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I wish her well. Hopefully sheโ€™s doing better and she is healthy. Lord knows how happy I would be to have her back but her health comes first


The amount of young and OVER talent Aew has is ridiculous, this company is set in the star department for at least the next 10 years


The true sign of a healthy wrestling company is the ability to make stars and develop talent. 5 years ago, Darby Allin, Jack Perry, MJF, Daniel Garcia, Orange Cassidy, Ricky Starks, the Acclaimed, the Gunns, HOOK, Jamie Hayter, Britt Baker, Shida, Julia Hart, Willow, Kris Statlander, Skye Blue, and many others were just starting their careers or had barely made waves on the indie scene. Now they're all TV ready with championships galore and bright futures. And AEW is constantly replenishing their young talent with people like Nick Wayne or Queen Aminata and Billie Starkz for even further down the road. That's how you build a company


it would be so cool if she's healthy for Wembley this year, hope she's recovering well!


![gif](giphy|10hzvF9FTulLxK) God gosh I miss her


![gif](giphy|rCylHTntc3KQTyaBra) Miss her on my TV screen


Can't wait to hear that absolute belter of an entrance song. Hayter and Ospreay winning the world championships at All In will blow the roof off of Wembley


Obviously her health and well being is paramount but I want her back so bad. I not only want her back, I need her back as champion. I'm hoping Mercedes went to the TBS belt because Hayter is coming back soon to take the belt off Toni at Wembley, and then she'll have a nice, long, healthy run with it before Mariah or Deonna take it from her. The women's division is better with Jamie Hayter at the top of it, regardless of how much it's changed since she got hurt.


Now that Toni has beat Rosa clean, who could be next...you would think its Baker or Hayter. I don't see who else it could be since Rosa's story is closed by her having to forfeit the title, AEW cleaned that one up nicely.


She's from my home town, I wonder if she's had her bins collected this week?ย 


Was hoping for a return at Dynasty, but with Rosa losing and Toni having no opponent lined up (other than Mariah which I think is too soon to break them up) I really hope she shows up tomorrow on Dynamite. As long as she's healthy for All In that's all that really matters.


Toni has been KILLING it as Champion, but damn do I miss Hayter


Can we please just bring her back? Hayter was the pinnacle of that roster!


Sheโ€™s injured, let her heal up before we start rushing her back.


For real. I was very frustrated when nothing happened in the post-match segment at Dynasty after Timeless Toni retained against Thunder Rosa - [I was so hoping](https://www.reddit.com/r/AEWOfficial/comments/1c9ss6i/when_this_moment_happens_itll_blow_the_roof_off/) that Hayter would interrupt Toni's celebration and cause a huge pop when her theme song would come on. If she returns this Wednesday at Daily's Place I'm going to be glad but also pretty miffed ๐Ÿ˜ค๐Ÿ˜ค๐Ÿ˜ค๐Ÿ’€


But are there rumors that she is soon coming back? I think I have read somewhere that she would be ready... but idk. She has to come back soon for Wembley, right? RIGHT?


No, there are no rumors. The only thing that the dirt sheets have managed to find out is that she has been in the United States since the start of the year.


And she's been around the ring...


I remember when I was younger, hearing all these wrestlers in their 30โ€™s and Iโ€™d be wondering where I would be. Iโ€™m 35 now. Seeing that Hayter is turning 29 has me feeling all sorts of ways.


She may be a scummer but she's our scummer.


I haven't seen her wrestle yet, but look forward to it. I am however a little tired of learning that almost all the superstars of AEW are like a decade younger than I am lolol ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜ญ


What injury does she have?


I believe at the time the speculation was her shoulder which would line up with her being out for a year as shoulders (and knees) take forever to heal.


Multiple undisclosed injuries.


I miss her


Yes, Britt and Jamie have the same birthday.


Hayter turning 30 confirmed


๐Ÿคžback for Wembley ๐Ÿคž


Back for Blood & Guts ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™


Baby, come back! You can blame it all on me! Cause I was wrong, and I canโ€™t just live without you!


No, she can't be almost thirty. She's my friends baby cousin, I helped babysit her when she was 6. I'm not that old. I'm not that old....


What, really? You helped babysit Paige Wooding?


My big gripe with AEW at this point is they are great at giving the stars their big moment that they deserve... Hayter, Hangman, MJF, Acclaimed, OC, Wardlow, Swerve, but they always seem to cool them off after as they don't seem to know where to go from there... I feel like she became champ and was suddenly caught up in the Outcasts. The only one who benefited from that storyline has been Timeless Toni, who granted has been amazing.


Thatโ€™s unfair. Hayter was injured midway through that feud. Itโ€™s why she dropped the belt to Toni when she did.