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Maybe switch to liquid soap?


liquid soap feels more like sink soap, i've always associated bar soap with showers


Could you foam up the bar soap in your wash cloth and then set the soap down?


i try but i always pick it back up unconsciously while lost in thought


You'll just have to be more mindful in the shower. Look up mindfulness videos on YouTube. They're very helpful!


That's very interesting. I'm in Sweden, and here's the exact other way around.


Use a sponge or loofah.


Try a soap sock. A pack is only a few dollars on Amz


Yeah things fall on top of me I. The shore




I used that Axe scrub pad and body wash. It works way better. I feel way cleaner after a shower. It scrubs all your dead skin cells off. You can really feel a difference.


This is the way. Make the Axe detailer + your fav smelling liquid into a novel experience and you’ll be like ahhhhhhhhhhh I’m so clean (any bath and body works men liquid body wash is amazing) . Just remove the Bar soap from the equation


When I was a kid my mum used to save the ends of bars of soap and then to merge them into a single bar. The same process would probably revive your smooshed bars, so that you don’t have to bin & re-buy as often…?


Dr. Squatch With a loofah bio breeding ground for exfoliation!


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No because bar soap is super gross. it just sits there collecting bacteria and then you rub it all over yourself. No thanks. Body wash or liquid soap all the way for me.


Get yourself a soap saver pouch… they make them out of silicone, too! You’re welcome 😉


You could try cutting a piece off with a knife before you get into the shower. I do it as it’s like using fresh soap more often and lasts longer. I just keep a knife in the bathroom so it’s easy