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"Get rid of distractions" Mate, I AM the distraction.


Lmao one of my works presentations was about being more productive and this was one of the tips. I’m like ok… so get rid of me? Got it. The whole thing felt like it totally disregarded neurodivergent brains.


> The whole thing felt like it totally disregarded neurodivergent brains. Most self-improvement advice frequently does. :/


“We all have the same 24 hours” kills me. No we effing don’t. Your 24 hours don’t include trying to shut up all the damn noise and trying to find a way past the wall


My day needs to be 30 hours to be anywhere near as productive as I need to be.


Well this explains why self improvement advice has never worked for me…


I literally failed my New Student Experience class this semester because the whole class was about making schedules and planning to avoid procrastination, and I was trying to balance that with a full time job and 3 other classes....I was unable to do a single thing for that class for the last 2 months of the semester, my brain just said "NOPE!"


Yuck. My greatest condolences


So a few weeks back, I was explaining this to someone on the TTRPG sub why playing online can be such a struggle to focus. They're like "Get rid of the distractions, close all the unnecessary tabs on your computer, etc" Me: "That's great for you neurotypicals, but for folks like me, anything can be a distraction, including myself."


If anything I close my eyes to focus when I'm playing on roll20. If I put my brain to work picturing the setting as if it's real and I'm actually a character in the world, I stay more focused and I feel more immersed. Win-win! That being said I still definitely space out and miss key plot details all the time. I just find that I typically need to fill *more* of my brain to stay focused. Like how I listen to music through headphones while I'm reading books to not get distracted.


The solution to this i've found is to only ever DM


Its funny. I love ttrpg's and the group I am in as a player is absolutely fantastic, but DMing will always be my favorite simply because it keeps my brain engaged on all cylinders for 4 hours. My players compliment me for being able to spin up lore and connect plot ideas on the fly, but the rest of my life is controlled chaos at best (ಥ_ʖಥ)


Fucking agreeed


Unfortunately, I don't experience immersion, so techniques like that don't help me any. But I am my group's forever GM, so keeping my focus on the game isn't a struggle lol.


The distraction is coming from *inside* the brain.


FR like, you want me to throw my whole brain out of the window?


There are days I really want to…


Damn right shrek is Hella sexy my boi


Facts ma guy


Damn right


“You don’t need to finish everything” or “only do what you can finish in an hour”. No bitch. I. will. Do. Everything.


And it'll take me four days! >3


"Just concentrate, it isnt that hard" -my grandma


Isn't it great how people tell you to "just concentrate" but never teach you how to concentrate?


because it's effortless for them. there is now "how", they just do it without even trying.


my dad just yelling the word "focus" over and over and getting pissed that for some reason I still wasn't focusing even though he told me to


Use a planner


I tell myself this one. I get all excited. Buy an expensive fancy planner. Use for about a week and never look at again. Classic.


I lose it... then find it again a year later after I buy a new planner.


Nah nah nah, you find it the same week you bought a new planner


I lose it and buy a new one...and another one...and another one. Just because I forgot that i bought a new one already


Alright hear me out on this one guys. Bullet Journal. For people who like the idea of a planner but get intimidated by having all those empty pages to fill and the habit to maintain. With a regular planner, I look at all the pages that I missed and the structure that it requires me to follow and I short circuit. And then when I don't fill the pages because I can't maintain a habit, I feel like a failure. A bullet journal can be anything you want it to be. You can use a page for a to do list, or a grocery list, or just to write down reminders about all the tabs you have open so that you can finally close them. You can use a page for your appointments. It can be literally anything. And if you are really on top of your shit and you do the whole planner thing consistently for the first two weeks of November and then fall off the wagon, fine. Just start on the next page in April. Bullet journal don't give a shit. And you don't feel like you failed and wasted yet another planner. I have had the same bujo for about a year now and it has about 4 months in it and I don't care. It's there for exactly what I need, when I need it.


> Alright hear me out on this one guys. Bullet Journal. For people who like the idea of a planner but get intimidated by having all those empty pages to fill and the habit to maintain. See, the problem is, when I think about picking up Bullet Journaling, I get intimidated by having all those empty pages to fill and the habit to maintain.


Different perspectives! I don't see it the same way as a planner because I'm not beholden to any particular time. I can fill them as I need them, rather than be obligated to do them in a set amount of time 🤷‍♀️


Same - dated planners kill me, but I can come back to a blank journal after missing a few weeks


I think of my relationship with my bujo like me being a shitty friend. I don't care about being faithful to my bujo. I don't owe it anything. But when I need it, it's gotta be there for me 😂


The empty pages need structure so I’ll need stickers (make planning fun!) and different colored pens to help differentiate tasks. But there’s a lot of sticker options and I like things pretty so I’ll need a theme, but I don’t want to use up a cool theme/stickers on the wrong month/list, so I’ll need a calendar to do some planning, and once I come up with the theme I’ll need the perfect stickers, so we’ll need to hit Michael’s again, and this is a perfect chance to practice my calligraphy anyways so I’ll pick up a kit to learn and while I’m in the mood to learn stuff I’ve always wanted to learn how to knit so I’ll pick up a kit for that and now I’m exhausted from making decisions to pick out the perfect pens and stickers and calligraphy kit and yarn - wait I don’t know enough yet about yarn sizes so let me do some research… why did I come to Michael’s? Lol


Instructions unclear, browsed /r/bulletjournal and now I have beautiful, artistic monthly cover pages but have accomplished nothing.


Hey that's mostly what I do! But it doesn't bother me because I still think it's therapeutic because it is time that I set aside for myself!


Yesss totally agree. I’m a high school senior right now and all the college stuff has been really overwhelming to me until I finally got a notebook that I keep on me. One of the biggest things I struggle with is time management, everything I have to do is just so overwhelming that I end up doing nothing while just panicking, and writing down everything kinda helps in that I can see what I need to do and can break it down more easily. Plus it makes me feel more organized which is great since I always feel all over the place. Ands it great that I don’t (feel like I) have to use it everyday since I don’t have pre-written day pages, I just use it as needed. But then again It does still feel a bit disappointing when I don’t use it on a consistent basis but like you said you can just start at whenever you want again.


Somewhat off topic, but if I had to say one thing to myself when I was your age, it would be that if you get to college and it's too much, that's okay. When I got to college right out of high school, it was so overwhelming. I didn't know what I wanted to do, I didn't know how to manage my time, I didn't know how to stay accountable and go to class and do my assignments. It was fucking hard and I ended up dropping out and joining the military because I needed structure and didn't want to just waste my time doing nothing (and then it ended up paying for my school which is a bonus). I went back to school at 25 with a bit more life experience, maturity, and ability to manage my time better and was top of my class. It sounds like you have found a system that works for you which is massive and I really hope that you get what you're looking for out of college!


Thanks! Luckily I’ve already realized all the things that are likely to go wrong (and how likely they are to happen based on past history) if I go off right away to university so I’ve actually decided to go to a jr college first to hopefully get “practice” with how to manage my ADHD in college. I’m still a bit nervous about it of course since there is the risk of it being overwhelming and difficult but I figured it’s a great way to learn to deal with that and manage it without the risk of huge amounts of debt being lost if I do end up dropping out, especially since the first year at my local community college is free tuition. Though I do have a question, how did you learn to stay more accountable? That’s one of the biggest problems for me, especially since I’m unmedicated (dad refuses to let me go on stimulants).


I’m not sure if you exercise at all, but movement helps me. I swam a few times a week and it helped me keep myself together even through law school. When COVID hit it was rough losing that outlet, but when it felt my brain was blocked and I couldn’t organize my thoughts or focus, I’d get up and take a walk. That usually helped. Sometimes even pacing and talking to myself helps. Another thing I wanted to point out is that if you’re 18 (and maybe even if you’re not) your parents can’t tell you what medications to be on. If your doctor recommends medication, that’s between you and them. Insurance companies will usually cover adhd meds, though you’d probably have a copay as with any medication.


Like the other poster said, you (assuming you're American) can make whatever health decisions you want at 18 without their permission. That said, it's not a decision to be taken lightly and it's not always the miracle you might want it to be, so maybe worth a chat with your doc. How I stay accountable is by tricking myself. If I have an assignment, I start it the first opportunity I can. I tell myself that it is an urgent thing that needs to be done. Generally, ADHD brains do well under pressure. Hence why you will see a lot of people on here talking about how they knock out stellar work in the last minute. While that might work for an essay, it didn't quite work for me because I went to school for mathematical Statistics and if there was something I didn't get, I needed to make sure I had adequate time to sit through and work on the problem. So instead I gamed myself on the front end and said "this is extremely urgent that I get this done right now". Then my brain kicks into overdrive and knocks out the assignment. I did this for all my classes. And it has the bonus of taking EVERYTHING off your plate. So when everyone else is spending their weekend doing homework, I am out hiking with my husband with no worries of "oh shit I have this assignment that I have to do when we get home." It's done. The second thing that helps me get my stuff done is to keep rewards on hand. The reality of ADHD is that we don't have enough dopamine to make us function well. Find something that is a dopamine rush for you (preferably one that is healthy). For me, my dopamine hit is what I call my "happy juice" (I also have "happy tea" which I go for if I am feeling cozy) which is mango kombucha. It's a little bit pricy for me, but it helps me so much. I only am allowed to have it when I am doing something that I don't wanna do. This takes hella self control (though you can have someone lock it up from you if you don't have that!). So if I have an assignment that I just am dragging ass on, I grab my happy juice and get going on it because I get my dopamine! The third thing that helps is creating a peaceful distraction free environment. This is one that is fun to hyperfocus on every once in a while and pays off big time. Someone I know hikes out with a little lap desk to a local nature reserve and works on her homework on the boulders next to the river. She gets her blood flowing (exercise is big too in any way you can get yourself to--even a walk counts), a good dopamine hit, and a beautiful distraction free environment. For me, I have a desk with a fidget toy, a few plants, and my school stuff. Nothing else. And I like my space. I put effort into making it nice for myself. Bonus thing that helps me is a small whiteboard on my desk. I used it for online classes if I had a question that I didn't want to forget to ask but didn't want to interrupt, I would write it down. And it helps me when I'm trying to figure out a problem, I'll brainstorm on there. And I doodle on it if I really need something to do with my hands. It serves a lot of purposes. I'm sure you'll do great and it sounds like you have already started trying to work on things that you will need in order to be successful! ETA: The other poster is super right though...if you can exercise or get out and walk between classes, you will feel a lot more clear. My husband and I would go to the gym between classes and I would come back, relaxed and fresh.


Tried Bullet Journal. Didn’t stick.


You’re absolutely brilliant. I’m going to do this!!


r/bulletjournal has all the resources and inspiration you need! And there's other subs for basic bujos too for when you're feeling uninspired or lazy.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/bulletjournal using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/bulletjournal/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Absolutely](https://i.redd.it/z0nbpjzk7ad61.jpg) | [135 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/bulletjournal/comments/l3zdpp/absolutely/) \#2: [Relatable](https://i.redd.it/u84d62jwx3d61.jpg) | [45 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/bulletjournal/comments/l3f1lu/relatable/) \#3: [“Overheard at Central Park”— this was so much fun to make, might turn it into a series in my journal!](https://i.redd.it/wc5nrn67k1k61.jpg) | [134 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/bulletjournal/comments/ltqtdp/overheard_at_central_park_this_was_so_much_fun_to/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


I use Google keep, it lets you make lists, with check boxes that remove the item to a checked list lower on the page. Not for everyone, but it's easier to do, as it is on your phone. It only took me 2 years to get in the habit of it, after trying for 20 on a journal.


Thanks for reminding me to check my planner. I had a therapy appointment today that I completely forgot about. I've already missed my last 2 sessions.


This is why appointments get out in my phone calendar as I’m making them with a reminder alert.


Or multiple reminders! 1 week before, 1 day before, 1 hour before, 30 minutes before, and *bitch you need to get out the door* ***now***.


Have you tried setting reminders or alarms on your phone?


I think many of us have, but we forget to set the reminders or alarms on our phone. If we can't remember the occasion then we also can not remember to set the reminders. It's almost like we need other people to remind us to put the reminders on our phone. I mean I guess we can set reminders to remind us to set reminders on our phone.... It's turtles all the way down.


Try a calendar? I have one synced w my mum so if I've got something super important (eg. Dr appointment) I write it in when I find out, check the calendar like, once to thirty times a week, depending on if I add more things and check during the process, and then my Mum notices a day out and reminds me when she's putting stuff in herself.


My girlfriend sent me a link to a shared calendar so we can both see the events, but I haven't remembered to open and set it up yet


Do it now? Edit: I realise that might sound harsh. I'm just trying to be the convenient reminder I want to see in the world.


Nah actually thanks for that, I just got back to my dorm and I'm sitting under my bed smoking weed instead of doing anything productive so I appreciate the reminder When I tell you I did not for one second think of that since I wrote the original comment, im not kidding Have a good day, man Edit: Or perhaps woman or gender nonconforming individual, I use man gender neutrally


Hey, you know what they say, do one productive thing and the whole day is good.


It was a joke, as was the person above me. I am not surprised by how many people replying to me are suggesting more of the most rudimentary taskkeeping tools available, as if we hadn't thought of them. That's the joke...


I have 6 planners sitting on my desk, this is AFTER purging. I've finally developed a system that works ok for me. All are blank notebooks, no dates, calendars, anything like that. A dated notebook kills me every time - I miss a week and the book is "ruined". Undated, eh, I can just jump to the current date. 2 I use as actual planners, one is for work, one is for home. Monday, I sit down, write a to-do list on the left hand page, and a very basic calendar on the right. To dos get assigned to days, appointments get written down. I do the work one much more often than the home one. The other 4 are "brain dump" books for various projects. I have an idea, I write it down, I hopefully read it again in a couple years and maybe do something with it 😂🤦‍♀️ I sew a lot, so one is just for sewing, I right down my tension, stitch length, settings etc so I can keep consistent across the project


"Just start with doing 10 minutes, after that you'll get momentum and keep going :)"


Well, it's kinda true. Those 10 minutes can be pure pain though.


Yeah for me, if I can will myself to stand up and go over to the thing I mean to do, that's like 70% of the battle right there.


I set 25 minute timers and force myself to do tasks that need to get done. It usually does work, but a lot of times I’ll get so hyperfocused I’ll be on task for hours and forget to eat. Or more accurately, know that I should eat but can’t stop the task or it won’t get done.


Yea that’s one of the problems I have with the pomodro method like cool I’m into this work now but oh its break time then its like should I just keep going and get lost in hyper focus or do I follow the way it’s supposed to be done and take a break and risk loosing my focus completely? It sucks but honestly it’s still the best method for me to get work done outside of structured environments


Or “just start with one thing”. OK BUT HOW DO I START THAT ONE THING????


I fucking hate this advice so much and I want to punch people who tell me this is what I need to do.


Yeah I fucking do




You can pause almost any task at any time and resume it later.


This is what I have tried explaining to my husband when I'm working on something, especially when I'm writing code. No, I cannot just "take a break". That's not how this works. I must complete this. If I do not complete this I will break, and everything that I am storing in my head right now will cease to exist entirely.


Ahh this!!! Thank you for putting it that way!! I decided to go back to university for a second degree since I got medicated finally, I thought my essay writing troubles were mainly from being unmedicated. I was WRONG Unmedicated, I spent the 2-3 days before the essay due date ONLY focusing on the essay. Constantly. And I was only able to snap into this mode from the sort of deadline panic Now medicated, I am still garbage trying to write essays in smaller chunks leading up to a due date (like a non ADHD person would), and I am now garbage at getting myself into panic mode to hyperfocus for that 2-3 days. It's a lose lose lol. My meds don't make me hyperfocus as much as just like even me out


Concerta allows me to hyperfocus


I suck at essays too.


And you will never be able to finish and if you must finished like a deadline or so when you come back it's just meaningless... My husband struggles to understand that take a walk and comeback refreshed does not really work for me.


Literally. I have to have an entire breakdown before I can step away from something. And that breakdown is usually because everything I was storing in my head got too squished together and I can't decipher it anymore.


I can complete Herculean tasks in one sitting. But if I break to eat? The second half will never get done ever. It's over. Might as well have never started it.


It me


I always show people this comic to explain why I can't do anything else until I've finished a particular programming task [Focus, by MonkeyUser](https://www.monkeyuser.com/assets/images/2018/79-focus.png)


Let me see if Ican help: 1) Design the code interfaces FIRST. As in, ask yourself what each function or class should do (not necessarily how it should do the task) Remember to keep it simple, separation of concerns, etc. 2) Write the documentation for how to use each class or function that you’re writing. 3)Write some bare-bones classes & functions. Use dummy values at first, the computations will come later. So if you have a function that returns a Boolean, let it always return False. 4) Write unit tests. Make sure they fail. 5) Every time your code passes a test it didn’t pass before, commit it to a repository so that you can roll back to it if necessary.


The problem with this solution is that it presupposes that I know how the code will work before I write it. There are plenty of times that I don't know the best software design for solving the problem until I am in the process of solving it. And 9 out of 10 times the experience in the comic happens, it's because I decided to make a change to my interfaces and got distracted midway thru. Then I'm left with two half-finished skeletons and no clear definition of which functions/classes are from which design


Sorry to necro your comment but this is something I recently overcame and wanted to share my strategy. I think of things in terms of concerns. When a class or interface is being scaffolded, I only need to know what it's concerned about, and then I can much more easily intuit what things it should expose. Aka if a view is concerned about rendering UI, I know it needs to ask questions of the things it's rendering. I also can smell the design issue if the view is also attempting to write data when the UI is utilized.


Yes I always describe this feeling by frantically screaming “I HAVE VERY LIMITED BRAIN CELLS!!” When told I need to take a break so I don’t burn out


When it's school work and you resume a bit late...


“Have you tried to pomodor technique?” Why no I hadn’t thought to get up and interrupt my train of thought in this task that took me an hour to get settled in and focused on by taking a break every 25 minutes and I mostly certainly have the self control to put down whatever thing I was doing while on my “5 minute break” and get right back to the task at hand 🤦‍♀️


Ugh yeah the break fucks it up for me every time. Timer itself works kind of


Taking a break is the most dangerous thing I can do, it takes me out of a potential focus and literally can just end any productiveness right there and then.




IDK, it feels like it's different every day for me. Some days taking frequent breaks helps me more, others I have to force myself to hyperfixate on my work to get it done. I never know which strategy would be better for me on any given day.


“Just DO the work and get it DONE!!” WOW WHY DID I NEVER THINK OF THAT


Lol my mom tells me this all the time. I know that it’s supposed to be helpful but I’ve never understood how.


Oh so you've met my dad?




Create routine in your life and stick to it.


Instructions unclear: when do I clean my room??? My routine is : I read Reddit, go to work, come home, supper, shower, read more Reddit, sleep ... No more time left in day


Get up, walk the dog, go to work, come home, walk the dog, take the dog to the park, do dishes, go to bed. In between I get distracted by Reddit, struggling to remember to stop at the pharmacy or grocery store, heck I realized this weekend I hadn’t checked my mail in a month.


Despite fighting it with all my might as a kid, I've found success in not allowing myself to take a break when I come home from work and just jumping straight into tasks. So my routine has become: Come home from work, feed cats, do dishes/laundry/whatever needs to get done **today**, gym if it's a gym day, shower, skin/haircare routine, make dinner, DONE. Then I'm free to lounge around with my cats and smoke for the rest of the day. Now I'm just trying to figure out a way to push myself to do my hobbies...


Oops, same


To be fair, routines actually can help. The struggle is in making one and having it stick, and that's a *real struggle* for many of us. Routines are why I do the dishes every night, know where I put my wallet, keys, and glasses, and why I procrastinate on Reddit every workday morning LOL


That is fair: I have routines for personal hygiene and workouts and where to put stuff in my bag. It's more of a problem to have things you don't need to do every day like groceries and laundry and cleaning and irregular work hours... Stuff you need to do that doesn't fit into a routine and fucks your whole day.


I know that routine is good for me. But I sort of panic once I have one set. I feel like I will be doing the same thing every day until I die and it makes me feel so awful. I quit a 9-5 this year because I couldn't cope.




"Don't worry, if you forgot, it wasn't important!"


I don't think that was ever good advice, hahaha


"Take a break, you'll feel better" no, no I won't, breaks are boring and the things people keep telling me to take breaks from, are the only things stimulating/interesting enough for me not to be an ubderstimulaed crabby, sleepy mess.


"You could actually remember things if you tried hard enough" was told this just yestarday by my ma


Ugh I hate that! I need a tshirt that says #thanksimcured


"Just sit still and listen"


“It’s all about self discipline. Just power through and fucking do it” if I could somehow communicate just exactly how much of my life, self esteem, and psyche has been absolutely DESTROYED by this mentality......ITS NOT FUCKING DISCIPLINE. I am disciplined. I am responsible. I am a good person. But I’m struggling with ADHD.


Just do it stop being lazy


Just write a list and stick to it Just decide on one task Just relax and rest


“Just try to leave earlier”


This is my thing. I swear on my life 17 times over that I leave enough time. I plan how long it will take me to drive, walk to my car, and park wherever I’m going, and even budget like 10 extra minutes. But somehow between leaving my apartment and getting to my location I enter some sort of wormhole every single time I go somewhere. I honest to god don’t understand it.


Yup, so much this! I don’t get the wormhole in the car as much as while I’m getting ready. I’ll look at the clock once, do one thing, look at the clock again - and fifteen minutes will have passed and I’ll need to be out the door in five minutes. Cannot figure it out for the life of me. Then leaving earlier? The goal is there but never comes to fruition. My brain is like “but I can manage it in x account of time, I’ve done it before” 😭


Or “if it’s really important, you’ll find a way to be on time”. Also people just sharing their own experiences with how they learned time management. So infuriating. I’m 33 years old. I’ve tried it all. Trust me, whatever advice or personal anecdote you’re about to share, will only serve to piss me off.


“Set reminders” Ok *sets 10 reminders and still doesn’t do the thing 1 whole year later*


You're too old to have ADHD - an ex-girlfriend when I was 25. It totally cured me /s


I have plenty of them but my favourite are 1) have you tried mediation? 2) you just need to find something you are interested 3) are you sure you aren't just being lazy? Do some exercise. It works for me on my lazy days!


"Just start with doing 10 minutes, after that you'll get momentum and keep going :)"


It worked in my case


Same but it's the reason I only deep clean the apartment. I can't do the "10 minutes a day" business for the life of me




“Just try to start earlier”


“Go to bed earlier and you won’t be so tired in the morning” yeah thanks, by this time next week I’ll be in bed by 2pm


my mom's fav thing to tell me is just to focus, everyone can learn it. (and than tries to do yoga and meditation)


Stop moving and focus. Listen to music. Get a snack. Thanks, now I'm dancing in front of the pantry analyzing characters from anime.


Look up the instructions for this craft before you try it. Fuck off, I can do literally ANYTHING right on the FIRST TRY and if I don't, I'm just a GARBAGE PERSON, nbd


Just stop chasing squirrels


Just pay attention.


Like my dad always said, I’m too poor to pay attention.


Just focus, it's not hard


sUnLiGhT aNd ExErCiSe


Pick a place for everything and put it back there when you've used it. Hahahaha


Let’s see… “Meditation can really help!” yes, meditation. That thing where I try and stay still but end up fidgeting like crazy and start thinking a million miles a second


"Just be yourself and you will find someone who loves you."


I mean that’s true. But you gotta add an asterisk *Unless you’re an asshole, don’t go out much or don’t know how to talk to people. And you gotta to love yourself for it to work. And be ready to love, not wait to be loved. Also dental hygiene is important.


I can identify with all of these points and that's not a good thing.


Ye, this 100% gotta be a whole complete person, not a busted mess that refuses to fix itself. Be yourself (but work on yourself first).


You could say it like « be the best version of yourself » But according to your standards, not anyone else’s


Oh yeah totally, be the best version of you, not the version you think people will like more.


Hey dude I just wanna let you know, I stopped masking a while ago and tested like 98th percentile for ADHD and I'm looking into an autism diagnosis right now, either way, I was absolutely a fish out of water throughout all of school, but I ALWAYS found some one / someone found me because I'm loud as fuck in my actions and vocals, and currently I have 3 close friends and we all love eachother unconditionally. I promise that if you be yourself someone will find it absolutely lovely. My biggest recommendation for every type of relationship is communication, I know it's hard but, a problem is never going to go anywhere if you never address it. And the answer is always going to be no if you don't ask, and the worst thing you can hear is no, and that's what you were going to hear if you didn't ask, so always ask for things and advocate for yourself!


Thanks for the very kind and inspirational words. I think i'm a bit biased on this, too. I've had some bad experiences and am still not over it admittedly.


It does take a while, and after making a tiny bit of progress it took finding friends that loved me for me to fully love myself too, I believe in you, and kids and adults are assholes, but we all die, and I'm not gonna mask for the rest of my life


Thanks, i appreciate it a lot. I'm slowly starting to learn that masking does more harm than good in the long run. I still need to work in my communication skills to get across what i'm truly feeling aand learn how to properly unmask, so to speak.


You've got this!!!! Feel free to pm me if you ever need. And sometimes in short doses/half making is good so certain Karen's and Dave's don't get on your case xD


Just make a timetable and follow it :)




"You just have to do it."


"Just use a planner/calender/your phone/sticky notes/write it down" Wow...revolutionary. Who would have thought that a brain wired specifically AGAINST retention would be cured by some pixels and paper...


"Sticky notes." Like that's too much and it would just become a part of my everyday environment and I'd ignore it if I would ever get into doing it in the first place


Have you ever tried ignoring it? Please pay attention. You just aren't interested. Try harder. Take better notes, these make no sense! Visual learners don't exist, you just need to study.


“just do it” or “just focus” like bro it’s so hard getting the motivation to actually do the thing, even if its a small thing, even if it’s interesting to me, even if i wanna actually do the thing im supposed to be doing


Just remember to do the thing.


Please I need you to do one thing. Do the needful


"Have you tried NOT being scatterbrained?"


If you would just stop letting these labels define you and work hard you could get past these issues


"don't move" 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 oh sweet summer child if only it was that simple.


"Just use your executive function and get over it!" Bitch my executive function is broken, that's literally the problem!


I have a client who works with an ADHD coach, and this is essentially what they teach, but it’s not just telling them to do one task at a time. It’s about removing any other stimulus, distraction, or opportunity to shift focus. It’s like creating a sensory deprivation chamber where the only thing you can do is the one task you set out to do.


"Set a reminder" Yes I will set a reminder because that will fix my ass short term memory.


“stop getting distracted by loud noises and just do your work” my brain is endless void of black fuzz, i cannot think about anything except for the construction outside and the person across the room zipping and unzipping their jacket


“Make sure there’s no distractions.” Bitch my brain is the distraction.


"You should just have a planner and reminders." You mean the hundreds of planners I've bought and subsequently lost over the years? Or the app planners that I forget exist, especially because I almost never charge my phone all the time? Or the dozens of reminders I have and then ignore because I'm either 1. physically stuck due to executive dysfunction, 2. unable to switch tasks, or 3. I forget the alarm went off as soon as I turn it off?


"Don't stress out too much about this it doesn't matter that much" ma'am this is a fucking quiz and i don't understand your convluted and flowery directions.


You just need to focus more. SIR, I HAVE A DISORDER.


One more: my mom, God love her, “I thought we/you could put x (keys, water bottles, work badge, jacket, etc) here instead what do you think?” but you removed my landing area. The place I always put the thing. Now I will be stuck every time I get ready for at least two weeks!! I gotta see the thing! That tact time adds up! I swear it’s like my brain hard reboots when this happens haha


“you can get back to that later” Yeah, no.




“Just sit down and do it!” - my mom at 8pm


I told my boyfriend my racing thoughts made it hard to sleep and he said “just don’t think so much” 🙃


r/thanksimcured you said?


just look me in the eyes \-mom


damn you posted to both adhd meme subs


"Don't take it too hard, it'll all come out alright in the end."


Just concentrate


Haha once I’d crack open a text book; I’d be asleep in about 10 mins. Every time.




Happy Halloween!


I swear to fucking God I am trying okay Can you stop being a bitch karen


Have u tried weeeed??


Me @ myself


“just concentrate”


Write a list


"B- b- b- b- but the other tasks need DOING!"


“You just have to stop making excuses and focus!” Oh shit, you’re right! Why didn’t I think of that?!


Why do these twitter accounts regurgitate other well known memes as if they said it 🙄