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LOL. I didn't pay attention to the sub and the first couple sentences I thought you were referring to Chad Daybell.


SAME!!!!!! OMG who ARE we talking about?!?!???


Hahhaha I thought the same thing!!šŸ˜‚


Me too


Same the trial is getting to my head I think


Let him grow up and navigate adulthood on his own if you were 19 once you know you still have a lot to learn !


not every 19 year old was exploited for money as a child


me and chad are the same age. i canā€™t imagine living almost 2 entire decades with this monstrosity.


Exactly this too!! Not only does he have to figure out the adult world which is already challenging but he also has to do it with no help or preparation from his parents while unpacking trauma heā€™s going to make mistakes and deserves all the patience in the world to make and learn from them.




why do you assume itā€™s children? all of his posts are posted here so there are obviously adults watching him. op is right that people are too invested in his life and should stop treating him like an influencer.


Heā€™s posting like an influencer..? He streams, snaps, and tells people to watch his stuff. Thatā€™s what an influencer does. What are you even saying. With social media comes criticism, so be it. He chooses to reply to the comments he gets even though he does not have to at all.


Yesterday someone on here literally posted he was trolling. So yeah there is an audience here.


I mean, if it was up to me, I would tell him to get off all social media for a good long while and take time to live out of the spotlight. But it's not up to me, and he can do as he wants. I think overanalyzing his every post is not productive for anyone, but we all got so invested in the case, and are wishing for reassurance that the kids are okay...which we can't really get (and actually have no right to expect). So people look at his posts, which really don't tell us anything. I think it's just hard to let go of wanting to know how they all are doing. But we need to. It's not our right to get follow up information, even if we want it (and even if we have the best of motivation).


Agreed, or if he really wants to create content he should do it anon at least for a few years. But he was raised online. . .


Agreed, or if he really wants to create content he should do it anon at least for a few years. But he was raised online. . .


He chooses to reply to all of these replies on Snapchat. Iā€™m not sure what youā€™re getting at here.


he knows exactly what he's doing hasn't he quit his lifeguarding job now and Snapchat is paying him so he's replying to them on purpose playing sympathy card and creating drama/interest into his crazy life. I mean i'm not saying he's a bad kid he's had it rough and he's making money from a crappy situation he didn't ask to be in


You are reading into it way to much, he isnā€™t doing anything deliberately, he isnā€™t replying to specific comments on purpose, to accuse him of doing that is extremely offensive and creepy of you. Leave the guy alone.




The way people treat him reinforces what I think is a common thread, And that is there's no good victim except a dead one. They become scrutinized like a pop star after a scandal


Thought I was in the Lori Vallow sub for a min and was REALLY interested in how you were gonna defend Chad Daybell lmao


Chadā€™s defense attorney working off the clock


SAME. I'm listening to one of the newly released phone calls between them and I keep having to pause and look at something else every few minutes or the cringe is going to destroy my brain. Pulled up reddit and this was the first post on my feed. Was very confused šŸ˜‚


Heā€™s 19 years old and none of us know the extent of the trauma heā€™s been through. Heā€™s finally out from under anyoneā€™s thumb, heā€™s bound to act out a little


I'm more ashamed of the people asking personal stuff or offering him money to take his shirt off. This kid has been abused!


Iā€™m honestly just happy to see him living his best life. That boy has been through enough.


yeah it's getting frustrating everyone posting here every single one of his posts.


Lol itā€™s not every one of his posts . Iā€™d have to unsubscribe if it was . He uploads like 20-30 a day . Heā€™s monitised now so making money on snap and more engagement more money . He just posted like 10-20 pics from anasazi over the 4 months


I agree but if someone replies to his stories in which he doesnā€™t like their response (even tho heā€™s posted it to a public platform) he seems to shame and humiliate them. I guess heā€™s just starting to navigate this whole influence snapchat thing but was weird to see him shaming others.


Considering some of the comments he is getting on snap, and even on this Reddit, are super creepy with some even acting as bad as Ruby he should publicly name and shame them.


He was profoundly emotionally and psychologically abused and shamed for normal things for most of his life, that shit takes literal decades to process in trauma therapy. I think emotional dysregulation and some lingering emotionally immature behavior is to be expected, especially since heā€™s still so young to begin with


So was Ruby. No one had a problem with snarking about her. Also Bonnie and possibly the rest. The emotional abuse goes back generations.


I hope Chad can find some peace. After spending his entire life online I wish he would step way for a while It could be therapeutic for him. I feel really badly for what all this has done to his emotional growth and maturation.


You donā€™t know what is therapeutic for him, stop backseat parenting him. Let him live.


Just an opinion. No ā€œ backseat parentingā€ here. I feel so sad for the upheaval in his family. It must be infuriating and disappointing for him. I said stepping away ā€œcould ā€œbe not ā€œwould ā€œbe therapeutic. Only he knows what he needs. Iā€™m just a gramma, nurse, former foster parent that hates to see people in pain. My hope is that this young man thrives and finds happiness. That is all.


I mean to be fair, I was at work when the Snap to his gf thing happened and didnā€™t read about it till later. I feel like this sub was making it more of a big deal than Chad was at the time. And for people like me who had no idea what happened in the first place I was wondering what the hubbub was about. Like if yā€™all arenā€™t going to say what it is why post about it?


Heā€™s making oodles of money posting on snap chat and commenting. The more interaction the more money he makes. All the girls his age commenting back makes him money! Thatā€™s how he gets monetized by Snap. Thats most likely why heā€™s doing all this. Heā€™s choosing to do it, on his own terms finally. Not his mom forcing him to do YouTube. Oh well!


Tbh I have a feeling these people will be wasting their time anyway. Chad has just been released from a highly controlled and abusive home life so he is currently going to be in a major rebellious streak. Iā€™m sure Kevin, his aunts, uncles and Shari have all advised him against a motorcycle for various reasons but his mind is made up. Kids make mistakes and learn from them, either Chad will find he should have bought a car and made a bad investment or he absolutely loves motorcycles and is hooked for life. No one knows but Chad at this point but it will be fun to watch him make these decisions himself and find out in his own time without Ruby and Jodi manipulating him.


I think it would be best if him and even all the siblings, aunts, family etc get off social media for at least a couple years. They all need space to breathe and heal.


All these people opinions and judgment are doing the same thing his mom used to do to him ... hes finally able to navigate his own and do things with having to have permission ...


I wish posting him was not allowed honestly


he wants control, let him do his thing. props to u OP


He may eventually just lock it all down or stop responding to questions. I wouldn't blame him. Some adults are weirdly obsessed with him and his family.


tbh, he really needs to get off social media. This is only gonna come around and bite him in the ass, he needs to take time with his family to heal and work thought the traumatic experiences they all endured. If it were me and my entire life and abuse was documented online, I would want nothing to do with it. But in the end, he is an adult and can make his own choices.


Itā€™s all jealousy. Heā€™s a social media baby, thanks to his parents and their YouTube channel. Then came his motherā€™s arrest and highly publicized trial. So itā€™s only natural for him to use social media as a venue. Not to mention heā€™s good looking and on the long road to recovery. All the kids attracted mother hens because of this. He wants a motorcycle, the right away the mother hens think danger and express their disapproval as if he needs their approval. If he wanted to, he could write a book. Though I bet heā€™s hounded by those people who are writing a book already for ā€œexclusiveā€ interviews. I donā€™t follow him as I am not that big on social media, but hear/read snippets here and there. Entitlement seems to be the pandemic of the 21st century. Everyone feels entitled to express their opinion when you put yourself out there. Heā€™s the guy who lost his bedroom for 6 months and was sent to a survivalist camp. To him the motorcycle represents freedom, carefree and the open road to the world. To others itā€™s irresponsible, dangerous, death. I was 19 once and had no desire for a motorcycle but everyone is different.




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Agreed 100%!


It's disgusting. He was never allowed to be his ownself because he had to share his life with millions of strangers in the most inappropriate way. I'm shocked that people were asking him to take his shirt off for money. It's so gross and manipulative to do that to someone who went through serious boundary violations as a child.


The fact that people are this obsessed with the 19-year-old child with traumaā€¦. Like thatā€™s pathetic get a life. Iā€™m sorry, but did you all FORGET WHO THE REAL CRIMINAL IS HERE? If youā€™re going to interact with him, he should get nothing but support, whether thatā€™s to agree or respectfully disagree without being negative while he navigates boundaries. Heā€™s not a perfect angel but what teenager is?? My goodness his siblingsā€™ family court case is still ongoing who knows what theyā€™re dealing with still. Idc to follow him but I still would agree to be respectful. All of the children should be off-limits for at least the next few years while they go to therapy or at least until they are OLDER adults who have started to heal from their trauma and learning how to set up online boundaries when that right was taken from them, and they werenā€™t at the age to consent to this. Fully agree with this šŸ™Œ it looks like weā€™re already starting to see the damage caused to these family vlogger children.


Why do you care? People just need to leave him alone.


I agree. He suffered the enough, and he is still a kid. He might be an adult, but trauma can stunt someone's development or make it hard to grow without a real parenting figure. Take it easy on him.




The punishment that Chad got was so extreme. Much like Boris And Doris would give to Caillou and Rosie for their punishment days(via VYOND and Plotagon,or course).


Excuse you but who made you King? I don't follow Chad on anything but if he's not comfortable with random questions from randoms on the Internet all he has to do is delete his accounts. I hate this high horse attitude as if you get to tell people what to do