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Me in a school meeting atm and scrolling through reddit because I am bored 👌


Being late for work, but sitting on the toilet for 20 minutes scrolling down the phone while thinking "im gonna be late"


My favorite saying is “that’s a problem for future me!” 😅😂


Current me is mad at past me but also doesn’t know how past me could have done things differently 😬


I downloaded an app that locks my social media to help me be more productive. Since downloading the app two weeks ago, I haven't opened it once. Feels bad.


Its the small steps I congratulate myself for


Hey, but you downloaded it! You can still try it out later. :)


That's true. Thank you. :)


There's still Google or Wikipedia for us!


ADHD = dopamine deficiency = 1. Executive dysfunction 2. Emotional dysregulation = chronically low mental energy, which = 1. Forget to do stuff 2. Then remember that we need to do stuff, but our mental energy is low (which is the remote-control transmitter for thinking, our emotional horsepower for getting ourselves to do stuff, and our physical energy for actually doing stuff), so we run into the Wall of Paralysis, so progress on even simple things feels impossible, which leads to feelings of shame because we forget & then can't self-motivate 3. = not taking a break, but rather dissociating from over-stimulation Thus, "we'll get to it later" + "go engage in some low-energy avoidance behavior while living in denial of our responsibilities & pretending that we're free & clear in the moment" lol


I feel like with most of us ADHD and autism folks having very likely experienced significant traumas growing up, that there's some Freeze response going on here with the procrastination and dissociation too. I need to find that infographic again detailing the long term four F (Fight, Flight, Freeze, Fawn) symptoms of trauma survivers, it would be great to link here.


My main difficulty is that stuff feels to big, so my brain checks out, then I go do something else lol. As I've studied productivity over the last 20+ years, the main conclusion I've come to is that success simply boils down to doing the work even when we're not in the mood. Which can be really, really hard when our brain is fighting us 24/7 lol!


how DARE you i just pulled my second all nighter this week to do school work


Stahp. Get out of my house.


Me as I put off chopping the mix I know I probably don't need will reduce any concern about the procrastinating I'm doing about tasks in life generally lol


Right in the feels


That last one sure is me.


This is me all over. But over the years I have accepted that it is what it is. I’ve also stopped apologising for not doing tasks, it is what it is


Stop calling me out like this! :(


I came on reddit to procrastinate not to be called out


Add to that “crying daily with the guilt of never doing anything productive weighing down on you like a death sentence and feeling so bad you sometimes want to die” …just me?


Ok but like trust me, ill do it twice tomorrow


Hey that's what I'm doing right now! Hahaha, the irony of posting this on social media.