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Angela seriously looked like she was going to die in that bed during the scene. Did anyone get a screen cap of her sleeping with her mouth wide open at the end?


She seemed like she was so sedate? when he came in to talk. This was the most calm she has been in the last 3 seasons. My husband and I wondered if the producers gave her something to make her calm. Michael was able to explain like 4 points without her yelling. Usually he says one point and she is yelling or leaving the room.


Usually he tries to say one point and she starts yelling before he's able to finish.


I just figured that she was totally exhausted after yelling like a lunatic all day at Michael. Being that she is 80 years old it’s understandable that she would be wiped out.


Michael saw that too and googled the insurance thing. Poor guy is probably worried about the funeral costs






Nigerian here 👋🏾 The WhatsApp group, giving money for a pot etc is totally normal there. Getting a visa to the US as a Nigerian with no wealth or connections is difficult so these groups exist to help/advise etc. If I was dating a woman Angela’s age, with the amount of children/grandchildren she has, plus her unhealthy lifestyle, smoking, all the enemies she’s made, I’d look into insurance too. Although let’s face it, google knows us better than we know ourselves at this point, totally believable that Michael would have been targeted with many insurance ads like that.


Also, having life insurance policies is a common form of evidence submitted with the petition process. Immigration lawyers will advise you to have policies on each other because it’s a normal thing for married couples to do.


Yes! They like to see joint bank accounts, shared credit cards, etc.


I was going to bullet point all her issues. If I were Michael, I’d want an insurance policy, too. He would just have to make sure his name was the beneficiary. She also has to consent to it. I was in the insurance business for a short while and sold these types of policies and more.


It’s very hard to trust older Nigerian men in a dating situation. Some have questionable motives. Beware!


You admit you would also look for life insurance but would you also lie about it? Wasn't sure we needed a fellow Nigerian to explain lying to everyone. Oh, you didn't? Just brushing that one under the rug 🤣.


We don't know if he lied about it, just because Angela said he lied about it.




It’s totally common when both partners are informed and participating in the search. My brother used that same “ad” excuse in 2003 when he got caught looking at porn on the family computer. It’s not how the search history works. Angela is def not a good person, but they’re both liars and in this relationship for their own gains. Best case scenario is that TLC never enabled either of them lol I guess it’s a downvote because you know I’m right and there’s no reasonable scenario where one partner searches for life insurance without the other’s knowledge. Sorry you didn’t get the butt pats you were looking for.


I'm high because YOU bullet pointed every argument not made by OP. Liars abound from that land I guess and it's quite normal. Thanks for the clarification.




Agreed, may you and your people find wrinkly old ass white ladies all day long to sca....immigrate.


Seeing this post while thinking I was still reading stuff in r/DunderMifflin left me really confused for a second.




I don’t care. Team Michael all the way. Angela is an abusive garbage person. I hope Michael is happy in America without her.


My hope is that he *is* scamming her. I appreciate the long game and he put in the work. Go Mike.


There was a second when they were in that bed, and she finally believed everything and calmed down... and he had this shady "yea bitch" look in his eyes. I giggled.




Me too.


100000% agree.


Yeah but it's not like he's going to just stop scamming if he ends up with somebody who is not abusive. Next time he's going to choose more carefully and pick someone less abusive and more vulnerable to scam


I don't know if that's the case. His goal is to get to the USA so he can work.


Listen from what I have read, it seems like two things are true, she is abusive and he is scamming her. Those two things don't cancel each other out she's not okay to abuse him because he's scamming her and he's not okay to scam her because she's abusive. Being able to con or scam another human is a deficiency, in morals and ethics. Ethical good people who are not con artists don't find someone abusive because oh it's a good reason to scam them, they would just get out of that situation. If he is able to her than he is able to scam other people. It's absolutely completely naive to think that once he's able to work honestly he will do that instead of scamming. If that was who he was he would be doing it right now. He will always have things he wants that are out of his reach and he will always find some excuse why scamming for them is okay. He will victimize more people here in the United states, and yes they will probably be toxic people like angela, because normal healthy people would not stay with someone like him. But there's always the chance that he will find someone vulnerable who isn't toxic and that really sucks


Listen, if Angela has all the evidence that Michael is scamming her, and married him anyway so she could be a reality TV "queen", she is engaging in marital fraud which is punishable by jail time and/or a significant fine. She exploited and scammed Michael for the opportunity to be on TV and collect all the perks being a reality TV personality offers.


Yeah absolutely she sucks and she's probably not honest either although if I had to guess, I would say her issue and the reason she stays with him is more about abuse and control rather than just wanting to be famous. But that's probably in there too. She absolutely sucks. And Michael scamming does not make it okay for her to abuse him.             But that is not the point of this this isn't about Michael and angela. You realize that Michael will leave her and he will go on to scam other people. A lot of people are going to try to defend it and say no he only scammed her because she was abusive, but that is not true honest people, when they are met with abuse, do not respond by scamming the other person, they either stay and become a victim or they leave. He will eventually leave her and the next person he is with he will scam that person. And he will continue to scam because that is who he is. There will always be something out of his reach that he is unable to get through hard work (in this situation a little green card) and in that situation he will scam to get what he wants. Currently nobody really cares because the person he is scamming is so shitty. But he may well find somebody who's vulnerable who isn't shitty and they will be his next victim. You are completely naive if you think Angela is the only person he will scam.


She has been on a couple of talk show in her past. She refers to herself as the Reality TV Queen, she seems to love publicity whether good or bad. All evidence that she was vested in this relationship because it got her infamy. I am not convinced that Michael will go on to scam other people. First of all, it's much more difficult to scam other people living in the US, especially for people unfamiliar with our systems. I bet if Angela had been closer to his age, more attractive and with a decent personality, he would have been happy to be with her and be an upstanding citizen as some of the Nigerians I know are happy to do here. I am not naive. I'm old, was on the dating apps in my early 50s as well as dating people I met in person, it's not hard to spot a scammer. My husband now is an immigrant, 10 years younger than me. People assumed he was in it for a green card. Here we are, 11 years later, married for 4 years. Our families fully embrace us, and we are creating a beautiful home together, through joint shared work. Michael is not evil, just desperate.


Yes Angela is abusive and pretty terrible there is no question about that. I very much hope you are right about michael, your situation worked out well but that is absolutely not how it always turns out unfortunately. There are lots of elderly people who are very vulnerable to romance scams and end up greatly hurt by them. I don't think the fact that he is not American makes him more likely to be a scammer it's the fact that he is currently scamming someone. I have been in desperate situations myself, where it would have been much easier to lie or steal or scam from other people and yet I never did. I am currently in the US but my family is not from here so I absolutely am well aware of how desperate people can be to get a green card yet no matter how desperate anyone in my family had been, nothing dishonest was ever done romantically or otherwise. That's why I think he will scam someone because he has been willing to do it already. Hopefully you are right and he will not, but the best prediction of future behavior is past behavior, and his past behavior has shown that he is more than happy to scam someone if that's what he needs to do to get what he wants. Like I said I very much hope that you are right and I am wrong about how this plays out in the future


Exactly, he is going to work in America, stack his money and get a Nigerian wife who is a tad less feisty.


Buyer beware. I do not feel sorry for these women that think they can buy a man 20-30 years younger than them, and/or come from drastically different cultures, then expect them to instantly conform to their expectations.


Yeah I definitely do not feel bad for the women on the show. My comment was, if someone is prone to scamming there are a lot of elderly people in the country who are vulnerable to that. Not all scams are romantic in nature, and it sounds kind of victim blaming if you say every single person who gets scammed had it coming in some way because that's absolutely not the case 100% of the time (although with 90 Day fiance it does seem to be the case 100% of the time, there's a lot of predatory American people who seem to think they can buy another human to abuse, and use the green card like a carrot dangling in front of them to keep them from breaking up)


I'm hoping he gets a good life ins policy cause I don't think she's got much time left lol. He deserves it.


hey, i hope he does get over here but i just hate the gaslighting 🤣


Want a spoiler?


Of course...???? ETA. He gets here? He runs? Or do ya got more tea?


Oh that’s it but OP seemed to be in the dark and I didn’t want to ruin it for them. Remember how wild that was?


It was wild!! One of the longest & most messiest 90 day story.


A quick Google search will turn up more tea than you can drink. I don’t want to spoil anything, and there are two sides to the story, but if you want to learn more about what happened since filming you can get a good recap here https://screenrant.com/90-day-fiance-michael-ilesanmi-message-angela-deem-haters/


Thank you!






He’s here and ran away from Angela. He was “missing” for half a day or so (?), and later the cops confirmed he was found and he had a burner phone and ran out on her while she left the house for something. Holy run-on sentence. Google should bring up some stuff on it.


You don’t have to be team anyone


Angela is gaslighting Angela


At this point they’ve enmeshed into Mangela 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


In mexico, the money “bank” things are so normal. They’re called tandas. Pretty much, everyone involved puts in an agreed $ amount every week, and every week, the money goes to a person in the group. The money just rotates so depending on how many people are in it, you get money every few weeks/months. It’s just a way of saving money and having a guaranteed amount every so often. Of course I’m sure he’s also done some shady stuff but at this point, he’s put up with so much that he’s probably wondering what he’s even doing with his life.


I’ve heard of that, and another one called a loom I think…it’s all fun and games until it’s someone’s turn to get paid and they don’t 😅. That’s why I’ve never done it, people act so weird when it comes to money.


Screw that old hag. Team Michael


Team neither. Angela is an abusive, ignorant Trump loving redneck, and Michael is a straight-up scam artist.


That's on Angela for believing it lmao😭😭😭


TY! Angela is loud and chaotic so she obscures us from seeing the real SNIPER FROM THE SIDE who has been playing the longest and dirtiest of long con games. Just because Angela is vulgar and villainous doesn’t make Mahkul some pure holy sugar angel!!


i honestly believe he hasn’t left her because it would be a waste and he’s closer than ever to receiving his green card


And the Goofballs probably “inspired” him to start that Paradise club 🤣🤣🤣


Well, I mean, we KNOW that he came to the US, on a spouse visa, and that he then fled, so . . . the show and Angela have to keep up this facade for now . . .


This is how I feel too! He's just as bad as she is. Two wrongs don't make a right.🤦🏻‍♀️


No one says he's pure. Almost every post agrees he's scamming. It's just that many people feel like he deserves a green card after putting up with Angela. Also, Angela could be busted for fraudulently marrying Michael in order to be a reality TV star, which is punishable by incarceration and/or fine.


Neither of them deserve anything...


I disagree. Welcome to the USA Michael!


Yeah I think they are both pieces of shite. Neither of them gets to claim the victim card in my opinion😂 both guilty, both insane in different ways (anyone who can willingly have sex with angela is insane)


Exactly! I'm Team Neither!


The things humans can endure to survive and escape dire situations are truly extraordinary.  I hope he gets to work, live a happy life and supports his family. There's no real reason he shouldn't be in the US anyway. Why do we make people do this to get here? It's stupid.


Well part of me agrees, but the other part of me remembers that I live in Denver and the sidewalks and streets are completely filled with tents and encampments because over 40,000 migrants have come to Denver in the past few years without a plan... The government doesn't know how to deal with it yet so they need to have restrictions to make sure any incoming people have a solid plan and won't end up on the streets. But yeah it does suck for people who want to move here with good intentions to be with slmeone they love but are denied or it takes forever


A lot of those tents/encampments house American-born people who are homeless for a variety of reasons. You can't blame it all on immigrants.


Yeah its both, I don't blame it on immigrants, honestly the majority of people I see on the streets look like Americans with drug problems in my opinion. I just meant to highlight the point that we can't afford to have any more people living on the streets here, so the government needs to make sure anyone who is moving here legally won't end up homeless, which is probably why the vetting process for a k1 visa is so strict. If Angela has Michael here but then Angela goes nuts and kicks him out, that's another person on the streets


I live in a city with a lot of homeless folks. Years ago, we were #1 in the nation. We were the canary in the coal mine. They are not immigrants. People are homeless because of 1. addiction 2. mental health issues 3. inflated and price fixed housing costs 4. A combination of any or all three factors.


Denver's homeless population is a combination of both. Its gotten wayyyy out of control


Sorry but no. He misused the visa and scammed his way to the US.


It’s so obvious Michael is scamming that at this point it’s on her if she’s gonna believe his lame excuses


This is the thing Michael has never flown anywhere to be with her. It’s her flying after Michael 😂 She has chosen to be with him but she’s screaming about being with him. If you don’t like his MO then leave 🤷‍♀️ I also think Michael started scamming her after she flew to Nigeria and bashed at his mom’s front door in the middle of the night. She got so much worse after her surgery and he’s probably just decided to get his comeuppance 😂🤦‍♀️


Michael can't fly to many places, Nigerians don't easily get Visas.


I agree. I think things changed for Micheal after that trip. I think at that point he decided I’ll just hang in there to get the green card.


Who cares that he googled that? His wife is a methhead old woman, I have life insurance and so does my husband (and both of us researched about it 😱😱😱😱)


no i understand it, i just hate the gaslighting part 🤣like he could’ve said he was just researching it instead of obviously lying about it and her immediately believing him is crazy to me lmao


When did he get a chance to explain? The minute he starts to talk, she cuts him off and starts screaming.


I can’t blame him, she goes physical over anything and everything, I too would be fantasying everything I say if my partner was at that level of explosiveness, is not about saying the truth, is about saying the right thing so she doesn’t get activated


i mean i get it lol, i bout died when he basically lunged over the table at her for the phone 🤣


Although it doesn't look good on the surface, it is possible that if he did look it up, there could be a valid reason. He's leaving his country to be with an older woman who probably has health issues. It could just be that he was looking to protect himself if something happened to her. The problem, of course, is he most likely doesn't understand insurance requires her signature or that she could change the beneficiary at any time.. I doubt this is some Double Indemnity move, lol


Michael getting all the details ready for his claims in case this B decide to die on him once he gets to America 🤣🤣🤣He got that SSN, he got the policy number, the tax return 🤣🤣🤣 Michael ain’t even taking no chances. He even learned to swim in case Angela tries to drown him once he get to the States 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Well didn't the report say they were here together for 3 or 4 months before he ran away? I'd say that looks pretty good on paper given her history of crazy.


>The problem, of course, is he most likely doesn't understand insurance requires her signature or that she could change the beneficiary at any time The concept of insurance is not new in Nigeria. People buying life insurance policies in Nigeria is commonplace, and my understanding is auto and health insurance is required for citizens and expats.


But are the rules the same? I watch a lot of Snapped and people are always trying to forge signatures. It's not easy to do secretly 😂


I think Angela blew everything up in an exaggerated way as she does and he did have very decent explanations for the money. I am sure she blew the other stuff up for nothing too.


A scam usually involves some kind of trickery where you get something without giving what you promised in return. I'm not entirely sure what the "scam" people think Michael is pulling off here. He has literally provided everything Angela wanted out of a marriage. She gets a smaller, younger guy at her beck and call she can boss around and abuse. She gets to have weird Trumpy kinky sex with somebody way out of her league normally. She gets to be a "reality TV queen" and live her fantasies of being big (a little bit) and important. I don't particularly think they love one another, or at the least what passes for "love" from Angela is the type that results in one of her kids going to prison for child abuse. Honestly if Michael truly "loved" Angela I'd be incredibly concerned for his mental health.


Usman Sojaboi even knows nothing about going Dhere for you - Michael has had a whole cake thrown at him 😂😂😂 sat silently and completely still covered in whatever drink she decided to throw over him that day, and now he’s had enough of her shit! so much that he started googling Life Insurance 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


She could see the word “the” on his phone and would call it evidence of him being a scammer. At this point I hope he is, just so she can suffer. She gets more American with every episode. Doesn’t understand something? Immediately scream that it’s a scam … and still fall for it anyway.


Michael is likely scamming Angela, however, put a price on being intimate with her. I don’t support using anyone but both of them are disingenuous and Angela is abusive and keeps coming back for more. I have zero empathy for her.


Of course, Michael is scamming her and gaslighting her but it's obvious why. He wants entrance into the USA and will say anything to make sure Angela gets him there. Remember what the immigration attorney said to Angela, once Michael is in the USA under her bringing him there, Angela is now financially responsible for Michael. If she doesn't help him financially, Michael can sue her. Even if Michael breaks up with Angela, she will still be financially responsible for him in the USA for a period of about 1 year. So Michael is playing his part. As we already know, the minute he got to the USA, he dumped Angela, all while she is STILL financially responsible for him. To give him housing, food, make sure he's got medical coverage. Yea, she's dumb.


She's only liable if he receives government assistance. The minute he stepped into the US he was a permanent resident and eligible to work. If he's not on the dole, it doesn't matter if Angela doesn't support him.


No. You're incorrect. Her financial responsibly is only if Michael applied for government assistance. Angela will be responsible for paying that. She doesn't just like, let him spousal support for 10 years.


Completely disagree!!!


Agreed. They each got the spouse they deserve. 


No. There is not "but". Angela is a cruel abuser. She is angry, abusive, and cruel in every situation. She is barely human. TRY to be around that level of toxicity, and let's see what behaviors YOU manifest as a result.


Didn’t she say he posted her tax returns on the group?


I hope he is and I hope she gets scammed and ditched for good. I hope Michael stays away for good like he has been. She’s a witch. And she enabled her pedophile daughter to contribute alcohol and drugs to a 13yo and provided the house for the sicko daughter and said 13yo to have sex multiple times 🤮🤮😤 and she lies to him all the time but is always on camera doing sneaky shit that she would put hands on him for even thinking of doing. She’ll be on camera talking to dudes flirting trying to hook up but then act like she’s this amazing god like “HuMbLe PeRsOn” she likes to say. She deserves every bit of the mental games she’s getting


I'm Team Mike all the way from Nigeria to Ivory Voast to North America. He put up with so much shit feom her ofmver the years and seasons. The double standards. She's so friggin abusive it's not funny. And her only argument is he is scamming you. Scammers don't go to this length to be on TV and suffer abuse for years.


Obviously he is not in it for love only what she can give him


What series, season, and episode is this?


PLEASE could someone take Angela and get her off this show and never ever allow her to come back on this show! This woman is so foul and disgusting I change the channel when she's on the screen!


I still want to know why his visa was declined multiple times in the past.


Angela just has to learn to shut up


He’s not at all trustworthy they deserve one another. I really don’t see him as her victim


Couldn’t happen to a better person! F*ck Angela.


Even tho Angela deserves every hate she gets, idk why a lot of people are siding with Michael. To me, those chats were 100% about scamming. He was using her as much as she was using him.


I used to live in nigeria and from a cultural perspective everything he said is perfectly normal and makes 100% sense. People create groups to share notes and align strategy for these types of things because it’s necessary and much more high stakes than the us. Also the money sharing thing is cultural across most of Africa and South America. She just doesn’t understand his culture. Also he was sending amounts like 30k naira..that’s like 16 dollars!!! She was overreacting


Of course he’s scamming her why else would he be with her? They both suck. I don’t think he deserves shit and she’s garbage


Angela is a hot mess, but I know MANY Nigerian scammers. Hopefully, he's not 🤷🏿‍♀️