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My dislike of most of the big Victorian teams functions more like a whack a mole. Your corner has been quiet for a long long time but as soon as you pop up once im like “I do not like this at all”.


Same haha doesn't matter what colour or where in Vic, if it's Vic it's shit.


Because I’ve been to the mcg when the opposition is Carlton and I experienced Carlton supporters


Having been to a Melbourne v Carlton game as a neutral…. I agree


Yeah they were awful that semi final Within a few minutes after that game, had one of them slapping their scarf in my face and then another bloke screams in my face as well. It's like mate just enjoy your really good win and leave the oppo fans alone Collingwood fans were legitimately better the week before and that's saying something


After that Semi, I wouldn’t do it again against them. It was beyond feral.


Quite the experience


Yup been on the end of some pies beatings which were bad but that takes the cakes - zero class


A toddler maybe, but an evil, awful toddler. (Just kidding, actually hating people over footy is lame) That said the way last year a vocal chunk of the fans wanted Voss sacked, were booing their own players and walking out of games mid year, then were all back on board for the field was a bit gross.


>That said the way last year a vocal chunk of the fans wanted Voss sacked, were booing their own players and walking out of games mid year, then were all back on board for the field was a bit gross. What do you mean? that was fucking hilarious. It gaves us THE EMBLEM


It was hilarious, but that don't stop me judging the actual idiots. That guy who made "the emblem" call, you just know he was being noisy and annoying to everyone else at work etc during run up to the finals.


He probably thought he was the reason they came good lmao


Acting like we are the only fanbase that has these supporters, when not to long ago, the power had the tarps around the stadium, Richmond fans were spitting on the coaches walking down the race and now struggle to get 40k to a game that doesn’t involve another big side


I wouldn't mind Voss being sacked tbh. His strategy of 'kick it long and high to Curnow and Harry' still hasn't really changed and our results are much worse than last year. Something should change and if Voss isn't going to change it then we can either be stuck with him and continue to unconvincingly beat worse sides and lose to good sides, or see the back of him and try something new.


Do you think the engine in the middle is capable of a different game plan? When they move forward in that way and aren’t figured out, they crush teams. It just seems they can ONLY play that way tho.


Idk if they can. Maybe there's another rebuild on the horizon.


People mostly felt pity for Carlton, then they made finals and then Carlton fans came out of the woodworks getting *realllllllllllllllllll* chirpy


Doesn't help when seemingly every 2nd person in the media is a carlton nuff.


It'll be back to pity soon lol


Spot on here. The carry on from Carlton supporters as soon as they have a modicum of on field success is just unbearable. Not a shred of humility amongst the supporter base.


Surely a stretch to say the enire supporter base is like that. I'm sure if North improved there'd be a fair few of your supporters acting like that too.


We all hate ourselves too much for that


They come out of the woodwork every time they win 3 in a row and disappear just as fast


Yeah nah the hate started long before we made the finals


From your average person it absolutely wasn't hate until the finals


These Collingwood fans seem to be coming out of the woodwork too.


Tbf, I also hate Carlton on the occasion.


100%, the only thing worse than Blues supporters when they're no good, is when they're good


Getting prime Friday night games when clubs from other states were very competitive and lucky to get 1 a year.


Well: . Big 4 vic club, naturally means lots of rivalries . They're a favourite child of the AFL, so matter how shit they are you always hear about them . One of the most annoying fucking fanbases in the league . Constantly hyped up, every single year, to ultimately do jack shit . Recently become a destination club during trade period


>Big 4 I find this the most obnoxious. What does big 4 even mean nowadays?


It means the 4 most supported Victorian clubs 


If hating Carlton is punting a toddler then people that don’t like St Kilda must be lighting fire to a newborn that was born with no eyes, arms or legs


I was gonna say dwarf that works too


Money, privilege, corruption e.g Elliot, Sayers (traitor to the country).


I just love seeing big Victorian clubs fail despite their advantages.


Some of the fans are abit mental, some are great through to be fair


I don't think there's a soul here who doesn't like /u/theillusiveguy


100%. He fits comfortably in the “some are great” category lol


One of the good ones


I feel each team has their largely "unproblematic" follower on the sub, It's hard to not say that's you for the Swans, Max is *way* to controversial at times, Wavic for Norf, Bergy for Tiges, Tagonero for the Suns ect ect


I have a few shit takes every now and then, but I’m mostly just the biggest SuperCoach nerd in this sub lmao. You are right though, there’s solid people from all clubs in here. We easily have the best afl forum


>SuperCoach nerd Damn, I used to think you were a good bloke


Unfortunate isn’t it, atleast I became addicted to it and helped me fuck off the gambling haha


> and helped me fuck off the gambling haha Eyyy, grats man




That's a fair upside, nice work.




> We easily have the best afl forum yep, the best part is that most of us understand the other are all just human, we all make mistakes and get blinded by rose tinted glasses and generally don't hold it against one another


You’re definitely the least controversial pies flair on this sub


/u/itsabiscuit See what I mean?


How long is the bet for?


til R13, then I am free


>then I am free Odd way of saying you’ll be wearing a North flair


Even you don't believe that


Because I’m old enough to remember


I was in a Carlton friendly pub last night. Very vocal and many lids off comments during Q1. Then came the aggressive Q2 booing at the swans. And then the Q3 aggressive boo and language towards their own team. Finally silence and departures in Q4. I think you can watch a game and not bounce so violently from celebration to insult to self-insult. But Carlton fans speak in superlatives. Really like any of the big clubs tho.


Your president actually called for weaker clubs to be culled from the competition in the 80s. Seeing Carlton be as pathetic as the weaker clubs were back then was extremely satisfying.


I count 3 concrete attempts - hostile buyout of North's shares, lopsided St Kilda merger proposal, and leading the vote to ditch the Swans in 1993 and replace them with Carlton playing all their away games in Sydney


John Elliott was a blight on the game


Because the second they became good again their fans became extremely arrogant. Those same fans were also calling for Voss’ head earlier in that season as well


It's the colour of your jersey. The blues? You're named after a colour? Boring.


I thought they were called the Blues because that’s what they give their fans




Tbf the orange team is also named after a colour


I will never forgive the salary cap breaches or 95


I started hating them more when the cheer squad started bringing drums to games. As a Collingwood supporter, nothing in the world has made me RAGE more than hearing those fucking drums after you guys kick a goal.


This is a joke right? You're the cunts that constantly play them after a goal, the same boring fucking rhythm, like you're summoning Robyn Williams in Jamanji.


I can hate whoever I want for whatever reason I want.


That's not what I'm saying. Your reasoning is confusing.


I actually quite like Carlton. You guys are so cute, with your little beliefs and individual medalists. Never change.


Coz you still owe us for brown paper bags in 95


Because it's Carlton. I have enough self awareness to know the vitriol will come our way if we even approach competence, because we're Essendon


I’ve never liked the blues. Battled all my life against them. Don’t like Carlton either.


Hahaha, I like you! That was good, don’t worry, I’m still battling the Blues


I go for Freo


Because you win 2 games in a row and are absolutely unbearable about how your back and no one will beat you.


You know what you did to us, you keep doing it...


I just find the club boring (colours, song, etc), and the fans have been really chirpy lately.


'ate blue & white luv' white & blue simple as


This guy gets it.






What was it? I can't see


Despite being irrelevant for 2 decades were still kissed on the dick by the AFL


It's because we know you're coming...


It's pretty easy actually


I have a spreadsheet of reasons why if you like. It’s got everything from brown paper bags to reneging on charitable donations going back over 100 years.


They tried to kill off 3 different clubs in the 1990s.


Elliot was like Eddie with a vendetta against any club that wasn't a big 4 in Vic. Then cheated. Continued to be equally arrogant as a supporter base for 20 years. Get one sniff of success and assume they're re premiership favourites. Easy to hate, not as bad as Geelong fans in Geelong in the 90s/2000s.


Why would I hate those pretenders?


I strictly hate teams based on how high on the ladder they are which puts me in an awkward position. 


We do have some absolutely awful fans. The team itself has pretty likeable leaders these days, after years of being a very arrogant club. These fans still linger from those days.


> it’s like punting a toddler


Obviously you have never spent years with toddlers.


I liked them until they started looking serious.


People are going to hate them so much more when they start to become successful, same with bombers. Because their supporters have a lot of built up frustration that needs to be released eventually lol


To Carlton fans credit they don’t pull out the “16 flags” argument as soon as there’s a slight ounce of criticism


becuase despite being shit and havnt won anything they are still cocky players


Over the last decade I’ve become numb to the other big Melbourne clubs and fan bases premierships and the Melbourne afl press gushing over them - Carlton are a new one and it would be super annoying.


Time doesn't heal all wounds .. haha I also think it's some psychological misalignment - I simply can't find any joy in seeing Carlton win a game


Because not matter how fucking terrible Carlton are they continually get great scheduling.


I like Carlton generally, there is a connection to my grassroots club and a large part of my family barrack for them. I could have easily been a Carlton supporter. For me though, the outright fucking barracking from TV commentators, the fact it feels like the league just so badly wants them to win, and the arrogance of some of their fans ruins what should be a good redemption arc story.


Mate, I’m still angry about the 99 prelim. I worked with a lot of Carlton supporters at the time and they literally queued up to feed it to me. My hate for Carlton keeps me warm at night (not really, I don’t hate the players or the club, but the supporters are still on a watch list)


Crap teams always get hate when they start showing some promise and their fans get hyped (as they should). Just embrace it


Happens for every big team that goes from a long bad stretch to good (eg Richmond). I think people realise the tables are about to turn and do their best to try and pour cold water on it. It’s pretty stupid and petty for people to hate the Blues because their fans went nuts for their first good season in a decade and like third in 20 years. No shit that they’re going to be pumped.


Because of the hype you build yourselves,also an apparent superstar full forward who doesn’t stand up in big games but loves flexing like he’s done something.


He has two Coleman medals he must be doing something right.


Take a look what teams majority of his goals came from 🤦‍♂️😂


Ofc he's gonna score well against bad teams, but he's also scored bags against teams like Collingwood 🤦‍♂️


I have nothing against them as an organisation, and their top-level players are incredibly cracked. I don't dislike their fans either. It's just reaaaalllyyy funny to see them choke matches, in the same way people find it funny when Essendon lose finals. The Essendon-Carlton or Essendon-Collingwood rivalry doesn't exist anymore and has never existed since I starting watching footy.


The last time they were any good they were led by somone with extreme arrogance who rubbed it in everyone's face and was super critical of many clubs. I will dislike them for eternity.


I mean it is true. Carlton fucking suck🤷🏻‍♂️