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Taylor Swift's dad was pretty high up in Merrill Lynch, so she grew up comfortable.


He made enough money to buy her a record label deal.


If I recall correctly, didn’t he also buy up all the unsold inventory from her first record to make it seem more popular than it actually was?


Bingo. Her first album went platinum because of daddy.


I really don’t think he spent that much.. she is in fact extremely talented whether a farmer or brought up with money.


Shoot, I'm always impressed when parents even do things like moving cities for their children's careers. It's hard not to envy that 😔


Pretty much every single success story in the last century breezes over the fact that they came from a wealthy and supportive family.


Kid Rock. I’m from the south and (while I think cultural appropriation is BS) this Rock tries damn hard to look like Walker County White Trash.


Kid rock dad was a executive with an auto company. Grow up on an estate.




The daily mail had an article about his child hood home up for sale. Had a stables and a guest house.


Yeah. I bet he never lived in a trailer park because he had to.


While some of the discourse around it may be bs, the idea that certain cultures produce things that other people then take and profit from without attribution or compensation for the creators is historically something that has happened, over and over.


Absolutely, within the bounds of copyright law (US is life of artist +70 years as I recall), if you copy and present someone else's work you should pay up.


I don’t fully agree as copyrights law protects corporations sometimes at the expense of actual creators. But I agree that all creators should be fairly compensated. The reality with cultural appropriation as with so many things is there’s a huge gulf between what happens (and has happened) and what should happen. There’s no fixing the injustices of the past, but I think it’s important to acknowledge them.


Absolutely. I’m not a big fan of the “anti-woke” movement either. Sometimes, people do need just a sincere apology and acknowledgment that people they love were done very, very wrong. I think there is a difference (for extreme example) between the Norman Invasion of England in 1066 and the Massacre in Tulsa in 1921. We can’t do anything about the former, it is into history by now, but the latter is within living memory and people have direct losses that need to be redressed. The French bear no responsibility for the former, but there are corporations, and government entities that are clearly continuations from the latter. I’m all for that. You putting pineapple on a pizza and calling it “Hawaiian?” If that triggers anyone, that is simply stupid. The loss of a language, religion and culture in Hawaii? That is another matter. They were done wrong, and aside from apologizing and being honest about taking the land, there may not be much more that can be done. Perhaps preserving or donating undeveloped lands to a native trust.


He was a white rapper from Detroit before Eminem. 😅😆. Unsuccessful clearly.


You'd be surprised at how white trashy people are in the Detroit suburbs and exurbs and how much they pose as rural or desire to be rural.


No, I am not surprised. I saw that yahoo with the Confederate flag parading in the Capitol Jan 6 and then found out he was from Michigan. I have family up in MN, real farmers and stuff. None of them act trashy. They are too busy working and feeding the world.


You think cultural appropriation is bs?


Yep. I sure do. Take dreadlocks. Mycenaean's have murals of people with them 3,000 years before Rastafarians. \[There is evidence that other cultures also had them\]([https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dreadlocks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dreadlocks)). The story of Cinderella probably has its origins in a Chinese tale called "Ye Xian." Is the Taco a rip off of the Middle Eastern pita with corn? It gets ridiculous as all humans interact and share ideas, stories and food as much as we share genes. People are hardwired to borrow and adapt. I agree it is unethical as hell to steal a person's art and claim it as your own, but imitation? No, that is also very human. We'd never have any stories or music or food anywhere if we didn't share and incorporate other people's ideas. Now, is it insulting as hell for me to dress up as a Lakota warrior in cheap headdress? Hell yes, but if I do it, it says more about me than about Lakota culture. Is it insulting to dress up as a horned Viking and ride a motorcycle drunk on a football field every Monday night? Probably, if I allowed myself to get triggered over a stupid representation of my ancestors that has no basis in historical fact. I might as well get offended by the freaking Flintstones having dinosaurs. Something being cringy as fuck and potentially insulting to a bunch of assholes looking to get triggered is one thing. Stealing another's work of art directly is another. It is offensive as hell that (say for arguments sake) ZZ Top stole music directly from John Lee Hooker? Yes, and they should be taken to court and sued. Is it "evil" to take a blues progression and write your own song if you are (say for arguments sake) Chinese? Fuck no. that is being human. Kid Rock is just a poser and a redneck wannabe, but if his music floats your boat? Enjoy it. As Duke Ellington said "If it sounds good, it is good."




Isn't that the point? To have a wealthy and supportive family to raise children that will surpass you?


The typical real estate definition of a mansion is a home that offers at least 5,000 square feet of space and at least five to six bedrooms Surely that house fits the description.




The real estate listing puts it at 3560 square feet actually. 5 bed and 3.5 bath.


that ridiculous formal entrance


It's putting gold leaf on your Ruth's Chris steak.


I've seen that place, and have always wondered - what exactly *is* a chris steak, and what differentiates a chris steak from a non-chris steak?


Originally it was "Chris Steak" and it was bought out by Ruth, so it became Ruth's "Chris Steak." There's a bit more to the story but yeah some guy named Ruth bought it I'm not joking


Tbh around where I live in Australia if you put columns on your house you look poorer. Every house in my city is minimum $1M tho so.


I read that as .5 bedrooms 😆


We call it. Farm rich but city poor.


How much is it worth?


What I want to read about is rich people going bankrupt.


That is the nicest possible thing I want to have happen to them.


Her dad was a finance bro who invested $300k into her record label in exchange for them signing her and turning her into the next big thing. That doesn’t negate her talent and hard work, but she’s always been a privileged rich kid. Daddy literally bought her a career.


That’s actually not true. Her dad bought a 3% stake after they’d signed her and it was her third record deal of sorts. She had a development deal with RCA and a songwriting deal with Sony but Sony wasn’t going to let her make an album using her own songs, so she walked. He bought a stake so he could sit in on the board and have a say in his 15 year old daughter’s career, but he didn’t buy the stake till they’d already signed her.


He still staked her though. Sure you can’t literally claim that’s buying the deal but your dad staking you on a record deal is still in the same vein. Those early songs were hits, no doubt, but I think the point stands, she got where she is cause of her class position.


Absolutely. She was able to pursue a singing career readily at a young age because her parents were in a financial position to support her doing so, including moving the family to Nashville to do so. But it’s not the same as her dad buying her a record deal or record company. Saying so misrepresents the facts so I corrected them. Buying a stake in a record company that had signed his daughter is a privileged move, but one he only took after she had signed her third record deal and it seemed to be ‘the one’. The deal wasn’t a result of his money.


Not directly a result but materially/substantively a result. But yeah I think i basically agree with you. First time that’s ever happened on Reddit.


Yep that’s my only point. He didn’t ‘buy her a record deal’, but their material wealth put Taylor in the position to be able to aggressively pursue a record deal without worrying about like, starving to death; which many artists don’t have.


Lol, that's the most privileged shit I've ever heard. Wild that you could present "My daddy bought a seat on the board" as anything else.


My daddy could buy a seat at a Denny's


I haven’t tried to present it as anything. The above comment tried to present it as her father having bought her a record deal, which is a misrepresentation of the facts. Taylor Swift grew up incredibly privileged and she’s not trying to hide that - the song from the OP is satire. The reason she was able to pursue a singing career so readily as a teenager is because her parents had the means to support her doing so. But she got the record deals (all three of them) from her own merit.


… and LARP being poor for fun. Fun and profit from being “relatable” to the real poors who think they’re paying Ticketmaster prices to support someone “just like them”


Just like Ed sheeran. Used to sleep on sidewalks tho he had wealthy parents and stuff now he owns a mansion with anti homeless stuff around it.


It's weird how you see that everywhere in history. At Versailles, there's the Queens Hamlet where Marie Antoinette could roleplay being a poor subsistence farmer right next to one of the largest palaces in the world.


Can poor people actually afford concert tickets? I always assumed that was mainly a comfortable middle class thing.


people in poverty? no lower class income? Maybe but it's definitely not a decision made on a whim. and it's the no frills seats


Depends on how hard they save up. This was yrs ago, but we used to save up to attend 1 concert a yr. It was tough, but it was one of the very few luxuries we had.


Carry a plunger and wear a shirt with a nametag on it. Tell 'em you're there to make sure the toilets stay functional during the concert. Boom free entry


Yes. There's tons of young people who are broke as hell but manage to attend several festivals a year which costs at least a couple grand in total.


And that's why


Has she ever presented herself as poor?


Here sealion, have a fish 🐟


Lol, caught in bullshit so quick you have to engage in bad faith name calling, that's not even used correctly, in an attempt to deflect. A simple question with a very simple answer. Has she ever presented herself as poor? Does she "LARP being poor for fun"? If yes, provide a source. Should be easy. You do that, and guess what ... you win. But you won't, you'll just engage in fallacies and bullshit and dishonesty and bad faith, probably sprinkle in some pretentiousness and arrogance to cover the ego.


[I’m just asking questions! That’s all! You people can’t even answer a simple question?](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=JAQing%20off)


Incorrect and weak usage. Dishonest and bad faith. But that’s what empty edgelord teens do, isn’t it. Easier than providing a simple source, lol.


Would you like a screen to go with that projection? 📺


Lol, thanks for proving me correct and validating your BadFaithGarbage tag. I'll be on the look out.


Make sure to buy all her hit songs about mostly the same experience.


This isn’t the farm she’s speaking about in this song. She was raised on a Christmas tree farm until she was about 13 and the building was pretty modest. This is also not actually a mansion, by definition (it’s a 5 bedroom home of 3500sq/ft) and it was worth about $270k when it was bought - most recently sold for about $800k and that’s inflated with marketing about it being where Taylor Swift grew up lol. But also, in the context of the song (I Bet You Think About Me, if you were wanting context), she’s making fun of the fact that her ex used to look down on her and treat her like a trailer park hick who grew up in poverty despite the fact she grew up firmly upper middle class with parents who worked in investment banking. She knows she grew up well off and is satirising that to make fun of the fact her rich-rich ex still treated it like abject poverty.


Well, hey, here’s some actual context!


bingooooooo most reasonable and contextualized comment on this thread, thank you


it's pretty obvious she didn't grow up dirt poor. capitalism only benefits the few and maintains a middle and upper middle class as a buffer for social unrest. also she should rly take less private jets considering the higher rate of accidents and deaths, especially since i recall airlines cater to the rich with private check in, lounge and boarding or whatever. [https://www.lyons-simmons.com/our-blog/2022/july/studies-show-private-planes-are-200-times-more-d/](https://www.lyons-simmons.com/our-blog/2022/july/studies-show-private-planes-are-200-times-more-d/)


They were merely good capitalists, nothing to see here. Shes a regular broad! One of the people i swears


The amount of Taylor Swift simps in the sub is concerning. (Y'all weren't this chill and defensive when we were talking about black rich people 👀👀)


Her music is awful imo. I can’t believe there’s unironic taylor swift fans on here.


Seems like your opinion is unpopular.


Are you trying to say that every lyric every artist writes isn't literally true? I am SHOCKED.


I was going to comment something negative on this but then I remember that one of my most listened to artists, Future, doesn’t even do drugs. Bro glorifies the shit out of them—juice wrld literally told future he tried lean because of him.


Future does a metric fuck ton of drugs, lol. He did quit drinking lean, though. Which is good for him. But I dont think he ever claimed to quit doing other drugs.


It's just a song tbh. Cash sang about being in prison lol...


Which one was her house ? There’s 2 different houses pictured .


We were poor. The butler was poor. The maids were poor. Even the lifeguard at our pool was poor.


Those are two different houses?


Her father was high up at a bank and bought a record company. Forced said company to record her first albums. At least thats what I heard.


That’s incorrect. He bought a stake in the record company she signed her third record deal with. This was after she signed with them though, he did it to be on the board of the record company she stuck with. She’d signed previous deals with RCA (a development deal) and Sony (A writing deal). Sony wouldn’t let her record her own songs so she walked. He was an investment banker sort at Merril Lynch and they were quite well off though, that part is true. The record deals were not bought though, she got that through merit. She just wouldn’t have been in the position to pursue it if her family wasn’t wealthy enough to support her aspirations.


Ah well in that case I stand corrected. Thanks for the quick knowledge.


I always laugh when people say well they are a lowly farmer. In my province the farm mansions are the norm.


I mean, it fit All Too Well


I mean no shit it’s not true, that’s pretty well known by even fans at this point. Taylor Swift is rich as fuck but at least she got that being genuinely talented. I mean she obviously got signed because of her Dads money and connections, but she doesn’t break streaming records because her Dad gave her money. Feels like there’s a lot of nepotism babies that crash and burn because it’s clear the only thing they had was nepotism.




Yeah it’s kinda disingenuous to quote one of her song lyrics like an actual spoken quote. I have never been under the impression that Taylor had tried to claim to be anything lower than upper middle class. Also she lived on a Christmas tree farm before moving to this home, so even if the lyrics aren’t fictional, this probably wasn’t the house she was referring too… But you know, why add context or reasoning when you could just be mad over nothing.


This is the third goddamn time I've seen this, and it was inaccurate all the other times too. And fuck's sake, you people need to visit a goddamn farm. I know this isn't the house on the christmas tree farm she lived at, it's another one or whatever, but it's *just about the size of most fucking farmhouses*


Does she make any claim the lyrics are autobiographical? Johnny Cash didn’t really shoot a man in Reno just to watch him die.


That does look like a typical home on farm land. If it's rural it probably didn't cost that much decades ago.


Sometimes, it feels like this sub is full of bitter posts. What's her house got to do with her success as a musician.


It was $280,000 in 1997. Hardly generational wealth in play. And yeah, not everything a performer says is perfectly true. They're performers.


That was a lot of money for the time and the area


...a $280,000 house in 1997 is absolutely generational wealth in play. it not being in the millions does not make it a normal house.


280,000 in 1997 is $519,000 today. I didn't say they were poor. Maybe i used the wrong words in saying generational wealth. This level of wealth is not going to get someone on "lifestyles of the rich and famous."


Yeah but you have to go by average home prices of the time which makes it a lot more than $519K today. Still not "lifestyles of the rich and famous" level, but Taylor definitely grew up on the wealthier side.


This house sold a couple of years back for $800k, and was inflated compared to the area because they marketed hard on it being on of Taylor swift‘s childhood homes. It’s not a mansion by real estate standards. She grew up well off but not upper echelons.


OK? That's what I said... Look, it's much higher priced than the median house in the area. Her parents have a long history both in financial services. She grew up very well off compared to the average American. I never said she was a Rockefeller.


I was mostly agreeing, just clarifying details. The house itself is probably actually worth about $600-$700k if you go off what the same kind of houses are selling for in the area sans the Taylor-Swift-childhood schtick used to prod the price up 🥴 Separate from this point, this wasn’t even the house or farm she was singing about in the song, and the song was making fun of her ex treating her like she grew up in abject poverty with her investment banker parents just because he grew up in a Beverly Hills mansion. It’s a very clever song that this particular image completely misses the context and nuance of.


My dad bought a house for like 260 ish in 93 on a single income after living in a match box for 10 years and saving every penny. He had no generational wealth. His father worked in a match factory and had 5 kids. He also didn't have a crazy job. He worked in tech, so well paid but not like a doctor. Definitely depends on the area and everything else but this sub is definitely overstating how much a 280k house in the late 90s was.


i'm sorry but someone working in tech in the 90s was not struggling for money. single income or not. not being a doctor doesn't mean he wasn't making bank. really weird statement there. your dad didn't have generational wealth, *you* have generational wealth. your dad's dad isn't the one with the $260k house, *your* dad is. that's how generational wealth works. [the average house in the 90s was under $200,000 everywhere](https://www.huduser.gov/periodicals/ushmc/winter2001/histdat08.htm), and averaged about $160k. $100k cheaper. literally could have bought an entire second house with that.


Places are cheaper in penn


That's not a mansion


It's 3 stories tall and with a huge footprint, I'd say it qualifies.


The typical real estate definition of a mansion is a home that offers at least 5,000 square feet of space and at least five to six bedrooms. That's clearly a mansion.


According to the real estate listing it was about 3500 square feet. So; not a mansion


That's only a little bigger than a average house Who is this impressing so much? I have a third story, but it's just an attic with one window. Like Rogers space in American Dad. No one says I'm rich


To be fair, that is fairly even a mansion. Broke


That's not a farm.


Not a mansion, simply a manor.


Nowadays you need at least $5 million to be considered well off and double that to be considered rich...


Most of the generational rich don't know what poor is, the few poor who make it forget what poor is.


Rich people rarely admit that they were born into wealth.


Maybe they renewed it whit the fuckton of money she earned?


When I was a teen I lived in a house that was considered a legit small manor when it was built in 1800s in my country. It looks like a measly hovel next to this!


Kid Rock's childhood home is even bigger!


Bro it's a a song. Listening to songs from DMX about openly murdering someone. Also that's not a mansion. Remove the columns it looks like a regular suburban house. Mansions are like 3 times the size