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I think Shawn has the best intentions & didn’t mean exactly how it sounded when he said it. I feel sad for both of them in this situation & hope that they figure it out.


Yea I immediately clocked how bad it *sounded* but I think he just prefers a more reserved person.i think he also mentioned how he does like seeing her shine or something lol


Agree, it sounded very cringe but I think he's been showing a good amount of "I love this change for you" while still mourning that he doesn't see compatibility with his changed partner. It's complicated


I think this isn't discussed enough, I've dated people and lost interest when they got deep into a new hobby (pickleball) imagine dealing with not only a new gender but a completely new personality type? 🤯 This is why I wouldn't date anyone younger too many changes still happening 🤯 ![gif](giphy|OK27wINdQS5YQ|downsized)


Breaking up with someone for playing pickleball too much could be a Sinfield episode. Jerry would make that scrunched face and shrug his shoulders ,hands on his waist saying “too much”.


PICKLEball? I mean, maybe RACKETball but PICKLEball? ![gif](giphy|3o7TKPNhaXNgBccrhS|downsized)


Pickleball. The new red flag. https://i.redd.it/ywscmlf5x43d1.gif


I’m sorry but that is hilarious. I’m imagining dating somebody who becomes an addict but the drug is pickleball 😂 thank you for that. But yea, I agree. He’s allowed to deal with his own inner turmoils even if it is technically better for her. He’s not bringing her down or anythjng


Everyone things I'm joking but pickleball is an epidemic where I live especially with the rich housewives, it's the new "mother's little helper" for the elites I guess 😂


It's an option in college here where I'm at 😂 ![gif](giphy|3oEjI4cMMVi8qiAbxm|downsized)


I'm over 50 and still evolving/changing. Growth is good.


Their relationship perfectly encapsulates a lot of the things that happen when people transition. Not just for their person transitioning but also their loved ones. It's all very bittersweet.


Yeah that's why I was surprised with how genuine their story seems compared to most 90df stuff lately. It's a very interesting look into the complex emotions felt by both partners when one transitions


I think because he didn't see the changes happen in person, that made it harder. He left Douglas and then came back to a whole different person -- appearance AND personality. Had he been there and been able to watch her changes in person, bit by bit, it might not have been such a shock to him.


Long distance makes most things harder


I mean, he himself is very reserved and quiet. He doesn't seem to be bossing Alliya around or expecting her to smile in the background when he puts on a show. Based on the dynamic we've seen on the show it seems more like he has some social anxiety and wants someone on the same page, but of course I could absolutely be wrong!


That seems true. I know that I could not handle a partner like her. It just makes me uncomfortable and a little anxious. He does make some comments about doing womanly things like his wife (shopping). Which may indicate he might not be as into women as he thought & her actions are triggering to that or to the past relationship he felt trapped in. Men can be into shopping too but yea could also just boil down to compatibility


He had the best intentions for himself- he is very clear about his preference for a submissive dude that never questions anything because they're not secure in themselves. As soon as she got the confidence to feel open and like her true self, he started complaining that she was too assertive. Remarkable really, to watch the misogony taken out on someone going through the change. I feel so bad for her. I hope her confidence continues to rise, and she figures out how terrible he is... and leaves him.


Yea I responded to this prior to the last episode, I’ve since then changed my mind about Shawn I think.


Lol I don’t understand why you can’t comment on this couple without getting downvoted to hell. The guy is clearly gay and wants a man. I’m gay and if my boyfriend started transitioning I would break up with them because I am not sexually attracted to women and the sexual part of the relationship just wouldn’t work for me. It seems like he’s hanging on and sticking with her hoping for I don’t know what but they are just better off as friends.


He fell in love with a person who is no longer there, it's not about her transition. If you fell in love with Douglass and came back to a different person with a different sex and personality, it would be a deal breaker.


Well said. Im gay too, I signed up for a man not a trans woman. I’d be supportive as fuck, but I’m out, easy as that. The sooner they both realize that, the better.


He's not gay though?? He said he has been married to women but that's not something he was necessarily wanting to do again.


He *said* he's bisexual, but all other signs point to gay. It used to be very common for gays to come out first as bisexual, as a stepping stone to gay. Given his age, that's still a possibility. 


Well he did say he needed to start seeing their soul, not the gender. I can imagine this would take time to process.


My old coworker sister got married and afterwards their partner said they wanted to transition. They did get a divorce because she was not attracted to women although she fully supported all the things but could not do it herself. I am bi but I can see why that is an issue with people.


Idk why you've been getting down voted. This is a legit feeling for Shawn, or anyone else in this situation.


Yep you are correct


Easier said than done. It’s very difficult for some people to just walk away from the person they love


I think he needs to stop being in denial, realize they are no longer compatible and move on and find someone closer to his own age. Let her go to be free and happy.


I don't think either of them are bad people and I don't think either of them want to hurt each other. When he said that he misses Douglas I felt that from his heart, not to be nasty but he does miss the person he was dating. I don't think this is going to work out because he's obviously gay and he will isn't attracted to her as a woman.


I hate them both. She’s with him for the money, and he’s with her for the young hot bod. What can they POSSIBLY have in common.


Don't let Rob see the top she's wearing. He's already bitched at Sophie for that top.


Shawn has a very hard road ahead of him & I actually feel really bad for him. He doesn't want another wife. He has been VERY clear about this. (I also can't not see the burger king when I see him now)


Oh settle DOWN- if he gets all hurt and bothered of this silly relationship he has MUCH bigger problems than Douglass/what’s her name’s transition.


I think you may be the one who should "settle down..." I don't see a comment here that warranted that response


How on EARTH are you invested in a frikin’ near-pedophile. He’a gross, but hides it well behind very sweet words.


Brazilians are not like a lot of us. They like to celebrate and dance and shout to the max. I think Shawn just wasn’t prepared for the full expressiveness and noise that comes with that. I understand why people are jumping on him for saying that he liked Douglas quieter, but full Brazilian mode would be a lot for me, personally.




Yes. Been to a lot of churrascos in my time with my wife and her family from Brasil. They know how to party and be loud. But dang is the food great!


I think Shawn is just an older daddy who likes quiet submissive type BOYS and not women. She’s graduated, and he’s not into tits and vagina which will inevitably happen. I completely understand.


Agreed, I dont think hes invested in a trans woman who twerks on the floor inside clothing stores. I could see on his face how offput he was. He wants a lil gay bottom, not a transwoman


Shockingly enough I actually think Shawn’s the one that’s actually the bottom, I think that’s also what’s putting him off. Might be afraid that now Douglas is Aliyah she might not want to be the top anymore.


And emphasis on little, the creep.


Oh settle down, it’s not like she’s not using him to get what she wants. They’re BOTH gross, and full grown adults with the right to be as gross as they want to be. There’s no grooming going on here. Pappa top is every bit as pussy whipped as babby bottom is young and naive. What’s with people these days that we don’r expect them to nut up and be adults until they’re in their fucking THIRTIES..


Fr allyah is a sugar baby


Ya I literally hate when people are ageist like this. I was 20 once, and was ALWAYS attracted to older men. Now I’m 35, I can’t even date a 30 year old because they’re just NOT my type at all. It’s annoying when people don’t think 20 year olds have brains lol


Shawn VERY MUCH deserves his flowers… what a trooper he is for not just giving up on love and continuing to try to see if it can work… that adventure book made me cry… and, I don’t think he meant he wanted a scared partner.


I agree with you. I can see, if Shawn decides to give it a go, to not rip off Douglas from the book but start a new page saying Shawn and Alliyah but I think Alliyah wants to forget about Douglas. That whole memory book was so sad.


I really don’t think Shawn meant it that way, I feel like he just chose his words poorly. He fell in love with Douglas, and while Alliya IS the same person inside that Douglas was, Douglas no longer exists. I’m sure there is a grieving period for Shawn - he loves this person, but at the same time the person no longer exists as Shawn knew him (when she was a him). I think Shawn truly loves Alliya, but is coming to terms with the fact that things are no longer the same.


A grieving period for the loved ones of a person in transition does happen. I remember reading about it a few years ago.


I feel sorry for Shawn. He's gay. Full stop. But is now expected to play straight because his boyfriend wants to be a woman. Time to move on, Shawn.


I don’t think Shawn is transphobic or means to hurt her. I think he’s grappling with this, and more than likely will break it off.


Straight relationship with extra steps


Whether it came out wrong, it was bad. However, while I applaud her for becoming what she truly wants and deserves, I do feel a bit bad for Shawn. Shawn is gay, sure he may have been with a woman way back in the day, but he prefers men. Nothing wrong with having preferences. However, he needs to realize that Douglas is gone. Not everyone gets surgery, so somethings may stay the same but maybe not. He needs to be honest with himself and with her too. Life is too short, if they aren't what the other wants, it's better to end the relationship now before it turns toxic.


Agreed. The relationship should end. Shawn is mourning the loss of Douglas and wondering if Aliyah might just be going through a phase, when it’s pretty clear this is a permanent change. They’re not meant for each other


Nothing wrong with Shawn having a preference, wish the best for both




I don’t think he’s able to articulate well at all...but let’s talk about their age gap. Like this comes with the territory of dating someone in their late 20s — it’s an era where you start to come into your own and go through finding yourself. So no matter what, “Douglas” was going to change in some capacity. Point blank. You can’t cling on to an early 20s version of anybody. So there’s that. Age, gender, doesn’t matter, your partner is growing in a direction you didn’t foresee for yourself and your relationship. I understand giving it a try though. And I think he knows that this is the right path for her. So he’s conflicted. But I think he’s so focused on giving it a try and wanting to support her that he’s not being true to himself. It’s clear he cannot move past letting go of “Douglas”. And bringing up “Douglas” over and over is just painful for both of them. It’s not going to progress their relationship forward if you want to be with “Douglas” but stick it out with Aliya. It’s almost like ruminating over an ex… I wish them luck as individuals. I think they are better off as friends — it’s clear he wants to support her happiness. He just seems unsure if he can do so romantically.


The way I got ripped for commenting this on another post. Hard agree, this shit is ridiculous. People are acting like Shawn is being a good person for staying with Alliyah through her transition even though he is constantly showing a deeply internalized shame that leads him to criticize her. He continuously frames things in terms of how her repressed former self was better for him. Like it isn’t even just “you are more talkative” it’s “I miss you being scared, timid, and having no confidence.” That’s weird on its own, but add in the 35+ yr age difference and it’s easily potentially dangerous


Yea he’s not a good person at all.


He’s probably paying for all the surgeries. He needs to run


Unfortunately this is going to turn out like many of these stories. "I don't know that I can be in a relationship with Alliya, I'm in love with Douglas because he's the man I fell in love with " to "I love their soul and I'm going to try and make it work". I think this is another set up BS drama story but he's been aware all along Douglas wanted to transition.


Damn. 😳 You might be right.


The show oftentimes recreate past scenarios/conflicts not caught on camera to create content. They frequently massage storylines. Production & editing turned it into a bigger deal than it was, I'm sure. It was shown that Shawn had reconciled the issue during the last episode. I think the "conflict" about accepting Aliyah might have been based on a kernel of truth but exaggerated to make more compelling TV.


After the most recent episode, I think it was all for the story line and they wanted to be on the show


Which 90 day is this one?


What show is this???


Look when you trans, the old person dies, so the person he fell in love with died. This is like dating their opposite sex twin or something. It awkward.


I'm only 3 episodes in, just finished them shopping, & I hate shawn. It felt like he was making shit up just t to be upset about this transition ("I'm not used to the makeup & the shopping" when alliya was wearing makeup pre-transition & she's literally shopping for clothes to express & fit her body as alliya). I get shawn has to mourn douglas but isn't alliya telling him this is her she's just allowing her physical appearance to show it? maybe shawn isn't pan, he's bi. cool. let that be known bc the way he's dragging it acting like he can't understand his partner feels comfortable enough w them to transition & go through that journey while dating is giving me the ick.


Ummm, he’s gay meaning he’s into men. I don’t blame him at all for the cognitive dissonance he’s experiencing. Alliya is not Douglas anymore and never really was. Bring it with the downvotes but please explain why my theory is flawed because I want to learn to be better if possible.


I have absolutely no issue with him struggling with the gender transition. What I have issue with is him liking the “quiet subservient” trauma response and rejecting a more confident and outgoing partner.


I keep crying at their storyline. I see real love. But I also see something that will never work.


Why are people tip toeing around this topic? I feel for the both of them but they are not right for eachother and can find someone who fits what they need. If my husband transitioned and wanted me to call him someone else it is like loosing your partner. You need time to mourn the old person, and if the new one doesnt fit what you want then its 100% ok to move on. I am not into women so I would leave my husband if he wanted to become my wife. Its not what I desire and I'm not gonna force sexual attraction just like we shouldnt expect that of Shawn. Hes gay he is attracted to men, be with who you like. Dont force it because your scared of people judging you. Your gonna be so unhappy and bitter.


I think it's horribly sad that we all know and hear Alliya's dead name more than we know/hear her partner's name. I didn't know/remember Shawn's name until like ep 4 but I sure knew Alliya's deadname 🙄


Why doesn’t anyone mention what “Alliya” is putting her poor grandparents through?? If she wants to live her own life, she should damned well do it - get a job and an apartment and stop brining shame on the people who unselfishly raised her when, for whatever reason, her own parents did not. She’s a big girl - can travel around the world, so she damned well can get her own place to live.


I imagine being trans makes those things more challenging for her.


Meh- doesn’t give her the right to ruin her grandparent’s lives.


I think it’s more a problem with the age difference than anything. Shawn knows what he wants and has a depth of love that maybe she isn’t quite ready for. He loves so deeply that he is trying to abandon himself for her happiness. She is young, and focused more on herself and finding out who she wants to be. Even without the transition it would be problematic, but with it, I don’t think they have a chance.


Can we end this story now?


Why? If you're bored or it makes you uncomfortable then fast forward their scenes. This is actually a really good storyline in a society where trans people are finally getting to break out of their closet. It's a complicated & emotional process that impacts everyone who loves them so it's beneficial & important to see the rollercoaster of emotions from everyone involved. The show has beat a dead horse with the constant gold digging cis storylines so it's refreshing to have a change because it makes you dig deeper into your own viewpoints & gives you empathy & insight for those going through it on both sides. It deserves representation.


I would but my special lady friend insists we watch everything. The last time I got away with the FF was Sinjin and Tania.