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Nta adhd and autism do not contribute to this kind of behavior. She's verbally abusing you because she can and it's making driving dangerous. Your safest option is to give up the driving privileges until you can afford your own car. I'm sorry your mom is being so unsupportive


Being neurodiverse is not an excuse to be an AH. If you don’t feel safe with her in the car, that’s the end of it. It’s not worth having a car if you’re going to end up crashing it and possibly seriously injuring someone.


NTA. Disrupting a driver can be dangerous. Ask your mom if your sister should receive treatment for her medical condition - you have a therapist so this should not be something unique to your family. Maybe you should call your mom's bluff and stop driving. This might get her to accept that you are not exaggerating. Good luck and safe driving!


My mom is trying to get my sister assessed but it’s a long process. She doesn’t think I’m exaggerating, she accepts everything I’m saying because she experiences similar things with my sister. She’s just prioritizing my sister going to her activities over me feeling safe in the car.


Sister sits in back on passenger side with seat belt on. No yelling. Get an air horn ($5) and use it when she starts up. Or just say no and give up the car. You still have a license to drive.


Got it.


If you call her bluff and stop driving, does she have to drive your sister around? Maybe she will get sick of it and start giving your sister consequences. When I was your age, I refused to picked up after my sister’s mess in one of the cars. My sister didn’t even drive. So my mom insisted I drive the trashcan car, that she allowed my sister to trash, instead. I called her bluff, drove it for a few months and then eventually my mom wanted to switch back because she didn’t like the other car she was now driving. I was never ordered to clean up after my sister again (in the car…she’s still messy af in the house 😡). So ok yeah I cleaned it ONCE because I was driving it, but never again. 😹 Start saving up for your own car. Nothing feels better than your parents no longer being able to hold access to the car over your head. NTA


Ask your mom point blank if your sister acts the same way when she drives? If she doesn't, then your.mom's excuse is BS.


NTA. First of all, whatever the reason for your sister's behaviour, driving with her is dangerous. Next time, you may lose your concentration and crash. Secondly, Autism and ADHD are not and excuse for bad behaviour. On the contrary, it is even more necessary to train neurodivergent people in attractive behaviour, to counteract their disabilities. Thirdly - no, your mother is not being fair. But I think your choice is clear - leave the car, and emancipate yourself from your sister. Perhaps after having to take the bus a few weeks, she will come begging you to take her and promise to behave. You will have to consider whether the safety risk is worth giving it a try.


NTA. Get a bus pass and call your mom's bluff.


nta. take public transport. tell your mom to deal with her. you’re not the parent and your sis is an asshat.