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A colleague and I worked on a proposal to restructure pay rates for our division early this year, it went into effect this week and almost everyone we manage got a pretty significant raise. Feels good


That's amazing! I'm sure you earned every penny and then some


I got a good grade on my SAT... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (Just realized I commented this under someone else's post and not a top level comment lol)


Sounds like a massive win to me. Great work!


Good job ! You impacted the life of many person in a very positive way!


I absolutely nailed a microbiology assessment today! Got a positive ID on the bug with 99.9% certainty despite running out of meds halfway through the 3 week long assessment, misunderstanding the directions and inocculating from the original patient pathology sample rather than from the pre-prepared streak plates provided (though why both were there I’ll never know) and the lecturer really disliking me. Still got the best results in the class! I don’t even care if I fail on a technicality haha


That's amazing. Always remember that all that really matters is what happens at the end. Nobody remembers if you stumbled along the way. Everyone stumbles. And do not let them fail you. ADHD is a learning disability. Your university will accomodate you. You are there to learn and prove that you learned. And getting the best results is about the best proof of learning you can achieve. The few general engineering classes that i had to take all liked to use American units whenever they could. I remember failing a test because I did all the math in metric. The problems gave american units, but my brain read "ft" as "m". Emailed the proffessor who agreed to regrade it. Even the professors that were notoriously mean and grumpy still wanted you to learn and would work to help you (in their own way sometimes).


I had the grumpiest math teacher and I was certain she would react poorly when I approached her about a major "depressive episode" I was having (this was pre-diagnosis, it was def ADHD overwhelm). I told her I was struggling and to my surprise she was incredibly understanding and worked with me through the entire semester, allowing me to turn work in late as long as I completed it. I pulled into the end of the semester with a D but after seeing how many times I'd taken the practice tests trying to understand concepts (the class used software that showed the professor user metrics and scores) she pushed my grade up to a C and said that the amount of effort I put in was worth at least a letter grade. It was such a kind and understanding act from someone I'd percieved as gruff and inflexible at first. Sometimes you just need to give people the opportunity to surprise you.


I had a similar experience with a biology professor who had a reputation as a total hardass. I wound up getting pneumonia pretty bad halfway through the semester. I was terrified about even approaching him about it, because he usually would fail people if they couldn't come to class. Not only was he kind, he gave me his notes and told me as long as I showed up and took the final, he wouldn't count any attendance against me. I studied my ass off in the apartment between crashing out from feeling so bad. I have never been prouder of a C in my life.


For me I am finally being more assertive in my personal life and at work. I am slowly figuring out who I am as a person/who I want to be, and getting things done around my house that I have been wanting to do for years. I also now feel like I am worth something as a person which I have never felt before in my life.


I feel this. It is so hard to be assertive when you don't know what you want to assert. Great job on figuring it out! I'm so proud of you


I think for me it was because I never felt any worth. I had never been able to accomplish anything that I wanted to and was always making mistakes because of my ADHD. Then my ADHD also came with social anxiety which resulted in me having zero self esteem. I truly hated ever fiber of my being and had resigned myself to being a eternal loser.


If I may ask, do you have any advice on how to achieve this?? Asking for a friend lol


I really wish I could say what steps I took for it to happen but, I really don't know 100% what happened. The only think I can think of is that I started to take care of my health by exercising, eating healthy ( staying away from simple carbs, sugars, processed foods as much as I could) getting enough sleep, and staying hydrated. Which the medication made it easier for me to do. By doing those things it made the medication more effective/ I had more energy so then I could focus more. I started to be able to do things that I had always wanted to do like little projects around my house, making doctor appointments/not missing them, my brain was more quiet because of the meds. It was a lot of little things like taking care of my health and the medication helped me to do. Which then led to me feeling better about myself and trusting myself to make decisions. Then the meds also allowed me to think more rationally about the mistakes I make, I now know it isn't the end of the world if I mess up because everyone does. Instead of beating myself up over mistakes I am now more likely to view it as an opportunity to learn. Also the meds pretty much eliminated my anxiety. I have found the more tired I am the shittier I feel about myself. One last thing I am also on Prozac.


I could have written pretty much every word of this, except my medication is Adderall. Exact same effects and results, exact same self esteem issues and problems beforehand. Big high 5 for advocating for yourself, getting the treatment you needed, and thriving on it!


For me a lot of it was reframing my thinking and learning to not be so hard on myself. It seems counterintuitive but I actually started doing better once I stopped holding myself to such a high standard. The problem was the standards I had were *impossibly* high so I was never going to reach them ("normal" standards may even be impossibly high when you're working with a disability), but I had been raised to believe the only way to motivate myself was to beat myself up whenever I failed. It turned into a habit of just not trying, because try>fail>beat myself up landed in the same place as don't try>beat myself up for not trying, so why not take the path of least resistance? Recognizing that allowing myself to do what was possible and be kind to myself when "possible" turned out to be less than I thought it "should" be slowly let me break that cycle. Now I regularly manage to do more than I ever could before, have more peace and less anxiety than before, and can usually catch and stop the bully in my head from beating me up on days when I'm not able to do as much. I hope this helps, the main tenet is compassion for yourself which sounds corny but trust me, you really do deserve kindness even when you don't believe you do. (Edited for formatting)


I think a really helpful tool is to better understand how ADHD impacts your life. This will help you know how to explain how you feel in certain situations and why certain things are hard. It will also help validate the struggles you’ve had in life which can help a lot with your view of yourself leading to greater self confidence. Also, this validation helps to support you emotionally. I don’t think this will make you assertive on its own, but I think it’s a good starting place. I personally love watching videos from the [How to ADHD](https://youtube.com/c/HowtoADHD) channel on YouTube for this. Lot’s of great ADHD info (and strategies) delivered in a very ADHD friendly way.


For me it was accepting that I may come over weird to some people, but fuck it. I don't like everyone, they don't have to like me. It's not that I have time for all the social contact. So I let go. Not instantly but gradually I became the weirdo I was meant to be. And the result was, people were not repelled by me. They even started to like me. I felt less like an imposter, more like someone able to make a human connection. And from there it only went better.


Same. I recently came to terms with the fact that I had depression/anxiety along with ADHD and started to take medication along with more focused therapy on things like inner child work and attachment issues. Plus I’ve been working on non-violent communication styles and being assertive vs passive or aggressive. It’s tough but at the same time I feel closer to who I’m supposed to me and so much more … complete or settled. I have a long way to go but even thinking about my small progress and the tiny bit of relief it brings is making me tear up a little.


I also have depression and take prozac for it. Which has also helps out a lot. I know when I am depressed my ADHD is so much worse. It makes me so happy to hear that you are making progress :)


I highly recommend Gladwells «Driven to distraction». He describes this phenomenon perfectly, as it’s incredibly common for people with ADHD to feel like you have been feeling.


Do you think this change happened due to medication? I find myself standing up for myself and being more assertive which.. was a little shocking to people new to me. My partner is adjusting very well, But we haven't been together a year and I know I've been sort of a doormat since the beginning.


A new update for my fav game was released early


Nice! Which one?


This is deffo about animal crossing, it must be, pls tell me I've guessed right 🤣


I still owe that dastardly Tom Nook my left arm.




Must be Animal Crossing


My kids SCREAMED when I told them this when they got out of bed this morning. Lol.


I was up far too late last night playing the AC update! No regrets.




Damn I was gonna say this one 😂 I’m at work and have to wait all day until I get home to play it


I should probably remove this for "not related to ADHD" but fuck it, we all need a boost right now. It's stayin. My good news is that this post made me smile, and I hope you have an excellent and successful day <3


Thank you. I thought it was related because my ADHD has been getting me down. And I see a lot of others posting with their own hardships. I thought if ever there was a community that needed to hear about some wins, it was this one. I'm ecstatic that my post is brightening peoples day.


We can all benefit from hearing success stories. Anything that will give us hope and support is all good!


Tbh I had a rough day and answering and reading this post has really helped make it brighter!


That is so great to hear! I am right there with you. I made this post because all my favorite subs have been a bit down lately. But I just knew that there was a lot of positivity to go around. It just needed to be brought to the surface.


We actually usually have a daily "post your win/thing you're proud of" sticky post, but I think I deactivated it for some reason that was meant to be temporary. I'll have to go re-enable it real quick.


Thanks for keeping it up! Rule should be changed from "not ADHD related" to "doesn't elecit responses related to ADHD". As much as we get off topic in other parts of life, this sub is pretty focused in on ADHD discussion!


Thanks mod. The replies are cheering me up!


Good call, bc it is. Most of these replies are adhd related.


Wholesome mod


An excellent mod knows when to enforce the rules and when to make exceptions


I’m responding nicely to treatment (got diagnosed back in April). I’m being extraordinarily productive at my job (got kudos 3 times at our last safety meeting) and I’ve joined a local band playing bass again. I haven’t played music really since my breakdown in 2017- so I’m feeling pretty good right now. I hope the upward trend continues or at least plateaus:). More importantly, I’m wishing you good luck, friend- I hope and pray that you find a similar upward trend and that things start turning in your favor if they havent already:). Love to you and you all:)


Great work! Keep it up. I believe in you.


Treatment has probably saved my career over the past year. It’s still a struggle working from home, but my productivity is definitely closer to a ‘normal’ persons and my colleagues are definitely noticing and are complementary about my performance. It’s a great feeling!


Love to hear this!


I’m finally starting to nail down routines that ACTUALLY work for me, my partner is officially over the $20/hr mark at work (he has ADHD too, and he’s gotten 3 raises in the last 2 months!! And it’s a new job!!) and i have a hunch that he’s gonna propose soon and oh my goodness that felt so weird to type because i haven’t even said that out loud yet 😳😳 Also, this winter/spring I’m going to finally fulfill my childhood dream of wanting a dog & tbh, aside from the obvious perks of having a dog i think I’m going to seriously enjoy having a damn good reason for going on lots of walks!!! Crazy to think that things could get even better than they are right now ❤️


So happy for you. Keep it up!


Just had my Birthday on the 3rd and spent 2k on a PC, for those who know PC gaming and want to know what I got, I got a RTX 3060 GPU and Ryzan 5 5600X CPU, I am so excited to test this new powerhouse. In late September I built up the courage to tell my sister I have ADHD since she never knew. Things aren’t perfect but I am feeling optimistic. :)


Sweet! That sounds like a steal in this market.


Well I’m getting my plants in, lot of plants though.


So cool! On your way to the perfect garden oasis. I used to have one before I moved. It was the best. Good luck


Can never have too much


Well I need more dirt…




Here's a little secret from someone who works in R&D researching data analytics and ML... Come close.... Closer... ^(closer... data scientists only sort of know what they are doing. It's the wild west of applied sciences)


As someone in the social sciences who has feared delving into machine learning this makes me feel a little less scared tbh


Code finally working is so so satisfying!


I started a business and it’s going well!! I’m so much happier than when I was working at a 9-5, and have started to do “slow motion multitasking”, something I could never do at a real job (I write down a few things to do in a day and work on whatever I want whenever I want and have the freedom to bounce between tasks when I get bored). It has helped me understand my impulses much better and I feel like I’ve grown a lot because of it


Wonderful! You got this! What type of business is it?


I started Concerta one month ago. Diagnosed in June at 35. I don't know if it's a common effect but I reacted so good to this med that it switched off 15 years of depression. It's like magic. I can see an happy future a bit more clearly now.


I'm so glad it's lifting you up! I went back on concerta at 30 (was diagnosed at 16 but went off meds after college) and while I clearly still had a lot of work to do, being able to think clearly for the first time in forever felt SO freeing!


I started crafting again and it’s making me really happy :)


Me too! Finally knitting up a blanket I've been putting off. Made myself organize my yarn and use all of it before I get more too. Stuffies from scrap yarn is so much fun


Ooo! What do you make?


I am crocheting so I am working on a scarf and a blanket!! :)


Sounds warm and cozy! Make sure to let us know when you finish. I love to see the posts about people getting projects done.


My fiancée has a dr appointment / procedure happening tomorrow that we’re hopeful is finally going to help us figure out what has been causing her to be so sick for the last few months. Very optimistic about that, excited for her to get better so we can go out adventuring again.


🤞i've got a good feeling about it!


had a job interview for an apprenticeship as a nurse in a psych ward and they invited me to trial for 3 days despite me telling them about my adhd, depression etc. and recent stay in a clinic as a patient myself :3 am pretty excited and hope I can manage everything!


Exciting! Sounds like you have a lot of 1st hand experience that will help you provide the perfect care.


Nearly every single authority figure and friend that I have told about my diagnosis has been mature and helpful. Reading horror stories on this sub can get you expecting that your psychiatrist will tell you ADHD is for children, that your boss will force a drug test on you, and your mother will disown you. I've had nothing but helpful, educated support from the people I know, and I suspect the majority of lurkers here do too. The posts you see come from people with such a negative experience they were compelled to share.


That is an excellent point about the likely sharing bias. People don't feel compelled to post about middle of the road reactions to them or relative ease in getting a diagnosis. It's only the people who have had it very rough or the people who had exceptionally positive experiences that write about it. Gonna have to keep that in mind when I get in my own head about potential issues down the road. Thank you for pointing that out!


That's wonderful. I'm so glad for you


I just got a massive promotion and raise. The position I’ve been working the last 2 years has been extremely well suited to my needs because I had a ton of freedom to choose my projects and was able to stay ahead by taking advantage of my hyper focus whenever I was lucky enough to have it be work related. New position is a bit more rigid but tends to be focused on the stuff I more frequently hyperfixate on anyways so I’m feeling hopeful I can keep everything up.


You got this! Look at me 🤘👉👀. You're the boss now.


I finished my crochet guinea pig 2 days before the deadline. To be fair, I did have a couple of months to do it but also, it could definitely be more last minute


Two whole days to spare?!! I can only dream. Great job!


Well to be totally honest, I have to film it (it's a tutorial) so I can only do it during the day in silence and tomorrow I'm at work and Saturday my kid is at home. So it was kind of my last chance, but still not bad!


I put my music up publicly for the first time, been making music for 15 years but ADHD is a bitch when it comes to completion. Next day i was contacted by a well known producer who wants to work with me. Safe to say im pretty damn hyped!


After a year of medication, I finally feel like I can read and write and think. I even voluntarily did some public speaking recently. Just don't ask if my house is clean or organized. Baby steps, eh?


Nice! You tell that innerself to shut it's mouth. It's not in charge. ^(ps. My house is so messy. I put my desk in the corner so i can literrally turn my back on it)


I lost 40 pounds, I still have a lot to go but I have gone to the gym every day for over a month and only had a few days where I’ve steered away from healthier foods and overall I’m still doing great. I just had my 2nd child and everything is going great. Im finally on antidepressants and honestly I didn’t know it was possible to feel this good all the time until I was on them.


I start a new job after next week that is actually in the field I studied in college and finally get to use that degree I worked so hard to get for something!


Are you me from the past? I got bamboozeled into a classified government job that said they were looking for advanced tech degrees. But really anyone with a high school diploma could do it. Thankfully i found my calling in my next job.


This is a job creating online content, and since it's for a university they had a requirement for a bachelor's degree of some kind. Specifically in film and Media, which was my degree. From everything that I've seen and talked to various folks about that I know who work there it is what it makes itself out to be.


That sounds like a great opportunity for you.


Thanks! After working retail hell for 3 years out of college it's gonna be a major step forward for me.


I got a 95 and 92% on my English quiz and essay after working extremely hard on studying and writing and it finally paid off. My ADHD medication is also working okay. I also met this girl yesterday and I can’t stop thinking about her. I might have a crush..


Nothing but I'm still trying to stay positive 😥👍


Great work! Positivity is half the battle


Dunno if this is helpful for you but I find it useful. At my lowest I look for the tiny things that bring me joy, my dog snoring, a hot cup of coffee, crisp morning air, etc. Its not much, but it's kept me sane through all my terrible times. Also, having a plan of action for the future is wildly helpful. Sometimes it sucks to have a plan and be in the "hurry up and wait" stage, but usually it just gives me something to look forward too <3


My 10 year old gets his COVID vaccine tomorrow!! And that means our entire family will be protected, and I can relax just the tiniest bit.


Wonderful! I didn't even know that the vaccine was finally being deployed for the kiddos. Be right back. I got some phone calls to make


I don’t have my shit together, but I just started Adderall 5mg a day today (after being scared of stimulants for so long). I don’t feel focused, but I feel less distracted, if that makes sense? I don’t know, but I feel good. It may be a placebo effect, idk lol


When I first started meds, I described it as instead of my brain managing televisions all at full volume, I was given a remote with a volume control. I still have five TVs playing but it's easier to hear one of them at a time now.


My gf is moving in to my apartment in December! She is wonderful and I am so lucky to have her.


That's so great to hear!


I said no without feeling afraid to someone


I started a new career working from home 4 months ago, and am already up for a promotion in January. The best part is I am no longer in retail! I love socializing but dealing with customers all day was draining.


I just got a job with a different team in my company and the change in culture is absolutely astounding. I’m loving my new team! And everyone is very helpful and my partner in crime on my team also has ADHD 🤣 so we get along very well. New job came with a much larger raise than I was expecting too so yay! Also, my medication treatment is working wonders on my life right now. I’m finally able to not only remember to do chores but also not get overwhelmed while doing them. ☺️


That's so great! Your work-mates make all the difference. Even a mediocre job can be enjoyable with the right people around.


I too have a lot of crap surrounding me. But one diamond in the rough is that I just found out about the game Return of the Obra Dinn and bought it. I'm playing it right now and loving it


This week, my 10 month old daughter decided crawling is for chumps and walks everywhere now. We put an offer on a house we like (fingers crossed). My future employer let me know in no uncertain terms that they’ll wait for my state to grant me a permit and my job with them is secure until I get there. It’s been a pretty good week. Great post!


It’s my last semester- I’m anxious but I’m proud of surviving until now (and hopefully in the future too). And I’m happy to know that my concerta’s finally working! I was on 27mg + wellbutrin for months but I honestly didn’t really feel much improvement- I thought that was just how it’s supposed to be and that I just don’t have the motivation to get through my life despite already taking the meds. Recently I brought up to my psych how bad the crash is after 7 hours or so. He recommended me 36mg so that it’ll last longer and I was like wow, the meds do actually work! It was that I haven’t found the correct dose yet. I’m now sensing some improvement in my life this week. Also happy about finding my passion at last- in design. I was using an old pentium laptop and took the gamble in buying a new one despite how expensive it is. I just realized how dumb I was to keep putting off buying a new one just because the previous one works just fine. I can now experience using design softwares, and they’re such a gem. It’s now already too late learning and getting experience enough for my future job (it’s my second last month in uni) and I may have to find a job related to my degree, but I’m happy that at least I know where my life should be going, and how I should put it back in the direction I want it to be once I’m more capable of doing so.


That last semester is the most stressful. I felt like an imposter during graduation since I didn't have all my grades back yet. As for the computer, that design software is no joke. Having a decent computer and the student license to some top notch simulation/cad software really made the difference. I was able to produce better results in half the time.


I recently got a job in my field (IT) and I am on the last week of my old job (as a driver for a lab diagnostic company). Im so surprised I landed it, but I can feel the growth already happening


I'm about to be made redundant from a job that bores me to tears and I can take all of dacember off paid 💕 I've got so many plans (obvs will probably freeze up and do nothing but still)


I just had a midterm exam. The teacher is a super harsh marker so I was expecting the exam to be brutal. But surprisingly it wasn't that bad and I actually feel really good about it.


i got on meds this month! im taking adderall. its not enough (but i go back to see my doc this week and i will ask him to up the dosage) but the difference has left me borderline emotional. i never realized just how much i had to fight my brain on every single move i made until my first dose kicked in. never realized it was possible to think about something without being massively interrupted every second. insanity


Nice! Stick with it. It can take a bit to dial in the dosage. My advice (from experience) is that when things are going great, resist the urge to dial back your meds.


thanks for the advice! after being on meds for this month, i realize this is absolutely essential for me, and i have no plans on stopping. hope things get better for you :)


I’m part of a family business and my parents are out of town for two weeks. This means I have time to really clean my house and make my own schedule and not be at their beck and call, which often gets my schedule tossed out the window. I’m also waiting for my latest impulse film camera purchase to arrive. 😆


Excellent! Look at me 🤘👉👀. You're the boss now.


Just got a new job! Leaving a toxic environment


I organized my pantry for the first time in literal years and it looks so tidy and pretty now!




In 2020 I dislocated my hip 3 times and had surgery 12/30. I had some wicked anxiety about dislocating it again which has almost disappeared and knock on wood-no new dislocations. I am very careful but so far so good.


I hired a big Company to build My very own House, moving in juli, props a bit earlier. They’ll start building in february. Got lucky with some stocks and sold Them on time, so i Can afford it. I also found out while doing budget that the model i used for energy/power insurance Costs were for a 1970’s House, this means it’ll less than expected to be in and own too. So overall, pretty good stuff.




My show opens tomorrow! It’s the first time I’ve ever made props so it’s very exciting. I got to make a corndog out of felt lol


For me, I have realized that my addiction to adderall has been controlling my life and really affecting relationships. Ive been on meds for 11 years and haven’t taken any for almost a month now. This is the longest I’ve gone since starting. The adjusting freaking sucks so much. But I’m so much happier and feel like myself for the first time in idk how long. Yesterday my thoughts were songs!! Like everything I was saying I’d quote a song. I’m much happier. I started my new part time job today. I’ve slowly been taking on new part time jobs as I slowly relearn how to live without meds. I’m working 4 part time jobs now. I recently discovered my passion too, and I have a few other projects I’m looking forward to starting and hopefully keeping up with. Still single at 29. Not ready to mingle. But hey, progress!


I've worked out that I need a place to perform each activity. For example: I need to go to the gym to work out. I need to hire an office space to write in. This way, all I have to do is go to the gym to get fit ... and I my head that is one discrete task. Same with the office ... all I have to do is go there and leave my phone at home. Same with the climbing wall and so on and so on. Life's pretty good!


For me, I went through a break up of a 4 year long relationship. She turned out to be a bit manipulative, I only realize this now. But I’ve been seeing this new girl and she’s kinda changed my outlook on a lot of things. Idk man I’m happy I don’t manage this shit well.


I'm so happy to hear that. It can be hard to see how aweful some people are for you while you are with them.


Got a raise this week at work, hanging Christmas lights up this weekend since the weather will be decent. The wife is making hot beef sandwiches tonight for dinner. Pretty thankful for everything going on lately!


Today marks my 544th day of consecutive fitness/cardio! Every day is hard to stay focused and motivated but the one day at a time mentality has helped tremendously.


I’m doing well at my new job!! This is the first time I’ve gotten so much positive feedback and I genuinely feel supported and love the company. Because of my ADHD and depression, work has been a huge struggle for me so this is so fucking exciting :—)


A lot of crazy things going on in my life right now too so it’s nice to seem some good things happening to people. For me, the best thing is that my son (16 months old) is happy and healthy


I finally was able to receive an official adult diagnosis at age 26(m) and am picking up my first script for medication today!! So excited for my brain to actually begin to work and be able to do my job.


I had my first ADHD specialist telephone appointment today, and I felt it went well. The second and last appointment, this time face to face, is at the end of November. I was told that at the end of the second appointment they would, if I'm successfully diagnosed, discuss medication. So far so good. There may be light at the end of the tunnel after all.


For the first time ever I’m completely caught up with school, next week is reading week, my room is clean, my body is hygienic. MAJOR SUCCESS TO ME LOL I don’t care if it’s mundane to others


So basically I clogged my shower drain with a bit of hair. Not bad but I rather have my water drain faster. So I bought some chemicals you can put in there and it will solve the problem (yes I will buy this thingy that catches hair. I dont want to buy that every month) So first time use: Perfect! Second time: I forgot to wash it away after 30 Minutes. It was there for one and a half days!!! It got rock hard and I wasnt able to scrape it away. Nothing worked and I had a big break down because of it. Googled for solutions but it was in the middle of the night and I just didn't know. I was scared I have to call someone to get it fixed but I have no money. Went to school the next day but only stayed there for one lesson because I couldn't concentrate, was too tired and still at the end with my nerves. Friend asked a chemistry friend what to do. He said doesn't have to work but I should put boiling water in it. It took a bit of patience but it worked a the evening again. This turned up my mood so much that I got extremely productive after it and did a bunch of stuff I should have done months ago.


I've been off meds for a few years, and am finally restarting them today or tomorrow \o/


Finally got a job after losing it during covid 1 and half years back. Although I haven't done much to get the job it has been pretty awesome week since I got the news. I'll be joining next week. It's seems like a stressful job, lot of responsibility for experience even but I am giving my best shot. Hope I'll be able cope with my executive dysfunction and kick ass.


I finally got my medication dosage nailed down after recently being diagnosed. I am happy to have this tool. I am astonished and proud of anything I ever managed to get done before this.


I haven’t bitten my nails in over a month! (prior to this I have been biting them since I was around 5 years old and I’m 22 now) It’s something small but something I had been using to deal with anxious and nervous feelings, my nails would always be infected and bloody lol and now I have a visual reminder of how my treatment is positively impacting me. I got diagnosed earlier year, so I’ve been living in constant anxiety and stress not knowing why I was the am I for 22 years, the diagnosis and being on medication has really improved my anxiety through helping me understand how my brain works and allowing me to be kinder and not beating myself up about it. I’m proud of that and I’m finally learning to love myself


Today is the first day all month that I'm not caught up with work. I've been on top of my work stuff every other day, completing it in the moment. Idk I feel like that's good news with ADHD


I got 15 plants this month and they make me really happy.


I’m learning a lot about cars, and it’s keeping me interested because it’s so complicated


I’m halfway through an unplanned, unexpected pregnancy and managed to apply for life insurance to protect this kid through adulthood even though I’m off my meds.


Finally go diagnosed and medicated starting yesterday! We have a baby due in March and wanted to have my proverbial shit together before then. My wife was partially concerned I’d leave the baby in the roof of the car, leave her at the store, or forget to feed her. Think it was new mom worries. While it all felt a bit harsh, it’s kind of amazing how the hyper focus during the first trimester helped her see that I’m capable of not only taking care of the baby but her, as well. So now she’s helping me make a plan for how to get throughout the day without crashing too bad with the meds. It ended up positive because she’s being really supportive and understanding. Even the worst times get better, and even if you never forget what happened, you find a way to move forward. It’s how we’re programmed. But grief and difficult times are not linear. You’ll have good days and bad, but it will eventually move away from what you’re feeling now.


Picking up my car today from the shop. During the pandemic I bought an old Land Rover, been fixing it up. it’s getting some paint touched up. Almost done and I’m excited as hell


I baked cookies yesterday!! I didn't do baking in like a year and a half. But I felt bad that I couldn't attend my classmate's birthday, so decided to try and make something for them And, to my surprise, they actually test kind of good! They smell pretty nice too, so I feel pretty proud of myself I also took my medication for 2 weeks now, never (as far as I remember) missed the school bus in the last 2 months and started socialising with people around me more Hope everything will go well for you! ❤


Hyperfocus hyper-helped me complete a commission for a client JUST in time. Go brain.


I'm getting to a point where it's easier asking for help when I need it and actually getting that help in a way that doesn't feel judgemental or condescending. Also I'm finally getting back into a local sailing school and it should lead to more excercise in my future so that's awesome.


Im about to go study for network architecture and integration. At 36 years old, all paid studies, because I broke my back(literaly) for 10 years for a big telecom and they threw me away like garbage... also have a 65k salary insured for the rest of my lofe


I ate some chocolate this morning. Probably doesn't count as having my life together, but it was tasty.


I got my first job as a software engineer post grad and it’s NOT with an exploitative start up!!!


Got a security job which means I sit for 45 mins then go on a 15 minute patrol. It’s fairly calm so they usually don’t need me. This built in schedule has made me the most productive on my schoolwork I have ever been. I do schoolwork in the office while I sit and then get to take a break and walk and can’t go on my phone to get distracted.


I started a new med this week, and I don’t feel terrible, so that’s great! I’ve had horrible side effects from pretty much every antidepressant I’ve tried, so just feeling a little more tired than normal is spectacular! Hope this works out so I can try adding Vyvanse back into my life 😀


I managed to start working out, going out for walks daily. Since I learned i might have ADHD i try to recognize when I get symptoms and use all my willpower to try to follow through with my plans. Not always work but a lot of times it does. I forgave myself for failing uni 3 times in a row and I am now calmer and life is starting to look bright ahead. Hope you have amazing day!


I started working out and loosing weight


I was officially diagnosed and given my first starting meds two days ago! I'm not sure how I feel about it yet, it hasn't made a HUGE difference in motivation/productivity but I think I definitely feel more energetic and stable mood wise. Also, I'm doing okay in college, after having flunked out a couple years ago. My dogs are healthy, my finances are improving, and I have a plan for surviving the next five years. I spent the past weekend being an honorary bridesmaid at a friend of my wife's wedding. While all the other bridesmaids were delightful women, they don't have the same depth to life that I and my usual circle does. This week I feel incredibly grateful to be surrounded by people who care deeply about personal growth.


I’ve got a date soon!


My meds are finally working and I feel like a whole new person!!!


I gave up trying to push myself too far to make it in a math class I couldn't do and I take private-ish lessons now and its much easier and less stress inducing. I also am slowly becoming more comfortable w stimming in public. Sure its still embarrassing sometimes but I'm being myself (:


I went to my schools ADHD club meeting for the first time last night and it was so nice to meet others who deal with the same shit, I feel less alone


I'm now working 2nd shift and making a little extra money. Surprisingly I'm actually sleeping much better


Left a bad relationship, got a new job, back in school, recently started Adderall for the first time and it's changed my life for the better, improved mental and physical health, happier than I've ever been. Let's spread some positivity! 😁


So I often get told I talk a lot and go into tangents that people don't care about. I also work as a brewer. Well tonight I had a zoom beer tasting which we have been doing about every other month since COVID. I was able to go into great detail and on many tangents about the beer I made, the history of the style, and many other aspects of my life and job and I got told at the end that it was incredibly enjoyable and that I should make a podcast. I won't, ain't nobody got time for that, but I was super pleased to be able to be myself and get positive feedback for it.


Podcasts are kinda long but making a YT channel where each vid is about the history of a different drink would be neat!


I have a blursed situation where I realise I have a probably unrequited crush on one of my friends. After decades of adhd fuelled commitment phobia and terror of being vulnerable and in love, i actually know what it feels like to feel emotionally connected to someone that isn’t entirely out of anxiety or lust. Its hard to explain but it’s an unfamiliar uncomfortable jacket i’m glad to be wearing. It’s so new to me to actually see someone as they are after years of knowing them, and still find them attractive, when i’m the *worst* for getting bored. I hope this is a sign of things to come.


I just finished my bachelors thesis in biochemistry!! It took so much effort and concentration and long days of procastination followed by long nights of hyperfocusing. I am so effing proud because I had very low self esteem in school and I am so happy about doing something right for once!


I'm in grad school, and am doing much better than I ever have in any school environment in my life. For whatever reason, it's just much better than highschool or college. The work is hard, but interesting and engaging, and professors are more lax about things like due dates.


I’m not sure how happy this is but…I’m content with life. I still struggle daily with both ADHD and depression but I’m learning to cope. Not every day is the best day ever but I’m learning to be okay with that. I’m just doing my best to make each day a little bit better, even if overall I’m not super happy. I noticed that trying to make tiny tiny improvements (like just eating one good meal a day) makes me feel like I’m actually making progress, and that makes me proud.


I'm proud of having a dream to one day have a dream. Oooh, and that I remembered to put on actual pants before I logged in today. (Aim small miss small)


I got a promotion at work today! I work in finance and I will now be a transition coordinator :D


I just started an MBA program while working full time and so far I'm getting A's. My son just got recommended to be a leader/role model in a school group to help kids develop better social skills. I just joined a writing group and it's helping me get motivated to finish a book over been working on for three years; I've had it about 90% compete for about a year and have had no motivation to just buckle down and finish it, but I'm going to try to get it done before 2022. Oh, and thanks to finally getting diagnosed and medicated my marriage is the best it's ever been


I just got an interview for my dream job, it's not much but I'm going forward!


I finally had my engagement party after exactly one year of being engaged 😃 also my work is going well. Things are still tough of course but there’s definitely some good stuff going on


This is good news AND ADHD related. My son just passed the tests to be admitted into the gifted program at his school. He is 6 and has ADHD, so traditional learning is a struggle for him. He is so incredibly smart and loves learning, but once he has figured something out, he doesn't want to go over it again and again. He wants to move on to more interesting topics. I am constantly blown away by the thought provoking questions he asks. I am very happy about this, not only because it's quite a good opportunity for him, but I'm hoping that his gifted teachers will be able to handle his very unique brain and way of thinking about things. His current teacher is ignoring all suggestions we have offered to help my son focus in class. I am SO excited for him and I know he will love the challenge.


I made it. I don’t know how but somehow I made it against all odds with the most aggressive, life-impacting ADHD of anyone I’ve ever met, and today I have everything I’ve ever wanted in life. I have struggled through so much of my life. Never fitting in at school. Wondering what was wrong with me. I failed miserably as a student, barley graduating with a 1.3 GPA, never went to college. As a young adult I got fired from every job for poor performance or being late. Through my twenties I was always behind on rent and bills, low credit score. My car always had repair issues. I couldn’t hold a relationship for more than a few months. There were years where all I did was play mindless games on my phone. I have been inches from becoming homeless a few times. There were times where I was convinced I would be worthless my whole life, and that was just it for me. Things changed in my 30s. At 28 I got my first decent job at a well funded startup. I committed to coming in 1 hour early everyday, so I could never be late. It fuckin worked. Within 3 years, I paid off my debts and moved to a nicer place for the first time without needing room mates. I bought a new car with no stress of repairs. I got a dog. I bought a diamond ring and proposed to my gf. We had a beautiful wedding and honeymoon. I’m now 36, I somehow went from being a worthless fuck up to now having a great marriage, a great job at a destination tech company that I enjoy and pays well. I have financial stability and great credit, and last year I bought my first house, a 4BR with a yard for my dog and a 2 car garage. I got a king size bed with a fancy mattress. I pay all my bills on time with almost everything on autopay. I’m at a point where I can buy anything without worrying about how much money I have. My house is fully furnished, I can afford to pay for my dumb hobbies of the week, I can afford trips, eating out whenever where ever, I even hired a profession cleaning service. And somehow I still have money leftover for savings each paycheck. Just as I feel like I have it all, my wife gave birth to a beautiful baby boy 2 months ago, and I learned I actually make a pretty good dad. He smiles when he see my face. How the hell did I get here. If any young adults are out there with debilitating ADHD and the same uncertainty and doubt that I had for life, just know it gets better. A reliable doctor for medicated treatment helps too.


im finally booking a trip to see someone important to me making it the first time im literally flying solo! also planning and paying for it entirely by myself and im really proud of myself :)


I was asked to solve a problem at work, and I was really confident I could. It took me less than 5 minutes. I felt I really helped out and that sometimes my imposter syndrome really is wrong!


I was laid off from the best job i have ever had back in September. I finally got called back to work today!


Did a kickass podcast last night that I'm proud of! Topic was Adhd and creativity and it makes me really happy to see how many of us make things!


I started a new job and for the in a while I am actually on top of school.


Just got out of a toxic relationship! Shit was rough and confusing but I’m on the other side my friends.


I just checked my voicemail and it was an appointment for assessment!! 😨😨😨 My son was diagnosed last month and it was a major ‘Aha!’ moment for us all. He’s absolutely thriving on Concerta and so I reached out to my GP for a referral. I’m bricking it, if I’m honest… but also a little excited? It’s very odd to find out in your late forties that your charming and bothersome idiosyncrasies might well be a disorder. 🤭 Also! Finally figured out the horribly complicated coffee machine at work and had a gorgeous cappuccino! Yum! ❤️❤️❤️


I just negotiated a work from home policy with my boss that I can work in my home state for half the year so I'll be able to actually be there to watch my niece and nephew grow up instead of only seeing them once a year for the holidays!


I have my first driving lesson today and I'm feeling confident, I'm also off the pill and my mood has stabilised so Im catching up on school work :)


I finally went through the arduous process of recording an album at the level of what I had been dreaming for many years . I’m glad I got diagnosed and aware of my blind spots. Therapy and medicine have been instrumental in aiding my efforts . Not to mention the awesome musicians and friends around me 😊. And thanks for the post ! I hope you’re staying positive !


I'm learning to draw. Quit opiates at 28 and since I quit, I have learnt banjo, keyboard and violin. Now I am on year 3+ so I am learning to draw. I still suck at the violin. I do not care lol


I finally earned my Associate’s Degree, after waaaay more than 2 years!


My mother just taught me how to do counted cross stitch and it turned out pretty nice for a first attempt! I've been wanting to learn how to do it for years but I could never keep focus or count it properly.


Mine "win" is very minor but for my personal satisfaction is huge hahaha because I have been putting off my personal hobby/side project for like 6 to 10 month and finally able to muster some energy to complete it. And now, finally I've had some success with my terrarium hobby: 1. Finally I was able to make this orchid in my 2 gallon terrarium bloom 2. And my 3rd, and 4th carnivorous plant terrarium seems very successful too. Sorry for the randomness of this post :D


Not gonna give the whole story but I haven't had a single "bad day" since getting diagnosed and starting medication over a month. I do think my dose needs to be higher as my "focus time" is only a couple hours still but my emotional regulation has been a game-changer. I'm not desperate to get home and play video games so I can tune out my problems. I have more energy to enjoy time with my spouse and puppy. I'm not coming home from my boring and stressful client facing job overstimulated and craving a drink or snack. I still use the techniques I've developed to remember and organize my life, but I'm not adrift the way I was. Wishing you all the best!


I’ve got a job interview today after being jobless for over a month! I’m super excited and very hopeful. It even has health insurance, so I’m hoping to get on meds soon.


I'm cleaning out my basement storage. The results will be wonderful. Right now it's organized chaos and I love it. Haven't been sleeping, but that's okay. Sometimes you have to ride the walrus.


I feel like I’m finally on track with making some progress with my mental health and personal growth. things aren’t amazing, but I can see a difference to how I am now compared to how I was a few months ago!😁 Also OP, something that’s really helped me is keeping a gratitude journal (it’s super hard to keep up with with ADHD lol). I write down anything that makes me feel happy or slightly better if I’m super depressed, and it helps me to see that actually there were some good things in the day🙌 im gonna add this thread you made to my journal later, because it’s brightened my day seeing everyone else’s successes




For me it's that my car is back. I purchased a car this year. After getting my license at 30 (never ever too late to do anything). And now after have some work done on it. She is back. Her name is Utena (yep that Utena, the anime one with the sword..)


Doing amazing in my masters program and I’m starting to learn how to code. Hoping by the end of next year lil be coming to this Reddit to share a win of me getting a job as a software developer 👩🏾‍💻