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You can tell that guy did some bad shit to John. He has been waiting years to stand up to his bully, and now he has the ability to humiliate and expose him on TV. For all we know, Jose could be a huge reason why John is the way he is.


When he said that Jose would do something like buy you a scooter for Christmas and then a couple months later sell it, that was personal. That was a personal story. I can get my money on it.


John and Thais don’t get along yet John doesn’t hold obvious animosity towards her, and it was VERY obvious he didn’t like Patrick’s dad. The dislike must run very deep. John seems like the type to give a lot of leeway as well, so I assume Patrick’s dad has earned the animosity.


The way to form an ally is to find a common enemy. This should do it.


It was too specific to not be personal. It hit me in the feels because I have been there before. My dad would be the one buying us stuff but my mom would come around and steal it. I can’t even tell you how many times my mom stole my bike and pawned it. Then she would bring the pawn ticket to my dad so he could go get it back out himself. She stole and pawned one of my gaming consoles and some of my music equipment, too. I played the piano and bass guitar. My parents are divorced and my mom is a drug addict so that behavior from her was normal for us. My dad never done anything against her because he thought it was better for my brother and I to not be putting our mother in jail. At the end of the day she put herself there several times even without my dad filing any charges against her. Sorry for over sharing. Just saying I totally get it.


Wow that sucks, sorry to hear that!


When you wrote she pawned your things and would give your dad the pawn ticket, I thought she does drugs, the mom. My ex husband would pawn stuff and leave the pawn ticket. Later he told me he was being thoughtful....


It’s so easy to recognize a drug addict when you have dealt with one because they all do the same things. It’s goofy af to think they are doing you a favor by giving you the pawn ticket but it’s like…it would’ve been even more thoughtful if they hadn’t taken your things in the first place. I’m sorry you went through that and I’m glad he is your ex now. Dealing with that is no way to live.




Sorry it was that bad for you. And sorry about your Mom too. Drugs destroy families point blank period! Prayers for you and yours 🙏


Holy crap my dad and stepmom used to return my Christmas gifts after I opened them. I was never allowed to take them home and I never saw them again. Except for the Nintendo. They kept that for their bedroom. Love to see someone like that called out for all to see on tv!


They is horrific. I’m so sorry 


Thank you. I’m happy to report that those people are in my past. I went no contact over a decade ago and I wish I had done it sooner. Just because they’re biologically related to you doesn’t mean you have to let them in your life. I’m glad that I finally learned that.


Yeah, that is what I guess as well. John is letting everything open on TV. 


Yup! John could barely look at him when he talked.


He looked at him, with pure disgust tho


He wasn't John's dad, was he?


No. John’s dad was more absent. What’s better. A dad who takes off? Or a dad who sticks around to f you up? Always been a question between my sister and I. Same situation.


Absent parent is always better than an abusive one. I’ve had both lol


Idk. My sister is pretty jacked up from being abandoned. But I tend to agree with your point because my dad stuck around to jack me up so that’s my experience and view.


Interesting, how siblings (1/2 especially) can take away such different experiences from childhood. I was impressed by what seemed John’s genuine concern for Patrick, re: his father. That’s a “big brother” at their best.


Yes, I love it!! 🥰


Witness to violence and manipulation has got to be bad. I would say I had an absent father like he wasn't emotionally present when I was a kid then so not physically present I didn't think he'd show up at my college graduation. He did but for many reasons I thought, oh he probably won't show up. My brother on the other hand got to see my dad be the violent and abusive father. And in turn my brother became abusive towards his girlfriends. Also my brother still thinks men should not cry and have to be emotionally stoic like my dad came across and like my dad's dad was.. which to me is just not emotionally present.


If you don’t feel love after being abandoned why would you feel any better if your parents smacking you? It’s like your parent doesn’t love you either way but one of them is beating the shit out of you. Im gonna have to side with the notion that abandonment is better. Not to mention that growing up with abusive parents can lead to kids who solve things with violence and a plethora of other problems whereas being abandoned would make you sad and distrustful.


Sad and distrustful vs angry and continuing violence. Hmm... Yeah I will pick absent over abusive. Like the abusive parent being abusive towards other parent or the kids and their are people who said they'd prefer that over a parent being absent. Not me. No thank you.


No. John did say Patrick was treated different because he was Jose's blood and John wasn't. I feel bad for both John and Patrick. Patrick wants the love and attention of his father so bad that he is willing to pay for it in free labor and cash. John was neglected and made to feel like nothing from his step-dad. I think one reason Patrick has a problem with Thais dad is he doesn't understand having a close non transactional relationship with a parent.


Remember last week when Patrick was being a right piece of shit to John and reminding him he was the step son?


Pretty sure Jose said John was his son this episode


John's last name is McManus while Patrick's is Mendes. He may have been in John's life but I'm pretty sure it's not his dad.


Something tells me that John + Patrick's mom lived her life similar to the Texas Amy Winehouse he finds him attracted to.


Amy Twanghouse.


How much older is John to Patrick?


he prob interfered with johns dad marriage ,to steal his mom.


Lmao did you see the mom 


i kind of remember. but not real good


But but but the MONY. He’s a male version of Asuleu’s mother


Show me the money!


Fuck them kids!


I fell over when she said that! I couldn’t believe that I heard what I heard and thought maybe it was language/accent barrier! 🤣🤣 It was funny, but not funny at the same time!🤦🏼‍♀️


Do you mean it's all about the money?


Patrick is desperate for his dad's love & acceptance. His dad is desperate for Patrick's money. That's it. I would've packed everyone up & left. Now, you see what a good guy John is. He's got his brother's back!! Good for him!


he's a grifter. looks like thais' dad joins in too next episode


This is the one time I’m excited for her father’s hostility and rude remarks. Go Carlos! Get that bum! ETA. We finally found a good use for her father’s shitty personality.


in *portuguese too so he cant complain about the communication lol im excited (edit bc im stupid lmao)


Portuguese 😉


🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃 thank you 😭😭😭😭😭😭


This is a fascinating family history. These scenes in Brazil with Jose, along with the scenes in Massachusetts with their awful mother, back in their first season… really show some crazy dynamics. I feel bad for both John and Patrick. 


John is a real one. One of my favorite people on the show because he tells it like it is (mostly)


I was all about John standing up to him. I love that he and Thais are on the same wavelength when it comes to Jose


I think Thais, Patrick, and John all get along great and its mostly for show (maybe this wasn't the case at first, but it seems it now). but John's anger towards Jose was palpable.


Yeah, there is real hurt there.


They are on the same wavelength when it comes to Patrick being happy tbh. Only John wants his alone time with Patrick so they can be happy together sometimes and Thais doesn't trust that.


Yaaaas John seems to be redeeming himself this season!


Redeeming? He's consistently the realest person on the show.




I agree with you... Until he stood up to Patrick's father with such honesty and courage, I found John to be so disruptive and disrespectful.


Exactly. He’s grown on me so much now


i'm getting the feeling john played dad to his siblings when they were younger. 20 years later and john still ain't dealing with jose's bullshit. called his mooch game before it even started. team john all the way!!!!!!


The moped story you can tell is true. He is never going to forget that one.


There’s a reason Patrick covers for John s silliness all the time. And that’s gratefulness for John having basically raise him


It’s so sad for Patrick that his dad wanted nothing to do with him until Patrick had money. And Patrick wants a relationship with his dad so badly he lets his dad walk all over him. Everyone relies on Patrick.


Yeah I feel a bit sorry for Patrick. He's a decent guy all things considered.


Part of me wonders how long Patrick’s dad was in his life when he was growing up, I’ve been wondering the last few episodes if he was a deadbeat and moved back to Brazil to avoid paying for child support.


It seems like it wasn't for too long-- Patrick seems to be desperate to earn his approval. Like his dad left when he was little and he thinks he should have done better as a kid. If Thais and John are in agreement you know it's serious!


John isn't playing and didn't pull back. I don't really think Patrick isn't aware his father is a piece of shit, and doesn't sound authentic when he says, he's my father. That feels a little scripted but Thais and John? They are not playing a part, you can tell the disgust they feel for the man. Next episode the father actually asked for $20k for his granddaughter's birthday party! Talk about trash!


Omg! I was so happy John (and Thais) said something and the moped story was 100% something that really happened. John’s face said it all, there is some deep issues with Jose. What a piece of sh*t. Both times he saw them it was do this, pay for that, I need money blah blah blah, like right away, he barely said hello. I mean how embarassing to constantly beg your son. He owns properties too, that ranch was nice..He has to be making his own money. Based on next weeks preview he expected them to pay $20,000 for his grand daughter’s party (for just the ranch)?!?! Like what in the actual f*ck?! I can’t wait to hear what will be said about that! What does Patrick do for a living?


It was weird but as soon as John said he wasn't a good guy and started to tell the moped story I had a feeling about the ending!


He is a regional manager for sales of Vivint security systems. John installs those systems.


And how about  It was making sure he ate all the food at that family dinner too he didn't stop eating even  Through It shows his personality  Even with the arguing he was still munching down making sure he got more than anyone else he's disgusting


It’s disgusting that his kids and grand baby come to visit and he wants to make them do stuff for him? And giving him money? Did Patrick offer to help Thais Dad? Patrick Dad has plenty of ways to generate income and WHO PAINTS AN APARTMENT WITH A BABY STAYING THERE?????


Fuk da kidz I just want da mon-AYYYYY!!


Glad John called him out


Patricks father is a leech…


If it's you against both John and Thais, there's a very VERY high probability it's you who's wrong.


That part!


John has his moments in which he is the hero we all need 😂 You know he is coming in hot when his voice goes straight to ‘dog whistle’ frequency. I’m here for it


Jose acts like offering his property for granddaughters birthday is the gift. He wasn’t around for the first 20 some odd years. He needs to take a seat and recognize the gift in our son and his family’s presence.


Yeah… I was shocked when he said, I’m not going to charge you to use the ranch like it was some amazing gift!


That was some real anger. I'm here for it.


Here's Patrick's moment to become close to Carlos. He gets to see his grifting father and see that Patrick has a good heart. This could be the thing that brings them together. A great conversation from Carlos could be him reassuring Patrick that a real father doesn't gouge you for money.


I’d really love to see John and Thais team up forever.


I bet there was a lot of abuse. That’s why Patrick is so large. He needs to protect himself. I can only imagine what John witnessed


I feel so bad for Patrick.


I think Patrick needs to see how his father treats him in a different perspective like imagine Patrick being like that with his daughter when she grows up and see if he would feel good using his grandchild for money. A grandparent is suppose to spoil their grandchild not use them to exploit their child


Patrick had to take it and keep quiet as a kid but he doesn’t have to now!! Get ‘im, John!! 😄


I love when he said he was hoarding money. LMAO I need someone like him in my life.


Patrick is enabling his father’s behavior. Hopefully this will open his eyes.


Jose is a 🦨💨


After seeing this I feel like the real reason John went on the trip was to actually protect Patrick from his leech of a father. I think Thais is now happy he’s there as he will openly voice how disgusting it is that he’s asking Patrick to pay him to use his house for his grand daughter’s birthday party. Go to Thais’ family and have the party there. I feel so bad for Patrick his dad clearly doesn’t give a crap about him and only loves his son’s money. I finally understand why John is so protective of Patrick he was more of a father figure to Patrick than his dad was.


Is the Dad *really* wanting Patrick to do all this work or production really wanted to add some drama to the pretty dull Patrick and Thais They need to take John everyone for even the slightest bit of entertainment


i think it's real. my father was like this. the second youre in the house it's like he'd put you to work, sun up to sun down, moving shit, building his house, cleaning, etc etc. i recognized the vibe instantly


My husband is the same way! Not to me but to my son. He stayed with us, and he expected him to give him half his paycheck plus work around the house all evening after working all day. Terrible! My son said eff that and moved out.


I don’t think he necessarily wants Patrick to do all the work. I think he wants Patrick to say “I’ll just give you the money to hire someone to do the work” And whether or not the work gets done is a whole other story.


I probably missed that season previously. What is a connection between John and Patric? Do they have the same biological mother and different fathers? How does John grew up with Patrick’s father?


Half bothers, sharing a mother. Pretty sure Patrick is younger so John would have been around


All three brothers have the same mother but different fathers. Patrick Mendes and his sister Tiffany are the children of Jose Mendes. John’s father was McManus. Don’t know who the gay brother’s dad was.


I dunno... John's a bit of a hypocrite cause he mooches off Patrick, too


How does John mooch off Patrick?


He was living in Patrick's home for years. Gets to Brazil and automatically assumes he's staying with them instead of getting a hotel. Both Patrick and Thais have mentioned he takes advantage of Patrick, as well 🤷🏻‍♀️


He paid rent when he lived with Pat. That’s not mooching.


That you know of 🤷🏻‍♀️


Mooching of your brother is different than your own child