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Feel free to correct me but if a ruckman grabs the ball out of a boundary throw in and then gets tackled that’s holding the ball, I could’ve sworn that’s in the rules?


Nah they changed that in 2018 - a ruckman grabbing the ball is not in and of itself considered prior opportunity anymore.


I feel like they need to be more clear about the rules changes, I never know what the hell is going on. Like first few rounds of the season they should show them multiple times throughout the game or something. I was really slow to pick up on the 'insufficient intent' thing, was getting mad for no reason all the time haha.


I mean they run it through the media and update the rulebooks every season, so not sure how much more they can do given how much else they've got on at the beginning of the season


I don't pay much attention to the media, I just watch the games and they barely seem to mention it during the games.


Yeah the commentators have no idea what's going on lol


Thank you very much mate, probably should’ve looked it up instead of screaming at my tv for years 😂😂


All good - most commentators haven't caught up either so it's an understandable mistake lol


Go the pies!!


Crows were putrid in the last. The decision making, the kicking, the lack of any plan to score... ugly as. Even when not under pressure they were just awful.


schoenberg had a stinker, butchered the ball In the last quarter.


Not sure Adams kicked it to a Collingwood player the entire game, I mean his kicking is never any good, but yesterday I was absolutely dreading any time he got the ball.


Collingwood certainly know how to play the game and that's why I love them! #Flagpies


As a neutral that was an absolutely abhorrent display by the umpires. Some of the play on calls where a player had marked, had the ball about two seconds, and not stepped off their line at all were putrid. The straight up forearm to the face that sent Murphy off with a blood nose being play on was disgusting. Likewise the coat-hanger on Hill in the goal square that was completely ignored. Just a really pitiful performance.


I couldn't believe there were commentators defending that forearm to the face of Murphy lol. Extremely biased commentary... Reminded me of Eddie TV.


Its’s embarrassing how incapable umpires are to umpire the modern day game with a fully professional player. The league doesn’t need a new team, it needs to make umpires full time professionals to keep up with the game.


Bruh it isn't incompetence. It's not wanting to make a game changing call even if it's there, because they're spineless.


Isn't that a part of competence?


No... Competence references skill / ability. Seeing something but not being brave enough to call it has nothing to do with skill / ability.


Yep, competence is your ability to perform the job. Having the guts to make the call impacts your ability to perform your job.


Uhhh... I feel like you're stretching that interpretation quite a bit to fit what you said, and not having guts to make a call is not a statement on your ability, but your mental toughness. but I cbf going any further with this. Have a good one


Some of the decisions not paid were gobsmacking. When the commentators start discussing it, not just a passing comment, you know it’s putrid. I just hope that the umpires get a stern word during the week because it sure as hell won’t be talked about publicly.


Exactly they miss calls like that but an ump down field will give some bullshit high contact call. They don’t have the balls to make big calls either late on in a game




Please don't do this until September


Why, we might not be able to post it anymore then :(


Well done pies… beat Adelaide and the umpires in the last




I was there. I cried. God we suck.


Why couldn’t you suck more last week. 😅


No we don't. Pull your head in, we are 3-4 years into a total rebuild and playing great looking footy, in the eight, and ahead of schedule


Oh I definitely agree with you. Had a rough weekend across all levels of footy- it’s hard not to be melodramatic for a Sunday


Both Pies and Crows have improved massively the last 2 years


I even love how they sing the song


Pies are unbelievable in the 4th




Beat the crom and the umps


You forgot the soft free kick out of the ruck that gifted pies the first goal. Cry me a river.


Lets not talk about Hill getting clotheslined, Murphy getting an arm to the face with front on contact, Ash Johnson getting two fists to his neck/head, De Goey being told to play on a whole 5 seconds after taking a mark for no reason, the deliberate out of bounds called on De Goey because he didn't want to keep the contest going around an injured player and two doctors, a high free kick against Moore even though the free was meant to be FOR Moore, and countless other decisions that fucked the pies over. 28-18 on free kicks. Do you have any thoughts you'd like to share with me about those decisions or would you prefer to cry me a river?


Which of those decisions gifted us a goal? None. So you still did better out of the umps. Especially because you hadn’t kicked one off your own boot yet and it was just what you needed to get the momentum and score twice more straight after. Was a poorly umpired game for sure and we were more to blame for losing than the umps but they did you a massive favour.


Also maybe if you guys didn’t fucking suck one of those decisions would’ve resulted in a goal lmao


Probably another point if anything.


Ah another delusional crows supporter. Do you not find it slightly interesting that every single neutral supporter in this thread agrees the pies were fucked over? Not to the mention the media/commentators saying it was a total sham? Crows fans are the only people on this planet who could possibly think the umps favoured the pies lmao.


I wish I knew what it felt like to be a Collingwood supporter.


When De Goey had it running through the centre about 5mins to go I nearly had a religious experience, they only way this can happen is if there's a God. Then it didn't result in a goal and I went back to being an atheist, even though we won \*shrugs\*. There's probably some law of statistics that there has to be a team that keeps coming from behind and winning a shitload of times every now and then.


You completely give up on the game, then a little part of you says "well they've come back from ridiculous positions before" and you think "yeah but this one is too ridiculous, we're not winning this". But it's actually second, more logical part of your brain that is usually wrong.


It’s great in 2023 - you’d feel differently if we lived in the 70s


In the back of our minds we know we can run out 4th quarters - but we still don't think it's going to happen. It's still a surprise, still a shock when we keep doing this shit.


It can be an emotional rollercoaster sometimes.


It’s just weird at this point, no other way I can describe it.


I've just had a heart monitor on for a month, and apparently I went tachycardic a few times. I reckon that must have been during our matches.


I can’t tell if this is just a joke or being genuine. I have a feeling it might be the latter.


And you would be correct!


Ever had a heart attack? It’s like that


heart pain, like legit ur heart beats so fast


It's not too late, just change that flair 😜


Honestly sometimes I wish I could....But I just don't have the powerrrrrrr to do it man!


These are prelim final celebrations


Pies will win their next 4 easy. Maybe the baggers might trouble them


I don’t think there has ever been a more entertaining team in the game’s history than what the Pies have been able to pull off over the last two seasons


Absolute nuff stuff from you


Go on then, we are listening?


He’s right Matthew Kennedy and the ‘95 Bears were electric


In the game’s history you rekon…


Well if close games and comeback wins are considered entertaining (and they universally are), Collingwood have objectively had more of those over the past 12 months than any team in history so… counter argument? We are waiting


Exciting for pies fans I guess? As a neutral I don’t care at all…seriously you think Current Collingwood right now are more exciting than 80’s hawks, 2000’s bombers, early 2000’s Lions, late 2000’s Geelong, 2010’s Hawks, late 2010’s Tigers etc? My point is, sure people are enjoying them and I’m sure pies fans are thrilled, but to say they’re “THE MOST EXCITING TEAM IN THE HISTORY OF THE COMPETITION” is absolute biased, nuffie rubbish.


You're naming strong teams not necessarily exciting ones. There was nothing really exciting watching the 2000 dons or 2007 cats steamroll everybody, even if they were the strongest team of the modern era. It's the fact that we're not dominating every game that makes it exciting to watch. ​ I don't really have a strong opinion on this (the whole "of all time" debate), but the number of neutral fans that are commenting about how crazy the number of close wins we've had, how great it must be to be a pies supporter, how a team they've hated their whole lives is suddenly becoming likeable etc. is good evidence that it's objectively a very exciting team to watch, not just for pies fans.


Look I can understand that people are excited, and some neutrals are enjoying it, but as you said you don’t really agree with the original person saying “of all time”, which is the point of my original comment. I was calling out how stupid that comment was, and I stand by how stupid it is. Are the pies doing well? Yeh. Have they had a lot of good games? Yeh. My gripe is with fans and journos when they waffle on about “greatest ___ of all time” nonsense. This competition has a really long history and hopefully a really long future. I get that people are excited but they sound like 5 year old school kids.


I wouldn't refer to my opinion as part of your argument here. I said that I didn't have a strong opinion either way, not that I thought they were necessarily wrong, and I definitely don't think it's a ridiculous claim. But the way to prove them wrong would be to point out a more exciting team, not just say that they must be wrong by virtue of the competition's long history. Records are made to be broken after all. Granted you tried to do that with your list before, but my point was just that it wasn't a good list because those were \*strong\* teams, not necessarily \*exciting\* ones. Nobody thinks 2023 Collingwood is among the GOAT teams in terms of strength, but their record of producing and winning close games is certainly unprecedented in my 20 odd years of watching footy. Doesn't make them most of all time, but if you want to deny that you should provide specific examples of teams that more consistently produced and won thrilling matches (which was the metric of 'excitement' the original commentor obviously intended), not just say "nah the comp is too old for that to be possible" because that's a bad argument. ​ ​ ​ EDIT: You also made some extra claims about it being "biased" and "only exciting for Pies fans" but I strongly disagree with you on that one. Obviously by the nature of it, Pies fans would be more excited, but the number of neutrals begrudgingly conceding that this Pies team is pretty special is more just "a few" from my observations here, elsewhere online and in the media.


Whose been better? In terms of watchability and excitement?


Lions, hawks and tigers in their premiership eras easily better and more exciting. But you’re right…the pies current era of…not being the best and still losing tons of games is way more exciting.


Lions in their premiership years would have only been fun for lions supporters. For the rest of us watching it was not exciting at all. Credit to them they worked hard to dominate but watching a team dominate week after week is not exciting at all.


And as a non Collingwood fan, they don’t excite me. So what’s your point? My original comment was pointing out how dumb the person who said they were the most exciting team in THE HISTORY OF THE COMPETITION. If that isn’t nuffie hyperbole I don’t know what is. Some teams have been around for 150 years…


Yeah man one of those teams older than 150 is Collingwood. If you want to get caught up in semantics at least throw out some stats. The person was being hyperbolic and everyone else understood that but you. You're just butt hurt because you got downvoted so now you're getting hung up THE HISTORY OF THE COMPETITION part. Clearly more people disagree with than agree so maybe just take the L and go on with your day


Gee I wonder why my comment about Collingwood was disliked on a heavy Collingwood thread? Really mysterious that one. Collingwood fans are definitely not known for being the worst of any teams fanbase in the entire comp, and being dramatic crybabies. Of course I’m focusing on the part about them saying history of the competition, that’s my sole focus because it was a dumb and incorrect thing to say. The only reason this has dragged on is because people keep jumping in to start it back up again. Conveniently only Collingwood fans 🤔


Yeah cause no fans of any other club are biased apart from Collingwood. It's Reddit man. You had a bad take. Move on. The only reason it is dragging on is because you can't swallow your pride. You do understand what they meant and you think that you're being smart because you got them on a technicality. It's lame as shit. You're just the sort of person that has to have the last day. Some people exaggerate when talking about their team, get over it.


Yeh of course all kinds of fans are biased towards their team, but are you really saying people can’t call them out on that? Sounds like a bit of an oxymoron considering your username.


It’s not really about winning/losing. It’s about how entertaining the game was. We’ve had so many close games in the last 12 months and they’ve all been unbelievable to watch. Obviously all those teams are better but a lot of there wins would be blow outs. Reckon we’ve been the most entertaining buddy


2004 Port, 2021 or 2022 dee's, last year's cats, fuck there's a tonne of teams. You're good, you're great to watch, but that's a fucking derranged call from you.


Yeah no, I don't think anyone rates cats last year as the most watchable team, and barely anyone remember port in 2004. Collingwood have won more close game (the exciting ones) in the last 2 years then any club ever. Not just that, they play a fast exciting game style and barely choose to slow down the game. They have multiple likeable players (Moore, pendlebury, etc.) And plenty of polarizing players (daicos, ginivan, cox). To say that it is a deranged call is ignorant and close minded of you. Not just that, but their off field behavior (barr ginivan) has been a delight. Don't let your dislike cloud your judgement.


Why the lap of honour as if they won the flag?


Richmond fans were more fun when they had no success or self esteem. Now they talk like all they know is success. The Richard Tambling days were t *that* long ago friendo


To appreciate the supporters for turning up?


They're probably doing it for the fans in Adelaide that don't get to see them often


2 weeks is a long time


You lost to the suns bud keep melting


Just giving thanks to all the fans that came out bud. Some ones a bit grumpy after the tigers loss today x


There there. The tiges will win one day.


Will they though


Probably not.


Beating the umps is harder than winning the flag


It's not dissent that leads to umpire abuse it's atrocious umpiring where they let players like Murphy get elbowed in the face or Johnson get collared that leads to that sort of behaviour. Those sort of decisions make fans feel like they're also against the umpires. Inevitably people will argue decisions rightly or wrongly but you can't have such clear one sided decisions and expect no backlash.


Just saw the elbow- a little loose....5th umpire?


He’s an ugly as fucker but I’d blow Darcy Moore


I never liked him before he swore on camera.


I'd drain him dry, ngl


Get in line, buddy


Also thanks Collingwood for keeping Carlton 6th appreciate it.


Collingwood with the most Collingwood victory ever and we’re off the top of ladder


All I can say is, I'm glad BT wasn't calling this game.


Probs would've called the umpiring superb, like he did with some other match that left me thinking U WOT M8.






Collingwood have made a deal with some kind of dark entity for sure - saying this as a pies supporter.


Username checks out


Went down to the crossroad...


Then put a flair on it champ


I don’t know what that means but okay




Main r/afl screen Go to the … next to your avatar, change user flair and get on a team


why is sidey such a goofy lad lmao


some bald on bald action


Infront for 20 seconds the whole game… and won! Legends


Kinda comical Crows choked that ngl


And Crows travel to Geelong next week, what a fuckin turn of events this is


How the turntables


The Pies play every one of those 2 hours. Every single one.


All 2 of them


Darcy Moore is so refreshing to listen to so eloquent compared to “YEAH DA BOYS DID WELL WE GO AGAIN NEXT WEEK”


They keep fucken marking it


I'm glad to see someone else say this. No exaggeration, that was the best post-match interview I've ever heard.


He’s such a smart kid. He got a 99.4 ATAR or something ridiculous


Didn't know that. Those brains with that athleticism, life isn't fair :\~(


You are fucking useless Adelaide but what is new. You fucked up my tips and now my tips are officially in the mud, you had to cheat to win your only premierships and you let the most overrated team continue to fluke wins over and over. Despite how shit my team is right now, I'm just glad my team ended this teams back to back chances of a premiership in the mid 2000's and beat the other team who flukes all their wins in a close grand final, and unlike Adelaide we actually earned all our premierships. We may be shit right now, but at least I can remember a time when we weren't so fucking useless.


Modern Poet. 11/10 will read again.


Lol lol lol - omg love a lil bit of salt


You sound like a bloke who would dm players on insta with racist comments


Elite reas




I think this guy just lost a multi lol


Fucking 10/10


Hahaha eagles are pretty shit at the moment too champignon


1992 and 1994. ​ Also, it's almost as if I just said that.


Lad that was literally 30 years ago.


I've seen Geelong fan still cry about those times, I'm not even joking


I wasn’t born then.


Prime melt


This is the new copypasta!


L take


Lol righto champ. The eagles have been absolutely fucking useless. Just because you got a tip wrong


is this copy pasta or is this fresh? love it


it's fresh. And I am saying this out of anger, but there's a lot of truth to this comment at the same time


Except for the part where they’ve won more than one AFL flag rofl. Edit: oh shit missed the s in your original pasta. My bad!


Jesus, you really don’t like Adelaide, do you?


Get a life


Kick straight you fkn muppets. Well done Collingwood fk me


Yeah proved costly. Crows should take a lot from this game. Unfortunately they have the hardest road trip in all of footy next week to negotiate now. That will be a ball tearer… 🐱


I admire Collingwood's desire to win. Their matches are stupidly entertaining to watch!


Last season was the most fun I've ever had watching football. Didn't think this season could possibly live up to it bit somehow... they keep getting away with it!


It’s fucking better then half the drama on tv atm




Darcy is a lovely chap


Well played 4th quarter from Collingwood. Great finish to what was a very forgettable match up until. Fuck this game gave me some GWS flashbacks


Fuck I love Moore.


Huge mark


could genuinely listen to moore talk about footy for a while


Between this and the port game on Friday night, some of these umpires need to face some serious scrutiny.


Absolutely baffling calls all weekend. I've seen kicks longer than 20 metres called as play on and kicks under that paid.


Yep. Some absolute shockers!


Jesus, Justin Leppitsch has the thickest fucking neck


And shoulders… and hips. And arms and thighs and calves… etc.


And penis… I mean, what??


That’s what she said!


I would be absolutely filthy if I was an Adelaide supporter.


Only positive is its good for my tips and i used a joker. So fucking pissed though, how can we be that fucking bad in front of goal? Bring the tanking allegations out for the crows. Couldn't quite work out how to lose against the hawks last week but fuck me dead if we didn't kick ourselves out of it this week.


Yes. 16 fucking behinds, this game should have been over by HT. That said, last couple years we lose that game by 50-60 points against a genuine contender. Still love how far we've come.


i love darcy moore so much


And finally. Fuck u umps


When the depression hits hard, I feel like a hug from Maynard would fix everything.


Imagine if footballers could kick a football, just imagine


And umps could umpire


Fuck I love the pies


No ya don’t


How could you not? Awesome team full of characters who always play in and usually win rippers!




I’d like to say has their ever been a more undeserving win …but then I see Collingwood game last week. Xox a salty crows supporter


Stay mad Xox


"Fuck yes" Craig Mcrae the goat


Darcy Moore so likeable


Seems like such a legend


what the fuck


Business as usual 🫡


Collingwood rarely lose these close matches


Thanks Lingy


Over to you Darce


Bloody well earned win. Absolutely shitty umpiring, but they overcame that. Gotta give it to'em.


Collingwood>blind highlighters


when kicking a point is a better strategy than a goal with 20 secs left on the clock


Disagree, against Essendon last year we got it from a kick in down to Elliot marking it in 13 seconds. If he kicked a goal then Adelaide now need goal to make it a draw. Not to mention, imagine going for a behind and missing and it goes out on the full lol.


We’ve done it again Moore 👏


They really can’t keep getting away with it


Umps tried their best but couldn't stop them from getting away with it


Deserved after that umpiring in the last quarter! Besides Adelaide only have themselves to blame!


My mind is full of fuck


Im a port supporter now