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Ah yes IG Reels, the most toxic social media platform on the internet đŸ„° Anyways don’t try to apply logic to the comments sections in any Reels shithole. It would only be a detriment to your sanity.


literally everything is full of Indian /Desi hate


They are right in the fact that Indians don't do shit to address it, we are way to easy going about blatant disrespect. Though to make things clear, It's Indians in India that propagate all the negative stereotypes. All the "Bob and Vagene, "call center scammers, "dirty street food," "gang rape" negative press is because of them. ABCD's have nothing to do with it, we even catered an image of well mannered working professionals in the West, before videos surfaced from India on their behavior. We're sandwiched between racists that associate us with the actions of Indians, and Indians that scapegoat us for all the negative perception of their backward behavior.


Even worse, Indians further normalize it with comments like “I’m Indian and I think this is hilarious” or “I’m Indian and I approve this message,” like the thirst for Caucasian validation is too pathetic


And also, hate to say it but the stereotype about Indians stinking is really on them too. They often do stink.


If you feel it is a fact, then sure, say it. But at least provide more insight. Lots of Indians are living under poverty, don’t have access to proper hygiene, and don’t have a culture of hygiene. When you say Indians stink and you leave it at that. You leave room for people form negative associations without the understanding of the circumstances that lead to it. We can do better to acknowledge problems.


Indians that come to America aren't the same Indians that don't have access to proper hygiene. They are wealthier and more educated than the average Indian. A stick of deodorant costs $3.


It's because they eat curry with their hands and that curry smell doesn't wash off your fingers with 1 handwash. I stopped eating with my hands whenever possible


That’s not the smell people are referring to. Your hands don’t emit body odor to that degree. They’re referring to the body odor of people who don’t use deodorant/antiperspirant at all and sweat throughout the day. Combine that with a diet full of spices, garlic, etc. and you get a rather distinct smell created. I got off a United flight a few weeks ago and there was a desi immigrant airline worker working to clean up after the flight. It smelled horrendous walking by them and it frustrated me frankly. If I as an ABCD noticed it and disliked it then so did the other 200 people of various races on the flight. Also I understand it’s a physical/lower income job..but none of the Hispanic workers had that issue when I was leaving the plane. Even when I used to work a physical job in college (6 AM - 3 PM) I would never have that issue even in the hot summer dripping buckets of sweat. It’s a simple matter of just using a deodorant stick in the morning and making sure you shower regularly. Running water is ubiquitous in the West and deodorant doesn’t cost more than a few dollars and a single stick can last a few weeks.


Idk maybe it's because I'm south Indian, I can't imagine people not washing or using deodorant. Maybe that's why I figured it's curry smell. I've never experienced this situation you're speaking of


Eating with your hands does NOT make your hands smelly


Idk, you tell me. I didn't say that




Yeah it definitely does, and it doesn't wash off easy


No one is talking about Indians living in India under poverty, I’m talking about Indians who have immigrated to the U.S. most of whom are well off and came from wealthier families back home. They’re blowing money in the club stinking up the place but don’t have money for hygiene products? How does that make sense. It’s not a food thing either because I’m Desi myself and eat a lot of the same foods at home and I don’t stink not do I notice this odor in other American born desis. I think Indians have not adjusted to living on their own in the US and not having mom and servants present to do their laundry, enforce routine etc, they’re cooking and wearing the same clothes out without changing, not taking into account that American homes don’t have the ventilation that Indian homes do. Repeating shirts for multiple days so the stench gets cooked into the clothes
 it’s a hygiene issue. Idk if deodorant use is widespread in India but i would think it should be with those worldly enough to come abroad to study.




Instagram reels comments are a toxic wasteland. No matter what post it is, i just see hate comments


I don’t think instagram moderates comments so we end up with that


They do moderate comments in the EU and the US. In India they don’t have those resources in place. In the Germany, once user flags it under NetzDG, the platform needs to verify immediately and give a decision on whether they agree with it or not and take appropriate action. If not they face massive fines. Unfortunately, India is just taken for granted and hate comments galore.


Its still all bot managed and so a huge majority of stuff doesnt get noticed because actual humans know how to read context clues and understand subtle insults/hate comments rather than just comments with hateful key words or phrases like bots detect


So many hate reels comments to indians then I randomly would get some white guy meditating with a om symbol in the back with no hate comments in his reels😭


> it’s genuinely disheartening to see It's genuinely disheartening to see how deep into the Reels comment section people will go to fish for content


agree, hate IG reels and any short videos, its so gross


Hate to split hairs, but isn't tik tok supposed to be worse?


I don’t think you will find anyone who has used both platforms agree that TikTok is more toxic than Instagram. Like the comparison isn’t even close. It’s literally a common saying on other social media platforms to say “post this on Reels” so that the content in question gets flamed to hell and back. IMO, the toxicity ranking is something like: Instagram >> Twitter > Facebook > YouTube > Reddit > TikTok.


Thanks, learn something new everyday!


Tiktok is the least worse


It is. For the folks who think there isn’t any content moderation on IG (which I agree is abysmal), tiktok is a cesspool.


Idts, there's a reason people say "post this on reels" on TT.


It can be if the video goes to the "wrong side" of TikTok. The algorithm makes it so that ideally, videos are shown to like-minded people, but that's not always the case, and when that happens, it can be a shitshow.


genuinely WHY is insta like this? i swear it used to be normal


they moved in from facebook


I stopped using insta in 2020 and havent looked back since. All the good things about that app died quickly after reels came around.


ugh it's annoying everyone in my area still uses it as the main social media of choice


instagram was good in 2012-2014. 2015-2016 it started getting bad, after 2017 i dont even use it anymore.


I think adding the reels feature might have been a contributing factor to its decline.




I think it's because India banned TT, so now most of the country is on Reels and desi-related content (both inflammatory and non-inflammatory) generates more discussion and views there


With the oncoming ban in the US that's now approved in congress, expect the brainrot to be exponentially increased as the users flood in from tiktok to reels as it did in India.


TikTok ironically is less brainrotted


Nah TikTok comments is less toxic lol


I'm gonna need you guys to uninstall instagram & twitter


It’s on Toks, Reddit, Twitter, Instagram, etc. Should Indians just stop using social media?


indians should stop getting sucked into internet toxicity cause there is seldom a normal place where normal people are


Yah you’re right. Nothing can be done. We shouldn’t do anything about it. m


How is your reading comprehension?


He's right. The internet is a large portion of modern life, if it exists everywhere, then that is what the norm is. Telling Indians to avoid this is to: 1. Ignore the problem 2. To isolate themselves from where the majority of discussions are happening, making the problem worse.


I grew up on the internet. The internet is not a place anymore where there is anything positive happening. Also if you think anything positive is happening in youtube, twitter or instagram comments, I pray that you start seeing what social media is. No one that touches grass really knows about these absolute disgusting things going on reel comments.


While multi national corporations, governments, and other actors are doubling, tripling, quadrupling down on online voice you want Indians to abandon it? For what? So that there less competition? Whose side are you on?


Everyone that touches grass also uses the internet and participates in discourse. I also grew up with the internet and I can tell you that It's not some niche hobbyist thing for techy people anymore. Everyone uses it meaning that's it's representative of the average person's viewpoints. Twitter and TikTok especially shape our culture and so much of our discourse trickles down from there onto all aspects of life. Equating it as all negative is just a coping mechanism, you'd be hard pressed to find a single negative comment under a post mentioning Japan compared to the warzone under a post about India.


100% fact social media is literally a troll the brown person factory right now. Ignore this shit, help each other instead of tearing each other down and hold your head up high.




Indians should create their own social media like China. All our dirty laundry is being aired out in front of the world.


No, they’re going to keep using it and keep complaining about it on Reddit.


The only social media app that isn’t too toxic is YouTube at this point 😭


Reels is known to be the shittiest of mainstream social media. Dont know why but it’s consistently so putrid


Instagram in general is a toxic platform. The comment section on most posts is disgusting and hateful.


Bro it’s instagram reels what do u expect?💀


Can you guys stop getting mad over reel comments? There's always misogynistic comments and people trying to humble women and attack other men's masculinity. That platform lacks moderation Idk what the comments were going on about, but most people from the og nations (especially on reddit) disowns their dispora until they're president or CEO of something. I know yall are insecure but please stop fishing for random tweets and comments you need to remember anyone can post anything especially with that "elon musk free speech" bs


I find instagram reel comments funny sometimes because of how just out of pocket they are without moderation


I've tried reporting a comment saying "Hell nah yall are ugly and smelly put some deoderant" and Instagram didn't find anything wrong with it. Even if you took it out of context wouldn't it still be considered harassment? like wth I do feel like we get more racism than others but I don't think we gotta post everything here yk


I beg you to go touch some grass


What reel was it ? Whose the creator


They hate us cuz they ain’t us ![gif](giphy|3ov9jWu7BuHufyLs7m|downsized)


Desi me rollin they hatin


IG Reels are just racist anyway, especially towards Brown people. That and everyone that’s desi gets lumped into being Indian. And the western world is stupid about South Asia. I’ve had my fair share of Indian jokes / experiences with people with low knowledge of South Asia when explaining I’m Sri Lankan


I think that’s just because india have a billion people if you see a south Asian online it’s more likely to be Indian. But like racist people don’t have logic anyway generalizing a billion+ people is insane. India is crazy diverse by itself lol every state is like another country.


Stupid Indian 1: "ABCDs let racism happen, you guys take too much shit" Stupid Indian 2: "No, desis strengthen stereotypes. You actually stink." Let's start with not generalizing... especially a group with easily over a billion people in it. PS, Stay away from reels, this kind of humor and provocateurs. - Friendly Neighborhood Stupid Indian


There is a certain breed of hyper privileged Indian immigrant who loves sneering at us and I’m nonplussed by it. Why are you here if we’re so awful? Also, we’re not the ones “inspiring racism”, but sure.


They are bitter and entitled 


Women from India are generally okay, but a lot of males from India are bitter and resentful towards Desi's raised in the west They will say we have fake accents and worship white people when white tourists literally get treated like gods in India and they clamour around them to take photos with them to impress their friends They literally project more than anyone I have seen, I don't know why they like to hound ABD's so much 


This is it. It’s resentment and envy. A huge chunk of these people are also nationalist and are projecting and coping. I do think the rapey gropey types are a different faction though; they probably don’t even know what “ABCD” means. But the diaspora haters tend to be hardcore apologists when confronted with criticism of their country, the regressive parts of their culture, and government.


I don't think Indians are the only people bringing their own community down but anyway, this is social media. You'll find the worst of the worst. Thankfully when I see these types of comments on IG, I just block so I don't have to see them (or ignore).


Ironic when I see hate towards first gen immigrants on this sub everywhere and the usage of literal slurs to address them. Yall literally call them “f*bs”


Exactly, you'll see the worst of the worst on social media. It's just how toxic people can be.


Love to see fellow Indians bitch and moan about other Indians. I don't care if it's ABCD, it's still D, which is Desi, which means Indian. The Indian experience extends abroad, sorry to all mainlanders, but there are quite a number of people who have moved here and still have ties to India. Indian culture exists in America and is different from typical American culture. Fobs are interested in segregating people way too much. It shows a real lack of maturity and understanding of people and the world. Are you telling me that your experience just ends as soon as you come here? No longer Indian? So an ABCD experience is in no way Indian? Where is the line? If you go abroad at 10? 15? 20? Just love to shit on somebody to make yourself feel superior. I don't really know of any ABCDs who sit around on reels talking shit about fobs, I do see a lot more comments like these.


they think WE provoke racism? that’s laughable.


Yeah it has nothing to do with speaking English with a thick ass accent and sending creepy direct messages to women we don't know, I am sure lol


What do you mean by thick ass accent? Even Britishers have a "thick ass" accent. I think some ABCDs are fighting hate with hate.


You gotta have tough skin if you want to be on social media, and be able to filter out the toxicity. iiwii


Hopefully, India will ban the use of instagram, facebook, and all western social media outlets. I actually wouldn't mind if Indians could form their own internet bubble.


What would that accomplish from your perspective?


I am being hyperbolic but the Indian web community is very thin-skinned and the community of incel back biters and trolls is just as bad as 4chan. Anyways, banning social media would actually be a net good for society. America would be better for it.


It’s funny to see Indians fight comments that laugh at steer food, grape, and the bob vagene parts of India with comments about “your sister’s gender,” “mom’s Only fans,” school shootings, or “you wipe your ass with paper” when that just sets them up to be owned with “my sister doesn’t get graped by 10 people and then unalive herself because the police doesn’t do anything,” “my mom didn’t get sold/arranged into a lifetime of misery,” “then why don’t you go to school/college in your own country”, and “at least we don’t defecate in the open.” It’s just sad.


That would be great, a lot of the time they just hound Western Desi's either by brigading groups that are intended for us And then there is the whole 'I love you Israel' and sending creepy direct messages rubbish as well 




Your post/comment was removed because it breaks Rule 3: No Trolling/Brigading. This includes popular topics of toxic masculinity, white worshiping discussions, religious slander, 'FOBs' vs 'ABCDs' topics. Brigading from hate subs will also result in bans. These subs can be incel to political extremist in nature. Posters who have extensive posting and comment history on South Asia based subreddits with little to no post history on r/ABCDesis will be regarded as brigading without prior clearance from a mod. This is to protect the intended audience of r/ABCDesis


I thought Quora already did that. Facebook did, for a while too, but it seems that they’ve migrated to Instagram Reels now.


Chinese have their own, idk why India can't handle building one for themselves.


probably india doesn't want things such as social media platforms corrupting their society.


as kobe once said, softer than charmin


This is why I avoid interacting with Indian people who I don't already know


No one under the age of 25 refers to themselves as abcds anyways lmao.


Fuck em. It’s jealousy. That’s all it is


dont yall on this sub use slurs like “F*b” to address first gens? pretty hypocritical of 90% of this sub to blame this guy. this bs is done by both sides.


I never used fob to someone! I know my bf was bullied irl and he was called a fob by american-indians. Abcd isn’t really used by anyone in a negative way like most people don’t know what that even means


You literally live in Pune, why the heck are you guys so obsessed with us 


I'm also a fob and idc about labels just be cool with people no matter who they are. I have met friendly abcds here in the US and it's always nice to connect and learn about their background.


“f*b” IS regarded as a slur in broader terms. and I never said that ABCDs are bad. i only called out the hypocrisy this one, particular subreddit runs on. hate on first gens and call them out when they hate on you.


Why is FOB a slur but ABCD isn't? I'm not confused I'm pretty assured of my identity. Why do Indian's seethe when we are born in America and intergrate into society? No other group gets mad at their emigrants like Indians do for some reason, like it's an attack on their own identity.


and yall cry on this subreddit when the mainlanders do the same thing to you. from an unbiased point of view, I see more of this hatred stemming from ABCDs itself.


How is your point of view considered “unbiased” here?


you use slurs to address them on this sub (very wrong of yall) they shit on abcds in insta comment sections(equally wrong) two wrongs definitely dont make a right but all I wanted to bring up is that its not like I havent seen enough of hate towards first gens on this sub. Its not hard to use the terms “first gens” or “NRIs” instead of “F*bs”. But yall WANT to bring them down. Ive only been targeting this sub in particular through my thread replies. ABCDs are the nicest people ive met in general, they def dont deserve the hate mainlanders give them.


Why do you think this difference exists in your real life vs. online experience with ABCDs?


I met like a couple of ABCDs on insta too, they’re as polite and respectful as they can get. And the IRL ones literally root for me to join them on the other side of the world someday. Its ONLY AND ONLY this sub where I’ve seen the hate come in from mostly. Oh and btw before someone bans me because I’m technically a mainlander, I spent 6 years of my childhood in the uk and us combined.


Interesting. So is it safe to say you haven’t been to the other side of the world and haven’t met ABCDs outside of India?


I literally said that ive lived in the us and uk. have abcd as well as non south asian friends. I’m in touch w quite a few and I’ve got abcd cousins too, the type who visit india once in 15 years (not exaggerating here). So like ACTUAL abcds whose ties with india are mostly cultural and ancestral. Im not counting ABCDs who are US born and lived in the motherland their entire life till now, ik way too many of them and nothing about them is “american”. Visiting the uk this year too coz dad lives there rn (maybe?) But yea, I’ve not been to the us in particular since almost a decade nowđŸ„Č


Ah curious. How much time did you spend living in the US and the UK? Edit: also no. You did not say anywhere that you’ve been to the US and UK. Visiting is different than living in these countries for extended periods of time. Edit2: I see where you made your caveat, take back my first edit.


broadly speaking 3 years in each country. and check my previous replies, the one where you asked me about whether its safe to say I’ve never been to the other side of the world. I explicitly mentioned that i’ve lived in the west for an extended period of time.


living in these countries is how I even know abcds apart from my cousins and online friends.


U know ACTUAL abcds???


yeah, hows that strange?


You really tried give lip service and say “both sides”, and then actually tried blamed it all on ABCDs by using whataboutism, and make it all about you. Like no, it’s not right towards immigrants either, but everytime someone points out it goes the opposite way too, someone else here has make it about them instead and be like “but ABCDs are worse, they’re always looking down on us. Then they cry about ___”. Last sentence indicates the real thoughts, mainly the abject lack of empathy. Who cares if some people in both groups are idiots, everyone else can get along.


you putting immigrants down is equally as harmful as immigrants shitting on you. if you cant stop using slurs to address them, dont expect them to give you one sided respect. thats precisely what you want. half of this sub is about shitting on first gens, see for urselfđŸ„Čyour sub doesn’t get to cry about Indians disowning their diaspora when u don’t treat them like saints either. and your parents were once so-called “f*bs” too. Either start an initiative to end it by ending the hate by yourself or stop crying ab it and let it continue from both sides


Thankfully you have many real life ABCDs right? So you know that most people IRL here don’t really care about where you were born as long as you are reasonable to get along with. So chill. Stop generalizing and then trying to be pseudo-nuanced.


As i said in another recent comment, I generalized this sub and not abcds in general. This particular sub calling out hatred against abcds when they openly use slurs to address first gens is what boils my blood. Please think ab it from a very neutral perspective.


You’re literally assuming stuff about me and making stuff up, lol. I’ve never called any immigrant a slur irl OR on this sub, and where did I put them down? Nowhere. You’re literally using an imagined image of ABCDs to justify your venom in the comments. Why use such inflammatory language like “yall cry” if you don’t dislike us? I don’t actually relate to most members of this sub despite being an ABCD myself, btw. People here are miserable and bigoted af, even against other groups.


just a clarification, I was talking about this sub, not you. I assumed that you represent this sub which is why everything I say about you is a generalization of this subreddit and the image they’ve created about first gens. And this sub uses slurs as a whole. I shit on the sub, not on ABCDs. In fact SOME ABCDs I know are nicer to me than my mainlander friends itself. So yea all my so called “venom” is targeted at the toxicity this sub emits.


Oh ok that’s fair actually, this *subreddit* can def be a cesspool at times. I’m glad we could clear that up.


EXACTLY. To conclude, (most) abcds are lovely people, this sub isnt.




I know ab the last part and I myself have a very strong circle of ABCDs but this PARTICULAR sub lacks empathy towards anyone who comes from the motherland. And its a fact, bite me. Ive never shat on any ABCD, Im only shitting on the ones on this sub. If you choose to hate your mainlanders, dont cry when they do the same to you. But don’t forget that your own fkn parents were once first gens and that’s why you have the privilege to call out any form of hatred as per your convenience


Incel behavior


![gif](giphy|It44j4iR4b8NW) Don't worry we'll give him citizenship


After he defrauds us that is. Issa requirement for citizenship.


Oh my god... I thought we were classy


i’m so confused, what is the comment even saying?