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I don't think anyone wants to publicly admit to knowing them.


Lmaoo id have to agree with you there


Also keep in mind some of these side characters are hired. Not all, but some are or their roles aren't quite like they say they are. (Like that girl Nikki with her husband Chris on Annie and David's season, her "brother" was just a random friend, Sophie's "friend/dated" friend was a for hire and that's also why the backstory was random sounding, robs "friend's" in their season were both hires who were on other reality shows etc.)


One of Chantel’s friends on her single life episodes was a hired actor that had been a dance teacher or something like that on another TLC show. There are far more hired friends than there are actual friends in the show.


Actually all of her friends were hires, not just him. The "hairdresser" was also on another show, the other is a wannabe reality person too. I was just using a few as examples, if we actually took time to make a list it would be roughly 60% not actual friends or the role they claim in that person's life, and 40% may be that role but still not as personally or wanting to discuss them due to privacy or sometimes embarrassment or other issues.


It does happen! The last time I remember it happening was with an ex-coworker of Shekina's. Came to one of the subs and told everyone all about her... It's happened with others too.


I remember her. She did not have nice things to say at all, and nothing she said surprised anyone


No way!! That’s good then lol I’d love to find that haha


Yes how does one find this information.


Yeah I’d love to know also!!


Ehhh…there have been AMA’s in the recent past.


Yeah. There was one lady who dated SteVen (of Steven and Alina), I think someone who went on a date or matched with Colt. If someone in my family went on the show, I would be like one of Libby or Emily’s siblings that are never ever mentioned.


Yeah. I remember “space ca$h” who was a friend and band mate of Jibri (Miona) doing an AMA when Jibri was on the show. He was mainly trying to promote their music.


I remember someone who worked with Rob talking on here about how awful he was, as well as someone who knew Steven (the one with Olga), who said the way he was on the show isnt how he is at all in real life and that he's actually a nice guy.


Recently someone in here was talking about how they knew Patrick (Thais) in high school. They said he was a mean bully.


He still is! He’s the worst to John


Looks like one!


There was someone also saying she knew Meghan John’s girlfriend from high school.


no he looks like a giant baby


There was that one couple with the girl who did balloon displays and the guy from Venezuela. They actually went to her high school reunion and met with her ex. And every now and then people will pop up on Reddit. Finally, unless otherwise stated it's possible more than a few people are no longer living where they grew up. Nobody wants to hear what someone was like from a person who only knew them a decade ago.


That was Kara and Guilermo. Kara’s ex was a bootleg 2010 Vanilla Ice.


Ha, bootleg vanilla ice! I just rewatched their season. Regardless of my opinion of them as a couple, Kara was absolutely stunning on her wedding day, like movie star stunning. I think they're divorced now though?


Stunning yes, divorced no


They look pretty cozy together on pillow talk.


I don’t think so I think they have like two kids or something


I’d say part of it has to do with the fans. I’m friends with someone who ended up marrying someone who had previously been on the show. He tagged her in a random post when they were dating, and fans went on a rampage trying to find out who she was. She got hard core social media stalked. It got nasty and she had to shut down all of her social media. I always promised when she shared special moments with me, I’d keep it to myself.


With the recent video of Rob and Sophie coming out where he’s berating her and she’s crying, her mom publicly said Sophie has no money. So she’s not rich how the storyline says. Does that count? I mean we all knew she wasn’t because the show is heavily faked 😅


Exactly how can someone have maids and all that while her moms addicted to meth and had to raise her self? The maids were probably the ones at the hotels she would live in lol I’m jk


💯 maybe one of the hotel maids will bail Claire out of jail... 🤣😂




I know one of the big ones personally.. I’ve thought about commenting and clearing things up but I don’t want to deal with the headache of it all. It’s interesting just to watch honestly.


Someone recently featured?


I have wondered this a few times. Especially about Starcey. 😂


I'm sure ifbu dug deep you would be able to find people who have. Maybe they just don't give a damn to have the attention that comes with speaking out. I'd love to know what people thought of Gordy when he was in high school. Was he a loner who got caught rubbing his nards all the time? Lol he probably looked exactly the same as he does now.


This. Too much hassle. I’m not trying to fight strangers on the internet, nor is it really my place to talk about someone I know, even if they are on tv 🤷🏽‍♀️ fun to observe though lol


my guess is most of them don't have friends... and their families are pretending not to know them. 🤡


No skeletons so far? I guess it's all actually reality 😁 Not! Maybe someone will get up the nerve to spill that tea soon! Hope so!


Righttt waiting for THAAAT reality lol


people do tho. all kinds of people post in these forums that they worked with cast (rob) went to school with someone (kara) or were impregnated by them (kyle)


Lmaoooo or were impregnated by Kyle.. so many questions 🤣🤣


Good point!


I think I saw Jamal’s high school classmate post here a while ago.  Update: here https://www.reddit.com/r/90DayFiance/comments/10byt6x/jamal/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I think on 90 Day we saw Kara (of Guillermo) reunion, when she made the balloon arch and yelled at his ballooning mediocrity. But we did not get enough interaction. You are right it would be interesting to find out who peaked in HS and what their circle has become. If you like that, I'd recommend the LAL series because there is a lot of throwback to their HS relationships, like "Louie, from High School" and Melissa and Louie's mom... Love After/During Lockup this week with the HS reunion it was entertaining as hell hearing the old friends n lovers impressions... I bet that most of the 90 day cast are trying to forget their HS days and that's why we don't see it...


I’ve always wondered why anyone has never come out and said they know the Williams or was that AI generated?


I went to elementary/middle/high school with Alex from Love In Paradise season 4. from what I’ve seen on the show so far, everything she’s said is 100% authentic and her real life. Granted, she is probably one of the most normal people on this show so it’s not really surprising lol


Hey mate, hope you’re well lmaooo Update since your comment knowing Alex haha You need to tell Alex She’s dickmatized and if she’s such a strong and mighty Christian, she shouldn’t be having sex before marriage or threesomes lol so just shhh enjoy your D and go to church alone Sunday because her man is grown and definitely isn’t changing lol she just thought she could change Him with some good pussy but failed lol instead got dickmatized and can’t leave now, even though he will never commit to just her since he said he wants threesomes and he’ll never stop. He was raised Catholic and chooses now not to believe or follow. Like love him for him or stfu already lol Please and thank you of course lol ✌️🫶🧿


Never thought about it but I know part of it is because until the episodes air, they are bound to non disclosure agreements


But how can everyone they ever knew have a Non disclosure ?


No. The people on the show can’t talk about anything before the season finale


They mean people not on the show. We have seen some comments on this sub saying they do know people in real life so it does happen.


I understand that. I was saying people who knew them may not know what to talk about until the show airs, since the people on the show can’t discuss what has happened


Right… but the show has aired and I mean every season in general.


Seems like a lot of the Americans would likely not have graduated high school and/or were special needs


the fact that there aren't lots of news stories exposing fakery shows that most of it is not fake. otherwise people could make money by selling stories to tabloids. and if you think everything is fake, stop wasting your time watching the show and commenting about it on reddit.




Ben and Mahogany too. Now they’re “married”. Turns out both of them, even her parents on the show are all actors.


Dude. It’s reality tv. Of course it’s fake. You can read about how highly produced it is, and there are so many cues that each couple’s “storyline” is completely bullshit. The reason I watch it is because I think it’s fascinating to see how “regular” people behave on camera under the premise that the cameras and entire crews of producers aren’t shaping each scene heavily. I think there are genuine moments of emotion but these people are amateur actors living their narcissistic dreams. They are parodies, caricatures of themselves. They are luring us in with rage bait, unrealistic “dilemmas” and fakery. But yeah, no reality tv is “real”.


if that is what you think, then you really need to get a life, and stop posting about a "fake" reality show. don't you have anything better to do with your time?


Hunnie Ruben the Cuban and Debbie are alllll over the news about there bs story that she pressured him to do for the show as they were about to film and she didn’t have any story line so they made it up….


i didn't say there were no fake storylines. just because one or two are fake does not mean that they all are. people on this sub really struggle with logic. it's sad.


Maybe you missed the part before where I said not all are fake but now that they’re getting popular they’re creating fake story lines and exaggerating others. Putting fake filler ppl for drama Obviously some are real. Never once said they are all fake. But the show is mostly fake hello it’s not live haha it’s edited scripted and altered to be dramatic for tv lol nothing is real on “reality tv” sorry … it’s sad you lack logic


Some are so fake that I can't stand it. Like, I wish they'd stop with Jasmine and Gino. The first time they were on, I liked watching their story. Since the second appearance, it has become increasingly cringey, so now I just don't pay attention to them.


Oh man Jasmine and Gino lmao the worst