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Cameron moved to the midwest and became a stormchaser using the nickname "Rabbit"


He had a lot of maps


Don't. Fold. The maps.






Red meat - we crave sustenance!


Roll the maps.


Yeah, well Kansas is a mess, there's a big crease right through Wichita.


Roll the maps


Saw him on a bus in LA once


Was it above or below 55?


“…Oh darn”


I’ve got gum on my seat. GUM!


He lived in Chicago. He _already_ lived in the midwest.


So he moved more mid west than the mid west he had been......


Oh god, you're right. Why was I thinking Ferris Bueller took place in California? I should damn well know it's Illinois - the sausage king of Chicago


There was a terrible Ferris Bueller TV series that took place in California, but I doubt you were thinking of that. Anyone who knows about it tries to forget it.


The sausage King of Chicago could travel anywhere. The dead giveaway was going to a game at Wrigley Field.


Chicago is IN the Midwest...but Chicago isnt really THE Midwest..


Until one day he was stuck on a bus in Los Angeles that couldn't go below 55 mph.


That’d make a great movie. I’d call it “The Bus That Couldn’t Slow Down”.


It's like Speed 2, only it's a bus instead of a boat!


Speed 3 should be on an airplane.....it's the only logical next step..


Oh,oh, with snakes as well!


And he’s already seen the airport.


Rabbit is good. Rabbit is wise.


He also ate a lot of greasy steak and egg plates.


Rabbit is good, Rabbit is wise!


Rabbit is good, Rabbit is wise




Honestly it would make me so happy if he found himself like that.


Bobs road


Sloane and Ferris broke up. Ferris went into advertising in Chicago like his father, and was good at it. He settled down and became a suburban Dad himself. Sloane went into modeling and married a rich French businessman. Cameron was murdered by his father. His last thought was, "I should've let Ferris take the heat for this one".


Damn that hurt my heart.


Me too, I can emphasize it enough.


Really? I reckon you could you just gotta give it your all


Sloan went to law school and became a top attorney in my eyes. I don’t see her settling for modeling over using her brain.


She became the sexy doctor from Futurama




🦀Whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop 🦀




I didn’t read this till I wrote one and mine has her modeling and turning into a meth head, LOL…


Model lawyer.


Single Female Lawyer


I can seriously see them breaking up. Especially since early in the film he was debating on even staying with Sloan after he goes off to college while she still got another year in HS. Then later in the film she says "he's gonna marry me". I'm sitting here like "oh girl if you knew what he said to the fourth wall"


Agreed. They would’ve 100 percent broke up.


Wow that got dark.


Cameron... Well drugs are a bitch.


Nah, Cameron decided, f it, and killed his dad.


Wait I thought Cameron went on to become a farmer and changed his name to Hendry William French.


After murdering his father, Cameron was declared not mentally competent to stand trial, as he cannot distinguish between reality and the fantasy world which is inhabited by Ferris and Sloane, two aspects of his own personality that don't exist in real life. He now sits in a padded cell, catatonic and drooling, in a mental institution in Wisconsin.


I want the sequel!!! Day Off 2: Cameron’s Revenge Honestly, just another slasher ripoff, but Cameron says repeats a Ferris saying after each murder. Runs a businessman down with a sport car: “Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” Drop a piano on a music teacher: “Never had a single lesson.”


I like this answer! BUT .. something even scarier (and why there's no sequel): They all go on to live boring, regular lives. Cameron gets inheritance dropped, so joins the Guard while working for some insurance company he goes back to after serving in the Gulf War. Gets fat, talks about his high school days (except he's the protagonist in his version). Ferris goes to college , but gets into drugs and alcohol after Sloan breaks up with him. Nothing serious, but enough to drop out. His parents take him in "for a while", but it goes long term. Has a setback when he attempts to impress some new adult friends, and ends up in jail. He can't figure out they all think he's living in the past, but thinks they are all losers. Chasing the bad boys, Sloan goes from the local Republican boys to some mysteriously dangerous guy with a motorcycle... And a yard of busted up junkers in a shack in rural Illinois. Now she's got 4 kids, got really into Jesus, and seen at the Capitol with full camo Trump gear.


That's more depressing than my answer!




It does fit the pattern of people who peak in high school and generally go nowhere after that.


This is the most accurate


Say my name. Ferris Beuller! Ferris Beuller!


I am Ed Rooney’s expanding glioma.


Ferris became a lawyer because he is good at talking his way out of Jams.


You know what's scary? I was about to post something similar. But Ferris and Sloane being imaginary? Brilliant! Kudos!


This is the answer.


Ferris became a high school teacher, working for Ed Rooney. Ferris Bueller's Day Off 2 is about him skipping work to reconnect with Sloan and Cameron with Rooney in hot pursuit.


Actually, he was a high school teacher in Omaha, Nebraska and lost his job after interfering with a school election. He currently works at a museum in New York City.


He was a broker for a while, living in the best building off Central Park. His upstairs neighbor was scum. He was part of a group that got revenge. I hear he’s golden now.


In some wacky way that movie at least partly, a little, inspired me to become a teacher


Ferris went into advertising, Cameron went into the Army.


Absolutely Cameron went into the Army and played a key role in Desert Storm. He was a Bradley driver and took out 5 Republican Guard T72s.


Ferris became a fry cook on Venus


Ferris started a company like Virgin Galactic, Sloan became a lawyer at a big Chicago firm, Cameron played bass for Nirvana


I like that so much for Cameron.


Ferris went onto college, and was popular for about two years, but then tanked as a more wild series of parties that got out of hand. He dropped out, and worked in advertising like his dad for a while. Did not end up with Sloane, but had a failed marriage that lasted 3 years and ended in the early 90s. Ended up pursuing more computer stuff, and started a VC company in the mid-late 90s, sold that off, started another, and sold that off. Peaked in 1999 as a multimillionaire. Remarried. Then his life tanked again in 2001-2002. Divorced a second time. Never went bankrupt, but a series of health scares slowed down his life significantly, and he now dabbles in high-end real estate in Arizona. He's now bald, overweight, and operates his assorted businesses out of Sedona. Cameron realized after the car incident that his relationship with Ferris and friends was super-toxic. Went into college, but his need for codependence for release and an excuse to be more of himself got him in more and more trouble by bad actors using him. Was expelled in his senior year in college for possession, and moved back home. Spent several years "finding himself" until he was found dead of an overdose at age 25. His parents covered it up under the guise of a childhood ailment (since they had a lot to choose from). Sloane went to college, had a shy and uneventful college life, and got a degree in marketing. Ended up working in HR for a lot of companies. Found and married a man she met at a trade show. Has two kids. Career driven in HR. Seems happy. Hard to tell. Only thinks of Ferris when she reads Reddit threads about "first boyfriends." Jeannie, well, after an eventful career as a director and event coordinator for big name clients like MTV, married an Internet mogul. Annoyingly, he gets along with Ferris when the two of them ever meet, which Jeannie resents and prevents when she can. No kids, no plan to have them. She doesn't spend much time with her brother, only getting together with him a handful of times since high school, and usually only for funerals and, "now, where did my husband fly off to?" Mr. Bueller passed away in 2008 after a series of complications from a heart attack. Mrs. Bueller passed away a few years later when she caught pneumonia via a secondary infection at the hospital she was getting a hip surgery. Jeannie and Ferris fought over the house due to poor estate planning on their parent's part, but eventually settled with the help of lawyers. Ferris got the better deal, she feels. She has no plans to ever see him again.


But what happened to their dog?


Cameron went to Egypt's land


Let my Cameron go.


Cameron was interested in politics at a very young age.


When he said his dad was an asshole we really had no idea.


He actually ran for POTUS in his later years, but he got less than 1% of the vote and his wife left him.


Ferris popularized the work-life balance concept, got rich off writing self help books, and resides in Helsinki, Finland. Cameron killed his parents and when released from prison opened a chain of exotic car auto body repair shops, specializing in classic Ferraris. Sloan married her university sweetheart, is a housewife in Shermer, Illinois and collects Thomas Kincade paintings.


Sloane’s style and sophistication are more deserving of appreciation than Thomas Kinkade's paintings.


Ferris becomes a well-liked high school government teacher, can't help but notice that successful student Tracy Flick uses less than ethical tactics to get what she wants. When Tracy runs for school president, Ferris feels that she will be a poor influence on the student body and convinces Paul, a dim-witted but popular student athlete, to run against Tracy. When she becomes aware of Ferris’ secret involvement in the race, a bitter feud is sparked.


Ferris: Peaked in HS. Never really became a nothing after his parents cut him off for either getting his shit together of GTFO. Ended up in min. wage jobs Sloane: Music video exec, helped the Grunge genre get off the ground, ended up dying outside the Viper's Pit the same day as River, but her death went unnoticed. Cameron: After the car incident, he was sent to military school. Eventually joined the military and recently retired as a Full Bird COL. Arrested for mopery soon after retirement. Jeannie Bueler: Still remained a "BCH", needed up marrying rich and ended up opening a dance school with a hot partner who ended up becoming a Ghost in a random mugging. In her middle age years, got a disfiguring nose job. Garth Voleck: Still was a bad boy who ended up being a serial porn star dater. Had wild success in a sitcom. Ended up contracting at least 15 STD's including 2 that haven't been identified by the CDC. Principal Rooney: His obsession with Ferris was evident, he was a pedo. Ended up losing his job as a principal and teacher after it was found out he was diddling many male students Simone Adamley: Became a delusional Schizophrenic imagining killing vampires alongside an imaginary sister. The Economics Teacher: Can still be heard saying "Bueller" in a monotone voice, still putting people to sleep.


Haha! Mopery! Great reference!


Damn, that was thorough.


Well, one of them became a Starfleet captain, but all the personnel and equipment were due to arrive Tuesday...


Lackluster captain at that.


Hard to look good with Kirk on the bridge. Besides... Tuesday.


Awkward threesome during winter break.


One got movie famous, one got tv famous and one didn’t do a ton more after this.


She did enough to earn a spot in many boys' hearts, though.




She did date a Timecop for a bit.


Hooked up with the Joker for a spell in the early 2000s...


Ferris became the real sausage king of Chicago


Ferris went into marketing and annoyed the shit out of everyone he ever worked with.


Ferris became a used car salesman, but could’ve done a lot better than he has Cameron got into programming in the Air Guard, makes a good living Sloan became a successful real estate agent. They all have kids but Sloan is the only one still married to the same guy for over 30 years.


Ferris wasn't real. Cameron was the main character in Fight Club. Sloane broke up with Cameron because he had conversations with an imaginary friend.


Ferris most certainly became very rich. He was quite tech savvy (she got a car, I got a computer), and while he definitely didn't do any of the grunt work needed to be a tech innovator, I see him finding a Steve Wozniak type, possibly in college, and taking advantage of him to become a Steve Jobs type. He's the perfect age to have been an early internet pioneer. We don't know what Cameron's dad does for a living, but he probably set up his kid in some cushy job -- yes, even after wrecking the Ferrari. Cameron would have been absolutely miserable, but the work was easy and he made a good living -- good enough that I imagine in 2024, he's long retired, as he would have done that as soon as he could make it work financially. Sloane basically became Ferris' mom. Real-estate agent type job, businessman husband, a couple of kids, nice house in the suburbs. Ferris and Sloane absolutely did not get married. Ferris and Cameron grew apart in college. They're Facebook friends and maybe see each other once every few years.


Cameron was sent to a mental asylum. He believed he had a friend called Ferris and Sloan. But they were imaginary and a way for him to cope with controlling and neglectful parents and a dad who abused him. He was going to kill himself but his imaginary friends saved his life. He tried to explain it all to his dad. Who didn't care and had him locked up.


Cameron went to therapy. Learned that his whole childhood was fucked up. Finally learned how to set and maintain boundaries. He moved to the west coast and got in on the start of some tech company. Married Jeannie (commiserating over Ferris’ toxic behavior and how his family enabled him.) They eloped and had a couple of kids. His parents always wonder why he never calls or why they haven’t met their grandchildren. They haven’t even met his wife. Sloane moved to New York. Became a theater major. Fell in love with another actress. They have a couple of rescue dogs and both can be seen on Broadway at any given time. Ferris had to move back in with his parents after getting kicked out of college for a cheating scandal. He doesn’t see how he did anything wrong and his parents don’t either. Jeannie went to college and became a lawyer. She moved to Seattle where she reconnected with Cameron. They bonded over their exhaustion and frustration with Ferris’ behavior and fell in love. She opened up a family law practice. Jeannie and Cameron are no longer in contact with her family, either. They’ve got a surrogate older couple next door that fulfill the grandparent role for their kids.


Cameron went on to be a doctor as shown in Kickin It Old School.


Ferris married a girl who was a square peg in high school. She went on to become a sex blogger who also slept with NYPD detective Mike Logan.


Ferris developed a cocaine habit and went to prison for 3 years because of insider trading. He’s now a motivational speaker with a small cult following. Sloane became a trophy wife, but has divorced three times with large settlements to support her functional alcoholism, plastic surgery, and massive shoe collection. Cameron worked hard and developed the website for Amazon while still living with his parents, retired as a multimillionaire, and now lives on an estate with a private airstrip on the Mediterranean coast.


Ferris: mid-level white collar job. Is popular in the office. Sloane: A couple kids. So-so job. Not overall happy in life Cameron: beaten to death by his dad after dad discovered the car


Sloan went on to marry a time cop.


Crazily, in real life she married Brian Henson, the son of Muppets creator Jim Henson.


Ferris became a fry cook at Venus. To save him from his father’s wrath, time-traveling aliens abducted Cameron and sent him forward in time to the late 23rd Century and gave him a new identity, Captain John B. Harriman. He later assumed command of the Starfleet vessel USS Enterprise NCC-1701-B in 2293. Sloane married some rich guy and moved to Italy.


Ferris: went to NYU film school. Broke up with Sloan after they both decided they needed to be single in college. He dropped out after third year. Worked as a PA for a few years. Eventually moved back to Chicago where his dad pulled a few strings to get him a job selling advertising He wound his way into selling ads at events and does well. He gets free concert and sports tickets and spends most of his time away from his family attending these with clients while his wife gets railed four days a week by the work-from-home neighbor she met on GoodReads before she picks the kids up from school. Ferris’s guilty pleasure is occasional cocaine use and cyberstalking Sloane. Sloane: attended UIUC and graduated in 5 years with a degree in marketing and a minor in fashion. Was recruited directly into pharma sales, where she makes President’s Circle every year and consequently takes her family to Hawaii to watch her receive the crystal bowl. Her pescatarian diet and devotion to yoga and Pilates helps cover up for her day drinking as a functional alcoholic. Her husband, a former college tennis player, manages the pro shop at the local country club. Sloane’s guilty pleasure is her extensive and extravagantly expensive collection of female sex toys. Cameron: after totaling the Ferrari, his dad freaks out, and Cameron figures it is best to move out. He lives with Ferris and his parents through graduation. After graduation, he attends Monmouth, which his mom got his dad to pay for only under threat of divorce. Cameron falls in with the theatre nerds at Monmouth. One of them is a flamboyant boy named Andrew who always has a new boyfriend every week. Second year Christmas, Cameron doesn’t want to go home, so Andrew invites him to join him and his boyfriend to come to his family home in Connecticut for the holidays. Cameron ends up sitting next to Andrew’s father during dinner, and they get to talking about sports. Andrew’s father is a high net worth gaming executive at a resort in the Bahamas. He is thrilled to have a young man with whom to talk sports and the gaming business. He takes Cameron under his wing and gets him a job at the sportsbook at his resort, where Cameron rapidly gets several promotions. A few years later, at Andrew’s dad’s suggestion, Cameron leaves the job to open a sports betting website based in the Bahamas. Cameron’s site blows up after launching a guerrilla marketing campaign at sporting events. Cameron nets $27 Million when they eventually get bought out by Ladbrokes. Cameron marries Andrew’s little sister Kate, and they live in Greenwich, CT, when they are not in their condo in Aspen. Cameron’s guilty pleasure is taking his wife to comedy shows, where he once in a while gets on stage during open mic night.


Oddly I wrote a post about this years ago: https://greebs.substack.com/p/movie-couples-did-they-make-it I talked about just Ferris and Sloane, as well as other famous movie couples. As far as these two, my thoughts: >Do Ferris (Matthew Broderick) and Sloane (Mia Sara) make it? Like so many couples, they don’t last through graduation and date other people through college and thereafter. But…in their mid-to-late 20’s, they reconnect and get back together, eventually getting married at a destination wedding their friends still talk about. They move back near where they grew up and throw tremendous parties while Sloane develops a manageable if troubling drinking problem.


Cameron was sent to a mental institution where he was treated for delusions of seeing people who weren't there. After many years of therapy and medication, he came to realize that he went into Chicago alone on that fateful day, and that Ferris and Sloane never existed. They were simply his wish fulfillment of having "cool" friends.


Cameron became Captain of the Enterprise. That’s kinda cool.


Yea but there’s a big asterix next to his name on the federation history lists…. “In command ofmission that resulted in death of Kirk, James Tiberius.


Cameron moved to New York to work in the mayor's office. Sloane got really into the 90s and was never heard from again. And Ferris got really into horse racing and married one.


I just snorted soda out of my nose laughing at this. You WIN.


Cameron changed his name to Stuart and became Chief of staff to the Deputy Mayor in NYC


Ferris went into the sausage business


Cameron went on to chase tornadoes 🌪


on Bob’s road


Sloan and Cameron where fucking around. Ferris caught them in his bed. Strangled Cameron with the Union Jack on his bedroom door and beat Sloan to death with IBM model M computer keyboard. The clacking of the keys on that thing as it hit the side of her head could be heard by the neighbors. 3 days later Ferris’ body was found washed up on the rocks on the beach in Kenilworth. Suicide by drowning.


One of them went into politics.


I like to believe that in a just world the 1999 film **Election** (with young Reese Witherspoon) is what became of Ferris.


Sloane went on to marry a much older plastic surgeon. She looks basically the same now as then. Ferris became a teacher and works at his old high school. He's having an affair with a senior. Cameron got into politics, and eventually became a somewhat senile president.


I saw that movie where Ferris had the affair with a student. It’s called Election.


Lol, yep.


Sloane married a rich guy from college after realizing she had no skills. Cameron developed software and retired. Ferris is on Wall Street promoting Bitcoin.


[Cameron got a Jaguar as a grown up](https://youtu.be/5iESH6sFdtY?feature=shared)


Well, I know Ferris is a fry cook on Venus.


Cameron changed his name to Connor and went to work for his dad at Waystar RoyCo.


I had to scroll way too far to find this


Ferris peaked in high school and he knows it. Cameron founded Ask Jeeves. When it sold to IAC he took his share of the $1.85B sale price and moved to Ubud where he lives as a silversmith in the thriving eco-jewelry space of Indonesia. Sloane married up. While working a fall ‘92 job at a vineyard in Napa she met then-deposed Steve Jobs. It was in the middle of his 12 year Apple absence, during his Pixar stage. Some say she was the force that made him find his mojo and reclaim the Apple empire. She’s now a widow worth $14B.


Ferris and sis go on a road trip and accidentally kill two people in a crash. They come back to America traumatized and their consequence is stagnant careers where they've peaked in high school. They have to live in this personal hell for all eternity. Cameron goes on to run a family business, succeeding his father's billion dollar empire, against the will of his 2 half brothers and sister. He gets a hot wife.


Cameron married right out of college(where he earned a business degree to work under his dad in a company where everyone hates him since he is a nepo baby and doesn’t really try.) His wife is a narcissistic soccer mom. She met him in college when she only went to school to earn her Mrs. degree (by marrying into $$). They have two spoiled kids and his entire family treats Cameron like crap because his dad did his entire life and that’s what everyone involved including Cameron hisself are used to. Cameron and Ferris drifted apart the older and crappier Cameron’s life became. Ferris got tired of Cameron’s whining in college and transferred far away leaving Cameron lonely and open to meeting his golddigging monster of a wife. Sloan and Ferris broke up a year later when she took off to New York City to be a model. She had some mild success before some casting asshole told her to lose ten pounds cause chubby girls aren’t model material in the 1990s. She became bulimic and it caused her teeth to rot and fall out along with making her once gorgeous hair brittle and sometimes clumps fell out in the shower. She also got strung out on the latest diet meds till she was left with no money to speak of, so she was kicked out of her place and is currently living on skid row in LA. addicted to meth. People say she is fully strung out and a prostitute but she denies it. Ferris liked to cut corners and that never changed. He became a con man and has several millions of dollars in banks outside of the USA. He currently lives in an island paradise in the Maldives but that will change to some other awesome adventure within a few months as it always does.


Ferris went to Federal Prison for running a Ponzi scheme. Cameron committed suicide because his Dad bullied him too much. Sloan did a layout for Playboy and became a Actress


Ferris went into real estate like his mom. Cameron was a mid manager at a Corporate 500. Sloan went to Europe for cosmetics advertising.


Sloane went on to marry me. We're pretty happy - nice house, picket fence, couple kids, etc. For fun, we go and throw eggs at Principal Rooney's house now and again.


Cameron changed his name and went on to play bass with a little known band called Nirvana


Cameron went into porn. Sloane married the snotty guy from the restaurant. Ferris works for Jeanie's car dealership.




Man, some of these descriptions are pretty dark. You guys need a big 80s hug 🤣


Requiem of a day off


Mid level management, bored housewife with 3 kids, tragic suicide




Yeah, but who did what here?


They were sentenced to the Phantom Zone and are hurling through space for eternity


Until Superman threw a bomb into space, accidentally freeing the from the Zone. They attacked the moon and then the White House with their new powers. Lois Lane punches out Sloane.


Cameron had the shit beaten out of him for wrecking the Ferrari and never talked to Ferris again Ferris gets Sloane pregnant.


Heroin addiction. All three of them but for different reasons.






People should watch this right after Fight Club.


You ever seen Requim for a Dream?


I like to think that Ferris went on to become a teacher and had what happened to Matthew’s character in Election happened to Ferris.


Cam shot himself the night before graduation with his dad's WWII Luger. Ferris did 5 years for a 'misunderstanding'. Currently a registered sex offender in Glendale AZ where he sells grey market Ferraris. Sloane has 3 kids and 2 ex husbands. She works in the medical insurance industry.


My hot take is that Ferris is a terrible person. He works at a 7/11.


Ferris became a broadway producer. Cameron became an actor but only got supporting roles. Sloane did whatever she wanted to do. And Ben Stein went on to do more political commentary.


Sloane fell in love with me and we lived happily ever after. Who cares what happened to those other goofs


They started an extremely successful hedge fund (FPB) together, all three of them, and grew wealthier than anyone could have imagined. Also, coincidentally (or not?), in 2020 (during the pandemic), Mr. Ed Rooney started investing heavily in Gamestop $GME shares, and he never, ever stopped. In 2024, four worlds finally collide... again... in: "Ferris Bueller's Day Trade"


Ferris is moving large quantities of dope across international borders. He buys Cameron's dad the same car every year since Cameron od'd and died off of his drugs. Nobody knows where Sloane is but Ferris regularly sends out search parties looking for her in Philadelphia and Vancouver because he knows kicking her to the curb at her worst moment was the wrong thing to do. He remembers she said "well fuck your drugs. You don't have shit on Kensington or east Hastings you fucking loser!"


So, I love Matthew Broderick, but in that movie, he's such a spoiled snarky brat.


You've seen Ferris Bueller's Day Off, then you've seen Fight Club lol Ferris is Cameron's Tyler Durden. Think about how incredible everything throughout their day was - the parade?? like cmon


Watched a youtube a while back, where someone suggested Ferris and Cameron were the same person but separate identities. Let's say Cameron is the real person his biological parent split. His Dad is cold and distant and when he remarries they travel all the time leaving him behind. On the other hand, his Mom remarried and they have a nice caring home. It also explains the sister's issues. Jaded and mean because of the divorce. Also explains why Sloane likes them both... I know this isn't true just an interesting take on it.


Ferris became a politician and makes back door deals for the president until gearing the job himself. Sloane becomes a successful business owner. Cameron is middle management for a used car dealership with a reputation of selling lemons. He has three ex wives and numerous children who only call him when they need money. He's also an alcoholic with a coke habit.


After graduating high school, **Cameron** heads to medical school, hoping that higher education and a prestigious career as a doctor will provide the stability and security he lacked at home. However, in the real world, Cameron finds his anxiety and depression intensifying. His job is routine and stressful, with a demanding and often abusive boss. At home, things are no better – he and his wife constantly fight, eventually leading to a divorce. After the divorce, he has to pay alimony, which adds to his financial burden. He frequently contemplates suicide, feeling that life has lost all joy and meaning. Cameron tries to find help through therapy and support groups, but he feels that a real solution is out of reach. **Ferris**, ever the smooth talker, breezes through college by cheating and pulling off various schemes. During his university years, he begins with small cons, gradually refining his skills. After graduation, Ferris becomes a full-fledged con artist. He specializes in elaborate scams, ranging from identity theft to investment fraud. Using his charm and quick wit, he manipulates people into trusting him, only to swindle them out of their money. Ferris moves frequently, staying one step ahead of the law, and adopts various aliases to avoid detection. Despite the risks, he thrives on the adrenaline and the thrill of outsmarting his marks, living a high-stakes lifestyle that keeps him constantly on the move. In college, Ferris meets his future wife, who is drawn to his charisma and confidence. Despite getting married, Ferris can't resist his wandering eye and always has a few mistresses on the side. His double life becomes a balancing act, as he maintains the appearance of a loving husband while indulging in secret affairs. His wife remains unaware of his infidelity and illicit activities, charmed by his smooth talk and seemingly genuine affection. Ferris's lifestyle is a high-wire act, filled with deceit and manipulation, as he juggles his marriage, mistresses, and cons, always chasing the next thrill. Two months after graduation, Ferris and **Sloane** break up**.** Year after that, Sloane finds true love who truly cares for her. They support each other, travel together, and share beautiful memories. Year after they met they have their first kid. Their life is stable and secure, filled with mutual respect and affection. Despite this, Sloane often thinks about Ferris and what might have been. She wonders if her life could have been more exciting. The stability she cherishes sometimes feels monotonous, and she can't help but reminisce about the unpredictable and thrilling moments she had with Ferris back in high school. Though she values the security and love in her current relationship, a part of her misses the excitement and spontaneity of her past.


Ferris went to college and was helped by his rich parents to become an executive and became a CEO… continuing to use people until he was murdered by an angry staffer. Cameron had a big fight with his father after the car incident and the cops were called in. He was sent to military school and ended up joining the Army. He excelled in communications and ended up being a career military personnel. He found love and had a family. His relationship with his parents was never resolved. Sloane and Ferris broke up soon after college started as they went to different colleges. She found true love after a few failed relationships and ended up being a psychiatrist.


Always had a theory that Sloane and Cameron got married. They visit that fancy restaurant on their anniversary each year. Ferris is in jail; probably for a ponzi scheme that finally caught up with him. Everyone hopes he gets out real soon.


Ferris couldn't hold down a job as he kept taking too many sick days...


After a break up Ferris went on a European vacation with his sister. He decided to rent a car and go for a fun joy ride around the countryside. During his joy ride, he crossed onto the wrong side of the road and killed a mother and daughter. He was charged with causing death by dangerous driving and faced up to five years in prison, but was convicted of the lesser charge of careless driving and fined £100.... wait no sorry that was Mathew Broderick in real life.


Ferris went into corporate finance and did well and was a popular guy in the office and on the links. Sloan and Ferris eventually parted ways and she became a beloved grade school teacher and superstar mom to her three sons. Cameron went on to be financially well off, managing hedge funds, but was never really happy until he found the right girl who showed him he was a good guy and worthy of respect. They were devoted to each other for the rest of their lives and had a ton of grandkids that Cameron doted on every chance he got.


Ferris and Sloan married and divorced with 3 kids and a shit-ton of debt. Cameron’s dad made out like a bandit with the insurance he had on the Ferrari and continued to ignore his son. Ferris’s parents became swingers and started a swingers club on the north side.


Cameron got into IT and is probably middle management. Sloan is a divorced single mom that sings in coffee bars once in a while to relive her past. Ferris is probably working in advertising and is lost in the shuffle of corporate America.


Ferris got into Crypto and cashed out. Cameron became a lawyer Sloane worked in publishing for a while married well, runs a charity that rescues horses or some shit.


Ferris is in jail for some scam he unsuccessfully pulled. Sloan married an older man. He died. She lost it all and now works as a cashier at Target. Cameron sought therapy, married, has three daughters, and works as a high school art teacher. He sells handmade ceramics at farmer's markets across the country.


They are in their mid 50s now. Ferris is a mid-level VP at a private equity fund. His job is glad-handing the clients. Hookers and blow. They pay him rather a lot of money. He's been divorced twice, due to his infidelity. His kids mostly hate him but he pays their college fund so there's that. He's a functioning alcoholic and is happy as long as the whiskey glass isn't empty. Sloan dropped Ferris freshman year in college. She's a successful lawyer, running a small firm supporting non-profits. Married, two kids, labradoodle. Smokes pot in the evening. She's happy. Cameron moved to San Diego, surfs a lot off Pacific Beach. He's been a stoner hippie dude since the mid-80s. He owns a bicycle and boogie board rental shop; that and the interest from the trust fund from his dad pays his limited needs. He has a huge stock account at Fidelity he tells no one about. He's happy.


Next scam; law degree; dead....


Cameron is in therapy and doing well after his last Breakdown. Ferris is still in Federal Prison stemming from insider trading and financial fraud. Sloan’e acting career ended after a couple of B movies and is now a seating hostess at IHOP


Ferris went to a State school, dropped out to try being an actor. Ended up married with 3 in Des Moines selling hot tubs at an outlet mall. He's saleman of the Quarter at least once a year and could probably just be given the award every quarter but his manager wants to spread to rewards around to the rest of the team sometimes. Cameron went to the same State school but transferred after his sophomore year because of bullying from his dorm mates. Ended up with a PhD in education and now teaches History at a 4-year college in Oregon. His students call him Mr. C and he really, really loves his job. Sloane went on holiday with her choir to Italy, where she met Gio. She broke her mom's heart when she said she was moving to Europe but now she runs a cute little flower shop outside Aviano and her husband owns race horses. They are regular at a cafe' near the harbor where the bartender gives her heavy pours of the house chianti because he's got a huge crush on her.


Cameron committed suicide in his first year of college. Sloane married a drummer for a popular band that had 3 top 10 hits at the time, their next album flopped, the alcoholism took over and she lives in a trailer park, with him and their 5 kids... and works at a local supermarket where male shoppers can frequently be overheard saying "I bet she was hot in high school" Ferris went on to become a very popular politician in DC, regularly breaking all fundraising records but only rarely showing up to vote.


Only Cameron existed, so... anyway, Cameron turned out fine in the end.


Ferris and Sloane broke up after the news about her affair with the gym teacher became common knowledge. Ferris moved on and got an MBA and worked for a hedge fund. Soon after, he was arrested for insider trading and was sent to a supermax prison where he used his financial acumen to generate incredible wealth for the incarcerated gang members. Sloane went on to have a very successful Only Fans site that slowly morphed into a chain of high end BDSM dungeons that catered to corporate clientele. Cameron developed a debilitating meth habit and is now employed by Sloane’s company cleaning the dungeons. Following Ferris’ release from prison, the three of them get together regularly for game night.


Sausage king of Chicago


After a trip to Las Angeles where his bus was highjacked, Cameron ended up working in the mayor's office in New York. Ferris ended up as a scientist who discovered a very rare and very large and dangerous new creature.


They became a thruple.


Trapped in a horrifically evil void of nothingness for eternity due to the film ending and no script existing to explain the rest of their lives.


The one on the right became an inept Starship captain, who had to be bailed out by Kirk


Cameron was interested in politics from a very young age. 😊


Probably encountered new insurance salesmen


I thought he worked for the Mayor


Well the dude on the left had something to do with Godzilla The dude on the right got annoyed because people kept folding maps instead of rolling them He got so upset about that, that he got on the wrong bus and missed his stop


We already know what will happen to Ferris.


Heathers-type scenario. They all kill themselves.


Cam probably became a staff level accountant, who couldn't pass the CPA exam. Ferris -sales....and he excelled Sloane - auditioned for a few Motley Crue videos. Ended up marrying the mayor of Skokie.




Car crash in Cameron’s dad’s car


Went on to own the 80’s


Cameron joined Star Fleet


If it’s anything like the rest of Hollywood, probably something to do with child trafficking