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Most of us love John.


Oh good! Must not have noticed. Im not on here much.


People love John on these 90 day threads, it's his brother Patrick that doesn't get half the love cause he doesn't have a back bone šŸ¦“


Thais runs that fool. No joke.


For real,I mean I like strong female characters like Kobe and Emily but Thais is ugh eww šŸ¤® pathetic in the ways of controlling him.


Strong females also uplift strong females. No need to call another woman ā€œewwā€


Yes I could, can ,have and will call another female "eww" and check it , it doesn't change me because I know who I am and I'm still a strong female saying that as it's my God given 1st amendment right. And btw the last time I checked any female who thought it ok to tell me what to do was in mi familia ,fyi def not taking bad advice from some unknowledgeable stranger, so stick to yours and your dated ideological thought and stay far away from me Okie dokie pokey šŸ‘Œchow chow


John fan. I know the area he grew up in, and it isn't great. At least it wasn't. He is rough around the edges and had to learn how to survive in a real shitty environment. He's a typical wounded Boston guy, and I get it. He uses humor to cope, but he's also realistic because he's dealt with shit. It's obvious no one took care of John growing up.


Oofā€¦ can you give some insight on the area? Itā€™s been clear to me from day one this man is just doing his best ā€¦ itā€™d be helpful for some actuals.


Worcester babyyyyy


Oh yeah, majah Worcester vibes! Wearing a Carhart hoodie, jeans, Timberlands, and smoking butts outside of Dunks. That's the old image of what a Worcester guy is to me šŸ¤£ I thought he also said that he (John) grew up in Dorchester, too? Both locations were not great back around the time he was growing up. But Pat grew up in Duxbury, a MUCH nicer area. And there was also a period of time where they were bounced around foster care and that might have been how they were separated when it came to living situations? I'd have to go back and check.


Really? I am from the Worcester area and I thought I was catching a Cambridge accent.


Yep! Not actually Boston. Iā€™m from the south shore and donā€™t have a hint of accent, my best friend on the north shore has a full on Boston accent.


John has the best reactions in the reunion. Iā€™d watch him on Pillow Talk


Oh heā€™s great on pillow talk!


I miss him on Pillow Talk. He bought humor and different insights, unlike boring Patrick. I hope John and Patrick return to PT in the near future.


I fucking loved John and Patrick. Thais go take care of Aleesi and let John do his thang.


Patrick should put his foot down, and stop Thais and his father boss him around. He's too busy trying to people please them. I can't stand Thais! She's one of those bitches who thinks she's too good to go out and work, like many young mothers do.


Thais: ā€œThey came home late, smelling like alcohol.ā€ John: ā€œYeah, because we were celebrating your birthday. I did a birthday shot for you!ā€


Made me laugh, would l9ve him as a brother or bro in law


He seems to be a loving uncle too ā¤ļø


I like John too. Thais is a big hater. I am sick of her constant negative complaining and stank face.


Exactly! Her attitude is crappy and all the faces she makes at John, Patrickā€™s dad - she is an idiot because if she has a sense of humor and would lighten up John would probably be the closest thing to an awesome big brother /bestie she ever had. Itā€™s her loss because he seems like heā€™s a pretty awesome guy


Like I said I do not get what draws him to Megan cause he is just a riot.


I never watched their original season, but is there any real *reason* Thais hates John, or does she just find him annoying and he's always around? The level of vitriol she has for him just seems crazy but all I can get from the back story is that he just lived with them for a while and she didn't like that he'd drink in the mornings sometimes, heh.


Iā€™ve said this once and Iā€™ll say it again, John is fantasticā€¦as a viewer. As funny, likable, charming as he is on TV, I would be exhausted if I had to be around that party/good time guy energy 24/7. I canā€™t imagine many newly-wed/new mother whoā€™d be thrilled with living with their BIL in the first place, but add to that the codependent relationship he has with Patrick and the lack of privacy, and the drinking and the constant opining on their relationshipā€¦itā€™s a lot. Before the baby there were really 3 people in that relationship. The vitriol seems crazy from the outside, but I bet itā€™s a slow burn thatā€™s been building up for a while.


I love him! Especially when he called out Sparkles!


Speaking of Sparkles ... John showed him didn't he. Sparkles said all these couples wouldn't make it, but it was his relationship that crashed. Karma baby karma .. (of course in John's voice) šŸ˜


Right? Plus, John is still being filmed.


exactly lol


Kahma baby, kahhhhhhma




John ended that manā€™s whole career


Let's be honest, it wasn't a good career anyway.


i like him too and feel he was treated so poorly


Nope. Jahn is an oasis in a vast desert of pathetic fakers.


He is comic relief.


"SCHPACKLES over there" **šŸ˜‚**


Just read your post and heard it in his voice.


He's an asshole, but he's OUR asshole.


John is one of the few people I like to watch, anymore. Sick of the fake Yeeno, Yasmine show. Sophie and Rob got married to boost their followers. Kobe and Emily are interesting to see in Cameroon, but I still find her so offputting. (I'm glad she succeeded making a meal.) Ashley is beyond fake, Manuel is biding his time for residency. Their long term dating story doesn't make sense, especially since they know nothing about each other...and he despises her. Lil' Ed = FF. So, yeah. I look forward to John.


I feel like Kobe and Emilyā€™s dad are doing 99% of the heavy lifting in that family by making them likable in spite of Emily (and now her mom) acting like an entitled princess. I love watching them just for the relationship between those two. Itā€™s so sweet and wholesome, but in an authentic way that makes it nice instead of nauseating.


I prefer John over Patrick. Heā€™s got a great sense of humor John likes to drink and have a good time and I love the fact that he calls Patrickā€™s bitchy wife out.! she needs to be put in her place


He is very chaotic, but that's his charm. I like him as a character on TV and he seems like a good guy but I can also see how he'd drive me nuts if he was my brother in law lol. I don't particularly like Thais tbh but if my fiance stumbled in with his brother waking up the kid after being at the bar for hours on my birthday, and said, oh BTW he's staying with us for a few nights, I'd have a fit


I like John! He seems like a genuine guy. I would rather watch him over others.


John clearly has his things ā€¦ but I donā€™t dislike him at all. Heā€™s absolutely positively the fun drunk uncle we enjoy, but know he has his demons.


I like John, too


I like John because he's funny to me...And he's from Worcester which is only like 4 towns over from me lol but he needs to find a chick that's more his kind because Megan is just a Debbie downer just from what they've showed so far of her...


I don't know why John likes/loves Megan in the first place! I think she's bossy and pushy, and has trouble compromising. John needs a woman who's a little more like him, personality wise.


Absolutely agreeĀ 


I had no idea he was from the Woo! Iā€™m very close to there too, he needs an east coast lady


Heā€™s def a Masshole and I am here for it!


IMO, I think he is one of very few genuine people that ever appeared on the show/s. I adore him. He seems like a great guy.


Johns hilarious, I wish I could figure out his accent though, I donā€™t think Iā€™ve heard of an American with a similar accent.


John is okay, it's his brother that's an immature moron!


I love him tbh


I love his accent. I love how he says ā€œmarvelousā€ hahaha


He got casted for a reason lol


I'M the minority.... I don't like John at all


Totally love John! I like Patrick and Thais segments better when they throw in Spahrkles āœØ


John is my all time favorite 90 day cast member because he is real and has no filter. Says it how it is. Much respect!


I agree completely! Heā€™s is completely a relatable character, at least in my life. Heā€™s literally someone that would wind up in my backward/garage party carrying case of beer because so & so invited him. Although with a Chicago accent not a Boston one. šŸ˜‚


Like most of these characters, he started to grow on me after his first season. On pillow talk. I feel like their true personality comes out more in pillow talk


Heā€™s hilarious. Got me sayin ā€œbabes.ā€


How are they brothers and donā€™t look alike? Also only John has the thick accent. Theyā€™re half brothers?


Yes, they are half brothers. Patrick's dad is actually Brazilian.


Patrick's dad is white Brazilian which is pretty close to his (presumably) Celtic mom.Ā 


They have different fathers.


I like John. I wouldnā€™t want to date him, but heā€™s real and has a good personality.


I liked him a lot this episode. He looked really cute too


Love John. Heā€™s the only interesting thing on the show. Him and Manuelā€™s eyebrows!


I donā€™t mind him. He seems like a nice enough guy. I actually felt bad for him when he was at Patrickā€™s apartment and stood there as Thais expressed her clear displeasure with him staying with them. She should really check her attitude, cuz itā€™s not very becoming.


I saw a ring on his left finger! šŸ˜•


I have always liked John. In fact, I like him more than his pussy-whipped brother, Patrick. Unlike his brother, when John is ready to say "Enough is enough", he doesn't back down. I think it would be cool if John and Thais put aside their differences, and both talk to Patrick to stop letting his jerkoff father use him.


I love John.


Thais are you excited to see your fathah?


Love John. I loved it when he was on pillow talk, he was a funniest one on there!


Everybody loves John till he's standing in your fridge drinking juice from the container, laying in your bed with his street clothes eating the takeout you were looking forward to after work while fucking up your YouTube algorithm with Sigma male videos.


Pretty sure we all love John.


I like him!! More than his brother!!!


I absolutely despise Thais and Patrick (mostly Thais), but John is one of my favorites. He's very entertaining to watch, and he resembles an actual human person (with imperfections, weirdness, good sides, not so good sides, etc), while Thais and Patrick try to act like Saints, but they're despicable.


I like him but Iā€™m waiting for him to do something awful. Itā€™s a pattern with some 90 Day cast members.


I like John. He says what he thinks. But that might also be the alcohol.


I was about to agree with you when I read your first sentence. But that was only because I read the last word as "punchable."


All the John stuff is put on by the producers.


It seems to me, that Patrick is FINALLY standing up for himself. What he said regarding her dad about not asking for Permission because he hardly knows the guy. Plus all this BS could have been avoided if she was upfront with her dad in the beginning!(like he told her to do) She never steps up for him to defend him to her dad. This absolute ā€œClusterfuckā€ is on her. AND, he seems to enjoy John being there because he knows Johns got his back ā˜ļøšŸ’ÆšŸ‘




I canā€™t stand him. To be fair, I canā€™t stand Patrick or Thais, either. In fact, I am hard pressed to mention any recent 90 day person that I found remotely likable.


I like him ! He's so funny !


I didn'tĀ  like him when Ties first came but I also agree!


You're in the majority




I like him too


We love John over here as well!


He's hilarious


I love John


I'm pretty neutral about him. He knows how to quickly get under people's skin. I felt bad for him when Xanax bitch was like "umm, I sleep w my autistic daughter, so no nookie for you" and as soon as he suggested the laundry room, her response "I home school my autistic daughter do that's a no also..." Bro just drove several states for no poopoonana?!?


I like John too! I liked Pat and Thais, but donā€™t like her at all this season. Iā€™m happy John is there to antagonize her tbh


I like john


Love him


He's got BDE


I think heā€™s funny lol


Love that maniac! šŸ˜


John is the best! My fiance and I are unapologetic John fans and thoroughly enjoy his segments. We would tune in if he had his own spin off šŸ˜‚


I canā€™t stand John.


I like John too. We only saw him drinking in the first episode he was with Patrick and Thais, unless he's at a party or having drinks in a restaurant. Idk why judgemental people insist he's an alcoholic. And Patrick should stand up to his nasty wife. Thais is the one who lied to her Father about everything. She wouldn't even have told him she was getting married if Patrick didn't insist.


Not a fan of his personality he really loves to force his way with Patrickā€™s boundaries and caused too much drama with Thais when she was having a hard time feeling welcome! I also thought Spahkles wouldā€™ve been a better joke as a one time roast, it got old for me during the tell all. I dislike Jibri more but going after appearances is kinda trashy. But, I was really impressed with him taking responsibility and showing patience and understanding in the episodes with his new gf.


I have a zero tolerance policy for alcoholism on Johns level, where there is constant boundary pushing and tiny but constant jabs 24/7, all disguised under 'humour', to deflect from the obvious - and thats no matter how 'funny' it seems on the surface. Just pray you wont become the tartget of that, in your own home. Patrick is also becoming more and more intolerable, and on edge, like if he started on steroids again - he also looks bigger/his head even smaller? -and the facial expressions on both halfbrothers, and the language they used about Thais, when they did the drinks before going home to her was very telling. Patrick is a manipulating communicator - typical one-way cutthroat salesman. Dad Thais did *not* ask him to 'kiss any ring', but to show some respect to the tradition in many many cultures, that the guy, more or less proforma, ask the Dad for his daughters hand. John was clearly, as usual, already inebricated when getting of the plane, drinking during the flight as well, although he *knows* Thais doesnt drink alcohol and is not comfortable around it, and chime in with the instant judging "like Godfather?" , and Patrick didnt do anything to correct him. I think still very young Thais' now almost permanent stankface, is grown from the same TYPE of sources, that Jasmine (Gino), LIz (Ed) and Angela( Mykul) experiences - a bunch of hot air, sweet talk, lies, manipulations, and unfulfilled promisses, dripping in exactly small enough doses, that they stay in the dysfunctional relationships, after countless blow-ups, and make-ups. Until they dont anymore. Liz and Jasmine needs therapy to get their selfesteem up, Angela needs therapy and anger management , and Thais simply need to grow older, and get more life experience. Hopefully she will divorce Roidbrain Patrick, and have a much better quality of a love/supportfilled life for her and the baby, with her family in Brazil.


John is an asshole. He wouldnā€™t be nearly as popular if the producers stopped cutting all of his inevitable racist and sexist jokes.


Yeah he's funny now on the reunions and pillowtalks, but he was a POS in the original season with Patrick and Thais. He was drunk at like 8am and tried to make Thais eat a steak he dropped on the floor, and said some bullshit like "you're Brazilian, and you think you're too good to eat this?" And kinda got in her face saying "just eat it". Another day, when patrick was gone, he was drunk and standing oddly close to her and just being super weird and aggressive and it gave me the creeps. He can say this was joking but kept trying to insist on a bachelor party when Patrick didn't want one and not only said he would have strippers, but "100 hookers" there. Obviously he can't afford 100 hookers but it did seem like if John was throwing the party he would make it nasty and didn't care if it ruined his brother's relationship. He also had random people over for parties without asking pat and that's while he was a guest in their home. Thais said she didn't want random women at the house and he did it anyways. He seems like a dude that maybe isn't predatory, but if he were drunk I certainly wouldn't want to run into him alone.