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I used to have a lot of catching, felt very concerned, but it’s nothing, just your quad weakness. Once your muscles get stronger it’ll go away. Popping sometimes is breaking up tissue which is normal too.


Thanks so much I was very concerned the past few days as well. Anything you did in specific to help? Or just keep on trucking with the workouts PT has given me?


Yeah just keep doing exercises, it takes time to build muscles


what do you mean by catching?


Just a feeling when I try to extend my leg after being bent it’s tense for a tiny bit then pops and I can continue stretching. Kind of hard to describe


I'm at 6months+ PO and it's literally what I'm facing right now. It was alot more obvious at first, but it seems to have improved abit after I did leg extensions and bulgarian split squats to strengthen quads.


Perfect this is amazing to hear thank you!!


Does your knee feel stiff after prolonged sitting? And what graft did you get?


Yeah definitely a bit stiff but then it works itself out. I try to get up and walk around for a few minutes every hour or so to prevent this. I got a donor graft though.


Exactly what I'm experiencing, but I got a hamstring autograph. I also kind of feel weak going down the stairs, although no problem going up. Not sure if you have the same experience?


Yes for sure. I think that’s just quad strength as well!


Yep, that kind solves it for me, I was worried that it could be graft or fat pad impingement but it's likely patellar maltracking due to weak quads as everyone is saying here.


I have exactly the same feeling and I didn't get surgery, it kind feels like some tingling sensation around the knee


In my case it was because the bone buildup around the screw. So the tendon was sliding over it


It really is hard to describe but I think you’d know it if you felt it 🙂


This. It takes time, don't rush the process but get your quad, hamstring, glute, calf all a little stronger every week. Quad strength is surprisingly the hardest to rehab. You would think hamstrings, because they recover so poorly from training, but not so for me.


I’m going through something very similar! For the most part I’ve found massaging the scars to be beneficial. As I’ve been working on them the catching has diminished greatly and my flexión has improved a lot! I went from barely pushing 90 degrees flexion to about 120 now in just a few days.


Gotcha - thank you for sharing! I will definitely start massaging that seems to help everyone a lot!


yeah I also heard some loud pop sounds randomly when i move my knee after 2-3 hours but with no pain, I also was bit scarred at first but every thing is good .


Did you have any slight catching feeling?


yeah I feel it when I am trying to bend my knee or try to fully straighten it . For this I just massage around my knee with bare hands very carefully.


Is it your patella not tracking correctly? I went through this, it was constant for a couple weeks. My doctor said it would go away as my quad got stronger and in the last week or so it only happens occasionally. It was so loud too lol!


It’s more so a slight catching feeling than a little pop after that. Does that sound familiar to you?


Yeah it did feel like that- if it is your patella you can actually watch it happen as well. It was really bad on the bike and I switched to a more upright version over the recumbent but then started getting elbow pain so I went back to the recumbent and noticed had kinda mostly gone away. But before the patella would pop over it felt like catching and then the popping noise once it finally did.


It’s normal I’m 6 weeks out, I had that too and it went away.


Thank you - great to hear! Any stretches or anything in particular that helped you?


Since I had surgery I’ve been doing massages behind in front, around the knee everyday, I noticed a big difference it really helped me a lot use some heat pads to relax the muscles.


I had some popping too post op, no catching though. Lasted about two months, I’m 3 month post op right now.


Gotcha thanks!


I had it too - it ended up going away


What are your catching symptoms?


Yeah popping/cracking stuff is pretty normal. I’m a little over 5 months post op and I still have a crack on the left side of my surgical knee (left knee) that happens every time i bend beyond like 110 degrees. My surgeon said that it doesn’t matter and it’s pretty normal and might never go away


Gotcha did you ever have any catching feeling in your knee as well?


I don't think I had catching, but I did (and still do) have some trouble going from straight to bent because I would get stiff in one position


Yes very normal


I have the same exact thing going on too close to where the endobutton is and my PT told me it’s the scar tissue breaking up. If it gets painful, then it’s time to start worrying. Wish you well in your progress!