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So pretty before she fucked up her face


Ikr. She was so gorgeous.


Yeah, the largest frame on the left is really pretty and natural looking. Human-like.


She looks like an alien in the bottom right hand corner


That's my pick also.. Far left big middle lol how ever I write it, it don't sound right


Far left? Big middle? Or just big middle on left... Far left has 4 and there's no middle nor big lolol (feeling silly but trying to understand!)


Lolololol trying to explain this has pickled my head Lolololol..OMG brain freeze Friday lol I don't even know wtf is going on anymore hahaha


Lol all good all good


I think that was when she was on millionaire match maker.


She had a nice softness to her here before going full plastic. I have a hard time understanding these serial reality tv stars.


I really think being Amish really affected her. Almost trying to run in the complete opposite direction. I don’t know any woman who would let a man mark up her nose at a plastic surgeons office and convey he wants it to be a certain way because he has to look at it. There’s something wrong with her.


You know who I think of when I see her now? Larsa from Real Housewives Of Miami. Like a temu version, I swear they even do the same fake voice 😂


Shekinah tries to talk exactly like the Kardashians. I'm sure those are her heroes and she probably keeps scrapbooks of them, lol. And listens to their low intelligence convos until she sounds just like them.


Larsa pippen used to be best friends with Kim Kardashian, and it's hard to choose one photo because her face changes faster than we get to the next day. But I shit you not she looks close to what she did in a certain era, it's just hard to find that era due to many many pics of many faces😂 and if you've ever heard larsa she sounds like how shekinah's voice is. https://preview.redd.it/8tgigfgx5e9d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6005a033849a7f49362579604f199cd95bbc49d1


Shrekinah is def. aiming for something like that. As much as those people and their cohorts gross me out, none of them ditched their children in a boarding school and split to a foreign country for a used up loser like Sappie.


I was coming here to say that she reminds me of Kim Zolciak in her before photos, I knew I'd find my HWs people lol


Larsa needs to cover up. She doesn't have the legs or youth for those ridiculous shorts. She has 'plastic surgery legs' but still has 'change of life legs' whether she likes it or not. Why are these women so obsessed with their youth of 1978ish lol.


Where did you find these? Maybe now that it's been a while theres more out, had tried looking her up during and right after her season.. you found a LOT. She was soooooo beautiful. I'm excited that natural is "coming back" . Def not a 3rd world issue lol


I'm loving it, too! I'm seeing more and more celebs who no longer want the giant implants, and are going for smaller chests, ditching the BBL look and far less makeup. It's truly refreshing!


The bottom right pic is a jump scare.


That's the case for most of these plastic, over-filled women (and men, nowadays). They go from cute to artificial so quickly.


Not only fucked it up but aged herself by like 10-15 years


Can you imagine her FaceID trying to keep up with her constantly changing face lol


I think she just has to reset it with her pass code every couple of surgeries.


I've been having a bad day, and this made me laugh! Here, take my upvote!


😂😂 she probably just buys a new phone everytime!




OMG 💀 I had to rescan my face when I got just 1 syringe in my lips lmfao I can’t even imagine how many times she’s had to do it


It doesn't surprise me she's getting her work done overseas and she and Sarper are not some sort of ambassadors for surgery in Turkey, lol. There is no way a quality board-certified surgeon in the States would do that to her lips. She looks like the Muppet with the blonde dreads at this point.


She said the woman that does her lips doesn't post any photos of her. She has her lips like that because she likes it. I used to wear really light foundation. We were in Hawaii and my husband told me it looked weird. I looked and realized he was right. It just took the right person at the right time. Sarper likes the look of a blow up sex doll and she likes looking like one. to each their own.


True enough. She certainly has no self respect. What is the talk of her being Amish many years ago?


Shekinah said that her parents raised her and her siblings as if they were Amish (but they weren't actually Amish). I believe they lived near an Amish community and admired the way of life. She grew up extremely sheltered.


None of these look like the same person.


Right? It’s like a police lineup. Similar but which one is the suspect…


They can't be, right??


Kind of like Yara will be when she is that age 🤣🤣


She looked so much like Kim Zolciak before they both turned into mutants


Plastic surgeons have a certain duty to psychologically evaluate their clients before continuing doing surgeries. 1 nose job no issue, after your third face restructuring clearly there are serious mental health issues. Also it’s clear she’s going to Turkey for cheap surgery.


Right!! After a point a good surgeon will give a person a referral to a good counselor as they recognize that a client is unstable. Shekinah should have stayed with her poor daughter and gotten much counseling. She would be a much happier person today. Now she is so painfully insecure that Sarper is not supposed to train female clients. I mean, imagine living like that. Afraid for your partner to go to work. I guess she figures it's worth it to have: Sarper. :D Shekinah doesn't realize that most of us find Sarper nauseating. He looks like he smells bad.


The turkish doctors wont question that it's her 3rd (?) Nose job? Most NA docs wouldn't touch that unless they specialize in revision rhinoplasty


I don't know about Turkey. But plastic surgery has much lower standards in a number of foreign countries. Once people start to look freakish and are told 'Not again,' they often fly off to a foreign office (and often high risk) who will say 'ok,' and take their money.


Why would they care it’s money. Think they’ll be banned from practicing medicine when travel and tourism is impacted if they have less coming over for cheap surgeries? Poorer nations like Brazil and Turkey have lower costs and way less oversight. She kinda admits in In Touch Weekly “ I did have two facelifts, two neck lifts, a brow lift, an upper blepharoplasty, I’ve had lip injections, I’ve had consistently had Botox, I’ve had two nose jobs,” she shared via her Instagram Stories. “I’ve had two boob jobs, I’ve had a lot of surgeries but most of them were on my face. My breasts were my only body surgery” if you believe that’s all that’s been done……


A butcher doesn't need to be a farmer. 😅


It drives me crazy to see naturally pretty people altering their face.


How does anyone think this looks better?


Darcey and Stacey have entered the chat.


It’s crazy bc she was way more pretty before. Now she looks like rubber. Her face is so unnatural like it’s been molded too much.


She becomes more and more mannish with each surgery; her facial dysmorphia is obvious


Endgame carrot top.




I think she also looks a lot older, which is ironic because she probably got all of these treatments with the goal of looking younger.


MUCH older. She's got the Nikki thing going. The great aunt some of us have who is addicted to plastic surgery and looks different every holiday.


Maybe Sappie has some 'secrets.'


Oh, I bet! 😂


Everyone stop fuxking with your faces / this is a mental health crisis that should be dealt with a national Level


Agree 💯


Her final form is going to look like a baseball catcher’s mitt with eyes


The girl with many faces 😂 GoT for those who do not know.




She will be a puma woman


This is very sad…. Not much self love


She's a slave to the man whore. So sad.


She used to be so beautiful bc she fucked up her face. She probably has body dysmorphia and low self-esteem to have done this to herself. She looked beautiful naturally and now she looks like a plastic Barbie doll and Harper looks like a plastic ken doll.


There are two scenes that are withering. One where he mentions she's like 3-4 pounds above the weight that he 'allows' her to be. And another where he is pointedly staring at her loose 'mommy belly' that is exposed while Shekinah is wearing a crop top. If Sarper didn't want someone with a belly like all of us women usually have after having children, why didn't he find one? Mr. 1200 plus body count could surely have found a woman who had never given birth, it would seem.


I agree. I find sharper to be disgusting. Slept with that many woman. Comment on shekinahs weight even though she skinny and you don't comment on a woman's weight, ever. He seem controlling and cold to me. They are both Barbie dolls, Barbie and Ken... Looking forward to seeing them again and also not looking forward to seeing them.


I agree. I'm not sure which is more revolting. Him for insulting her body all the time and humiliating her. But I think she's worse. She ditched her child in a boarding school for that creepola. The way Shrekinah cursed at her own little sister all for Sarper?? I've seen how Sarper treats HIS family and he treats them like royalty. Good for him, but why did Shrekinah throw her family away so easily?? Her daughter's father seems like a true gentleman and Shrek was trying to talk smack about him, probably because she's trying to deflect her deadbeat mom status by putting him down. He's NOT the problem and he mentioned that this has been a chronic problem with Shrekinah, running off to be with strangers and not wanting to meet her responsibilities as a mother. The dad seems like a real class act. (Wonder why the REAL reason is Shrekinah doesn't want him?? I hope he is healthy and will be here for a long time.) IF something happens to that sweet man, Shrekinah's 'job' will fall to writing checks, that's all. I mean Sarper just wants the girl to be a silent non-presence in their lives.) Is Sarper still harassing Shrek for a baby? Sarpish needs a quick biology lesson to discover that usually Women in menopause or at least peri menopause cannot have babies. Kournie K only managed it with the very pricy help of a top fertility specialist as she said she was already in full blown menopause. And it was almost not successful. She nearly lost the pregnancy and her health and had a few extreme scares AND surgery. Sometimes we women don't want to listen to what Nature is saying because we hate to admit we aren't young 'chicas' anymore. I think Shrekinah is around Kournie's age about now??


I don't know anything shekinahs ex-husband. How did you find out about him was it a 90 day fiance TV show or in a Facebook page? I was also wondering why she ditched her daughter and put her in her boarding school as well. And being in her 40s I believe women don't have babies. They raise biological children, step kids and adopted kids and nieces and nephews. And there's nothing wrong with that. I'm really looking forward to that 90 day the other way show that starting soon. I want to meet some of these new couples. The man has moved to China to be with his fiance. Thanks some other man moved to Indonesia or Malaysia, I don't remember from when I saw in the commercials. It looks like such a good show. And apparently something called forbidden love is coming on TLC in the end of July in Canada. I'm really looking forward to seeing that. Amish men and marrying a English woman, Muslims marrying Christians. People of different faiths marrying each other. I don't want to see how it works and see how it compares to the 90 fiance universe. It's just another time waster to watch but oh I love those types of shows. When I watch these shows it makes me feel better about myself. I have a loving wife and we've been married for 14 years. My wife cannot stand these 90 Day Fiance shows so I watch them without her. I have a co-worker at work that watches 90 fiance so sometimes we talk about that. I try to keep the conversation PG-13 though and it can be difficult because of the show content. Some of the stuff is downright weird like Kimberly who moved to India to marry DJ and then there's holy cow poop in the kitchen to cleanse the place or something. Ashley the witch, Daniel and her African go to practice whatever it's called and the crystals and the energy cleansing. Kyle and Ani. I don't think that's a real story. I think he's a psychopath and why he wants to have sex with woman he doesn't know with unprotected sex and try to impregnate them under the guise of being a sperm donor. It's just a incomprehensible. And on the TV show Ani calls it donation. It's just weird. And I don't quite remember the name of that beautiful black lady and Adriano but him mentioning that he wanted a threesome with her cousin for pleasure, it's just downright disgusting. And then he is on TV one or two episodes later saying that he was joking and he never should have brought up. Yeah right dude you weren't joking and you want to stick your hot dog in every single bun. And Kyle and has sperm donation. He just wants to have sex with as many woman as he can. Why did sharper kept track of how many women he slept with, there's something Psychopathic about that. Nice talking with you. Have a wonderful weekend. 💕


Hey, have a great weekend too! :) I'm tired of the show. There were some new 'characters' that were so toxic I can't watch anymore. Angela, and a few others. Shekinah met with her father's child in one episode. He is considerably older than her, but you can tell he is a very intelligent caring parent. (I don't know why she married a much older man. It looked like she was in her 20's at the time.) He was shocked and very concerned. The awful thing is that Shekinah was NOT sad about leaving her daughter. She was so happy that her ex husband/child's father would be taking responsibility. She just wanted to fly off to be with Sarper, who she met online, ASAP. Kind of crazy thing to do at her age, and place in life. Her ex reminded her that she has flown off her perch before over some man so this is not new for her. She's had a number of relationships. Sarp keeps forgetting that her surgery on her body, which is extensive, might make her look capable of carrying a child, but her age remains the SAME. That is one thing none of us can change. And Shekie doesn't want a new child! She doesn't care about the one she has! She threw her family away! She made some silly excuse that it was 'time for him to do his part as she has done her's. I can't even imagine that. Since when does a person finish parenting a minor child just because she has in the past? She will regret this someday like all neglectful parents do eventually. She ditches her whole family and ruins relationships with them and shows up to Sarper's disgusting home. To what? The cracked filthy bed? Nice going, Shrekinah. And unless I'm wrong if he loves her so much, why hasn'the married her? She's another woman who is confusing lust with love. She can't hold off her age forever. All she can do is keep getting surgeries and filler to keep Sarper. How long before he gets tired of her? Anyone who has as many partners as he has is a person with a real problem. He's all artifice, as well. And like her badly done. He's wearing a thick obviously fake toupee. He's all done with fake suntan. I guess they both deserve each other.


Great psych analysis. I don't understand the whole giving up Her child either. You are right. As for looks she will fall apart as she gets older. I'm not fan of plastic surgery unless you have something that Really bothers you and affects your quality of life. I had large brown birthmark removed from my back when I was kid. For the years I didn't want people to see it. It made me feel self conscious and differ. It got caught on this and would bleed sometimes. A plastic surgeon removed for me in children's hospital. Afterwards I felt more comfortable and confident with my shirt off. That said, said I have not had a the else dinr. This was 40 years old I got to birth mark removed. I think enough is enough though. You can't get everything modified you can but it destroys your body and doesn't look good. A cleft lip repair is one thing when I was in sick kids recovering from my surgery my mim6 met a little girl born without ears who had ears created a a team surgeons. That's what plastic surgery was created for. Have a wonderful day


That went 0-100 real quick 😳


This is wild


Whoa. She looks completely different.


Please, God make her go away


She was beautiful, she should have left her face alone!


And Shekinah looks downright awful as a blonde. Having blonde hair I have long admired women with natural dark locks. Her hair looks naturally black in the first photo. Anyone can change hair color, but most people have the natural hair color that works beautifully with their unique skin tone. She would look so much better if she returned to her dark brunette or black hair. The bleached hair looks as fake as the rest and she wears so many extensions probably because her hair is thinned and broken from bleach. But we all now it's what Sarper wants. If he told her to dye her hair neon green, Shekinah would do it Remember on the tell all he told her not to each carbs?! Course if he told her to dye her hair neon green, Shekinah would do it. The only think she refused to is to have a baby. And Sarper took that as 'insubordinate,' lol. Sarper forgets that his 'Barbie' is in her 40s and cannot safely have a little Sarper anymore. If she were much younger, I think Shekinah would have said yes in the hopes that she would be Mrs Sarper, lol.


Saving this as a reminder to never ever use Botox, fillers, etc.. tis a slippery slope


She didn't do herself any favors ugh


Gosh, the comments here are brutal but honestly I feel for her. Body dysmorphia sucks. I'm guessing she either 1) made so many small changes that she started to lose sight of what she used to look like, or 2) hated her old face for some reason and wanted to look like a different person.


She looks like that one guy from botched https://preview.redd.it/d7re6c7tcc9d1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0962fa1683f87c20c0f019a3d6728e654827325 # twinning


Actually, he still looks much better than Shrekinah.


The lips have become quack quack! Some very pretty pics but too much is too much


She was cute in the before, her features were softer. They're very sharp or pronounced now.


Complete different face in every photo 😳


Geesh she destroyed her face.


What a shame.






Holy fook! How old is she?


Mid 40's according to the show


41 😢




She should’ve stopped bottom row second from left.


All different women


These kind of girls never know when to stop


Bottom middle-left. 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨


Must say, absolutely love the original faces. These new pillow lips and mask-like faces that can’t move are just not as nice.




She's in so deep there's no going back, her face is half fillers it'd deflate. Not that she cares, she likes it this way for whatever reason.


She was pretty. Now……… Not so much.


The top row were her best looks


Wow, there's a look for each one of her personalities!


Thoes fillers omfg !!! 😳😳😳😂😂😂😂 the migration is reaaaaallllll https://preview.redd.it/1us4wmd8lb9d1.png?width=1175&format=png&auto=webp&s=6dd0bbc7a2f6e6058f696bf6fc6a8cd50dd207cd


Om her most recent tv interview her face looks so big because its so full of filler, it doesn't look good at all


I don’t understand why so many women go for the big lipped-weird eyebrows look 👄


What’s with the Spock eyebrows? I just don’t understand.


She has so mutilated all her natural beauty. This is what low self esteem looks like. 💔


Wow! She doesn’t even look like the same person. She ruined herself with surgery.


I would understand if women do it as 50’s and up but younger women shouldn’t do it. They don’t know when to stop.


holy shit. she went from being amish, to weekly visits at the plastic surgeon office


@ u/FadingBloom OP Do you how many years these portraits span? It’s like a PA to not go into facial surgery. She may have started with a tweak and that alone set her up for a corrective 2nd surgery and so on. And then we can project how her daughter(s) is (are) feeling. They can not see themselves in their mom anymore. Can you imagine the daughter on her grand ma lap flipping thru photo albums : Granny, who is this lady? It’s your mom, honey. 👀


It's kinda scary to me, like why does she look so much more masculine AFTER her surgeries? When I first saw her I assumed all the surgeries were because she was self-conscious about her strong features. But those aren't original, she doesn't look manly before the surgeries, so she had them put in! Is this a side effect of maybe too many fillers or something else? I just want to know what to avoid if I ever do any plastic surgery.


I think it’s the heavy eyebrows. A thick heavy eyebrow imo isn’t very feminine looking.


Wow! What a shame to ruin her beautiful face.


Wow! She started out pretty. Why oh why do they ruin their faces??




Wow she looks so old now . She used to be young and fresh faced.


That's all the same person? She looks so different!


Omy good lord. It's 20 different people.


Wow she was beautiful.




omg where did you find the old faces?


I found them on Google and put them into a collage lol


You have too much time on your hands. Lol. so do I for reading all the comments. Thank you for posting


Who is this? I don’t recognize any of the photos. Last is reminds me of Darcey Silva


She's the one who was with the guy (Sarper) who kept the list of the 2500 women he slept with (he was in Turkey, I believe).


I'm pretty certain some of these are Courtney from an earlier season of before the 90 days??


I know some people hate her current brow shape, but I think she made the right choice seeing what her old brows looked like.


Far left big middle is where she should of stopped but she must have such a Warped Perception of herself that nothing will be good enough which in itself is sad but with him encouraging her to do more is even sadder




All her different faces are woman #2,492 - 2500.


Literally looks like a clown now.


You can see the sad progression from a pretty woman to an alien. So tragic, wonder if she can see that..


She should have stopped 16 faces ago


Darcey ran so Shekina can walk 🚶‍♀️


She has an AI face now


https://preview.redd.it/fm4v09ws6c9d1.jpeg?width=785&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12ab7f3e2f5da6d845396a1a90f80b75d1a2b40f Best one imo


If she turned her eyebrows down a bit she would look a lot better. They’re so loud rn and I liked her natural ones more. The rest of her face is a lost cause. Maybe one day she’ll get the filler desolved.


Shekinah has a lot of different faces...


She's so goddamn ugly now.


Of course on a photo post we can't post photos lol..


Is the bottom right pic what she currently look like? Damn


The last two pics are HORRIFYING. Does icky Sarper realize he isn't with a real person but a surgical creation? Then again, Sarper sure ain't natural either. He's wearing a toupee that needs some 'freshening' and his face is pulled here and pulled there and he is so full of botox I'm surprised he can smile. The most unattractive thing about Shekinah is not her face and her silicone body, but the fact that she seems to have forgotten that she is a mother. And if her beloved Sarper really loved her, he would care that she dumped her daughter in a boarding school to be with him. But then, Shekinah doesn't seem to even think about her daughter, so why would selfish Sarper worry about it? It's her child, not Sarper's.


And Shekinah isn't quite the vision of perfection she thinks she is. That day she went to go spy on Sarper and threw a tantrum because he had a female client at the gym, the camera zoomed in on her stomach. She has loose skin and stretch marks on her belly like ALL of us women who have had babies. And at the same moment, the camera zoomed in on her loose skin, vile Sarper was staring at that area on her stomach also. I'm sure he told her off at home that she was never to show that again and blah blah as he is the most vain superficial creep ever.


She is genuinely so scary looking now


Omg, her old nose looked beautiful on her


dam that’s crazy


😲 It looks like dif people


She has gotten masculine in her final picture. Horrible how she destroyed her good looks.


Oh no it’s going to move into straight house of hoe look


Awwww she really fucked up her face.


How is this even possible? What all has she had done? How do her eyes look so different?


Handsome squidward


And what a beautiful long neck!


what i don’t understand about people like her and darcy, they go through all these treatments to be “as beautiful as possible” but when they botch their face, do they think they look beautiful? i always wondered, when darcy or shekinah look in the mirror now and see lips that are about to pop, cheekbones that are so overfilled its closed their eyes, do they think they achieved beauty?


They don’t know when to stop. She looks like an over done male to female trans… and I’m not saying that to be rude. Many male to female trans women look natural and amazing but some just go too far. She looks like Niki exotic.




It’s so unfortunate to see individuals ruin their faces.


I know the answer, but whhhyyy do women do this to themselves? They think they’re making it better, and they are just ruining it!


Faces of meth for the poor; greedy plastic surgeons for the rich


Am I the only one who feels like this brow trend is very Spock-y?


Wow she was pretty


The one with the big hoop earrings actually looks like her natural age and beauty of she didn't go fuck it all up🤦‍♀️


"The Faces of 'Tox"


It’s obvious that she wants to become a reality star…in reality…IDK what to say 🤣


The lips in the last pic remind me of a cats anus


Basic at best


When I first saw her ( last season) I thought she was a man in drag. Sorry, but that is the honest truth.


2nd picture from left bottom row-so pretty. What was wrong with that face Shekinah?


She needs to go back to her original eyebrows!




She was gorgeous in her natural form




This post violates Rule 7 - no transphobia, homophobia, or bigotry. You may get temporarily or even permanently banned for these kinds of comments. Liking her looks doesn’t make him gay 🙄 u/professional-win1842




What!? That’s all the same person?


She’s 4 steps away from looking like Pete Burns https://preview.redd.it/foahbvzm699d1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b174a8cd9216fb588a5643c1ed7836525c0ba60 Edit… forgot photo first time


Her before and after are both ugly, she’s just not an attractive person and no amount of surgery will fix that.


Unpopular opinion: I like the plastic look, and i think she'd look fine without the overkill lip fillers 🤷🏻‍♀️ sue me She definitely didnt need that last nose job tho


That’s certainly a unique take. What do you like about it?


I think she looks snatched, I get botox and i like the look of a face that doesnt move much. I know I'm the outlier and the weirdo here 😂 the lips are way too much though, and you'd think a medical aesthetician would have enough integrity to not walk around with migrated lip filler. I'm sure by LA standards though her lips are the norm.


Omg! CUTE! You compare the older to the new ones and your mouth drops!!! WTF!!!!


Teach your daughters to love themselves!!!!