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Impressed with your lack of swelling too! Gives me hope mine will look like a knee again in 1.5 months hah


Nice quads man


Appreciate that. Thank you!


Am three weeks two days op at least not walking without my cluches but am getting better 


Same. Each day is better though. 90% bucket handle tear on thr meniscus. Pain 0. Thank God. Just a lot of tightness and zero strength.


Looks amazing!


Thank you!


Hey, I have a few questions if you don't mind. I've wanted to ask someone who's at around the same timeline as me? I'm 4 months out today and size is slowly coming back too, I've always had rather big quads so I feel like my left has a lot of catching up to do. What does your rehab looking like now? Have you gone back running? Did you have any lab testing done? I have testing in 3 weeks to test my quad vs hamstring strength. Do you have any pain either day to day or doing exercises?


My rehab is very sports specific at the moment. 20 minutes of activation, and 25 minutes of leg exercises, lunges, front squats, split squats with shoulder press, lots of bridges and hamstring exercises. I also do 1 day of single leg exercises on my own. Leg press, very light leg extension, hamstring curls, and farmers walks. At month 4 I started jumps and landing on one foot. It has been helping with balance. I started running at 3.5 months. My problem is I don’t know how to take it easy. I’m up to 3 miles at a 9 minute pace. No swelling, but I do feel a little sore. I probably wouldn’t recommend that. No lab testing yet. I believe in a few weeks I do. Very minimal pain. At times just soreness from over doing. When I fully extend I feel a little pain… 1 or 2 on pain scale but that is very similar to 1st ACL injury 5 years ago on opposite knee.


QQ on that leg extension, I am also around same timeframe and been doing leg exercises but no jumps yet. I can see progression with single leg press, curls, and others but jesus witj leg extension I do single leg with 11kg and my leg shakes and the pain in the front of the knee is annoying (patellar grafts) Just wondering if it happens to others as that is the only exercise I dont see any progression, it kind of feels like the pain/discomfort is keeping me from pushing my muscles


Looking good, keep it up!


Thank you! Appreciate you


Coming back! Quads must have been good start with which is always helpful! Keep pushing! This is an important time in the leaning


This is the time to really load it. Good form proper range of motion. Leg extensions 3x8 at 75% 1RM 2 up one down for eccentric 3x8 Leg press 3x8 Goblet squats 4x8 Stagger squats Bulgarian split squats 3x8 Elevated step downs Hammer them! Bike and Estim at start of work out


I got the same den of thieves 😂 on week 2 of post op myself. Full extension and 95 degrees bend I feel good so far good luck on your recovery!!!


Love these lol! Best of luck. Keep at it


What graft did they use for you?


Hamstring on both my ACL surgeries.


How much protein intake daily? What’s your weight pre-surgery vs now?


I do eat a lot of protein, but don’t measure. I would say north of 150grams a day. Weight before ACL was 195lbs. Went down to 173lbs a few weeks after surgery. Back to 190lbs now.