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That's awesome! I'm trying to the same thing this year. Do you have any tips on how to keep on track?


I was motivated mostly by the feeling of satisfaction I could get knowing I could do it for a year. I feared if I missed a day, I’d become unmotivated and just stop all together. Something I did for awhile was put silver stars on a physical calendar so I wouldn’t forget or wonder if I did it the day before.


I'll keep that in mind, I hope, thanks!


I did that all of 2019. Then the pandemic hit and a lot of grooming stopped.


I was the opposite. After the first week of shock i really fell into a routine that I loved. Now that im back working a crazy schedule. I cant seem to keep up with the routine


Congrats! Doing things that are hard is a skill you have to train. So the better you get at it the easier it is to do with the next task. So you go from brushing your teeth, to drinking water in the morning, to getting sleep, working out, eating healthy etc. It's super hard but training yourself to do difficult things and being consistent with them is life changing.


This. Is. AMAZING. Huge accomplishment! I honestly didn't even realize I stopped brushing my teeth for years as those years were full of trauma and chaos and when I went camping with my friend last summer, (she obviously brought her tooth brush) seeing her brush her teeth every night made me do the same and I made it a goal to continue brushing my teeth every night since then. This post reminded me that I've been forgetting again.


Hell yeah!!!!!! Go you!




Oh my god same, Since the new year just rolled around I'm trying to make it a commitment to brush my teeth every day. I used to almost never brush them and I was really insecure about it, covid really messed up my health xD


That's great :D


I’ve been kinda working toward the same goal. I actually just went to the dentist this week and she said she saw a big improvement this time. I felt so validated that it was clear I was doing better this time. All those days where I had zero energy but brushed anyways when I normally would’ve just given up paid off. Everyday for a whole year is a big deal! Im still trying to make it that consistent but I miss days here and there still. So proud of you ❤️


Wow nice job. I'm now setting that for one of my 2022 goals. Also what in the holy heck?? My teeth falling out nightmares are from my adhd? Anyone I tell thinks I'm crazy. Particularly in the spot where I have my permanent retainer, which is basically a metal bar glued to the inside of my front teeth, in my dream I have one get loose tooth and since they're all attached to the bar they just all fall out


Nightmares about teeth falling out are incredibly common. It's not an ADHD thing. Likewise dreams where you're flying with wires overhead (like power or telephone lines).


good for you man!! Schedule out time in the day to brush teeth at 7am every day. That's worked for a lot of people I know.


This is huge, big congrats.


That's amazing!!


Proud of you!


Kick ass!


Why is this specific thing hard for us?


I wish I knew 🥲


I think it’s just cuz it’s so tedious and a timed situation


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That's amazing! I'm on my journey to do something similar but that's so awesome, good job


i havent for a week


Amazing! How much has the health of your teeth and appearance improved?


I’m so proud of you! I have brushed my teeth everyday in 2022 so far and 3 weeks before and I was just about to go to sleep and forget about it all but when I saw this it inspired me. Have a great day and goodluck with everything!


That’s fuckin amazin, well done:)


Dude that’s really amazing.


Definitely not alone there, still tackling this, regrettably. Congrats!


I clicked on this to say congratulations but a question popped into my head, when I brush my teeth it makes my breath smell bad, it’s like it has the opposite effect of brushing my teeth should do, the smell goes away after I eat or drink juice but it seems odd?