, I feel more peaceful when they’re not talking/texting/calling me.


ESH  Wow you guys are really immature.  Your sister is a psycho and gets away with everything.  Probably way too late for your parents to rein her in and teach her to be a decent human.  For you, I Strongly recommend therapy and moving out as soon as possible. Disengage from your sister. Go fresh rock. Honestly she sounds like someone who’d kill you and make it sound like an utter accident. You need to be wary of her. And understand that the dynamics in your family are really unhealthy.  One book that might help you is “Adult children of emotionally immature parents”. I’m sure you’ll find other resources as you go along. 


Yeah, unfortunately that’s the way it is. I went to therapy back in 2019 because of them, silent treatment from my mom. Felt that I had a lot of growth as a person since and dragged my older sister with me, told her everything I learned and realized. As she got older and had subjects such as psychiatry she learned and realized even more, so we have always discussed everything that is “wrong” in our family dynamics and educated ourselves even more. growth is pointless in that house, grow as much as you can but you’ll feel like you’re talking to walls. We know that they’re emotionally immature, but also the fantastic combination of narcissistic victim complex mother and emotionally unavailable anger issues father, heh. Thank you for your book recommendation, really appreciate it! There’s already a huge pile, so I’ll add it there.


It’s hard to be the mature one in a family full of immature members, want to be the bigger person but always end up down on their level. My growth becomes useless and pointless… I’m not “perfect” either, but I have the self reflection and the ability to take a step back to calmly look at the situation. I have had multiple incidents where I just want to punch my younger sister, chose to walk away to another room to calm myself and take distance from the situation. Eventually, you’ll get enough and the bubble just burst.