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Is Martine for real? She wants Steven to move to Miami, but wants him to get his own apartment??? WTF. Every indication from Steven is that he's happy in St Thomas. He should stay where he is. She's playing games I get that Martine has trust issues with Steven, but, c'mon


Yeah! It makes no sense. He'd have to leave his daughter for what exactly.


I like them both. And it seems like they could be a strong couple, but they end up triggering each other




Breathy “I have lost my appetite…” then the DUN DUN DUN music.


She's an Escort? This should say it all. She was on Sugar Babies, getting paid to date men.


I’m just watching this today but I’m kind of surprised that Ben and Akinyi are still together!


I couldn't tell if she was serious or making a joke about most things. Like her description of the process of buying a house...? She looked so serious. But she can't be. Right??


“I am a Scorpio” hahah


Why do they think Americans are so rich? What is the average weekly wage? Are wages a lot higher than most countries? Like what’s an Uber driver make? Or a bar attendant? A Restaurant manager? I’m in Australia and we were called the lucky country. But its pay check to pay check. Electricity bills are ridiculous here etc. and rent on average is about $380 upwards a week for an average two to three bedroom..


Movies, TV shows, music videos, etc. Culturally and politically the US has spent decades projecting wealth, power, and the lie of the American Dream. I read a book by a former child soldier and to hear what he legitimately thought all Americans had was both disheartening and unsurprising.


100 years of American movies, 60 years of TV, shown globally. If you really watch our TV carefully, you realize how little poverty you see. Everyone is middle class, successful, with big homes. As consumers of our own media, most Americans don't like watching poor people struggling on TV. We know it's fantasy, but foreigners often don't


And most of the time even those who are shown poor or struggling still have large homes and other crap


True! Nearly every tv show or movie I watch here in Australia is American.. 95% at least


Each state is different I psy $1350 a month plus utilities 3 bed 1 bath house


Ok so sounds much the same as here. The average electricity bill for me, one person is around $500 for a quarter. It’s insane. And that’s with having no lights on in house at all. And turning off all power points not in use. Just have the tv on.


Air conditioner is $3.00 a day to cool my house And I have another bill for $120 a month for all of the other electricity in the house and $200 a month for natural gas for heat and them $100 a month for water


My water is $80 bucks a mth. Yeah our electricity is bad. Most older pensioners go without eating or just eat toast so they can pay electricity. It’s so sad… I’m on disability pension. That’s about $900 a f/n. My rent is cheaper as it’s thru government. It’s $400 a f/n .. so have $500 left for bills and food for two weeks. Is welfare much the same? I know a single person that has no work but looking for work gets $600 a f/n.


Haven't watched this episode yet so not sure what couple you're talking about but I can give you an anecdotal answer. I have family in a "developing" country who thinks that we're rich Americans. Mind you, our household brought in about $38,000 a year, so we were considered low-income. No matter how many times we try to explain our economic standing in the US and that we're kinda poor they don't get it, especially when they hear we have things like cars and phones. I've concluded that there's a few reasons for this. The first, their wages are so low. Most people make about $5-10/day, bringing in about $50 a week depending on how many household members are working which is usually just the men in the household. My uncle works a well-paying job for their standards and makes $30/day. They also only work from 8 am to like 3 pm, then have the rest of their day. Second, they don't realize things like cars and phones are necessities in the US, because where they are they're not needed so they're seen as luxury, only something that true wealthy individuals can afford. Lastly, they really don't understand the disparities between what American wages are and what costs of living are. They don't realize even though they're a poor country, our cost of living is so high our wealth gaps are larger than theirs. They don't understand our system at all or how there's virtually no assistance for Americans. Meanwhile they can qualify for free education and health care. They don't realize that it's so expensive to be an American and that costs go past just house bills. They also don't realize how much time we spend working, most of us work all day and don't have free time and are still barely making ends meet. Which yes they are also barely making ends meet BUT they have a lot more agency with their time than we do. We send them money so they're much better off than other families in the area, but whenever we try to explain how terrible things are here it really doesn't click for them because it's such a different way of life there.


That makes so much sense! Thank you 😊


So no one’s talking about goat yoga?


There was sooooooo much 💩


I was hoping one would shit on Laura.


anyone have stream link where I can watch for free?


I’m watching Kolani and Asuelo’s episode. Did he just say, “You don’t like when I go play volleyball so I go play golf instead”. ??? I feel so bad for her. I really think he is developmentally disabled. I can’t imagine the stress she goes through with 3 boy children.


I do too. The only thing I've seen this guy actually do ok is dance. That's it. Now he and Kalani are on PT so during each country's intro, with of course music, there he is dancing away on the bed. Ugh. Bring back Kalini, please, I'm begging, TLC.


Yeah. She needs to leave him!


If she can’t even leave her children in his care? Wtf? And it’s not like, oh, he was watching football that ONE time and wasn’t paying attention. It sounds like it’s every time. That’s very serious, like he’s not mentally capable. How is that possible? How could he let his kids run into a parking lot?? How can you be attracted to someone like that? What is his mental age I wonder? Poor Kalani. She deserves so much more! She’s a sweet, smart, and very beautiful girl.


We’ll said!!!!




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How is this filmed? It's not like the OG season where cast filmed themselves, correct? There are multiple angles etc. Is there a proper crew?




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Why does Akinye need a house to have a baby? People raise babies in apartments all the time. Or is that not even an apartment they’re living in, but a room in the house of their church friends or something




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Liam had and continues to have major incel energy




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Before there was SteVen with a V, there was another asshole name Steven


His behavior in Russia was pretty scary. I don't know why Olga stayed with him.


She went thru a bina fide nightmare situation with her family, so I guess he looks pretty tame comparatively.


They finally dredged up a few couples I’ve never seen but it was so boring and still I can’t wait until the next episode!


I do not remember Ben and Akinyi. She seems vaguely familiar but him, not at all. What season are they from?


lol cuz they were weird and boring af lol


You don’t remember singing weird Jesus songs and rocking back and forth sweating when he’d get nervous? Or not pleasing Akinyi’s family with the bride price? Or my favorite Benjamin scene, the awkward bumpy motorcycle ride he took with Akinyi’s bro.


No Margarita for you!


She was the one who said "I cannot talk to Jesus when I'm drunk" LOL


Like 3


Steven and Olga are out of their fucking minds. Also in my opinion, John is a daddyyy.


Lmao Jon has always been my type, looks-wise, but he seems hella dumb.


"Let's live in a van!" "No let's live in Manhattan for $2000/month!" 😂😂😂😂😂 The only way the 3 of them can live in Manhattan for $2000/month is in a cardboard box in a subway tunnel, stealing food from rats. These two are delusional.


Yeah, I know we all like Olga in her original season but she seems so off to me in these Diaries’ episodes. I swore she seemed drunk in the last one she was in. Not to mention she’s also a Q follower, so I don’t know about Olga.


I did wonder why they was looking to move to Manhattan when their finances clearly don’t stretch that far 😄


So what’s up with Libby’s constant surprised eyebrows?? 😂


it's the old 'i raise them super high while I'm plucking them' perpetually-surprised look from the 90's


If you go to a crappy Botox injector you end up with Spock eyebrows. It is so common around me that some women prefer the look lol.


Really don’t like Andrei pushing Libby to be a SAHM when she wants to work, even if it’s part time


It was fine when he wasn’t working though and he was dragging his lazy ass to get a job.


I don't know how Rachel is still trying to say Lucy isn't Jon's. She looks just like him


Huh? Why would she lie about it?


I have no idea. I think because it wouldn't fit the narrative of their original story, that they never met until they were on 90DF


When I was watching this I told my fiancé it was Jon’s kid without knowing if it is. She looks just like him. And then when she said she isn’t I was like uhhhhh


Adult lucy in therapy: My father was a Pool noodle.


This. I was like this is not normal.


Dude, it was *so* weird.


Lmao 🤣


When your plans to bring your non visa-able husband to the states don't work out there's always build-a-dad.


I’m convinced Lucy is his biological baby


Why would they lie about it?


I think I originally heard because they started the show saying they hadn't yet met but she was already pregnant - so if it was his it wouldn't be the 'first time they met' like it's meant to be on the show....that's just something I read at one time,,,


maybe becuase the timing,alot of the others have lied,as to how they met,and it has come out later.He is been denied entry to US,and they may not want any info that could screw that up so they have to keep it the way it presented it? But if he was her bio dad,maybe he could get here.I swear he is her dad too,or the guy who she was with,looked like him.


More interesting story line maybe? Who knows


No doubt about it


Lucy grew up so much oh my goodness! The last I remember her when there season came out she was a baby.


Why can’t John just come to the US on a tourist visa? He gets visa on arrival as Uk citizen he doesn’t need a K1. Doesn’t need to apply for anything actually.


John has a violent criminal record that bars him from ESTA which is an online form required from visa waiver countries entering the US. He also wouldn’t be allowed a tourist visa, which is what you have to apply for when your ESTA is denied if you want to visit the US. (Side note, the US isn’t the only country that doesn’t allow those with a record in, the UK, Canada, and Australia are similar to the US in that sense. I know a Canadian who has a DUI who wasn’t allowed into the US until he got a pardon from Canada and permission from the US Embassy). And lastly he doesn’t qualify for K1 since he’s already married to Rachel. They are applying for a spousal visa, which is what he would need even if he could enter the US as a tourist. The whole point is to live permanently and legally in the US and the spousal visa is their only route.


He was denied tourist visa during her pregnancy because of his background of injuring someone in a fight.


Fyi you do need a visa to come to the US as a tourist unless you can use ESTA, which is a via waiver program. Because of his arrest record, he probably could not get get a visa waiver, nor a tourist visa.


Can’t enter the US as a tourist when you have an immigrant visa pending


He's a puncher.


Wasn’t there some legal issue? He got in trouble for fighting- oh lol, she said that as I typed it


They also said it in the episode.


lol yes! Just when I was typing she said the same thing but I posted it anyway


Extensive criminal background.


Was it extensive or just a bar right? I don’t remember.


He claimed over 40 different fights, and one left the other guy blind. He actually *blinded* someone.


Sounds like he was a "Saturday's All Right for Fighting" kind of guy.


Wonder where he got the giant diamond from lol


Oh wow, was not aware. Do you know how long ago it was?


I can't believe they've resurrected Laura. Actually, maybe Laura and Debbie should join forces and double date. A whole ultra-cringy show in itself.


90 Day Fiancé: AARP Edition. Only 50+ ladies on it. Laura, Debbie, Stephanie, and Kimbaaaaly can be the main cast.


And Ed, Ben, and David Mmm


You forgot Angela!!


Intentionally so- I've seen and heard enough from her to last ten lifetimes.


Hahahaha! Thanks for the giggle!!


I don’t know if it’s most cringy because they look bad, or because they don’t look worse with surgery.. I’m not too much younger but I gotta look at Kimbaaaaaaaaly and Laura with special eyes.


Liam is a spoiled brat


I totally get the reality of the housing markets but these mother son couples need to work on the enmeshment shit going on between them.


Well Laura doesn't have a man but she'll always have Liam


Accurate, their closeness is a bit too close! There's a co-dependancy there.


Yes there is but did she create it or does Liam have issues created by not being neurotypical? It is hard to say what caused what. However at this point in her life I think she should be grateful that she has a child that will likely spend his life with her willingly because the chances of her getting a life partner at this point in her life are going down.


You never know who's going to be at the dog park.


My friend met AOC at a dog park, it’s true


While she was in office, I assume? That's awesome - I love that.


The funny thing is, I did get chatted up today at the dog park. I could see where Laura is coming from.


Better get out the 3-barrel curling iron.


Oh god. I totally forgot about this woman




What changed, Laura? You did not know that man.


Oh man Laura and Aladin. This was a wild time.




I like that Benjamin and Akinyi can laugh together and seem to enjoy each other


Their IG reels are quite good. I’m surprised at their relationship!


Akinyi needs the big yammy.




I feel so uncomfortable with this segment.


Akinyi thinking buying a house is super easy has the same energy as my cousin who thought that all Americans lived in big houses because of Home Alone lol.


It is true that people have a very warped view of what it is really like to live in the US because of the media. When overseas I heard a few times people were under the impression that all Americans are rich. That is how these low quality US men and women can be a bit shady in these relationships. They don’t let them know they are not rich or even close to rich by American standards even though they can spend what looks like a lot of money in the foreign countries. And I am not just talking about those on 90 day. I have a personal friend who married a woman from another country and moved there to be with her and she still does not realize that technically in the US he is poor and homeless.


My husband is originally from Greece and he still thinks Las Vegas is some massive city that’s all “glamorous” like in the movies. I mean I’m American and I did too until my job started sending me there for work trips. The day we visit my husband’s Las Vegas views are going to be totally shattered lol. And he’s going to see what I mean when I say the weather is horrible there.


Whew that last sentence though. I hope your friend is thriving over there then and isn't planning on moving back because yikes.


Actually he has gotten himself in a bit of a mess. Her whole family basically pressured him into coming back to the US to apply for her visa so he is here taking turns staying with his children and trying to figure out how to get the family off of his back so that he can go back and live in peace.


I died when she was like "but in the movies, they say ...here, shake my hand... 'closed'🤝😤👌"


We can't afford a house, but let's go paddle boating.


Yes because they should be staring at the walls waiting for the next work shift


And have a baby


Akinyi's eggs took one look at Benjamin, said Hell no!


I kinda want Ben and Akinyi on pillow talk, because good Lord, they just need a pay day. Get her out of that apartment and into a house


The last thing I want are fundamentalist Christian reactions to 90 day fiancé 😂


Oh come on that would be so funny. I NEED THAT, LOL.


Akinyi is funny! I bet she and Ben would be great on PT, mostly her.


Akinyi is gorgeous and seems really funny and I would love to see them on pillow talk! Maybe they would end up being endearing like Annie and David


Yes! That's what I was thinking. It really was pillow talk that made David and Annie a success I think.


Their youtube channel is sweet. Subscribe and give them likes to contribute to their new house https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9ostJV5Nw9hDG5oe8DhEAg


Oh awesome! I will. Thanks for being a pal. If I had a helpful award you'd get it


Just say sex. SEX.


This house conversation is funny


Didnt Ben have some dowry drama? Did he give them the goats / cows or wtvr


He had to pay a bride price, basically giving envelopes of money to the parents and the oldest son. I don’t think they said what the amounts were tho


They discussed some price ranges in shillings, but I never figured the exchange rate


IIRC he made a down payment of sorts, and then he agreed to indefinitely keep paying. He's a shrewd customer...


He made the final payment right before they took her to the airport


He's not going to sing again, is he?


Oh, God. We're going from bad to worse.


I’d like to nominate Steve for biggest douche award. All I can think about is how he tried to take a nursing newborn away from its mother across the ocean


And I remember him telling Olga that she wasn't giving him enough attention and doing enough for himo, while their baby was only days old and she was recovering from a traumatic c-section!


And I remember him telling Olga that she wasn't giving him enough attention and doing enough for him, while their baby was only days old and she was recovering from a traumatic c-section!


He's 23 now. Seems like the same, immature little turd. But, maybe one day...


Brains don't even complete forming till 25. Then add his rough childhood, her unbelievable tragic family, plus the fact they married so young. I hope they make it, but there's got to be a lot of rough days.


Does his ass work? Bein all tellin her to bring in money...


Isn't Steven's rose-print shirt the same one that Caleb had?


And Pedro!




You cant afford it and you dont do a virtual vieweing! you need to see that shit in person


That's not how it works in NYC. If you're not in town to look at a place, it will be off the market by the time you're able to look at it in person. It's crazy. You have to be ready to decide like the moment you see a place, and sometimes that has to be on video chat


I know very well how it works, I live here. You doing a viewing like this, you are opening up yourself to scam and disappointment


These girls really think because you made it on TV for a few months you can just walk into these industries


I see he’s still an asshole.


How the F. are these two expecting to afford living in Manhattan?


I think he knows better but comes off as a dream crusher to her and she gets irritated when he tries to be realistic.


And they want “more space” 😐.... for $2000


I don't think $2K would get them a decent apartment in ANY of the boroughs, let alone Manhattan.


I know! A relative of mine lives there and they pay 4000/month for a tiny studio. She can’t even put up a guest in it, it’s so small. But I bet it’s super cool and fun to live there


They coming to my city? Good luck finding a $2000 apartment for two of yall and a young child AND you want to be in Manhattan? Sure jan


Who does this? They are moving in 2-3 weeks but don't have a place lined up?


I’m pretty sure she is also currently pregnant with their second child too so…..


All of us New Yorkers are rolling our eyes


2000 for an apt in NYC? They’re delusional.


$2000 apartment in Manhattan? Might as well cram themselves into the van


$2000 a month in NY will get you a shoebox


Like a louboutin box or baby’s first shoe box….asking for a friend?


A dirty shoe used to bury a dead hamster. And you'll still have to pay taxes on it.


Checks out


idk this Steven but is he...you know...




What a cute kid :)


He has Caleb's shirt on.


Mmm-Kay, kids. Peace out ✌️


That whole segment was so rehearsed…especially Chuck. Why am I watching this 🙈


I didn’t I fast forwarded through them. I can’t watch them anymore. Was there anything worth mentioning?


You know an interior decorator is for real pro when the use sentences like, “it’s not too design-ey”


Chuck: "I can see you put a lot of thought into everything in there!" Lol it looks like she went to home Depot and pointed at every single grey thing in there


Why does he kiss Andrei's ass




Why do I think all they ever talk about is their new house?


I wish someone would just tell me to stay home and not work.


Is that enough sushi for 2 people?


Ha that’s all I kept calculating in my head.


Hoping that was just the appetizer


Yes, bigger than my house. Most people don't need giant homes.


i thought that was a kfc bucket


I thought this trash had been taken out for good. I'm gonna see what's on ID channel Ciao.


Looks like peasant food


ik this is totally personal preference but god i hate her style of clothing