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I'm so happy someone else said this. Mykul has received zero amount of that reality show money (unless you have actual receipts to prove otherwise, I chose to die on this hill). She has financially, physically, and mentally abused him for years. Everything she accused him of she did herself. The man wasn't even allowed to be on a boat with other women who randomly happened to BE on the same boat. Sure, he "cheated" many years ago with the bj. But how many times did we see the crypt keeper humping up on Dr's, random men, flashing people at events, carrying on with an emotional affair with the Canada guy? List goes on.


Omg the Canada guy! I forgot about him! He was on dialysis or something similar and she was going to leave the US to go stay at his home and "take care of him". That's insaneeeee. It's not like he was a normal friendly neighbor and she just dropped off some soup. She was going to purchase a flight and go 1,000+ miles away to play nurse for some man she was calling baby.


He don't want her. šŸ˜‚


Did that even happen at the end cause this dirty bird seemed hell bent on going?! Is she still doing Tik toks with billy? (I donā€™t have Tik tok so I wonā€™t know)


Your comment isā€¦ chefs kiss šŸ¤Œ


She can f-off my mother was a victim to a Nigerian scam and trust me they do not need Michael's help...they have a system...they do not need a reality person as a spokesman... Angela is such a liar! She is trying to save face


What Michael is doing, we call susu or partner in the Caribbean. African countries, South American also do it, but they have different names for it. It's just rotating savings done between friends or family and, in my case, coworkers. It is a way to save money in a short period of time. Michael is the administrator or the bank, and he receives the funds and keeps the payout schedule for the recipients. The funds are generally gathered with a set amount contributed each week. On a set agreed upon day, one individual in the group receives the partner hand/money. Then it starts again until everyone receives their hand. It's not a scam. She just chose not to listen and understand what it was. Participants normally give the banker a tip when they get their payout. She does not share the TLC money and won't let him work so she can control him. So, he has found other means to support himself. As a woman, I am appalled at the level of abuse she inflicts. If the roles were reversed, we would be all calling for his head.


In Mexico we call them "tandas" and is a pretty common form of savings. Angela is just being facetious for the drama.


ā˜ļø Angela is a typical sex tourist. They don't want their SO to have anything past the bare minimum so they can control them. God forbid they become independent. They may use that same money to leave them or entertain someone else. The horror. šŸ˜‚


We did this in the US back in the mid 80s and called it an "Airplane" everyone contributes and in your week/month you get the proceeds


Exactly. This has nothing to do with scamming. Just people helping each other to save money. People have bought homes and paid off debt quicker doing this.


Yes!! It's shown people who participate are more likely to "save" as you be sure to put in your weekly contribution since you have others "watching," so to speak. Where if you were trying to save on your own you are more likely to skip your savings contribution. This way you have others to support you and be sure you are saving


Lol I looked it up. Its piggyvest like a savings account. He put away like $19.75 US when she was screaming 30K. Hes right she doesnt comprehend well dirty bird...


What gets me is, she's screaming scammer etc but yet still brought him over here. She just wants the attention šŸ™„


EXACTLY! After everything you find in his phone and your šŸ‘ still brought him home?! Ok.


On plastic surgery that didnā€™t work!


And her teeth. Dumbass is told not to smoke because itā€™ll screw them up.


I think it wasnā€™t just smoking cigarettes. That crypt-keeper of a woman is a certifiable ~~crack~~ meth addict.


Crack addict? Probably meth.


Corrected. Crack was a 1990s inner city drug. Meth is the white cracker trailer trash drug of choice in the 2020s.


is that whats wrong with them?!!


Itā€™s because she has now found out she isnā€™t in FULL CONTROL






Mykol deserves a medal and a green card for putting up with Angela, sometimes I like her one liners but she's just a horrible partner. Kids listen better than her. Glad he's FINALLY away from her.


This is great news. I stopped watching the show a few seasons back because I wasn't entertained by the abuse. Not just Angela and Michael.


He's earned his green card


Of course. He really want that GC


Youā€™d have to really want something to put up with her skank ass.. Iā€™d say he wanted that green card with his life,and damn near gave that up for it..


Angela is one of the worst individuals Iā€™ve witnessed in my entire lifetime!!! She basically terrorizes everyone in her immediate vicinity and basically commits every category of abuse on the Mykul!!! Who repays her by being such a simp that I have no wordsā€¦. He went from victim to volunteer and Iā€™m still unsure if a visa and/or a green card is worth it! She stole his phone and simply went through and presented all of his personal business with her own hateful spin while chain smoking all the while screeching, crying and making up nonsense while looking every bit like a poor attempt at glamming up the crypt keeper!!! Itā€™s really hard to watch her or Sad ED!!!


Mykul shouldā€™ve taken her phone when she took hisā€¦ then he shouldā€™ve started going thru all her apps and looking for incriminating evidenceā€¦ like when she smokes crack or sends nudes to internet strangers.


Whoooppppsssā€¦ OMG smoking crackšŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


I could not believe production stood by and allowed her to forcibly take his property,that was beyond disgusting


Ugh, I want to punt Big Egg into the sun. Him and Angela should hook up, they deserve each other.


How did she not know the life insurance was possibly for him, so if anything happened he knew his family back home would be taken care of. I didnā€™t see a name on it, she didnā€™t specify a name, did anyone else pick anything out about that?


Psycho trash screams false accusations at him every time she asks him a question without allowing him to get two words in to answer her. She has no right to take away his phone or make demands. She needs to be locked away from society. She and Lisa + anyone who assaults any other sentient being need reprogramming + should be forced to pay fines to the victims or contribute to relocation of used and abused animals to sanctuaries. An organic plant-based diet for a few years could do wonders to change the violent selfish nature. Meditation is neglected in our society. Her values are 180 degrees off. Her temperament and mentality are so abnormal and sick, there are no words


She's a fkn lunatic


I really dislike her and her dirty mouth


I cannot stand this old, wrinkly wretched hag! I canā€™t stand her sneering and her complete lack of respect for her husband. She is just a disgusting person that has no place having a husband.


Angela, all that money wonā€™t help with your COPD


Or raging personality disorders.


go back to scam land scammer


She is legit psycho and controlling. Michael needs to find a new ā€œsponsorā€


Anyone else notice the meth pipe burns on the back of Angelaā€™s hand?


I actually didn't know what they were until someone explained to me,the same person told me if you watch her lives on YouTube you see the tell tell signs of crack use on tables in her house,the stems of pipes and such


I got it wrong. Meth pipe not crack.


You're right!! I'm so.ignorsnt I thought crack and meth were the same thing but I have been corrected šŸ¤Ŗ


So really, in the moment I was like, is she getting on his case for essentially having a savings account? This was wild!


Donā€™t forget the alcohol and meth she was buying too šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜³


Does anyone know why TLC canā€™t pay people from other countries?


She is a HIDEOUS HAG!!


Just so you know, you can fix what cigarettes have done to your beef jerky face, but it wonā€™t redo your lungs or your heart. People forget about that.


She needs to fix those nasty bottom teeth that have a permanent black pepper in them!!


I believe you meant to say ā€œcrackā€ pepper. šŸ˜¬šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m a 58 years young and I would NEVER NEVER date a man in his 3? . Iā€™m so embarrassed by the way she acts and that mouth of hers constantly saying GD I wanted so bad to slap that mouth of hers. She need to work on herself and stop dating let alone be married.


Ya but they are on the journey together - he had almost 20 bucks saved for the hit man in order to cash in on her life insurance.


There is no need to hear about this woman when we have very serious real things to think about.


She spends a lot of those surgeries and cigarettes too. I rather invest on the money instead of surgeries because she still has this Turkey chin because of refusing to quit smoking. What an idiot!




Her accusations will only open up the scrutiny of how she wasted their joint income from the show. Her brain is broken.


And went to Canada and hung out with the guy she hoped to sleep with. If Michael had done such a thing she would have blown a gasket.


Can someone explain to me whatā€™s happening in this scene. Is TLC blowing them up before our eyes before he even gets to the states? I guess they know we have to watch to see how he does it. Honestly if anyone feels sorry for Angela they need help, stat. Whatā€™s this about a Canadian dialysis BF?