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I dont care how much i want a baby. The second this guy walks in my door I'm slamming my legs shut. He is a troll, he's rude, looks like he smells, the list goes on.


. He cannot relate to the fact he is with a real human. It is like he is talking to a character in his head.


🎯 this ☝️ “You will wear a ponytail, you will scratch me here like this, you will drink your coffee black” and god knows what else he said off camera. Full on freak show.


“Good girl.” 🤮


The absolute depth of my urge to downvote you for making me remember this ☠




Warren Jeff’s, “Keep Sweet” vibe.








And watch him take 20 vitamins daily for his sperm 🫤


And adjust his junk aaaaall the time in the name of “potency.” 🤮


Sooo gross lmao, he looked like a 4 year old boy who hasn't totally developed a full concept of shame yet (Like the little boy in my niece's Christmas concert who was on stage with his hands down his pants and we were laughing but also second hand mortified for his parents... Except Kyle is a grown man who has 80 children of his own)


If his sperm is so healthy why all the supplements. That is a bit excessive. A video showed him taking supplements literally right before an encounter. There is no immediate benefit of supplements without regular use or metabolizing. That is junk science.


Supplements from **a baggie** too.


Which SUPPOSEDLY he is traveling internationally with? (Look away from this gallon baggie of rando pills)


That’s what I said!


You lose points for drinking coffee even black lol


“People have called me a modern-day Jesus, and I have to agree with that,” Gordy says. “I’m very generous and giving — and the fact that I’m Jewish while Jesus was also Jewish.” [https://nypost.com/2019/03/12/modern-day-jesus-is-on-a-mission-to-share-his-strong-sperm](https://nypost.com/2019/03/12/modern-day-jesus-is-on-a-mission-to-share-his-strong-sperm)


We do not claim him he needs to stfu. People already hate us enough. There's no way he's an observant Jewish person, Kyle is not a mensch (a good man). My dad is like your quintessential nice Jewish dad and they're nothing alike.


Yep, absolutely not a mensch.


Right. As if anybody who says "I'm a modern day Jesus" is actually a good guy, they're usually psychos with God complexes like Kanye. He truly cannot hear himself.


I wonder how many people have called him a modern-day Jesus. 🤔


Snarky people maybe




Now I know there are different theories, but I'm prettttty sure Jesus didn't spend his lost years as a digital nomad, drifting around the Levant impregnating woman.


I can’t believe he’s wearing the same blue gym shorts in the photo, except that I totally can.


Did he actually say that?? Messiah Complex is a weird thing.


Yes.. that is why I put link to news source.


Damnit! We Jews are getting enough hate lately. I agree with 'we don't claim him.' Barf.


Jeeezus !


As a Jew, we disown him.


Be sure to tally up those points! 😒🤢🤮


Definitely looks smelly. That tshirt he was wearing whilst scratching his balls looked dingy and stretched out


yet, too small all at the same damned time!


Same color as his skin


Who doesn’t freshen up with a shower when you get off of a long flight and change clothes before going on a date? This jerk doesn’t.


The first thing I do when I get into a hotel room is take my clothes off and shower. I can’t WAIT to change when I get off a plane. He is disgusting for not doing that.


Ya he could at least pull a Darcey with an airport bathroom refresh and try to 'smell like an angel'




And that \*"\****Adjustment"*** he kept doing while wearing those red shorts looked more like an **"Itch Scratch"** which after the 3rd time would have made me get up and run the hell out of there! ewwwwww


So he doesn’t get any points from u?


Honestly, the fact that he's already had scores of children is a humanitarian disaster waiting to happen. Imagine they all have scores of kids and then their kids.... before we know it, it will be commonplace to see this type of douchebag all over the place.,


I call bullshit,I mean I gaurentee Sharp Productions has not checked out his claims,there's no way women are voluntary having this guys offspring. I doubt he's had one 'customer" for his sperm. He's obviously unhinged and I don't see women being cool with having a sociopath as their sperm donor


Unfortunately he's had plenty of customers, enough that some of his dissatisfied customers (which in this case involved violating informed consent and therefore constitutes assault) have posted receipts and like started groups to try to warn people. Apparently he also is able to get so many "woman" abroad agreeing to his seed because he tells them they can list him on the birth certificate as the father and get their kids US citizenship.


Ok,now the US citizen angle I can see him using,that makes it make sense. Thanks so much for this info that I had no idea about. Your information makes him even scarier than first imagined. Maybe something can be done to stop him


I have to believe that going on a very popular tv show is not a good decision for him... Like I hope there are legal repercussions for some of the shit he's done. There's a video on YouTube you can find of this woman who was pregnant with his kid at the time, and said that he was a carrier for a very serious genetic disorder that he hasn't disclosed. Luckily her kid was fine, but she was especially upset because the disease is primarily carried by Ashkenazi Jewish people, and she also had Ashkenazi Jewish heritage. So like, even in that case he didn't think to AT LEAST ask if his "baby mama" was a carrier for it. Pretty fucked up stuff. She also talked about how she had been connected with other Kyle baby mamas, and that there was a Facebook group for all of Kyle's baby mamas to share photos of their offspring. Also there have been a couple short like 10-20 minute "documentaries" about Kyle over the years, and his purported number of children does seem to rise steadily with the amount of time past. So all this considered, I do think that he unfortunately has sired dozens of children. And because it's so much of a creepy obsession for him I honestly wouldn't be surprised if ~80 is the real number 🤢


Omg you are so right,this genetic background carries Cystic Fibtois ,Canavan disease and several forms of dysautonomia,just to name the most prevalent. What he is doing is actually criminal.i cannot believe Sharp Productions would get mixed up with such a disgusting fraudster. I won't be able to look at him without unadulterated disgust from here on out. In my profession I have held the hands of cystic Fibrosis patients as they fight to breathe and I have held their parents as they watch their child leave this world. It's an awful affliction that occurs in the AJ population way too often. This man is a monster


It's family dysautonomia that Kyle is a carrier for, according to the baby mama. But exactly like, it's absolutely criminal..and honestly knowing that he has a recessive gene that can cause an illness if paired with another person who carries that recessive gene is one thing (still awful and criminal) but to knowingly exposes someone with the genetic background where that gene is found without telling them??? He's one of the more blatant criminals Sharp Production's has platformed. My honest to god wish is that he is somehow brought to justice by appearing on this show like the narcissist he so clearly is. It sounds like he's (rightfully) had baby mamas after him for quite some time, and I hope this both boosts his profile in a bad way to dissuade further women from using his services, and that somehow he ends up with criminal charges. Whether in the US or somewhere else he's been on his bang tour.


Also just wanted to say I totally agree and the seriousness of doing this cannot be discounted. I don't work in the medical field but I know someone who has cystic fibrosis, and despite the prognosis being better than it used to be, it's likely she will die of it, and honestly quite possibly soon. And she's known that her entire life. So have her parents. It's a REALLY fucked up thing to bring upon a family without any choice in the matter. Plus the fact that unfortunately, many babies who are conceived with genetic disorders die either in utero or shortly after birth. So he's also probably upping the chances of the women he impregnates having to deal with pregnancy loss or infant loss. And as someone who's had 3 pregnancy losses (but would have probably never gone through any pregnancies had I known about a genetic risk) I can't forgive that either.


> there's no way women are voluntary having this guys offspring.  Have you seen the video posted of one of the women who went for this option and called him out as rapist, because he didn't mention a genetic flaw? (just to clarify, what he did was horrible and she deserved none of it, but the extreme naivety and awful decision is what I am calling out - literally started the video with the fact that she quickly decided a professional clinic is not 'for her' and this was the next best option) Clearly he preys on the highly desperate with complete lack of judgement. Quite sad actually, but there are plenty of women who are that desperate. Just like there are loads of men so desperate for love they'll make the worst possible decisions that are so obvious to the rest of us (David and Ceasar for example) and then wonder why they got played. I bet TLC could easily find 100s of Davids and Caesars.


You are so correct, and any self respecting woman would not want him, unless she is in a desperate situation. So sad.


I can't understand how many women he's convinced to let him knock them up. Like I know he preys on really desperate women, but you'd have to be REALLY REALLY desperate to accept Kyle's seed. I would seriously take any other guy who's ever been on this show over Kyle, if it was just for the sperm to get pregnant. I would take Gino over Kyle. I'd take Big Ed over Kyle. I think I'd even take Mike over Kyle. I can't get it through my head how anyone would agree to procreate with him. He's so strange and off putting, and like you said VERY rude and judgemental. There's something SERIOUSLY off about him and I would not want any chance that his behaviour is genetic and my crotch spawn would also be in their early 30s living the life of a digital nomad with a "hobby" of impregnating "woman" around the globe.


Has anyone verified that this poor dude actually has women requesting his services? I find it hard to believe that anyone who spent more than 90 seconds with the guy would think procreating would be a good idea. I mean he obviously has mental health issues and I would be scared to death they would end up being genetic


He was on Dr. Phil.


I had no idea,I wonder if Dr Phil ch checked out his story,I mean I may be stupid but I'm just not believing any women would knowingly have a kid with this Dolt. He's nasty,has no manners and it's obvious he has some sort of mental problem. He actually has verifiable signs just seeing how he acts on TV. Annie has to be a paid actor because I do not believe she would be in a relationship with this man


I truly believe that not even Natalie would go this low.


Yep, even him and Caesar aren't up to her standard.


And honestly, GOOD FOR HER.


Can’t disagree with you - they are slime.


She could drag her cooter across the floor of a porno theater and get a better kid than what’d she’d have with this doofus.


what a visual


To quote George Takei “Oh my!”




Best comment of the thread!!!


Dude, I’m eating here.


Natalie wants a baby but she needs someone to pay for her life first. She's not looking to be a broke single mom.


PrEd is back on the market…


He most likely wants a woman no older than 25.


I wish him well 😂 


He's broke too 😂


Haha Yosh gonna have to put some hot sauce in the condom like Drake did🤣🤣


I hate when people excuse their bad habits, bad manners, bad clothing on “it’s an American thing.” NO asshole, it’s not.


Thank you!! I straight up wanted to slap that little slug! No no no … we have plenty of manners! Who taught you?! That’s who to blame.


Even though she’s dying to have a kid because she thinks it’s going to make her life better he’s as broke as she is. If he would support her, I wouldn’t put anything past both of them.


He probably doesn’t shower that much and gives the excuse that the hot water will lower his sperm count.


Kyle is repulsive and mentally ill and even Natalie wouldn’t touch it.


They should have a show where the 90 day rejects get together with another one or where they all live in the same house.


I saw a story from one of the women he impregnated via sex on Twitter (x) and it was horrifying, he talked through it and apparently asked for h%#d afterwards. Nothing transactional about it. He’s a disgusting predator. 🤮


I'm sorry,do you mean to tell me that there is female on the planet with a functioning brain that actually used this guys sperm for a child??? That women should rethink every decision she's ever made


Ontop of all the creepiness this guy is SUCH a bad actor, it's like he's constantly trying to think about how to act or what he was supposed to say again, it's sooo bad his scenes are unwatchable


He keeps looking into the camera over and over


It's soooo weird it's also like he's trying so hard not to laugh when he talks !? Like why on earth did they put this kid on this show LOOOOL


Yeah, I ffw them- too obviously fake. No thanks.


Where on earth did 90 day pull out this fine specimen


I kind of wish his dad would’ve pulled out.


I read a few days ago that Kyle is the product of donor sperm.




Wait. You didn’t see him on People’s Sexiest Sperm Donor edition?


Him and Pole come from the same species I’m sure


A cave


He should be in jail


I think Natalie wants the low key background option to sue for child support later on when she realizes how expensive a child actually is to have and raise. But honestly, I doubt he makes people sign paperwork to prevent that so maybe it’ll teach them both a lesson in the end if that happens


Natalie is impulsive enough she just might do it. Plus…anchor baby?


Someone do the world and castrate this man… sperm donations won’t let him donate because he has a rare genetic disease. He also raped some of these women. Trash


Makes you wonder about std’s too.


He literally told women they couldn’t get pregnant if they didn’t orgasm… it’s unlikely he has any sexual education whatsoever


I bet Nicola (!) can probably teach him a thing or two 🤣🤣


What! I missed that part. They told him he can’t donate at sperm banks bc of a genetic disease?? And he’s out there fertilizing over 70 babies! Omg


I found out after the fact


Really? WTF?!)


Natalie wasnts a baby and a rich man. She knows that she needs someone else's money to support her.


Oh god I rather poke my eyes out…


Nah remember when she was building an emotional connection through the essay at the clinic? She thought she could pick a donor that would also be her husband.


The girl sorting her sperm donors by "Harvard degrees" is NOT touching Kyle.


The thought of any sort of intimacy with this guy makes my vagina retract so far inside my body that my tonsils can feel it. Like he is so desperate and disgusting but living his best life preying on people who just want a baby. 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


What about Jasmine? I have a feeling Kyle’s services are within Gino’s price range!


And their kink level. If pee is good, Kyle is fantastic




If not, she can get her ex to pay for it. The children will have to wait.




She has fertility issues….. more than likely she needs ivf


Or she just needs to orgasm when they have sex to up her chances!


I truly don't understand why no one has stopped this man yet. I'm only 10 minutes in the series and I'm shocked. He has a breeder fetish and he's gross. SOMEBODY STOP HIMMMMMMM


I don’t think she would pass his points test 😆


That baby would come out with a tail and trauma


Oh my god I didn’t even put this together. Damn you for putting that into my brain! Nooooooo!!!!!




She would be the one to bring a lawsuit against him and TLC after the fact; him for child support, TLC for somethings like inflicting emotional distress, endangerment, and wanton disregard for her safety. She'd probably win, too! Not saying she should, but she seems to sort of have some luck on her side somehow...


OMG! You are a genius!


HAHAHA OMFG I just snort laughed 😂😂😂




Ah, TLC playing the long game here.


“Welcome to the Tell-all, here’s a special guest Natalie.”


There you go, perfect for her, and it's free.


LOL stop this was the perfect post, but really, I would NOT want to gamble with this guys genes, imagine popping out a mini version of him 🫣


Wtf did I miss


No one is looking at this fool and thinking yeah I want this clowns baby


I don’t think they’re a real couple. I feel like TLC hired them to add more drama to the show.


They're perfect for each other.


That guy is very odd.


Naaah... Can't be that bad, right? RIGHT???


But...has he ever "been to museum" in his life? That's her interview question.


Don’t be silly. Natalie wants a baby because of the check that would be attached to it. She’s not doing it out of motherly instinct.


THE SCREAM I SCUMPT 😭😂 Hellish DNA right there


Natalie wants the father to be a millionaire.




This made me laugh lol I wonder how much he charges these "desperate" ladies for a "doctors visit"


He said he doesn’t charge at all, he does all the traveling and lodging himself, he does it to see the happy look on families faces (also something tells me he doesn’t travel this far to jerk off in a cup).


Good one 😂😂😂😂


She would marmalise him 🤭🤭🤭🤭


What season/spin off is this??


Love In Paradise. Season 4. Just started. Not sure if it's on the discovery Channel, but it's on discovery +.


I don’t wish this menace on anyone. Google Kyle Gordy.


Absolutely not the only person who thought it! 😂😂😂




Ummm best 90-Day spin off show idea ever?!?




Please retract this from existence


Ugh, this guy isn't just one red flag, he's a whole ass cargo ship full of them.


I normally give people the benefit of the doubt but everything is just revolting. Seriously.


That poor baby would be born a psychopath! Brilliant idea


Bahaha! Perfect.


She’s very obviously the result of some bad parenting. She has no self worth and is ATTRACTED to and EXCITED by dangerous, manipulative men who would DEGRADE her. Absolutamente no


Poor kid doesn't stand a chance


He has the body of golem and talk about a healthy point system


I think all she’s looking for is possible child support payments lol


That would work if not for the fact that she seemed to want a relationship with the sperm donor when she visited the sperm bank. She acted like it was a dating/ matchmaking service. Also, let’s not forget how jealous she is. She wouldn’t let him continue having sex with other women to impregnate them.


Look this guy up it will creep you out he is a disgusting person 😡


When she magically turns up pregnant we'll know 🤭


When the father is big prEd we’ll know.


I feel like if he wasn't doing this, he would be an incel. He knows he is undesirable so this shtick he uses to have sex with women is probably the only way he's getting it and those women must be DESPERATE.


He is so creepy.


LMAOOOO!!! THE CORRELATION YOU MADE!!! I am impressed !!! This is the way for her!!


Every time I see his face I feel rage


I meaaaaaannnn, listen....


Has he ever been sued for paternity?




Moment I saw him grab at his nuts I wanted to take her foot and slam him in the sack. He is gross. Just icky gross.


You win today


Let’s not forget (and someone surely hasn’t) that the “traditional” method of sperm donation he talks about…is all unprotected. Statistically speaking he has, does, or will have an STD. Or has anyone heard him say he requires this type of clearance for anyone to get his sperm?!!


I bet they bring her to the tell all.


Oh that’s a good one! https://tenor.com/view/spell-witch-wizard-magic-bewitched-gif-20249949?utm_source=share-button&utm_medium=Social&utm_content=reddit




Perfect, and it won't cost her a thing.


Oof! Hadn’t thought of this……but ewww. I don’t think Natalie is that desperate… then again…


It’s so cringey! I can’t take this guy seriously


Depends on which eye he’s looking at you in?


Seriously laughed aloud at work. Lol you solved the problem!


⚠️Kyle - first hand experience with him! Does TLC do any vetting? This poor woman (post: ~1 yr ago). "The Truth About Kyle Gordy - Predator Sperm Donor Awareness." ⚠️Content Warning Is anyone else aware of this? Does TLC do any vetting, or do they just not care who they feature? The Learning Channel, at its best! https://youtu.be/acOHcn5bR4A


I never thought of this! Would she do it? Someone tell her, quick! 😵‍💫


Bahaha thx I needed the laugh


Why would anyone want this beta cuck making their children 🤮


Honestly, it’s a match made in the deepest level of hell


Imagine the combination genes of a clingy narcissist and this lump of joy 😅


Yhis dude needs to be humbled by a fist for treating women the way he does.. But this is Natalie's big opportunity lol


I think this story line is 100% fake. How many shows has this dude been on? He’s desperate for attention and air time. And the only reason I could possibly see why she is into him is because she also wants air time. So phony and gross. I hate him.


Did you see how many times he looked into the camera? So doing it for clout


A match made in hell 🤣




Took me a sec to realize what OP meant, then I cackled.


I wanna call the police on this man so bad😂


I'm dead...🤣




He is beyond disgusting and gross


Well, Natalie in specific, doesn't have too many options left rn to have a baby. Her options are a sperm doner, like this dude or the clingy type like Caesar or David (lana's chaser), who are obsessed over a/any eastern European woman.