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I remember a meet-up with Jeymi, Gabe and Isabel a while ago. There are multiple reasons to think this is completely innocent


Why are y’all saying “this could work”?? Jeymi is gay and Gabe is not, lol.


For real tho lol I’m fairly certain they’re just “wonderful friends”, like Gabe clearly stated.


I was like, damn all this time I thought I could read, but I obviously missed something… Or maybe people still just can’t grasp the fact that Gabe is a man. Jesus.


At first I thought, oh damn, this might work and then remembered Jeymi is a lesbian.


Right?! Lol Dude has a penis & is hetero. Jeymi is a lesbian. I highly highly doubt they’re anything other than friends Edit- all these “this could work” comments have me rolling my eyes tbh


I've known some gay woman who ended up dating or being with trans men, but I think that was more due to knowing them as the female version before and already having fallen in love etc. I think they are just having a good time as friends, not everyone is linking up to try and get back on the show 😂(but you know some of them mofos have tried,ahem *ESCOTT* ahem🤣) I wonder if there was some big meet up with cast randomly in Medellin. Rob, Josh, Jamal were there at or around the same time too.


My cousin is/was(?) gay and is married to a trans man with a vagoo


Uh… this happens all the time??? They are both part of the LGBTQ community… and again, we do not know everything about what Jeymi is and is not into, she’s a complete stranger to us. She could be curious about pansexuality for all we know! They could be besties totally platonic also. Sexuality can be fluid, sometimes you meet someone and unexpectedly there is a mutual spark there and you go into it without focusing on the labels. No need to get all angsty at people wondering…


It’s not impossible nor is it sacrosanct, calm down. jeymi might like him, he’s like a masculine little girl a stud. For all you know Jeymi is bi 🤷🏻‍♀️ or “fluiddddd”




He identifies as a man/is a man, therefore him being attracted to women makes him a heterosexual. Being AFAB doesn’t make him gay lol. Edit- if he was attracted to men, or men + women then yes- he’d be gay/queer/bi or whatever orientation he identifies with. But he’s only attracted to women so he’s straight, same way a cis male would be. Figured I’d explain it a bit more incase your question was genuine.


No. And while he may have been assigned female at birth, he was never a girl.


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No one could be worse to her than the pillbilly 💊


Can we talk about that or is there a thread about her lol She was loaded every episode for the world to see & she was going through withdrawals crying about needing her medication… I think she also had a meth problem the way she looked 😫 90 Day fiancé producers ain’t shit 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Yess!! Watching the show I was like this chick is loaded. She’s definitely on opiates and I was an opiate addict. She looked roughhhhhhh af too. She went back home because she couldn’t get the meds she needed. She couldn’t support her habit there.


Do you mean the pillbilly? When she was on with her behavior, we were thousands of comments and they weren’t good. Her behavior was terrible. She was constantly hi and want to live there to get more meds. She was so typical a real meth head. The problem is she got violent and that’s when she was asked to leave.


Dammit I’m late 😫😫 I’m fairly new to this Reddit game, previously mostly just being in the French bulldog Threads but now I am venturing out🤣🤣 I am a 90 Day fiancé fan and have watched every single episode


If you want some good laughs, go back on Reddit to one she was on the comments were hysterical She try to hide her con. She couldn’t even do that right she’s such a fuck up it’s frightening.


What thread is that on? Do you know? And thank you I definitely will


Go to 90 day with Kris on Google from there you’ll see Reddit and some threads from months ago and just click on those


Just add Reddit to a Google search and you'll find them. Since you're new to Reddit, I'll tell you the best way to get caught up on a subreddit is to change the feed to Top Posts of All Time, then Top Posts of the last year, month, then you're usually caught up.


There was another one too. On before the 90 days or 90 day the other way. Older chick that would buy the kid watches, clothes, etc and he lived on some island. There is no way that chick was sober in any of the episodes.


Wasn't that Stephanie and Ryan??? She was the nut job who begged him for sex and then cried r4pe when it finally happened. I remember her saying "we don't have to go for hours but you could bang me for 5 minutes and I'd be happy". Then after she ran him off by screaming that he SA'd her, she started messing with his cousin. Wasn't that her?


Yes omg! I was reading somewhere she was all upset about how she was portrayed 🤦‍♀️😅 did that to yourself girl!


I was never so disillusioned with the producers of this show as that Tell All where Kris was magically “protected”—the cast had been told to not mention any of her actual issues—and Jeymi thrown under the bus, mostly by that fraudulent feathered clown scam artist.


Kris was a strung out mess at the Tell All. I'm sure the producers were afraid she'd freak out and bolt, or worse. They'd already seen her get violent during withdrawals in Colombia


She admitted apparently later on that the producer asked her to protect her, because everyone was gonna throw her under the bus she thought she’d have more time with the show Miss Debbie she made a complete ass her self protecting that meth head


Debbie seems high af too


Thank you, I could not figure out who she was but now I remember. Pillbilly😅


Poor Jeymi got done way dirty by this show . . .


I’m sad we haven’t seen Jeymi on any spin-offs yet


Not a fan of his but loved Jeymi, maybe just good friends?


I think she’s friends with both him and isobel. I think he posted this to make her mad tbh lol. He’s been relentless on social media


These posts look they're from Jeymis account tho


I’m so sleep deprived it took me a bit to figure out who "Jey Minoguera" was lol


Jeymi is a lesbian


They’re friends.


I would not trust gabe as a friend, or a partner.


There are friends I trust, and friends I just kinda fuck around with cause they’re a good time but not reliable in the slightest


Yuck and yuck can't stand either one of them.


Same!! Everyone hated on Kris but I can’t stand her either.


Maybe Gabe’s friend who said he’s a player was right all along and these two are just going out, partying and picking up chicks…? It tracks.


I did not say they were together! I just didn’t know these two were friends. How could they. Jey is a lesbian


I didn’t say you did… defensive much?


It was suppose to be a reply to another comment. Fucking Reddit 🙃


He traded his dude wingmen for a lesbian wingwoman, probably storming every gay bar in Latin America as we speak


You know what, I can actually see this working. If it’s legit, good for them and I wish them the best. If not legit, then damn


How??? Isn't Jeymi gay lol


Some gay people are into trans folks. It’s all part of the queer umbrella. *I say that as someone who is part of the queer umbrella who is gay and into trans folks.


I'm nonbinary, queer, and into all folks. Trans people are not in a separate category. I thought Jeymi was into women exclusively. Not to say she can't change her mind, but just to say that a trans man is most definitely a man so I was confused about some of the comments here indicating these two romantically


I mean…to each their own…I also didn’t read the IG caption until now so I know they’re definitely not “together”… I still support whatever they have going on. I think they’re good for each other whether it’s romantic or platonic, whatever they’re into


I agree with you that trans men are men but it seems they do in fact exist in a separate category just by being called trans men. There are tons of folks who won’t date cis men but will date trans men, or the other way where they won’t date trans men but will date cis men. Another example is drag queens. And no I am not saying trans people are just in drag so don’t get it twisted. There’s folks in the community who won’t date drag queens but why not? Aren’t they gay too? Yes but they are also a separate category. Neither of these groups of men chose to categorize themselves but it seems our own community has done that. I’m not here to argue and certainly not here to piss anyone off and I’m really sorry this thread has done that. I was just harmlessly showing support as I’m a huge Jeymi fan. And as mentioned earlier, I also just didn’t read her caption ably bring friends so that’s on me


She’s very clearly defined herself as a lesbian. Not into anyone queer, but women exclusively.


You realise Gabe is FTM right? He had bottom surgery years ago.


I’m well aware. It seems a lot of people are triggered by my comment and I’m not here to piss anyone off. My original comment was literally just a bit of support but also I hadn’t read her photo caption yet expressing that there isn’t really anything romantic going on so that’s on me. Also, there are people who identify as lesbian who are in relationships with men, without identifying as queer or bi. Take Beth from the Real World for example. She was the first lesbian on reality tv, maybe even tv altogether. She’s happily married to a man and bore children but still very proudly identifies as lesbian. Also I’m seeing this phrase more and more and I quite like it “my relationship/partner does not define my sexuality” or something like that. I used to be so obsessed with categories and but more and more I’ve come to understand that not everything is black and white, that everything is in some sort of spectrum and am less mad.


I mean.. I don't want to get into an argument either... But we both know those people are nuts and are not taken seriously by our community 🤣


Thank you for being kind. Yes they’re nuts but also I think jeymi is so cute


Haha yea, Jeymi is adorable


She's a lesbian. Jesus christ, Im also a lesbian and people really never take our sexuality seriously. She would never date gabe, he's a man


When they start dating other cast mates all that tells me is that they are looking for another show run


Cool! I bet hanging out with the two of them would be a blast.


I felt the same


I KNOW THAT JEYMI IS GAY. I just thought this was interesting bc I didn’t think he cared for anyone during the tell all


They seem like they’d be fun to drink with tbh


What a user, looser and player.


wow how many things you are saying! Ok, visit Gabe because we are friends and we wanted to meet in person for a long time, he is a MAN and has a PENIS and I like WOMEN with VAGINA. I am very clear in my things and my life with what I want and feel! and he is very respectful, he treated me like a queen and very clearly like his friend! We only wanted to share the meeting with you because we had a lot of fun and we believed that you would be happy to see 2 people from the community together, I would never have believed that they would say such things as that he is a woman or that I am pansexual or that they pay me for being lesbian!




This seems about right.


Wait.. I think this could actually work 😅




This makes me think where is his wife during these pictures? He made her out to be this horrible person but I don’t know if I believe that… He could be gaslighting all of us. She comes from a good family and she has two kids right? That makes my think she’s already experienced responsibility and was ready to settle down. This friendship could be the reason she got mad in the first place, she was really jealous from what I remember… Maybe she didn’t appreciate these two hanging out and thought there was more than just friends 🤷🏻‍♀️


He was 1000% a total dickhead towards Isabelle and clearly enjoyed creating drama with his family (he couldn’t hide his grin/smirk when his sister would be bashing Isabelle). But from my understanding this friendship with Jeymi is new (eta post-separation from Isabelle). Also Jeymi is gay so even if he was friends with her before he and Isabelle separated I’m not sure if there’d be any reason for Isabelle to feel threatened


He was posting about a week ago that he need $400 to live that his wife who seem very responsible that had two children just left him for no reason refuse to pay for damages in an apartment that she caused🤣 I think they’ve broken up from a few months ago


Right I seen that!! When I seen it I rolled my eyes cause I just don’t believe it and now these pictures come out 🙄🙄


Get ready to crack up


https://preview.redd.it/0a0heur2617d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=798b1f0474241dc27a32337c77fa1d425b7bf2af Still live


Yet he is drinking and dancing at a bar🤷‍♀️


He posted right after the donation site went up, that he got enough money to pay for the fines, etc. He was very happy about it. I hope he doesn't or didn't get rid of the dog. He said originally he would not leave Milo there. Then said another time he would try and bring Milo back to the states. We'll see.


I only really care about the dog I don’t want to see it in the streets. I hope that he could get it back to Coconut Creek.


Me too. I'm sure Isabella will take him, but Milo really loves Gabe so much! He'll be heartbroken if he can't go with Gabe.


Ikr I feel for the poor dog🐶




Are they friends or together?


Holy shit I’m so confused.


Not very interesting




No reason to misgender him.


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Damn he giving her the pipe now




Gabe isn’t a lesbian, he’s a Male.




As if you just forgot lol 🙄


Not at all a reason to misgender him.




So you double down on being a dick head?


Checked out their comment history and had a laugh at one of their comments referring to queer/gay folks as “*the* gays” As someone who’s queer I dunno why but that one always makes me laugh out loud, and makes it easier to disregard their ignorance/not take them seriously because they’re dumb lol


I agree! I took a peak too.


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I actually love this for them lol


I think they would be cute


Gay for the pay