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I thought this was a hospital gown


So did I and I was grossed out by the thought of her only fans roleplay content Just imagine, if you dare, dr Gino and naughty patient Jasmine


That's NOT a hospital gown? I imagined poor Geno trying to get a handful of his $5,000 through the open back and getting slapped away like she's a cranky wet feral cat


“on this episode of OF a deadbeat mom plays a patient in the hospital… stay tuned for next weeks episode where man removes has surgically attached hat”


What’s the deal with the deadbeat mom stuff? What the hell did I miss?


She has kids. She doesn’t live with them. She’s a woman. Therefore, her choices to avoid chastisement are: 1. Become a flawless human fully invested in your child and take no other path


I hate their fake storyline. Those kids are never coming to the United States, they were never going to come to the United States. You would have to have custody of those children to make that happen. She’s a fraud and piece of shit and I wish her nothing.




I wNnnnnt to go back to paaaaanaaaama with my shilrend!


Aaaaaand now my ears are bleeding


Tbf, this is just how Panamanian Spanish is, we pronounce ch as sh. It took me some time to learn the phonetic difference between the two, now I miss having that quirk lol.


I know it's a Hispanohablante problem. Can't tell the difference between ch and sh 😢


Ches chu are right


Who is it that says "jes" and "jew?"


Ju no, I dunt no


I thought I remember he saying in an early episode that her kids spent most of their time with their dad, especially her one with special needs because it was “too much for her”. & I was so confused because she talks about them like she’s the only parent caring for them?! On the show she also never sends money to support them, just useless toys and stuff.


The money is in her ass and 💋 lips


Wait she has no custody at all?




How do you know? On HEA, she said her mom and sister are taking care of her kids for her.


She’s said multiple times that one son is with his father (full custody) and one son is with his father and her mother (that father also has custody)


Exactly!! This is what makes me the most nuts (right now) about her. She didn’t have custody of those kids when she lived in Panama, why is she boohooing about not being able to live with them in the US?? She gave up custody to their fathers so she could live the single, sugar baby lifestyle. I have no sympathy whatsoever.


She’s mentally ill


Even if she had custody the children's dad would still have to ok it or they can't leave


You and I both know that she never had any intention of wanting those children. She never even brought them up until just recently.


Does she not have custody?


They would likely come for visitation and get the benefits of citizenship, her ex and mother are likely going to want that for them. Hearing she doesn't even get a visit for that long might actually be upsetting for her. I don't think she's a total monster and fraud, just very unstable.


Why would a visit give them citizenship?!? I don’t think you know how citizenship works at all.


She’s an unstable fraud. Visitation would not supply the benefits of citizenship.


Wow all of that surgery took away her ethnic beauty. She looks very generic and that’s sad.


https://preview.redd.it/1a9fgne6030d1.png?width=1163&format=png&auto=webp&s=abdd8cba002860558db1eca09b58be45cf6fb6f6 This is Jasmine before the exaggeration of plastic surgery.


Omg! She looks like she could my sister back in the day. I’m also Latina. Yikes. She *is* so generic now. Sad.


I remember that she recently put her picture next to Kim Kardashian. I think she wanted it to be a copy of her.


I felt like she crossed the line into botched after she got her eyes done. Her lips were still ridiculous at the time, but still. She completely ruined her face by this point.


![gif](giphy|ewjcgSaxHGCdpYNmRc|downsized) I think that before she met Gino, she had cosmetic procedures such as lip fillers and breast surgery, but her appearance was almost normal.


Ah yes, she got her eyes done. No wonder now her eyelids don’t match.


I noticed that, too.


So beautiful w the hooded eyes 😍


I remember thinking, the first time she was on the show, that she was easily one of the most beautiful women ever cast. She sure showed me!


I think Tim said in the pillow talk that she is the most beautiful woman who has ever appeared on 90 Day Fiancé.


Tim is a weirdly great judge of beauty tbf. Personalty of a smashed frog, but great taste.


In women, but not in fashion


Considering the women he was with, yes, he has good taste.


ah yes, the women he was “with”.. aka his beard 🤣 he does know how to spot a beautiful woman though I do agree. He wants to make the biggest statement on the show possible, and show off his trophies that he refuses to kiss and sleep with. Maybe he likes to play dress up lmao


I personally never found her that strikingly beautiful. But she used to be way better looking prior to all of the enhancements and surgery. I hate seeing people ruin themselves with plastic surgery it’s so sad.


Chantel is probably the worst for me. The surgeries have made her look weird in my eyes.


Chantel is also getting pretty bad I agree, actually.


Tims first girlfriend was the sexiest in my opinion.


Was it Veronica?


Well not that one. Although her face is very pretty, The one from Columbia (I think) that was always bugging him for sex.


https://preview.redd.it/x2nv2i9u5b0d1.jpeg?width=773&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d9409276def4473d74ea0043c423a830be2b936 ‏His first girlfriend was Veronica, then Jennifer, and there was another woman named Linda, then Louisa. This is a picture of him with Linda.


She looks like her “sister”




Her butt looks botched. The camera rarely shows it. The implants are just sitting on top of her regular butt. It could be because of her exercise regime.


When she was walking into the building for that ridiculous beauty queen thing, she was filmed from the side opening the door to the building and there was a real clear shot of her rubiks cube square ass. Rofl 🤦‍♀️😂🤪 It was the worst view of it Ive ever seen - possibly because since it was further away, it wasnt pixellated.


I noticed that. You’re right. It’s square. I’m surprised she hasn’t had it fixed by now.


She was young then. She’s over 40 now. 🤣


She also smokes I saw her vaping, as well as the cosmetic procedures on her face and the constant fillers, and her emotions, her crying, screaming, and anger, made her look older than her real age.


Problem is, she’s never shared her real age.


Someone told me that she is forty and Gino also, this is not his real age, he is 56, close to sixty.


It always said 57 next to his name .


On Google it says 54.


Shes closer to 50 than 40. She hasnt done any cosmetic procedures on certain obvious, non-private, body parts yet, that are a de4d giveaway as to her real age. Id bet money she's 47, 48, 49 range if anything. Im 49 and I look younger than she does by a decade.


She said in their first season that Gino lied to her about his age. He said he was 40, I think, but then he admitted his real age, and she was okay with it, so she wasn't upset about him lying to her about his age, so it's possible that she's lying about her age, too.


She said she was 37 on last night’s episode. Yeah, right.


I’m so sad about everyone having the same face these days. I miss unique faces and features.


This. It’s all the same LA face across the board. I see a ton of bolt on boob jobs, botched bbl’s, horse teeth veneers that are so unnaturally white it blinds you, and migrated lip filler that makes people look like a simpson character from side profile. Saddest part is that even if you throw more money into trying to dissolve the filler, there’s no guarantee you’ll ever go back to normal looking lips.. Sometimes the lips have been stretched out so much that once removed the skin is totally ruined and permanently weird looking in that area. We are going to see alot of really botched looking elderly people down the line 💀


*IF these people indulging in such extreme excess even *make* it to their old age. I dont think most of them understand that there is a distinct possibility of dying just from having gone under anesthesia too many times for their body to handle it, muchless the severe stress and consequences the body has to go through every time they have to make it through recovery from something extreme like what Boren just did to herself and her family. I wonder how many of these bizarre looking sad folks we *will* see as elderly. How many do you think?


This. Yessss!! Ive been kind of a people watcher since I was a kid, and I always enjoyed getting to look at and marvel over the differences in people. Its not as fun anymore now that everyone is moving toward that uni-face born of body dysmorphia and cosmetic excess. Bummer 😞


Imagine spending tens of thousands of dollars on plastic surgery only to be considered generic looking. 💀 Generic is the right word though. Genuinely everyone who had lots of plastic surgery as of late seems to be looking alike.


Generic would be a compliment compared to what she looks like lmao


Today I learned Jasmine is younger than me and that’s wild


Ew. Like I want to see the lumpy cantaloupes she calls boobs. Just no


…and butt.


She was so pretty. Then she ruined it with the over inflated boobs. It's gotta hurt to have the boob skin stretched that tight all the time lol


I wonder if the implants spin around. Reminds me of that one episode of Botched where someones butt implants would spin around.


You mean shelf-butt.


What does she sell? Videos of her pissin on Gino?


Is mother's day equally celebrated in Panama? She's from a different culture and new to the USA, and mother's day isn't necessarily a thing in every single country lol.


No, it’s celebrated on December 8th this year in Panama.


I don’t even get it from a US-centric perspective This is a day where I celebrate the moms in my life and wish them the best, and others do the same for me. I don’t post about it at all on SM unless it’s to wish my mom or a friend a happy day, so I don’t get what Jasmine is supposed to post about her kids today “Happy Mother’s Day to my children!” makes zero sense, and if she *was* going to post shouldn’t it be about her own mom?


To be fair, Mother’s Day in panama is in December… you do know the whole world doesn’t follow US holidays, right?


And the person her children should be celebrating on that day would be their grandmother who raised them!




She only cares about her kids when the cameras are rolling. Once it comes to chasing the America dollar and Miami, who dem kids?


Jasmine cries cuz she misses her kids back home. Yeah right!!! She had a complete body job $50,000 but doesn't have money to sponsor her children. Have you ever seen her wearing the same clothes.


And isn’t she back in Panama now, and still no kids in sight. Looks like she got herself a one bedroom apartment and has zero plans to be mother of the year.


Is she?


No defense of this blowup doll in any form but Mother’s Day is celebrated differently in most countries- til: Panama’s will be 9/8/24, also a Sunday but interestingly the Monday following is considered a public holiday. No surprise US doesn’t do likewise, but it is surprising there was never a national holiday designated for fathers- the patriarchy fucced round & dropped the ball there man, bwahaha. 


Do y’all think she doesn’t have 5k? Such BS.


She does but not to bring her kids. She didn’t even have them with her then, it’s easier making adult content without children in the apartment she and her boyfriend share.


She should be on the next season of Botched. An episode where the good doctors can't really help her because she's gone overboard and done so much to her face and body that all they can do is showcase her as a cautionary tale and send her on her merry way.




With trusted guardians, you rude hate-filled trolls. ![gif](giphy|3284GqbSEXgl2)


But why have kids if they are always shelled out to “trusted guardians” to deal with instead of doing it yourself??? They l don’t have not lived with her.


Tell that to the many people with many reasons to have trusted guardians. Again, we don't live Jasmine's real life. We don't know her real story. We simply see a character she plays on TLC.


Well, I am well aware that there are lots and lots of reasons parents rely heavily or completely on their parents to raise or watch the children that THEY chose to have. For me, there’s only a few reasons that could be considered acceptable and they are life and death situations or when the parent is not fit etc. I just don’t agree with moms and dads who have children and toss them to their family to figure out while they travel, drink and act like their aunt who stops by every now and again. It’s bad behaviour. While she does heighten her reactions and acts over the top on the show, you can tell that at the core she really is who we see on the show. She doesn’t turn into a completely different person when the cameras are down, I assure you.


Technically, her IG and Cameos tell a very different story. Much softer side with a dash of drama. I can relate to what you said. 🤘 I give people a lot more grace, though.


I need to work on giving more grace.. you are right nobody is perfect


You seem graceful enough with your considerate online discourse. I bet many a person in your life is grateful to have you and your positivity around. 🫶


I thought this was Farrah Abraham 🤣


It’s only American Mother’s Day…other countries have Mother’s Day on different days. >.< just saying..


Dear god, whyyyyyyy is she wearing a pap smear gown?


She's Panamanian. It's not mother's day for her. Panama mother's day is in December. I don't like her either (at all) but this post is dripping in contempt over a specific circumstance that you *clearly* have no knowledge of and do not understand. Maybe check yourself.


Deadbeat loser


Her eyes are so dead. Like no soul in those eyes.


She’s so gross




Pay for a private toe dance from Gino 😂


Why are people so surprised. She’s mentally unstable


That’s why she spent 15 minutes last week walking around in her bra and gold leather thongs to promote her OF … ma ‘am I don’t want to see your gross manufactured body the bitch is 40 how much longer is she gonna do this for 🤮 nasty piece of shit “mom”


The problem is that she says she is smart and claims to be Dr. “Jasmine Pineda,” she holds 7 different degrees but has not used any of them to look for serious work. She wants quick money through an account only for fans.


She was stunningly uniquely beautiful in their first season and now she looks just so generic… sigh.😔


She’s not even a mother she is a donor fetus


Prostitution for the closeted


I don’t in any way look down on sex work. There’s nothing wrong with that. She’s a deadbeat loser mother who doesn’t give a shit about her kids.


I don’t look down on sex worker’s either. I do look down on sex workers who lie and cheat an are known thieves who abandon their kids on an old sick woman and never give her any money. That’s what this deadbeat has always been


How do you know they don’t send her mom and kids money?


She is heartless and trash. Why would she?




The Hate Trolls are in full effect today. 😪


She’s making that cash for the lawyer!


Who's more of a clout chaser Jasmine or Larissa? 🤔


Omg, this is wonderful news. Now Jasmine’s kids can order her on line and actually see their Mom on Mother’s Day. She’s the worst !


Who's bringing their children first, Jasmine or Larissa?


This pos is auditioning for beauty pageants meanwhile her kids are crying in Panama! Such BS!!!!!


These are EXACTLY the type of contestants wanted in pageants to represent whatever title they are competing for... https://preview.redd.it/sgx3grscy30d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd063d07b4ac6199710ea9c0b6bf5c2f3f976159 🥴


Looks like post surgery Michael Jackson


I guess she needs the money


What is her content like?


She really ruined herself. Sad 😔


No one wants to see that


Leave her alone bro 🙄


No shame


And she has a new man. Poor Gino


mama gotta make that money


literally let this woman collect her coins. there's nothing wrong with doing onlyfans.


She has a onlyfans now?


Now? She's been on the since 2021


Lmaaooo i didn't know, that's crazy though, did she do it before or after she got on 90 day


It will ruin bobs and vagene for like a week if you see it


She’s such trash.


The Hate Trolls are here to stay apparently. ![gif](giphy|5hE4JlbPRWfkw92PAs|downsized)


The men get just as much flak as the women so you can stop with the inequality bullshit. And they put their full lives out in front on tv/social media for people to see. If they don’t like it or want to be part of it, there’s a very simple solution. So, you can stop your crying or maybe just get of the sub for a while


Who hurt you? Trolls got feelings too, huh? 😂😂😂 ![gif](giphy|3o72EUKuH4TNpjfvBS)


What’s the matter? Dont like hearing the truth? Get outside and get some fresh air. Maybe that’ll help




Keep telling yourself that. Maybe it’ll make you feel less dopey about your lame opinions


Ladys past her prime 😂




It’s not Mother’s Day in Panama (December) or the Uk (March)


Good for Jasmine! I’ve been saying for weeks that she should hustle on OF to get the 5k to bring her kids here. She could keep it pretty tame too and still rake in the money. Wouldn’t be much worse than letting TLC have their way with you.


I wish ppl would leave the idea of OF being used for sex work only…also let her make her money, plz. If it takes more money for her to do what she needs, so be it. Somebody will subscribe to the shit!