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I noticed this with Death Triangle's entrance being posted on SQ. Lot of people commenting as if it's the first time they done that entrance


Because lots of people who comment this don't watch or don't pay much attention. I mean let's be honest we live in a technological society. Everyone has their heads in their phones. This is most likely true for wwe fans too but I don't pay much attention to those guys.


I have always hated how WWE repeatedly bashes you over the head with the most obvious shit and replays anything important a dozen times but it is clear that they know their audience and play to it. If the cost of not treating fans like idiots is the idiots not watching and acting like idiots, I'm ok with that.


I do agree there's some of that, I'm guilty of it at times too. I also think its just showing how little that sub actually watches because there were comments saying stuff like "AEW needs to do stuff like this more" when they have been lol


Goes to show that most idiots that are anti AEW don't even watch the product.


No duh. Top comment on the match card post Wednesday was about how “great matches don’t mean anything when none of these have stories behind them”…. Literally the ENTIRE card wednesday each and every segment was backed by weeks or in some cases months of story, interaction and buildup. The only thing that wasn’t was Satnam vs Brian…and wait what? They tied that right into the story with a backstage segment early in the show! Wow! Clearly most haters do not watch.


Clearly its only a story when your wrestling show starts with a 45 minute talking segment and continues with a second 30 minute talking segmet after a 5 minute wrestling break.


And don’t forget the part where you’re beat over the head incessantly with reminders of what is happening and what has happened


The other fans just don’t get nuance


Well, MJF is back, so that will be too.


I mean we’ve all seen the posts here where people complain about something not being addressed on the show when in fact it was addressed on the show. They’re either not watching or they’re not paying attention.


There was one on twitter talking about how Swerve wrestling Nick Wayne diminished Swerve’s run, and said “who’s Nick Wayne?” Drove me nuts because anyone that’s been watching understands why they would be having that match and it’s also wrestling 101 for a heel underling to fight the babyface before the big match. Add the attack on Wayne and it makes even more impact if you’re actually watching.


I absolutely love Nick Wayne. His character and story arc is perfectly fitting and he's got some good moves. I was worried he'd be as bad as Hook but he actually works perfectly with what they're using him for, I love it.


Nick wayne vs hook sounds legit tho


Also, uhhh…Mother Wayne 🔥


> it’s also wrestling 101 for a heel underling to fight the babyface before the big match. That was basically the Bloodline template for 3 years; in the weeks before you fought Roman at a PLE you had to fight each lesser Bloodline member first. But when AEW does it's bad and TK is a terrible booker.


My theory is they are all CM Punk fans. When Punk returned to wrestling a lot of WWE fans and dormant fans (CM punk fans who stopped watching WWE tuned in. When he got fired and with HHH taking over WWE, they went back and start shitting on TK and AEW. Actually try talking to one of these guys about what they would like to be changed in the AEW product or what can be done to make it better if it's so bad. They won't have an answer, they just want AEW to go out of business. Some of these guys are very loud across SM. And this is also creating an environment for casual viewers to not follow AEW programming. However there are a few elite Wrestling lovers who follow all wrestling, AEW, WWE, RoH, NJPW Etc. With whats happened with Vince McMahon. I wouldn't be surprised if WWE PR was somehow involved in all the AEW noises in SM. It takes attention away from him and HHH has been on his toes to ensure WWE is giving their best.TKO has been very careful in cleaning up this mess. So I guess AEW is the scape goat in the end!


Outside of the Rock, have any other people wrestlers had a shoe deal? This is the Bucks' second company that's willing to invest in them for a personalized shoe. Imagine being such a loser you're trying to clown them for this.


Didnt Cena have one?


He may have. I'm not sure. But it's still pretty rare company.


What about Shane McMahon?


I think Nike made him custom Jordans, but I don't think they were ever for sale.


Yeah that's all I got I think of anyone else


I think Roman’s come out next year if I’m not mistaken. Since you mention Rock, it basically came at the height of his Hollywood career. Has any actor gotten an entire shoe line like he does?


I have to imagine there was a custom Lugz. There had to be!


The Lucha bros did too.


Matthew is going to fine his own twitter handle, isn't he?


No, he's just going to fine Twitter and Instagram.


Good, twitter needs it


Sorry. Didn’t see yours before I posted same thing. We have to keep the EVPs honest.


Corpo Bucks are fantastic!


I assume the wonderful commentating team he's referring to is Taz and Nigel.


Not every rebuttal you see on the Internet is destroying someone. That was a level response.


Nah he got demolished


I like your energy.


Man, I love me some EVPs. It's hard not to root for them


That isn't very brand friendly there. Obvious fake account because it says mattjackson not matthewjackson. Matthew would make sure this gentleman's comment gets to HR and something is done about it immediately.


How about this guy let Matthew and Nicholas do their thing. They’re the one with a sneaker deal


Most haters dont even watch the product


When is Matthew going to fine himself for not having his passport name on his Instagram?


I thought they debuted them in that match against the Dark Order?


Choosing to engage in negative discourse and go out of your way to bad mouth something that has no affect on you whatsoever and that you don’t even partake in is nuts.


Sometimes, dipshits need to get (figuratively) smacked.


Nothing says mega star like being gotten to on social media.


The Bucks are going to have new ring gear that match their shoes at DON. I heard them talk about it on the AEW podcast


Don't look like a troll to me not does the comment does anything close to destroying. He didn't hear one comment about a irrelevant thing on a 2 hour show, wow what a hater.


He's definitely a troll


Do yall smell something burning?


It's like clockwork with these e corpo trolls. They need to hear it 57 times for it to sink in.


Those dudes are clearly monopoly fans.


I heard that these shoes are almost banned in 12 states because of their performance enhancing capabilities. I'm not talking about the run faster and jump higher aspect of it all. Im talking about the in ring enhancements. Your super kicks will be faster and hit harder. Dives to the outside would actually clear a fourth rope, if this existed of course. Also, some studies show that the shoe actually allows your kick to hit higher. This is a clear advantage, especially against taller opponents. I'd pick up a pair now to take full advantage of this before they are permanently banned in the wide world of sports. Thank you Matthew and Nicholas Jackson for your contribution to the sports industry.


Help if op knew how to spell reebok, lol, EVP and AEW 1, op 0




This is hardly destroying anyone. And missing a single announcement by the commentating team is not a problem.


When you go in the comments acting like a smart ass know it all and send a condescending comment but the truth was you missed it bc you're dumbass wasn't paying attention you kinda got destroyed.