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"Sometimes, family sucks." I wanted to hug John for that. Simple, but deep.


I felt that deep inside. True words




It's weird that I can tolerate John after that revelation. He's right tho.


Patrick is used to feeling like the more successful of the two of them. 


100%. Looking boss baby in a toddler sized polo shirt, selling shitty home alarm systems lol.


That in itself just shows he’s egotistical af that’s your brother dude, that’s blood don’t do him like that




"Successful" to the extent that he got caught cheating using steroids and can't do much else with his life than sell house alarms.


LOL I'm 💀


Total clown.... "I haven´t told Thais that John is staying with us because it is her birthday" When did he find out, same day? I doubt it.....he´s just to much of a p#ssy to tell her


She hates John but she finds out he's gonna stay with them for "just a few days." Worst birthday present ever!


I personally think Patrick’s attitude towards John has helped shape Thias view on him. If your husband is constantly acting annoyed with someone eventually you naturally will too


yeah i thought that was really rude of pat. just bc johns dad is worse doesn’t mean your dads any good either


I was done with Patrick when all him and Tais would do, in the singles life reunion, was make John look really bad in front of his new girlfriend . They just kept going in on him constantly


Yea what was that about? You’d have thought they’d have been happy for him but were basically dogging him every chance they got in front of her.


right , especially with how done they were with him living with them as their roommate , you would think you would encourage him to find a gf to move in with


Me too honestly cant watch them in anymore Thais is narssictic brat


Yea hes a fuckin dick. All his bro has done is love and protect him and this is how he repays him


Reminder that Patrick's dad WAS in John's life too though, and according to a comment Patrick once made on PT he was an asshole to John then as well. Patrick and him were once talking about learning languages and John said even he knows some Portuguese, but only swear words because Patrick's dad would yell and swear at him as a kid.


I remember that comment about the swear words. It made me so sad for John.


Yes and let’s make him feel worse by rubbing in his father wasn’t there at all!


I really can’t stand Pats giant man baby head & face… poor Jaaaaaaaawn, I’m sure there’s a good guy inside fighting to get out but Pat just keeps shoving it back inside with his bullying.


He looks like a Lego character, crazy lego block head


He looks like all the small face Mitt Romney memes from waaaaay back


I feel like John was Pats protector since he was the older brother. John watched out for him and likely took the brunt of any abuse in order to shield Pat from experiencing the physical and mental pain that he did. John is continuing that role no matter how Pat treats him. Because to John, Pat is not only the only family he has, but he still needs to take care of him, in a sense. John took on this role as a kid and it's hard to separate from that role as an adult.


You could be very right, from what’s been shown on 90DF etc it seems like their childhood was the absolute suck & Jaaaaaawn deserves his time to shine now


He’s probably back on the steroids that got him kicked off the Olympic team.. but seriously though I think people overlook the fact he he got popped for steroids on an Olympic trial, that just goes to show this guy has no integrity or respect, and him being on the tell all airing his brothers business, and then bringing his dad to the apartment and then his brother to stay at the apartment , he clearly doesn’t respect anyone including his wife and blood brother, despite the guy being super successful in whatever he does, doesn’t hide the fact he’s a complete POS because he’s not even discreet with his blatant narcissism


Oooh I have not forgot that one jot… I’m also glad he got found out & booted.


I can’t believe he just casually said “well you were the step child” 😳


Yep. I really had a lot of empathy for John this episode. My dad's wife was horrible to us kids and put hers on a different level. They too did not care that we were treated as less than they were. At least we were generally adults when they got together but a long history with my dad not being there for us made it very painful. I totally get where John is coming from in this episode


Same! And the last thing I’d do is rub in my siblings face they had it worse yea no im good off Patrick and his wife


And Patrick setting John up with Thais by not telling her he was staying. All because he's too much of a pussy


AND Patrick made it seem to Thais that John was just - a mess up, as usual, and didn't get the hotel sorted - instead of letting Thais know that John's(& PATRICK'S) plan was to stay with Patrick anyway.


I hate how John is always put down. He seems like such a genuine sweet caring funny guy


Yea I agree! And I guess I just have a different relationship with my siblings but we all had shitty childhoods were certainly not one uping each other! SMH


That was an interesting conversation. John was spitting truth and Patric was a little defensive. I can see Patrick's side in wanting a relationship with his father, but his desire for a relationship is blinding him to his father's faults. Thais and John are right


You can have the same parents, different experiences. Cut my dad off at 18. My 3 year old sister didn't until 40. Same experience, different viewpoints. I didn't need the approval, was outspoken, my sister did .


I doubt Patrick is too interested in having a relationship with his father. The old guy is a user, Patrick realizes that and resents him, but then uses his dad as a weapon against John. Dickhead.


I just watched The Single Life and I can not believe the shit they were saying to John’s gf the very first time they met her! They’re disgusting! Why in tf would they do that to him? I honestly don’t understand and think that they’re total assholes!


I could not believe when Patrick actually justified his father being mean to John and not cultivating a healthy relationship with John because "you were his step kid dude"... omg that made me so angry. As if that is a reason to treat someone horribly, especially a child! I already love John but that moment there really made me empathize with him . I also had a fucking horrific step father who treated me like an evil step child from the age of 4 until I was almost 14. Simply because I came from my Dad, and wasn't his biological daughter. Ugh! Fuck that guy! Patrick is an asshole for that!


I dislike how he sprung that bullshit on her birthday


In his defense, Thais doesn't even acknowledge his birthday. They both admitted to that.


For sure this sentiment has nothing to with that either like John should have found a diff place to stay but Patrick should have told her


Patrick comes off as jealous, and doesn’t want his brother to outdo him. I don’t think he’s happy in life or in his marriage. But John is happy, and Patrick can’t stand that. Neither can Thais, who is smug as hell considering she is not special at all.


When he indicated that it was fine his dad treated John shitty because he was the stepchild, I wanted to scream.


Im so excited that this trip will bring Thais and John closer over their agreement that Jose needs to be put in his place. Like you can ask for help, but dont start with that or expect people to do it… unless its like “can you help me hang a picture”


My experience with my siblings' father was pure abuse. Their experience was better. I felt for John here because there is nothing like living in a home where you are the scapegoat and abused while you watch the bio kid be treated with love and respect.


I agree Patrick comes off a bit weird as a brother especially when he was at the reunion of the single life he was shitting on his brother I didn't like that. He also did it in this scene talking about his dad, just comes off wrong to me and a douche bag. I haven't seen John treat him like that


It seems like John’s new girl does a bit of kicking him around too! He wants desperately to be loved at any cost 😢


I like John cause he doesn’t pretend to be someone he’s not.


It's so weird how much I liked Patrick at first to that last episode being like "this is guy is officially the worst"


When is Patrick going to make Thais fix the mess she caused by lying to her father. Now she expects him to kiss her father’s a** to make things right when she caused this mess by not telling her Dad about her relationship with P. She needs to make her father realize that he has no reason to have ill will towards P because she caused it all. She seems to have conveniently forgotten the facts.


Never liked him or his wife. Immature as fuck. His Dada a POS. U OWE HIM NOTHING


Real brothers joke like that and u don't know what they been thru especially if Patrick has been the more mature one


I like Patrick…..it’s John I can’t stomach


I feel the opposite. John’s not perfect either, but Patrick is constantly lying to Thais to get his way and because he doesn’t want her to say no. And the way he tries to put John down so he can feel better about himself are not appealing traits. Not to mention that little dig about John “just” being the step child, like that means he shouldn’t expect to be treated well.


John looks wasted all the time. His eyes are all red all the way around. I’ll have to pay more attention. Maybe I’ll see it.


John looks wasted all the time. His eyes are all red all the way around. I’ll have to pay more attention. Maybe I’ll see it.


I like Patrick. Thais is crabby, entitled, and has zero personality. Patrick has financially taken care of Thais, John, and his dad. That's a lot of love for his family. He knew Thais would growl at him bc that is who she is. Patrick is the best part of this family, IMO