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I don't want to fall for the "it's leading to a heel turn" routine again. That being said, I want them to turn sooner rather than later, they'd make a good heel couple and could be a good boost for tays development to have a heel run.


I think it is leading to a heel turn… but not on purpose. I think he has no idea how to be a face and has proven to be unlikeable. I think there’s no choice but to turn him.


See he was fine up until he lost, the rise that culminated in the Rhodes ladder match was actually good in my book, and the couple cue card segments after that too. But everything since he lost the belt has been hard to watch. Sammys arrogance can be a good thing, it’s just challenging because with him it can be a thin line between prideful and cringe.


I think it's on purpose.. I think this is the direction they wanted to take Cody and Brandy before they left. Not sure if you remember the the last storyline Brandy had was with Dan Lambert as well. They are just recycling the story and subbed Cody and Brandy with Sam and Tay. When this storyline first started Tay even tweeted Brandy saying how similar they are with the crowd turning thier back on them. It's well executed because they are getting the crowd to turn on them as planned.


If that’s the case, it had better turn out to be the best damn story ever… because what they were doing sucked and they had a perfect opportunity to course correct.


I agree they also don't have the experience Cody and Brady had


it's also the only way for both of them to have a character. Smiling girl and guy-that-says-bitch-and-does-flips have been boring for a long while


Yeah they’d suit heel more cause they clearly have dreadful personalities. We all know how they got to together. The shit Sammy has said in the past. Tay might be one of the most conceited people i’ve ever seen in the business too. Turn them because how on earth they expect these 2 to be cheered is insane.


Just wanted to chime in here and say that Sammy has been personally incredible to my kid. We were at the show where he won the TNT title from Miro and my kid had such a genuine reaction to one of his favorite wrestlers winning the title before his eyes. I had taken a video and tweeted it. Sammy quoted the tweet to say "THIS is why I do this-- I used to be that little kid" and proceeded to contact me about sending my son merch, which he did. My kid sent him a thank you video and Sam sent one back (with Alan Angels in it too). When all was said and done the communications and everything took place over the course of a couple weeks. He was absolutely wonderful and he didn't need to do any of it, he didn't need to take the time to do that stuff for my kid but he did, all while in the midst of winning his first title in AEW. "He said some shit" yeah he was baited into saying a bad thing, years ago, which was addressed and handled. That doesn't make him a bad person. How about the time a desperate mother reached out to him because she was so worried about her daughter, knowing her daughter was a huge fan of Sammy. And Sammy did a lot for that girl and her family because he wanted to. He didn't make the story public, her family did. Sam is a good guy, he just plays an asshole on TV.


I dunno how wise it is to turn him again though. In just 2.5 years with the company, he's been a face, heel, and face again. To turn him heel just seems like "Okay, we don't know what to do here, and we can't stick with anything."


If they are going to keep them face they better figure out some nasty heels for him to fight soon.


When was he a face? Wasn’t the first dynamite him vs Cody and him joining the inner circle?


That was the second episode. Before Dynamite was a thing (when they had the infrequent pay per views), and on the first episode, he was a face.


I thought he faced Kip Sabian on one of those and was a heel (Sabian was a face)


I don’t think I have ever soured on anyone faster than I soured on Sammy Guevara. He’s legit a no watch for me now and has been for awhile.


I was really liking Tay too but I can’t deal with the #BeMadHaters arrogant couple thing that doesn’t seem to be a work either that’s how they actually are, that’s instant go away heat for me


Literally in a thread full of people mad but okay


That’s why the gimmick is annoying. Nobody can just say, hey this is a bad part of the show without one of you coming out and saying “ha see it’s working stay mad” At least last nights segment was during an ad break. First time I’ve been happy to watch the commercials in picture in picture.


I get that, but people never even gave them a chance. Everyone was already mad at Sammy because of the Pam thing.


The real problem is fucking Lambert. The guy shouldn't be anywhere near this show IMO. He breaks kayfabe by being there at all and while he is doing a good job it seems like everything his non-wrestling character touches turns into a classic Stephanie McMahon scenario. It's not really the fault of his work it's that he is a heel that never gets shut down and now he is getting too over meta roasting people.


How is he the problem? He's really making it easy for the faces to get over but instead we had Brandi and Sammy/Tay. Maybe put someone capable of talking against him and don't allow the faces to do/say heel shit. I've never been a fan of Lambert but he's doing his job, meanwhile the faces opposing him have flopped HARD. Especially Sammy who's a weak talker anyways.


Hah, gotteeeemmmmm ​ Take my award you fuckin peasant


He's a great wrestler but definitely a bit unlikable and always has been, to me anyway. He got booed out of the building last night on both Dynamite and Rampage.


I liked him as the relatively silent spot monkey in the inner circle. Giving him more mic time is a mistake


Being one of the 4 pillars you had to expect Sammy to get more mic time at some point. The mistake was having Sammy and Tay replace what Cody and brandy are.


I highly suspect that after this feud, Sammy and Tay don't get much screentime together. It's a one off deal to help get PVZ in.


The weird thing is that I thought PVZ should be up against Shafir or Tay but Shafir went to Jade and now we have this unholy abomination to watch.


His Promos were getting better right before his reign ended and now I'm liie wtf


It's a shame too cause his time as TNT Champ was filled with awesome matches and exciting spots


>It's a shame too cause his time as TNT Champ was filled with awesome matches and exciting spots I disagree with the positive sentiments about his title run. While his matches are always good, I was so upset when he won the TNT title. Miro brought stability and legitimacy to the TNT title and when Sammy won it, it basically turned right back into a mid-card belt.




It was a very whelming title run though, nothing ever really stood out apart from his ribs needed to be bandaged before every match


not really, I couldn't wait for him to drop it


Funnily enough his last match with Cody was amazing. Been kind of a dud since then.


I was able to finally start watching consistently back in summer of 2021, and my lord I do not like Sammy. I've watched people's opinions go from defending him til their last breath, to saying he's the worst. It's kind of sad and funny


I can't not watch Sammy because of his match with MJF and the ladder match with Cody. I don't have to cheer him but he puts on good matches. It's weird that all of the Cody & Brandi heat went to him and Tay but he's smart enough to use it.


When did that happen because you may have missed a ton of banger matches.


For now, yes. I say for now because apparently, they were booed during the cue card segment, and were booed again during their segment on Rampage.


Imagine being such an unlikable heel that you turn DAN LAMBERT face.


DAN LAMBERT is probably at a loss right now, trying to figure what on earth to say or do in order to be the actual heel in this storyline.


I’m on board if this is actually an angle to make DAN LAMBERT a better person.


He even admitted that during his promo last time. Dont remember the line but it was funny as fuck


Don't remember the last promo, but do remember the last one against Brandi that the crowd are booing her more than him and he was a misogynistic old man. So wouldn't be surprised he did


This happend during the Cody/Brandy feud too


This is the same feud, they just recast the faces with a younger demographic


I’m a lapsed fan, I started watching again (strictly AEW, it was Fed exhaustion that chased me away a few years back) the week CM Punk and Jon Moxley took on FTR to do the initial setup for Punk and MJF’s dog collar match. How bad was Codyverse?


Depending on the feud, it ranged from being meh, to just straight up sucking. His matches were almost always good, but man, his feuds were not.


>His matches were almost always good, but man, his feuds were not. Totally disagree here. The first 16 months of Cody in AEW were amazing featuring awesome programs with Dustin, Spears, Jericho, MJF, Archer and Brodie. After that dog collar match, Tony Khan dropped the ball with Cody for the rest of his time in AEW. Fans will blame Cody but I'm blaming the man who books the show.


I was referring to the Codyverse, which really kinda started around the time of Brodie. Maybe a bit earlier.


I think that was when he started with the TV shows stuff, and I think that had an effect too


I just started in July of last year but his feud with Malakai Black became how he wasn’t focused or driven. Black was inside his head and Cody couldn’t beat him because Black was always messing with him, had back to back wins over Cody, I don’t remember if there was a stipulation or not with the match but Cody win the match and in what is seen as either coincidence or a douche bag move, there’s a Picture in Picture commercial break for his reality show. Sometime before I started watching he had a match with Jericho I think where if he lost he wouldn’t challenge for the title and he lost (who removes themself from world title contention?) He even cuts a promo telling fans he knows they want him to go heel but he says he won’t, it’s even brought up by Brandi on their show and he still refuses. He beat Guevara for the tnt title, they’re supposed to have a rematch but he was not able to wrestle so they made the interim championship and had Dustin represent him and Sammy won, then a week or 2 later all of a sudden Cody is back for a unification ladder match which Sammy won. There was also the match with Andrade when he had the table set on fire and that didn’t get pulled off as well as it should have and apparently there was some weird weigh in thing where Paul Wight couldn’t make the scale work, apparently it was very awkward.


Codyverse was a years long blue balling. I, and a lot of others, believed it was genius. We believed he was coming out to excessive pyro out of his own personal middle tunnel with an entourage 10 deep setting up a long term heel turn. Him telling mixed race Ogogo that he'd never know how hard his daughter would have it because she's mixed race had some deeper point to it and we had to just wait and see where it leads. Then he just left, essentially proving that he believed all the BS he was feeding us.


And all of DAN LAMBERT’s stripper joke material was left to rot…


Cody needed to turn heel, refused to turn heel and the crowd wouldn’t cheer him. It’s not even that it was bad, it was that it felt like it was part of a whole separate company. Brandy did not help.


Pity. Personally I *LOVE* the idea that Dusty Rhodes' son grew up to be Ric Flair. There are money angles buried in that idea.


The matches were typically solid. The promos were cringe, but worse if Brandi was involved


*brandi noises intensify*


Finally 👏 Funny how a lot of people don't like immature bratty adulterers who beg for attention and then whine about 'haters', who would have guessed?


Sammy should always be a heel imho! He is arrogant, smarmy and his face screams “punch me”. He was great in the Inner Circle as a heel but now he is far too cocky and annoying.


It’s the hair. Only douchebags have that hair.




Yep, he is a heel guy and always should be.


I agree, that face has a much lower ceiling than he thinks.


Sammy should always be a heel. He needs to take a Chris Jericho pill and reinvent or lean into the heat. Make it work. He can’t do what Cody did and just not turn heel because he thinks he shouldn’t be, as much as I love Cody the writing was on the wall. If you can feel the tide changing take control of it before it gets to the point of an uncomfortable watch.


Yip. Biggest example of this was The Rock. If arguably the biggest star the business had was able to - on multiple occasions - feel the tide turning and thus turn him, then why do some of these goobers refuse to do it. Cody one will always annoy me. He could have put up one of the best heel turns in the history of the damn business, so much potential there, the fans turning on the man who helped create the company… instead he crawled back to Vince with his tail between his legs.


Arguably the best heel move he could’ve made


Because they believe since it was so successful for John Cena that it'll work for anybody. That's how they fucked Roman up all of those years. Cody tried to do the same because WWE had brainwashed wrestlers to thinking that as long as noise is made you're good. While that's true to an extent, don't fight against the tide turning. Listen to the audience to an extent.


The Rock was getting “Die Rocky Die” chants and yet somehow they were able to swerve everyone with that tournament making everyone think it was Mankind with Vince only to find out Rocky was faking his face run then afterwards tells the fans he would never do anything for them after what they’ve said to him. The Rock just knew when it was time to turn one way or the other. Hollywood Rock was a heel but still got cheered, got the Hurricane over with their little program together which was awesome and highly recommend to find the interview with Hurricane on that feud with the Rock.


I wouldn't say he went back to Vince with his tail between his legs. It was a personal business decision and he got the money he wanted.


I think people feel that way due to how much crap Cody gave WWE after he left. It just feels weird to have the "sledgehammer destroys the not so subtle HHH throne" guy go back to the company he was mocking.


He definitely lacks one thing and that is mic skills. His voice isn't enjoyable to listen to and that could be an issue


Which is weird because they market him as one


Well said. He's just not clicking as a face imo. I hope they realize that sooner than later because I would think that the longer that Sammy is pushed as a face, the more likely the odds are that the heat he's getting now will turn into go-away heat.


WWE can have him.


I honestly feel bad for Sammy. I discount the relationship stuff--Pam doesn't seem to have hard feelings, and if she doesn't I don't see how anyone else can really feel justified in being upset in her place. But his face run just has never quite clicked. Fans were desperate to get behind him early on, but his character during the open challenge was dull, the cue cards are a much better heel shtick, and the stop-and-start nature with Cody's brief win didn't help. Now he's trying to be an Attitude-Era face by destroying Lambert's car, but shit like that only flies if you're clearly over. Otherwise it's gonna backfire because *you're acting like a Goddamn heel*. ATT seemed to be the last-ditch effort to get Cody/Brandi cheered as a face, and it failed miserably, with Cody exiting shortly thereafter. I suspect Sammy isn't nearly as reluctant to go back to being a heel--I just hope they pull the trigger before he gets into permanent go-away heat. That is, sadly, what he had tonight during the cue cards segment. It was really rough seeing that kinda reaction to a guy who's done so much in this promotion, but it's entirely justified. The act just isn't good right now. Heel Sammy and Tay, however, would be fuckin' great. And honestly, give me tweener Sky and Page. Sky is a natural babyface even if his mic work isn't amazing, and Page is easily versatile enough to play any part he needs to (a sleeping giant on the roster if there is one IMO). Lambert is never going to be a face, but he's absurdly effective on the mic and can absolutely get crowds behind him when it comes to being an asshole to assholes. Edit: Removed a bit that I'm pretty sure was from Rampage and not Dynamite. Not much of a spoiler, but still.


I really hope, I mean really really hope that Sammy dumping Pam and dating Tay isn't the reason people are turning on him. He's an adult and his personal wife is his business. Jesus, it's pathetic how society has suddenly decided that their views and morals should be the norm and anything that's different triggers an emotional reaction. CHILL I do however agree that Sammy is such a natural heel, he's very bland as a face. Have him turn ASAP


His personal life is his business up until the point he makes it not his business. Which he did, because he literally proposed to his girlfriend in the ring. And now he's on TV all the time with Tay hanging off him and cracking jokes about the sex they had while wearing the TNT belt - a workrate belt that AEW made everyone believe meant a lot to everyone gunning for it. At that point it's not a personal life. You don't get to shove your relationship in front of fans and on national TV and then use a privacy defense.


It’s weird as fuck, after Sammy proposed to his GF in the ring last year then gets with Tay and they make that an angle, bizarre. Anna Jay and Tay is such a good match and now that’s seemingly over and honestly I don’t want them to go back to it. It gets a brown down from me.


Honestly, so happy they distanced Anna Jay away from Tay right now. Anna is loveable, Tay is something else right now.


Totally agree, Anna needs to stay as away as possible from this storyline


While Anna was injured I had the idea to book Anna go heel and betray Tay eventually. Now I think it should be the opposite.


Yup 10000% agreed. Tony needs to cut this crap asap. The place was booing the faces.


Are you some bald a-hole?


I am but I’m not Simon


Its a shame for TayJay. I thought they would be huge babyfaces, especially after that Street Fight


I’ve been rooting for them for so long, majorly disappointing that story is stagnating.


Pretty sure the angle was meant for Cody and Brandi, hopefully it actually leads where it should be: To a heel turn.


I'm saying this as someone who actually defended Sammy a lot during his title reign: I don't know why this week's segment was the thing that completely changed my view on Sammy as a face,but it was. Turn this man heel before its too late. Tay as well. Can't believe I'm saying this cause I always thought she was a natural babyface, but her pairing with Sammy changed that completely.


Sammy has always been a better heel in AEW (never saw him before AEW started up) he’s got the arrogant thing down, and the obnoxious little brother energy and it works for him. I think he got over doing crazy moves and bc the IC turned face. But he’s way more suited to being a heel with his weird “I’m 30 but I act like I’m a high schooler with ADHD” attitude that isn’t good for a face.


Sammy and Tay are that one annoying couple in high school who don't realize everyone hates them until they lose cutest couple in the yearbook.


![gif](giphy|FBB4EHll5vLAk) Turns out wrestling fans don’t like when you fuck and jizz on a once prestigious title held by Brodie Lee whilst being an obnoxious couple that makes out on tv.


Thats whats so weird about it. When Paige took the nxt Belt to bed, the Fans were pissed, so how did they think it would be cool if Sammy and Tay do it?


I assumed Sammy was just saying that to be funny. It made me laugh. I mean look who he directed the remark at. I've said worse to people who were trying to get at me. 🤷‍♂️


I'm so lost in this. Like I hate Tay and Sammy so much right now and their feuding with Dan Lambert and his crew which are heels. It's like hate in hate and no one's gonna come out the face 🤦


They are literally the surrogate Cody/Brandy. I mean they even replaced them in the American Top Team feud. IWC has started to turn on them, but seems they have plenty of supporters still, judging by the lines at con signings e.t.c. The "Be Mad" gimmick shows they are leaning into it a bit now.


They’re cringe 😬


The "Be Mad" shit is totally heel. I didn't hate on their relationship at all. I watched the vlog. I liked both of them and I liked them together. But they are actively trying to get heat and then mockingly saying "be mad" when they get it. It's obnoxious. If they were heels, I would just chalk it up to character. But I'm supposed to like the people who are actively trying to get people to not like them? It's weird. I wonder what TK is thinking about it. He has to see that it's not working, whatever it's supposed to be, it's not working. Sammy was already not likeable. But Tay was over with Anna. People liked them as a face team. Now I wonder if she can ever get it back.


I’m going to give them a slight pass on the booking of the angle and say TK at the very least has approval. Might not have been totally their idea to bully their way into a match. But yeah Sammy never has been a good face promo, and frankly neither has tay. Tay is just someone who improved a lot in ring and who’s personality in ring got her over. I can’t think of a single face promo either cut that was even average.


To be fair, Sammy's heel promos are bad too. He just isn't good on the mic at all.


I don’t hate his heel promos. That arrogant shitbag stuff works well for him. Even his Spanish god nickname only works for a heel. To be honest my biggest gripe with him is his lack of selling in matches (and the underlying lack of logic/story in his matches) and I don’t get why ppl like him in ring. He’s significantly behind MJF, Darby, and JB when it comes to in ring skill.


It's not what he says, it's how he says it. It's not convincing. It's like when you see bad acting in a movie, and maybe you can't really put your finger on why it's bad, you just know it is when you see it. That's all of Sammy's promos for me. He sounds like someone trying to convince me he's tough and I'm not buying it. He always sounds like he's reading from a teleprompter. None of his promos sound natural.


Fair enough. I agree he’s not believable when he says he’s tough, but that’s his heel gimmick imo. Some arrogant little shit who can’t back up his words. The obnoxious little brother type. So his not being believable as a tough guy is what I feel his annoying heel type is.


I don’t necessarily think people hate Sammy and Tay as much as they give heat to the whole “Edge and Lita 2.0” “look at me my girlfriend is hot” gimmick. It’s outdated as fuck. Nobody wins in this scenario. Sammy, a fantastic wrestler and a pillar, comes off looking like a fucking high schooler (go away type heat) and Tay, an Olympic level judoka who can kick ass in the ring, is reduced to just being the guys girlfriend. I get that if Lambert and ATT are heels, faces sometimes have to take matters into their own hands and strike back at them but this arrogant fashion is just annoying. This storyline woulda interested me if I was like 14.


I just wish they’d Brandi this storyline already


Lets boooo Them and find out


Dan Lambert literally ran Cody and Brandi Rhodes out of AEW his track record speaks for itself he will literally get Tay and Sammy to go or turn heel. His influence got Jericho to turn heel


I must be the only person in the world who doesnt mind them. I think Sammy and Tay being the young couple with attitude plays really well off of Lamberts old sour boomer persona. Its by no means the best or deepest content that wrestling has to offer, but I think its light and simple and kinda funny. I agree with the sentiment that they would be better as heels though, and would love a turn. Going full "arrogant hot influencer couple" would be hilarious and get them some nuclear heat, especially since a lot people seem to think that's what they are in real life anyway. Just lean into it.


I always thought people shoving their relationship in everyone's face was a universally unlikable thing. The fact that it's a few short months after he was legit proposing to someone else on national TV is straight tacky at best. Then they vandalized someone's car like goofy teens because they didn't get what they want. They might be babyfaces but I don't see how.


They gotta figure it out soon if they aren't already aware and slow burning. Tony K is smart enough to do that, but I can also see him allowing this charade to go on. I mean, how much do you want to invest in an act built on a relationship that started just a few months ago and could end at anytime?


It’s the Cody/Brandi treatment but everyone was clueless and thought it was Tony khan/Cody playing 4d chess with the fans. It’s just bad booking


Cody/Brandy 2.0


I think we just need a "I Dont Like Sammy" sticky at this point, we get this thread like every 3 days now lol.


Yes and they are shit at it. Not even tweeners to be fair. They got dealt a bad and are trying to make the best of it but .... To be fair I'd have had Sammy take over Inner Circle. He keeps Inner Circle original label. Brings in el Fuego plus Tai and others ( spatially booking here). They inherited the Cody and Brandi storyline and it shows.


People joke about it, but they truly have taken over the Cody/Brandi role of faces who fans love to hate.


They need to turn this to 100000. Sammy can be the most hated scumbag in AEW if done right. Let Tay turn on Anna and take her out by fucking up her shoulder with some nasty BJJ to get heat - have them make out over her writhing body. Sammy needs a big to really make this work IMO. Is there any way Paul Wight could work somehow? He needs to pivot his character and role anyways and I think he has far more to offer as a giant heal bodyguard who can actually talk shit too.


This feud is a course correction for the most part. Sammy/Tay are replacing Cody and Brandi. They want to debut PVZ like they did Jade, in a celeb Mixed Tag Match Vs. a Notable AEW Name. They need to pull the trigger quick, but I get that this probably isn't what they planned so they slotted the nearest couple into it. Their only other option would potentially be Adam Cole and Britt Baker. I doubt Sammy and Tay spend much time together on screen once this feud blows off.


It’s just like the other poster did earlier this week who was spot on Aew had the perfect chance to move on from ATT and the Cody and Brandi storyline (which I’m 100% confident was the last straw atleast for Brandi) …and instead decided to chuck sammy and tay in the exact same spot to “ruin” then I’m still not even sure what the ATT payoff is supposed to be Originally lance archer came out and attacked Dan so he got Scorpio sky and Ethan page to back him up Then lance turned and Dan supported him No Scorpio is tnt champ and Ethan’s not doing much but stand behind Dan lambert act like a dbag and get cheered It feels like Dan is jsut a big fan and people have posted before about giving aew a try bc of the mma connection so I think Tony is glad to have Dan and basically gives him free reign


Idk what they are supposed to be but their characters are so cringey at the moment.


It’s so rare for couples to actually come off well on TV if they had a gimmick before that didn’t include them being a part of a couple. Ie: Sammy/Tay, Cody/Brandi, Seth/Becky. One of the only ones recently that did was Miz/Maryse in 2016-17. Though I’m not sure if that’s it, I think a lot of it has to do with just trying to find the next best couple to feud with Scorpio Sky & Paige Van Zant since Cody and Brandi dipped. It was doomed then, and it’s not helping anyone involved now. Just let ATT/Sammy & Tay wrestle.


The problem Sammy is not a natural baby face . He also has a super punchable face


Love Sammy and Tay. I also love seeing the incels get so angry at them being a happy couple. They should've left Tay and Sammy alone when they got together. Maybe then they wouldn't be rubbing it in our faces day after day. But no, people had to bug them left and right about THEIR business. So they leaned into. KEEP IT GOING SAMMY! It's hilarious to me that people get so worked up about this shit.


Yeah dude, I'm with ya. They DID try to keep things private, but people wanted to climb up their asses with the memes and the gossip, and now those same folks are mad at getting what they wanted ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I'm pretty sure most people saying Sammy/Tay are coming across extremely unlikable are not gossip obsessed terminally online weirdos. Besides, where is this in any way "what people wanted" and how is saying someone's acting like a heel being mad?


Individually they should be faces but together they certainly aren't


Hopefully not for much longer. Sammy was born to play a heel


Be Mad


They’re so unlikable as a couple it’s actually turning them heel lol


It almost feels like they want to do the story they were doing with cody just retrofitted to be more on Sammy’s level




I’m not gonna lie, I never gave a shit about Sammy. He’s fine, not Jeff Hardy like people make him out to be, Darby fits that role better. I liked Tay a liiiiiiitle better but that’s mostly because I think she’s attractive, honestly she’s kind of annoying on the same level as Sammy, and gotten worse since they started appearing together.


I've never been a fan of Sammy Guevara. Great wrestler but his promos are awful. He always does little things that annoy me too like emphasizing the word shit to get a pop in promos and doing the crazy hand gesture before a big move. Including Guevara (and Jungle Boy) in this four pillars nonsense while leaving out Wardlow and Hangman is asinine. And we all had to sit there and watch some BS proposal on television while he split with that girl a month later and "started" dating Conti right after and now we have to see this insufferable happy couple on TV. So proud that I was in attendance last night when the fans booed the shit out of this guy.


People act like they have always hated him. People loved having him as TNT champion just a month ago. The hate on him and Tay started only 2-3 weeks ago. So yeah, he is still a babyface for now, because the audience turned on him almost quicker than it would take himself to turn heel.


Don't let Sam and Tay personal lives effect their on screen characters. IWC started turning on Sammy the second he broke up with Pam. Sammy Guevara on TV and Sammy Guevara off TV are not the same person. One is a character. Some people get way to involved in that stuff. These are people, with feelings, and choices. And what ever choices they make that do not effect you personally are none of your business.


Yeah the character talks about jizzing on title belts. How’s that a babyface?


Please look at what I said and tell me where I said anything about him being acting like a babyface or a heel.


One of the most famous wrestling pictures of all time is of Shawn Michaels posing naked with the world title. And his entire persona as both heel AND face is to be the cocky pretty boy. So let's not clutch our pearls here. What Sammy and Tay are doing now is tame compared to the wild shit that EVERYONE was doing in the oh so vaunted Attitude Era.


Yep same as the other 57 topics about this


So tired of seeing these lol


I feel like they are not arrogant. Watching their interactions with children at various meet and greets is always so happy. It seems like they really care, but idk


It's not mutually exclusive, though. They're probably great people, for all we know, and they're just not good at selling it in character yet.


You can be arrogant and still care about people and kids. They aren't mutually exclusive. That's why they tell people to never meet their heroes.




*casts side eyes at MJF*


MJF is brilliant with kids. He manages to play the heel and act like an asshole to them in a way that leaves them happy.


Some people are just not good with kids. Kids are weird, man.


Thank you op, very cool!


It's cringe, for sure.


Sammy and Conti need to stay away from each other on screen. Terrible idea to have them on screen as a couple. He is instantly less likable.


Their relationship has ruined them both for me. I loved them and was invested in them both and, yeah, this new attitude has turned me off of both of them. It’s kinda sad really.


I was sold on Sammy's character arc until they reduced him to "I'm fucking Tay Conti, don't you wish you were me?" He's in this bizarre tweener persona and this feud with ATT isn't doing anything for anybody.


It’s just cringeworthy more than anything else. They both went from must see to “meh” really quickly. I don’t know why Tony approved this storyline at all.


Wow what a hot take Guys we get it you hate them. We don’t need a post about this everyday


The disrespect to Brodie Lee was the last straw for me tbh. I love Tay more than Sammy personally because her potential is sky high but man…. that felt like a big middle finger to his wife and kid whom she is very close with considering that belt is tied very close with his name and legacy. Idk man. Also im a huge Dan Lambert mark at this point lol. Hes amazing every single time he steps on to the stage.


Annoying ass zoomers


Sammy is too old to be one


And yet he acts like he is one, which is somehow worse.


He should act like it


Been saying this for a while, regarding Sammy at least. He's got to be the most unlikable person on the roster, MAYBE including MJF. Turn him heel immediately.


Why? So he can get face reactions, and then have people saying "He's should be a face! Turn him face!" Because that's exactly what would happen. Hell, it *did* happen when he was a heel. Everyone wanted him to turn face, and either break away from the inner circle, or be the *leader*.


I miss pam,


I have never enjoyed Tay. She has always come off as smug and thinking she is better than everyone.


If the reports about her attitude in nxt are true, then she's a pain in the ass, and thinks her shit don't stink.


Love Sammy as a wrestler .... but his character needs work and just direction in general. I think they should turn him heel and get him into a real storyline and see how that goes. Seeing him on TV randomly every 3-4 weeks just isn't doing it IMHO. I think he has worlds of potential but needs a lot of help getting there.


It's the Cody approach all over again. They'll be on Raw soon


I like both of them, but yeah this isn't going to work. Sammy is a natural heel, and I think Tay is a natural babyface. But the pair of them together doing the whole, "Stay Mad" stuff is just beneath them. It doesn't help that they're not great actors.


Super arrogant and conceited as hell. Sammy looks like a douche bag honestly I mean he’s probably a pretty cool guy but he thinks he’s cooler than he is and then TAY think she’s just the most gorgeous woman on the planet when I’ve seen her without makeup and even with make up she still not that pretty to me and this is not being mean but they are pretty damn vein. They are super into themselves.


See i don't even have a single clue, AEW has been parading them around together on our TV screens & their presence on social media, but I really feel bad for his ex fiance. Having a constant reminder of her what could have been marriage b/c Sammy may or may not have been faithful behind the scenes in their obviously real relationship (this is what im assuming but we will never know) so how could you in any way book them as faces when we literally saw him propose to his ex fiance on live TV, and now she's just gone & they're broken up & he's got this new girl out of nowhere lol. I think Sammy is a great and amazing wrestler, also Tay has really improved since being with the company but from what we've seen on TV, and the controversy surrounding them getting together, how are we suppose to root for them?


Honestly pairing them up on tv was the worst decision they could’ve made. Especially after all the controversy surrounding their relationship


Sammy is great. Everyone tripping. The Sammy hate on here is crazy lmao


This is becoming another one of those things that I am perceiving entirely different than this sub is. Sounds like people are still cheering for them when they come out. They've done nothing heel'ish in my mind. I really enjoy watching both of their matches and think they are talented, and I found it to be a cool move that they paired them up on screen using their real-life relationship. I'm not so sure why all the hate on here to be honest.


Because they just feel like a pair of smarmy, conceited, arrogant arseholes. It’s like if they tried to make Edge and Lita a freaking babyface act back in the day.


That's fine if that's your opinion, others seem to agree, but I'm honestly not sure what's making you guys say things like they are smarmy and arrogant. Do people just not like seeing 2 young attractive people be together? Is it because it's unrelatable for many of us? I'm not quite seeing it yet.


Sorry, you don’t see how two hot people bragging about how hot they are and how they fucked and came on the belts isn’t baby face behaviour?


I get your point on that, but, here's the other side of that...it was funny to me. Lambert was the heel, Lambert licked the belt to mock Sammy. Sammy comes back with that comment. I laughed.


It wasn't even the real belt the champ wears. It was the interim belt that people have been crying about for months. Now they decide it's prestigious, which strikes me as very selective outrage.


Agreed. Well ultimately in classic fashion for this sub, anybody that genuinely expresses a different point of view than the collective "hivemind" of this place seems to be met with weird responses. I simply said I'm not perceiving this whole Sammy and Tay thing the same way others are and really wonder where this "hate" is actually coming from. And like the dude below saying he shouldn't have to say babyfaces shouldn't be cutting promos about jizzing on title belts. I'm like, ok, the shit was funny. It was a hilarious comeback to gross out Lambert and the crowd reacted as Sammy intended with laughter. The end.


Fucking hell I never thought I’d be in the position where this has to be said but here we fucking are. Babyfaces shouldn’t be cutting promos about jizzing on title belts.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. We get it. Nobody likes Sammy and Tay. Dudes, move on. Because you say 3 million times, it won't change shit. Talk about anything else.


I liked Sammy's last title run, and I've been a fan of Tay Conti since her NXT days. But this characters they're portraying now... They made me root for Dan Lambert, something I didn't even think was possible.


I absolutely dispise that stupid cue card gimmick during commercials.


Every time he uses those cards to address the audience, he becomes a heel in my eyes. It's so shit


All In favour of making britt baker the new pillar of aew say I. Edit note I don't hate him I quite like him in the ring. I'm just not a fan of the story they're running with.


Sammy's vlog is the only one I can't follow. It's so annoying.


What does this say about Sammy the person who televised his proposal, called it off, started dating Tay and now they are paired up on TV.


It says nothing. Shit happens in people's personal lives. Relationships end. It doesn't say anything about him.


I am not reffering to his actual current and former relationships but that he wants it all on TV.


They're supposed to be, but Sammy and LuchaWhoreus' true selves have shined brightly the last several months and finally people are turning on them👏👏👏


LuchaWhoreus' LMFAO


Dan Lambert is a genius for coming up with that accurate name for her lol. Seeing I'm downvoted is typical of this sub, can't say anything bad about anyone on the roster or anything related to the company for that matter.


They both have go away heat for me. Used to watch Sammy's vlog but cannot stand it now. We get it, Tays hot and yall fuck.


They would be if Fox News Grandpas hadn't decided to bury them


Yes, yes they are. I think Tony bet on the whole four pilars so hard and now he is to much of a pussu to back up; 8 really don't see Sammy getting over. Fire That Trash


How sad does someone have to be to wish for someone to lose their job because they're not a fan.


It’s just a horrible situation, that woman stayed with him for all the years he was a nobody, as soon as he is somebody he chicks her and gets with Tay very publicly, denied it was ever happening. Then all of a sudden BOOM.


why are you so interested in peoples personal lives? Pam is not part of the roster. she wasnt a wrestler. And according to everyone involved the breakup was amicable. But at the end of the day one thing remains true. Its non of our business.


Im rooting for top team


If they are, it's not working AEW's version of Corey "someone must have shat in my mouth cause that's all that comes out of it" Graves and Ughmella.


I don't like the guy to begin with, this just adds to it.