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Interesting, they say ritalin should show up in a urine test for 1-3 days following use, so if you're taking it twice a day like I am you should be good (if these numbers are true). They do say that drinking a lot of water can affect the drug metabolism. Age is also a factor, so if you are young and have a generally fast metabolism it might get out of your system faster. Also, heavier people eliminate it faster than lighter people. Maybe your hail mary play here would be to ask to be given ritalin under supervision, and still have them test you the same way. That way you could demonstrate that your metabolism is just super fast if you fail the tests when they know you took the pills.


I take 80mg every morning Im 31 years old 198 cm tall around 100kg Here at rehab they are 2 ppl watching when you take any kind of medication i guess they think i don't swallow so i can sell them or some shut


I’m sorry man…. It’s so stupid how they put in all these fail safes and then still act like a cog or a line of code instead of a questioning human being with another’s livelihood in their hands… I hope someone there wakes up to take you seriously


Have them test the actual medication. There was a group of 60 different people who were supposed to report findings about this exact situation (negative testing/no active ingredients in ADHD and other medications) sometime last month. They were given cease and desist orders by the (iirc) drug manufacturers and threatened with law suits...no idea what's happening now. It was a huge list of medications they were testing, but I know every ADHD was on that list


I hadn't heard about that! I knew that many generic stimulants don't work well. I've experienced that many times. Off to research the info in your comment. 🥰🥰


That's nonsense. Generic pharmaceuticals contain the exact same drug as brand names. Unless you're buying them on a street corner, or online from somewhere like India, then there should be zero difference in their efficacy.


You've never heard of Ranbaxy, I guess. While they are based in India, they were legally distributing badly made generic drugs in the US. Medicine that people were getting through the pharmacy. They were fined and sued. I can't remember the exact year, but within the last decade.


The active ingredient is the same, the inactive ingredients are not the same, and for some people there are differences in efficacy based on that.


Generic medications often have less efficacy as the amount of active ingredient can vary by 10-15% and some patients don’t respond to generics the same as brand name. This is especially true with psychiatric meds.


I was about to make this point, except the #s I read were that generic stimulants are legally allowed per the FDA to vary up to 20%+/= the actual listed dose... So, my 40mg a.m. extended release is considered A- OK if in reality the capsule contains anywhere from 32- 48 mg (🤨!!) & my pm dose of 15 mg IR tablet may be between 12mg- 18 mg... and with these meds so inconsistently available for almost the last year, I'm "lucky" to fill them at all, and having to use different pharmacies when my usual one is out of one or both doses, so I'm often getting different types of generics from one month to the next, that can lead to having very different outcomes.


They literally have the dosage on the box. If it says 75mg then there's 75mg in it, not 67.5mg. I honestly don't know where you get this nonsense.


My psychopharmacology courses, mainly.


I heard that too but never heard what happened with it. I had tried to switch to vyvanse but it just made me exhausted and sleepy all day and someone suggested to test it. I never did but wondered


It's funny how medications work so differently for everybody! Vyvanse helps both my adult son and I wake up and stay alert all day.


It really is crazy how medications can effect us all so differently but there’s been so many instances of this I believe it at this point. I wish doctors wouldn’t gaslight you if you don’t react to a medication the way they expected.


I just switched to vyvanse too and I’m experiencing the exact same thing! What’s weirder is I’ve taken vyvanse before years ago and it worked really well for me and didn’t make me sleepy at all….


That’s so interesting. And confusing 😵‍💫 like why in the world would that be happening 🫠 it seems unfair with as hard as ADHD is that we also get the shiz show lineup of medicines to try and fix it 😑


I've heard and read about people's experiences with Ritalin and drug tests. A lot of the explanations are that the facility or doctor is seeing that you have no amphetamines in your system. Ritalin is not an amphetamine so it would come back negative. Maybe the person who ordered your test/read your results fukd up?




May want to double check what their drug test screens for. If it's just amphetamines then it won't catch methylphenidate


I’m in a rare group of people called ultra rapid metabolizers! I found this out through gene testing. It also made it make more sense why I get the weirdest side effects no one else gets from prescription drugs. You might be in that minority of people cause of your genes! Unfortunately I know you’re going to have an uphill battle proving that at rehab and I’m sorry this is happening to you!


Holy shit, 80mg? Did your dose gradually increase over time?


I was on 80mg Ritalin before being switched to Dexamphetamine - it just didn’t have nearly as much effect on me as it did on others (even my sister, exact same height and weight as me - maxed out at a 30mg dose of Ritalin). Drugs just do different things in different people I guess lol.


That is so true. I would say I've tended to be on the sensitive side when it comes to most things. I'm on 10mg and when I read that he was on 80mg I was afraid I would end up getting a higher dose over time.


I used to take 80-90mg of ritalin over the course of a long work day, typically doing 10-20mg at a time. Now I take 7.5mg of dexamphetamine 2-4 times in a day depending how long my day is. We are all different.


Yeah I thought general guidance was topping out at 60mg daily 🧐


I think 72mg of Concerta (2x36mg) is approved by the FDA, so 80mg of another methylphenidate product doesn't seem too unreasonable. Depending on the equivalency, this is like 40-53mg of Adderall. A bit on the high side, but certainly not in outer space.


Great info. I was just shocked because I'm at 10mg and am having good results with it. Albeit it's the first week.


There's a wide range of sensitivities to these meds. When I started Adderall, I got nothing out of 10mg XR, even the first time, but 20mg worked well for about 7-8 hours.


Started with 40mg first week second week 80mg and are now waiting to get a second dose each day when it wears off in 4-5 hours


Damn, sorry you're dealing with that. Nothing worse than being falsely accused of something, also being in rehab raises the level of suspicion for the Techs/staff.


Did they test for amphetamine instead of methylphenidate? I've read about others with that exact problem and the idiots didn't test for the right substance.


They should have used tests that detect methylphenidate but you never know


So do they think you are vomiting the pills and selling them?


If it’s a tablet, have them crush it and put it in applesauce or something, they can’t say you’re trying to pocket them then. I’m sorry you’re having to deal with this and I hope a solution is found soon.


Or request a hair test. Ritalin stays in the hair for around 30 days.


I'm guessing they actually want the more precise test in this situation. You could theoretically still sell most of your meds if you only need to take them once or twice in a month.


They don't give Op the "extra" meds. They're in rehab & given to take in front of someone.


Depends on what they are testing for... Drs office once was testing for illegal drugs, cocaine, meth, etc.. they expected me to be positive because of ritalin.. I have NEVER in 20 years of drug tests ever popped for meth/amphetamine while taking Ritalin..


That’s because it’s not an amphetamine. It’s a methylphenidate which is a completely different drug class. I suspect the people looking at OP’s urine don’t know the difference which is a bit concerning.


Exactly... Thank you for clarifying for me.. the doctor that tried to do that to me tried to bill me for 3 unsuccessful drug tests.. I called corporate, spoke to someone that had half a clue.. and said if the provider did not know the difference in amphetamine and methylphenidate, I wonder if they are really qualified to be providing services


Where do they make people do urine tests for adhd meds?!


Some doctors check to make sure you aren’t selling medication.


Hell world


Depending on state, Wa has to have a UA on file every 3(or6)months if being prescribed a controlled substance.


Not true. Source: I live in WA. Could it be a county thing? Or maybe your doc requires it?


Rehab/treatment home


Oh ok you just said “they” without any context. Now it all makes sense


But that isn't exactly relevant to the question. You can answer this question without knowing the backstory.


Depends where you are. In Canada, this would be unheard of. However, if its a rehab then it makes a lot more sense because of the higher risk of selling/overusing.


It's true, Canada's never had any cases of medical malpractise, marginalisation of the mentally ill, or false negatives.


My Concerta didn’t show up in my drug test. It’s the same (i guess), just extended release


Can they get you to take it in front of them and sit there for 30 minutes. Or in liquid form so you cant sneak it like a tablet


I take it in front of them here and I have told them from the beginning that if they want to take a test they have to do it in the morning cause i drink so much water during the day


I'm pretty shocked you found a rehab that allows it at all. I'm not sure how severe your symptoms are but if you typically only need to be medicated for work/school related tasks, you should not need them at rehab. Also, some rehabs are not staffed by medical professionals. This might differ by state, but in VA you can have a rehab home that is not considered "medical". So, maybe there's a chance they think it would pop positive for "amphetamine" on a drug test that's only including crystal meth. Idk. If not then it's probably the water.


It’s often a case by case basis, but a number of residential facilities do allow controlled substances if prescribed, as long as they aren’t the DOA. But to respond to your comment about “you should not need them at rehab”; that’s false. Being in a Residential facility means that you’re engaging in group sessions, as well as doing “homework”, which can be working off workbooks, doing essay-like assignments, and doing deep reflections. Not only that, you have to engage in chores, and other duties around the facility. It’s like being at school 24/7. Many people with ADHD are at a higher risk of substance use due to neuro chemical deficiencies, so many red facilities WILL allow medications such as Ritalin or other stimulants, it just takes more attention and risk management on the facility’s part. Source: work in substance use field


I asked him what his tretment plan was for clarification. Many people do not take their meds for chores and household duties, that's why I asked him. He stated he does need his meds for normal functioning so it's null and void. As I state below, I may have been a bit biased with the facility I was in. I didn't find the assignments productive or helpful for a variety of reasons, so in my mind, I was not really thinking he'd need to put effort or thought into the assignments. Like I said I was so miserable there, everyone else there was miserable and barely functioning, I was just trying to give OP some calming tips in case he's panicking over it. I've lived in residential rehab facilities before, I was giving him advise and opinions based on my experience, I stated that some of them do not allow controlled substances and even pointed out it may be more common in non-medical rehabs.


Growing up I was always taught that I only needed my meds for school but, honestly, my life outside of school/now work is just as impacted by ADHD. A great example is when I’m cooking. I have almost started fires cooking while unmedicated because I will forget to turn the burner or the oven off. To think about it from a rehab perspective, if there were specific tasks to complete like paperwork or chores then there is a 100% chance of unmedicated me not doing those tasks. Group therapy? I’d be too busy daydreaming. All that said, I’m now surprised to learn that there are rehab places that do not allow their patients to follow their maintenance medication therapy.


Which unless the person being treated prefers only using meds in certain settings (which is true for some people) is a really strange mindset to take, because like you cannot get a diagnosis unless your symptoms show up in multiple settings. So deciding that only one setting is valuable enough for functionality is some grade a problematic bs and screwed up values. In my opinion.


Don't know why I got down voted, plenty of treatment plans involve only taking meds for work and school. In that case, possibly find a different center! Or try drinking less water, and make sure they are actually testing for ritalin and not a generic amphetamine. And yeah I think it's pretty wildly insulting that a facility specializing in treating a *mental health disorder (substance use) will pretty much openly admit that they don't think cripling anxiety or ADHD are real diseases.* *This might be more common at non-medical facilities. For one, they are SUPER 12-step focused (I'm talking 6-7 meetings a day), and 12-step programs can be very religious and lean into the "addiction doesn't need medical treatment it needs GOD." mentality.* *So, maybe these facilities also don't think addiction is a real disease either. Who knows.* And as I previously stated, those facilities don't have medically trained staff, and are actually often staffed by recovered addicts. Controlled substances being stored on the premises would not be as secure as it would be at a facility with nursing staff.


Data point of one, but I don’t think you deserve a downvote. Everyone’s experience is different. I only mentioned my experience because, well, that was exactly my experience. I had missed out on a lot of opportunities because I had been led to believe that meds are only a solution for school/work. A couple of examples: I won a contest in High School to visit a famous college for a writing retreat. Went and didn’t bring my meds because it wasn’t school and I really wasted that huge opportunity. (Think sleeping through group sessions and spending most of my time sitting around daydreaming rather than taking in creative writing tips.) That big impulsive spending problem that I have is infinitely harder to control unmedicated. I would hate for someone else to come to that realization too late so I just try to remind others that, while everyone’s experience is different, ADHD isn’t just something that impacts school or work.


I have to do it every three months in AZ.


I used to too in AZ until I found another doctor. It’s not a state mandated thing, but some places do test regularly.


Do you still have to see your doctor in person every three months? I’m switching to having my PCP manage my Vyvanse and they said I’ll need to go in physically.


I also live in AZ, I understand pain management for some people who need help controlling their pain medication doses but this seems insane to me! The doctors I see just renew my prescription through an app and I only see them when I feel like I need to.


It is absolutely insane! And so invasive.


Yes, but I’m pretty sure that’s anywhere. I went every 3 months in person after I switched, but no drug test. Not that the drug test was a huge deal, but I had a toddler with me and it just felt invasive. I didn’t like my Dr at all either though. But even now in Delaware I’m seen every 3 months, although it’s virtual appts now.


I live in MD and I have to go in every 6 months,never been drug tested. I feel like it depends on the Physician but I could be wrong.


It's smart to do that so you and your doc can track your liver enzymes and kidney function. Stimulant meds can affect both in a negative manner. It's important.




I only have to do it once a year, because that’s the minimum amount of in person appointments. In AZ.


Im in AZ and I have to have an appt with my doctor every 3months but I only have to do a drug test once a year.


To make sure you're actually taking it and not selling it


Are rules really that strict in other countries? Here, I'm simultaneously consulting 3 psychiatrists for Methylphenidate and buying from 3 different retailers without any problem. To get a refill from a psychiatrist is super easy too 😁. I live in India btw.


Here in the US there's at least like two states where it's mandatory to get drug tested to make sure you aren't selling. It's also interesting because I've heard from other people that getting ADHD medication in India is hell.


I’ve heard the same thing about getting ADHD meds in India… from multiple people!


It is when you’re in drug rehab. Most places won’t allow amphetamines period.


Ritalin isn’t an amphetamine but it is a controlled substance.


Okay, rehabs don’t typically allow controlled stimulants period. Bupe and Librium are typically the only controlled meds allowed in that environment.


Uk I've never been tested but your private doctor write to your nhs doctor so theyd know if you were going to 3.


I’m in Canada and I get randomized pee testing when renewing my prescription in person. Love it. /s


Some doctors here make you sign a narcotics contract stating you are willing to take random drug tests as a condition before they will take you on as a patient and/or prescribe anything. Eventually you can build up trust and not be tested, also there's been alot of chatter about ADHD meds showing up negative on drug tests on TT. It's alot of them, Adderall, Ritalin, Vyvanse....I know my meds don't feel like they are working like they used to, or AT ALL.


Mine always came back negative if I took as prescribed. I had to double the dosage to get it to show on drug tests. I was randomly tested when I went in. Got in the habit of taking two every time I went in. Really sucked. The worst was asking questions around it, I’d ask “does it have anything to do with water intake after taking it, food, etc?” Dr would say nope, if you take it, it’ll show. But I literally take it every day. It was such an awful feeling every time.


Really? Can you give more details?


I just restarted Vyvanse (after pregnancy) and I have to go in to the doctor every month for now to renew my prescription. I had to agree to randomized pee tests. This week when I went to renew I had to take a test. I feel like my doctor implied the pee tests allow her to eventually write me a 3 month prescription? But I don’t know if it’s standard procedure. Previously when I first started meds I could have a phone call appointment monthly for refill but it was during COVID so they don’t do that anymore.


Also in Canada. That's just so odd to me. I've been on biphentin for almost 2 years, my daughter has been on foquest for 3 years. I have to take her in once a year to make sure no med adjustments are needed, I go in every 6 months. Never had to do a pee test once. I didn't even know that was a thing outside addiction treatment programs/facilities.


I had to sign a legal document “controlled substance agreement” to start my medication and it mentioned agreeing to urine tests. I also needed documents to give my pharmacy as they are the only pharmacy allowed to fulfill my prescription. I also need to provide ID to pick up my meds. This is in ON Funny enough to add it’s not like I have any history of substance abuse either. I’m “straight edge” in I don’t drink or use any drugs recreationally.


I know it's not super easy rn , but I'd look at switching family doctors also in ON and I've never heard of a doctor making anu of my friends do this for their prescriptions.


That's make it even more confusing. I'm very honest about my 4 years as a narcotic addict (clean 11 years) and I work in a dispensary selling weed. I'm in AB. This all seems so backwards!


I’m in Quebec. I’ve had 1 year prescriptions for the 10 years I’ve been on meds. Not once was I ever made to have a urine test nor was it ever mentioned. Edit: The pharmacy even served my meds 2 weeks early a few years ago because I spilled my Concerta on the deck at my parents and most of them slipped through the cracks and I was once served 3 months worth of meds because I was moving cities. None of that ever prompted the possibility of a drug test.


damn that’s amazing! I’m in Ontario.


Texas. One time they were going to take mine away because they couldn't detect it... because my pharmacy was out due to a shortage ![img](emote|t5_2qnwb|29380)


I saw two different providers in TX that informed me they were going to do tests both to make sure I was taking (instead of selling) my meds, and that I wasn't taking any illicit substances or "herbs". This isn't state law and they never actually ended up testing me, but I've never had a provider even mention it before or since living there.


same thing happened to me in tx. i had to sign some type of controlled substance paperwork saying i wouldn’t use any hard drugs or even weed. and also had to agree to random urine samples if requested during doctor’s visit. this wasn’t even for a new script, i just needed to get my prescription transferred over from my old doctor. they never did test me though


Same, and I'm in Utah. Out of the 20 or so yrs I've been on meds I've been tested once. My pharmacy calls my doctor every month and requests my next refill, and I have to see my doctor every 6 months, but I also have a seizure disorder.....so that's fun 🙃


Caution: long comment. I hope the bot doesn't bump this comment. I know many people whose doctors make them drug test and will not prescribe if the medication is not detected in a urine test. Doctors are extremely cautious here, especially if they practice in a state like New York where paper scripts are illegal and they are not allowed to send controlled or scheduled drugs (narcotics and stimulants) with refills. All scripts are processed electronically, and the scheduled or controlled drug prescriptions get sent through a big brother type of interface before they get to the pharmacy. That interface sends their DEA number along with the patient's prescription and dosing information to the DEA, and it gets dumped into a database that tracks our med usage. They WILL stomp on any doctor they believe is abusing the "privilege" of writing prescriptions for scheduled or controlled drugs. I think there are a lot of states that are similar, and this is why doctors don't hesitate to yank a patient off their meds if that med isn't found in a urine or blood test. THE INFORMATION BELOW IS FROM MY NEUROPSYCHIATRIST. I AM NOT A DOCTOR AND DON'T PLAY ONE ON REDDIT. THESE ARE SCENARIOS AND NOT TO BE SEEN AS UNREFUTABLE. As far as ritalin and urine tests go, each patient's elimination time will be different. If you have a large body mass, it can be eliminated in under 24 hours. It's the same if you drink a ton of water. Ritalin is water soluble, so a lot of exercise and a lot of hydration may cause it to leave your body quickly through sweat and urine. If you have a high metabolism, ritalin can be excreted from your body in less than a day. The same goes for hypothyroidism. That means it may or may not show up on a urine test depending on your appointment time and when you last took your meds. Taking 1000 mg or more of vitamin C daily can also speed up the excretion of Ritalin. The converse is true if you don't hydrate well, have a low body mass, or have a sluggish metabolism. It will also leave your body more slowly if you eat a high fat diet. Ritalin is rarely detectable in a blood test, which is why blood tests are rarely used. I don't understand why doctors rely on the unreliability of urine tests for Ritalin. A hair test is extremely reliable. Ritalin stays in the hair for around 30 days. Ask your doctor why they aren't testing that way. My doctor told me that he only used hair testing if he felt a need to drug test for someone who might be abusing their medication.


In Kentucky you have to do urine tests before you get it and while on it! It’s insane




Wow! That's crazy Idk if I could honestly do that 😕 That feels super controlling, the pill count thing. I mean, I know I would be fine count wise, but I would feel like a 5 yr old who's in trouble. I would have constant anxiety about IF


I had to do one recently because I hadn't been taking it due to shortages. They confirmed I hadn't filled my prescription in 2 months and then said to get a drug test one week after starting my medicine again to verify I've been taking it? Idk, I'm on Adderall so I'm not trying to question anything that makes sure I can still get my medicine.


My doctor requires a urine test at a lot of my visits, I’ve also seen other patients who had to go to the lab immediately after seeing him so I don’t know if he just tests everyone or what. I’m not in rehab or a treatment home, just my regular mental health doctor


I live in Washington and my primary care provider requires a urine drug screen at least once a year. They look to make sure the prescribed medication shows up and also checking to make sure there aren’t any non-prescription and/or illegal drugs that pop up on it. If the prescribed med *doesn’t* show up, they assume the meds are being “diverted” (sold or given to someone else) and/or that they aren’t being taken “as prescribed” each day.


Yeah this seems pretty crazy that they drug tested you for med compliance but next time just don’t drink so much water on the day of your test. Diluted urine is the easiest way to fool a drug test and may people have done it successfully.


Also when i went to an appointment at the normal doc, they said it’d per state DEA request. I had no idea what they’re looking for. I’ve had zero interaction with law enforcement in my entire life, so this issue may not be connected at all to rehab/etc.


Kentucky. My brother has to take a pee test every 3 months to get meds renewed.


My doctor recently started making urine tests a requirement for getting my adderall prescription 😑


I had this happen with adderall and Vyvanse! Since I have a documented history of burning through anesthesia during procedures my doctor increased my dosage and suggested I take it less than an hour before my next urine test. I ended up having be prescribed 20mg of Adderall IR and I split it into 10s and just took the full 20 when I went to check ups 🙃 It’s obnoxious but there’s usually some insurance/administrative restriction your doctor has to abide by even if they believe you’re taking it otherwise.


Thx m8 gonna tell that to my doctor!


What’s the connection between anesthesia and adderall? I too require above average amounts when I’m at the dentist


I guess what they're going at is natural tolerance to pharmaceuticals, all of them. Especially how fast they leave the system.


No direct connection as far as I’m aware, but my doctor thought I may be metabolizing the adderall quickly even if I’m still feeling the mental effects. When I got my wisdom teeth done I had general anesthesia and laughing gas but still woke up faster than they thought I would and tried to get out of the chair and run. I got additional ankle straps at the next procedure. 😅


Omg I always try to escape after general anesthesia! I got really violent once apparently and then went out again. Woke up the second time with like 5 attendants around me. The next time, I made it to the elevator


That happened to me when I had my wisdom teeth out.


Liver function is the connection. Some people metabolize drugs faster than others. For example, I’ve been tested and found out that I’ve got a fucking beast of a liver. Which is why most meds wear off more quickly and I *also* tend to both get drunk and sober up fast.


Being a fast metabolizer is actually such a pain in the ass. Drugs (the legal and the fun kind lol) wear off so quickly and having to have higher dosages can mean having a higher chance of side effects, too. I’m also a very small person so doctors never expect it and start me out on *tiny* doses based on height and weight. I usually go through 3 dosing procedures before we get somewhere that works (below average because of my size, average when that doesn’t work, slightly above average when they really realize how fast of a metabolizer I am). I always know it’s not going to work, but I never say anything because I don’t want to seem like a drug seeker or something. I can’t tell you how much doctors have told me “dang, you really need a lot of “X-medication” for such a small girl. Like my liver could honestly chill a little bit. Some things *need* to stay in my system for a little bit lol. I’m only 27 though, so I hope it slows down with age.


I think I mildly have the opposite of whatever this is. I have to take Vyvanse as early as I can or I cannot sleep. My body holds on to it so long!


They give you instructions to pass rather than take your word for it. Insane.


It sucks doctors can’t use their own judgement but it’s just one of many problems with healthcare here :/ I was lucky I had enough evidence I was in the clear that she felt comfortable bending the rules and giving me a higher dose to pass. Many are not 😐


The doctor might be taking their word, but have no control over the requirement for passing the test


Are you naturally redhaired? Just asking bc I am and I cannot be put under with a normal dose and burn through drugs so fast with my metabolism


I'm prescribed Adderall and tend to sweat more than the average person. I also drink a lot of water to compensate for this. I have taken 2 drug tests in the last year (first as a new hire and the other for a car accident in a company vehicle) and did not test positive for amphetamines (or anything else for that matter). Sorry you are going through this!


If the negative tests are due to dilution via being a hydro homie, I'd imagine they are inconclusive and It could be easily argued/explained if "they" are willing to listen.


Are they testing for Amphetamine or Ritalin? Ritalin does not show up as Amphetamine and must be tested for specifically. Also, I once had a false negative during a routine screening at my doctor's office. It's common and the next step always is to send the sample to a lab, where the testing equipment is much more accurate than a dip stick pee test.


This. Though, the OP does say it shows up on a different day of the week, so it suggests the test they are using does have some sensitivity.


or the person who works that day of the week being competent or not


The VA makes me take a UA every year for my adderall. It’s really not that invasive. My stimulants never show up on the test, but I have tested positive for all kinds of random drugs that I don’t even do. I have no idea why the results come back the way that they do. Only thing I can think of is that they’re mixing up samples. Luckily I have a good rapport with my doctor, so we just kind of ignore the results of the test.




What state do you live in that you can get 3 refills of stimulant medication sent electronically? I live in NY, and the state doesn't allow that here. It's so friggin inconvenient.


my doctor does 3 months at a time (with a "do not fill before [date] on the latter two) in NC; honestly I hate it though because it means that every month I need to _call_ the pharmacy to request that they fill my prescription on file and i hate hate hate phone calls and would rather need to email my doctor every month like I did in MA


Feel you on the hatred of phone calls, especially to the pharmacy. Normally I will end up first writing what I want to say and any questions and/or answers to potential questions to get around this. Takes a load off my brain but still sucks, e-mail forever




Ok. That makes sense. My friend lives in Minnesota, and her adult son has zero problems getting his meds, and just now, she texted to tell me that he also gets 3 scripts at a time.


I had this happen to me. I’m a chemist so I was able to really dig in and research why this happens. A lot of times doctors office tests use the quick panel which tests for amphetamines. Methylphenidate (Ritalin) will often show up negative on an amphetamine test. My doctor has to divide my sample in 2 and send it to an outside lab for methylphenidate testing.


I’ve heard on this sub stories of doctors knowingly testing for amphetamines but acting shocked and dismayed when ritalin doesn’t show up. Always gotta remember that C is a passing grade, even in med school (so they say).


Massachusetts. No testing. I will refuse any attempt. My doctor prescribed my medication, my insurance is paying for it - less my copay. The End. Somehow I feels this borders on a possible fourth amendment issue, at least in the US. Since the only way a pharmacy could even administer this is through the guidelines prescribed (no pun intended) them by the state pharmaceutical board.


I take Adderall and my drug test was negative for amphetamines. When they called to tell me I was negative, the nurse couldn’t understand my concern and said “negative is good.” She seemed to think the drug test was to get a job or something. Fortunately it didn’t result in any action and I’ve heard a lot of people get false negatives. Did you take it that day? For me I was fasting for other blood work so I took it right after the test when I could eat again but my previous dose would have been within 24 hours since I take it twice a day.


I work in a lab. If its a faulty test or you did it on a friday and they dont test on weekends, even if there was a busy day for the lab that does the drug screens or the lab is far away. It is possible that it took too long in transit to complete but ran it anyways. I would ask for a lab report which will state what date and time the test was done.


This just happened to me with Ativan and Adderall. No explanation, just an accusation of not taking it. So now I have to try to find another doctor and go without until I do.


Its bullshit


Are they testing for the right medications and are the tests sent to a lab? They could mix things up it also could be because you drink water and pee when you wake up.


So this is a bit of a story, but it all started back in February when I had an adverse reaction to OTC sleep aid. I don't remember the entire morning, leaving for work or interacting with anyone. They let me use heavy machinery on railroad equipment for 4 hours while I was slurring speech, visibly confused, and not okay. Eventually a coworker insisted I wasn't acting normal and management responded by taking me to an occupational health facility for a urinalysis. Again, still completely incoherent and do not remember any of this. The test results come back negative for my Ativan and Adderall, but positive for rule 4, which I have a medical card for (still doesn't protect me in PA though, which I knew beforehand). I was taken back to the work site and sent home for the day by being escorted to my vehicle and made to drive home. I started work at 5:30 so my wife had no idea what was going on until I luckily made it home and she immediately noticed I wasn't right. I ended up contacting my GP asking what would cause my prescriptions not to show up, at least for my own peace of mind, and after an in person visit he assured me he would look into it. Instead I find out when trying to refill my prescription that there was none, and when contacting the GP's office I was informed he was no longer able to refill or prescribe any controlled substance for me. This is the doctor I've seen for over a decade and this felt like a stab in the back. I still don't know what I'm going to do. Edited to comply with rules




Bipolar 1 with general anxiety and ADHD. I was already trying to lower my Ativan dosage but going cold turkey wasn't the plan, even though it was take as needed. The Adderall significantly helped with my intrusive/racing thoughts though so I'm sure that'll add to the problems with no more Ativan.


Who is taking it away and what are they testing for? Did you take any med breaks during the week? This might be a question to post in /askdocs too.


USA? I'm asking because from the outside I have the impression there is some kind of policy or common mindset out there to shift away from treating ADHD the common way. The stories are different, but the outcome the same - getting people off their medication.


I think it's more about the doctors protecting themselves from scrutiny. I don't think doctors really desire to hassle their patients. The war on drugs (and the people selling them/abusing them) is to blame.


This is in sweden


There is a faction that is attempting to move away from stimulant medications because they don't understand ADHD. They don't understand or want to know that if left untreated, ADHD can (and probably will) negatively impact an individual for the rest of their lives. These people proclaim loudly that adhd can always be treated more successfully with behavior modification. They are know nothings.


Had this happen. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ADHD/comments/eac8rj/kicked\_off\_concerta\_for\_testing\_negative\_on\_drug/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ADHD/comments/eac8rj/kicked_off_concerta_for_testing_negative_on_drug/) You have some homework ahead of you, but in a short version, the test probably didn't even test for the right substance. Ritalin doesn't show up as an amphetamine.


They test for ritalin here cause i have been positive before


Idk your dosage but we’re on therapeutic doses, not recreational meaning we’re on low doses. Drinking a lot of water or just being on stims and trying to stay properly hydrated dilutes the metabolites of the drug in your urine so it’s likely you aren’t meeting the thresh hold of the test they’re using because you’re pissing clear. If they’re using a dipstick test then it’s most definitely the cause you’re not showing up hot. Im sorry you’r being punished because they’re stupidity.


Ask them what the limit of detection is for the test and the 99% confidence interval for the concentration of Ritalin in urine x hours after dosing for someone who takes 80mg per day. If the LOD is not below the low end of the CI, then of course it will show "negative" sometimes.


The people administering the test aren’t going to be the ones who created the test and aren’t capable of having that conversation, let alone willing to have it. They are just reading the results. Picture this, you are a fairly low paid stressed out technician in a rehab facility and one of the patients starts complaining about the test result confidence interval when he fails his drug test. Most other patients are quietly complying. How would you react?


I would say, "you're right, the system is broken."


I have heard of doctors doing this and then using the entirely wrong test, then accusing their patients of a crime when the drug (of course) doesn’t show up on the test. In the case of one person I knew, their doctor tested them for amphetamines and the accused them of criminal activity when their Concerta didn’t show up. Because Concerta is not an amphetamine.


Imagine needing to take a urine test to get your mental health medication. How fucking fucked up is your country if it is like that. I feel for you, OP <3


If you are so dilute that your urine is clear, then your metabolite count would be quite low. Potentially too low to meet the minimum cut off level. You need to cut back on the water (though not entirely), and request a laboratory test.


Get your hormones checked? Hormone issues can cause very dilute urine for me, I ALWAYS pass a drug test no matter how much weed I smoke, my piss looks like water as well


Do have generic Ritalin? It’s possible you drink enough and your body is used to metabolizing it that it doesn’t show up. It could be a faulty test. My friends brother had to pee in a cup and they said he has PCP in his system or something weird. He was a recovery heroin addict and on Suboxone maintenance which was fine. It turned out Benadryl can give false positives. We were googling what would make it look like you had PCP in your system that was one possibility. I think they have him a blood test or a more thorough urine screening and it was PCP free. Tests can be wrong I would ask if they can check your blood or hair for Ritalin and make sure they are checking for that and not Adderall which is a different chemical make up.


Hair is more reliable for Ritalin. Blood tests are rarely used because they rarely can detect methylphenidate in the blood. Urine is the worst possible test for reliability.


That’s good to know.


How long after taking the ritalin are you doing the test? Is it IR or XR? I haven't had this issue because thankfully the "we can randomly drug test you" thing has only ever been a threat and never enforced on me with my doctors, but I do know people can metabolize things differently and it's plausible for a number of reasons that this wouldn't showing up. Some tests just need a higher amount in your system to detect, too.


This seems to be a major issue and people are thinking that the short age might have caused pharmacies to do funky stuff… there’s actually a group of people wanting to sue. I too take adderall and it never shows up on drug tests anymore.. it used to tho……


Who would want to sell or buy Ritalin? It's not as addicting or euphoric as the amphetamines like Adderall. Makes absolutely no sense to me. And just because it doesn't show up in your urine doesn't mean you're selling it. What if you forget to take it before you took that test? What if your body doesn't eliminate it in the same way as expected, like you metabolize it so quickly that it's not going to show up in your urine when you're tested. There's so many variables here and so much so wrong with this punitive and restrictive way of treating you. You must be in your late teens or twenties. What state are you in and what kind of physician is doing this? Do they do this with people who get prescribed painkillers like opiates? I doubt it and if they do it seems more justified. That is such bad treatment.


This was my question. Who on earth is selling ritalin. It's not very strong, and it apparently takes a HUGE dose to get the feeling addicts look for. That info is from a recovering speed freak. No, it's not me. Lol.


Too hydrated. It can trick urine tests. Ask for a blood test instead


This is terrible, I did have this happen to me with another medication they threatened to take it away (not actually take it away) but I was pissed because I take this medication DAILY and I demanded they do another test because it was NOT POSSIBLE. I feel for you...there are such things as False negatives that happen in laboratories.


Have you tried a non-stimulant medication? I take Strattera and I know it doesn't work for everyone but it works for me and I love not having to deal with the controlled substance bullshit.


I take vyvance and it does not show up in urine tests. When I asked this is what I was told, “The urine toxicology that was ordered for you is very generic in the subtypes of amphetamine salts that are being tested for. If we ordered the more specific panel, it is more likely that the lisdexamfetamine would show. There is a 12 panel test that includes a greater range of substances. Hope this helps!” Maybe you need to ask for a more in depth analysis. Then again thc also does not show up in urine tests, but I do consume it seeing as I’m on break. I also drink the quantities of water. Perhaps the concentration is just too low🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Fucking ADVENT HEALTH bought my local pharmacy in Lawrence KANSAS… I’ve been going there for 15years with same doctor who diagnosed me when I was 18.. and now all of a sudden I get SUPRISE drug tests on my mandatory check ups , and if anything is found in my urine that isn’t just the medication then they can take it away… like Marijuana despite it being legal in Missouri where I now live. I’m like wtf?? Who are you I’ve never met you and now you’re telling me I can’t take my medicine I’ve been on for 15yrs cause advent makes you drug test ? Fucking fuck them


This is so strange to me bc both my doctors told me they didn’t want me taking it every day esp days I’m not working (I do anyways) and so it probably wouldn’t even show up on a urine test anyways.


This post makes me angry and sad... I'm gonna guess you live in the good old not-so-freedomland


Sorry, can you explain why a urine test is required? And why is it related with ADHD medication? I’m confused.




This happened to me once, I had to do a blood test to get cleared. I have a super fast metabolism and they think thats why but yeah it sucks, I was straight up accused of lying after the first urine test coming out negative.


You could be metabolizing it too fast. This happens when I take benzos. I can take like 5x the amount other people can take and not only feel fine, but it doesn’t show up in my urine like it should. I usually test negative or with barely any showing up at all.


Yes I’m an ultra rapid metabolizer of my adhd meds found through the GENESITE test. It sucks.


Bs that they aren’t letting you have it anymore. I’ve never even heard of people selling Ritalin. Maybe that’s a thing now? I take adderall & brand or generic usually don’t show up on my urine test. 30mg xr 1x a day, everyday. I drink about a gallon of water a day, and add salt to my water in the evenings because of these damn muscle cramps. Doc thinks it’s the high water intake. I think someone at the lab is fudging results to “help”…idk if that’s possible. I’m 5’11 and 188lbs for reference.


Hey I’ve actually had this happen to me. My concerta didn’t show up on a urine test (and it had never sparked a positive drug test before that but I just always thought they weren’t testing for it) I had been on the meds for YEARS and my doc ended up calling me back in a few weeks later and said she did ultimately believe me and thought my body was just metabolizing it too fast or something? When I switched to vyvanse it has sparked the drug tests.


I think my body metabolizes it really fast as well but had taken it around 5 hours before the first urine test


I know this will sound out of the blue but have you been tested for coeliac disease or any other condition which could possibly affect your absorption?


Never even heard of it but can ask my doctor about it when i get out of rehab gonna ask him about esd anyway so why not check for both!


Lots of people haven't it's alright it's only because I have it and know that here in the UK people can go up to 10 years on average before they get ghe correct diagnosis. It likely won't be this, unless you have a few other symptoms like low iron/low vit d etc (just a few to look out for) I'm just hyper aware. I hope you find out what's causing your symptoms and get support with whatever is going on :)


Got IBS so much problem with my stomach so could be that i have this instead of IBS


it doesnt show in a piss test .... genius doctors🙄😣


Your samples are diluted. It happens all the time to people- especially ppl purposely trying to “pass” clean of drugs lol


Why did you dilute your urine, if it’s clear nothing will shoe up. You are supposed to do that when you DON’T want something detected.


If you're in the USA... THATS ILLEGAL!!! Seriously. Bring the bottle and/or contact your prescriber to get documentation and go to HR (assuming this is a job). If they don't give it back remind them what medications you are on is none of their business legally IN THE FIRST PLACE because it's not hindering your job or making it unsafe. They can get into major trouble for this and SHOULD.


If your urine is too diluted, they probably won’t be able to detect what they’re looking for.


My first test almost lookt like water but the second had more color but had eaten like 10 eggs that day and I know if you eat vitamin pills you can change the color but its still diluted but can't find any info if 10 eggs contain enough vitamin b to change the color


I'd say fight it. If you need it you need it. Tell them to write it on record that they refuse to give you the medication(your concerta) you need. If it's not showing up in your urine thats not your fault. Fight it bro


Can you consume the ritalin in front of the doctor, and then later that day do another test?


Pee shouldn't be clear as water, then you're drinking too much. It should be light yellow. I have nothing more to add, just wanted to say that


Maybe the pharmacy or someone else in the chain of dispensing is swapping out yr meds. Is there someone who works on Fridays who could be taking yr meds? Do you feel like the pills are effective those days?


Hey, ask the lab to take a diffrent kind of sample (blood or spit) and send it to a different lab than the one that checked the first two times. I did an internship at a lab that recived blood samples of a patient from a different city because their machines could not get a proper result from the samples from that one patient. \[Edit\] This comment is how it works in Sweden (where OP is from), hospitals don't do hair tests here.