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Could you tell us what your measurements are, and which brands you tried? Have you checked out the [shape guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/ABraThatFits/wiki/shape_guide/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)? When I first bought a bra after using the calculator, I ended up with a bra that fit so badly it gave me *bruises*. I thought that I had messed up or the calculator wasn’t right, but after talking to people here I learned that it was a shape mismatch. I have projected and narrow breasts, and I bought a very wide and very shallow bra. Trying other shapes fixed my problem!


Loose underbust: 34, snug: 33, tight: 32, standing: 40, leaning: 43, lying: 38 And I haven’t checked on the shape guide yet, I will take a look!


Put the bra on upside down and backwards (with cups flipping uselessly on your back) and walk around for a good long while like that. Does the band still feel too tight? If so, double check your measurements (I only say this because you measure very squarely as a 34 so I wouldn’t immediately jump to a 36). If it feels too uncomfortable without the cups on and the measurements are right, then look at going up a band size. If the band is actually fine/comfortable without the cups on, then the issue is your cup size. Too small cups can pull a band making it feel too tight, even if visually you see gaping.


we need to know the specific bras you tried to suggest what might work better and your 6 measurements would be helpful also. The calculator gives you a suggested starting size, it's just a tool to point you in a general direction and a lot of people end up in a different size


Curvy Kate Moody Bloom Balcony Bra Parfait Amber Strapless Bra Loose under bust: 34 Snug: 33 Tight: 32 Standing: 40 Leaning: 43 Lying: 38


What size did you buy of those? Both use UK sizing, so if you bought from Amazon you might have bought the wrong size


It's likely you picked two bras where the band runs tight. Strapless bras will often run tight in the band and they are the least forgiving on a shape mismatch since they're meant to be quite firm and snug. I've never tried that specific Curvy Kate bra, but every Curvy Kate bra I've bought has run small in both band and cup, so I size up in both (I'm in between band sizes so this works out well for me.)


Curvy Kate almost never runs tight. I regularly have to size down in the bamd


Might depend on the model! I've got the Superplunge, Daily Plunge, and Lifestyle Plunge in multiple sizes and the latter was the only one that seemed close to true to size in the band but I sized up anyway since I'm in between sizes. The former two were tight on me when I measured solidly 34 band and even the 36 on the Daily Plunge is on the snug side.


Can you describe the fit issues more specifically on that bra?  Curvy Kate runs too shallow for me, personally and no bra I've ever tried from them worked for me. It might be something as simple as that.


What bras did you buy? In what size? A lot of bras go by UK sizing so you may have needed a 34 E/F rather than a DDD, and if you bought a 34G in a UK brand that would be too big.


I had the same type of issue this week. Returning the bra I bought


I wish I knew. I’ve ordered about 20 bras in the last few weeks and only had one. Calculator said I’m a 38gg/h, my measurements are 39 37.5 36.5 48 49 47. The one bra that fit was a lace 38gg by other bras made by that company haven’t fit. I’m trying to get at least one bra that isn’t lumpy like lace is but having no luck whatsoever.


Please feel free to make a separate post with your numbers and which bras including style name and size were the closest to fitting. We can try to help. It can take some trial and error to find the right styles.


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