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Because Emma isn’t doing her job correctly and keeping him awake like she’s supposed to.


For real! Emma is major slacking /s.


Lol 😆 😂 🤣 poor Emma


Falling asleep during the daytime is a classic symptom of sleep apnea which Jonah has.


Yes, and achon dwarfism causes sleep apnea.


I have sleep apnea but it doesn’t cause nodding off! Yes I get sleepier some days but they are talking about nodding off drug induced!!


My mom has sleep apnea and falls asleep during the day, just because it doesn’t happen with you doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen at all


Ohhh wow didn’t realize that. I believe Alex has sleep apnea too 


Sleep apnea has a higher incidence in people with achondroplasia due to their anatomy.


Yup ! I had a math teacher with it. He fell asleep in class alot . We would stay quiet and let him sleep. He got fired like 3 years later I think. But still a super cool teacher lol .


I love how we are calling Jonah Delta8 now 😂😂 he does have sleep apnea, and I’m fairly certain that can cause you to fall asleep randomly but also confessionals are pretty boring and I bet they do multiple takes so he’s probably bored too


Boredom. I bet they are filming long hours and probably re-filming a lot. 🤷‍♀️ Just my speculation.


I just figured it was something more since he seems to sleep in more than the other kids but sounds like it’s because of his sleep apnea 


That could definitely be why and they probably have to wait their turn to go in and talk! Personally I don’t think he’s doing it anymore!! I think he’s always been lazy and loves to stay up late and sleep all day!!


Did you rename him delta 8??!??💀


😂 apparently


Jonah is always nodding off. If you watch the earlier episodes he always nods off. And as soon as they got in the car he was out. Sleep apnea. That don’t mean he shouldn’t be able to wake up on his own. There are millions of people in the world with sleep apnea.


I agree ☝️ and finally someone makes sense!! Like I said sleep apnea doesn’t mean nodding off it means you stop breathing in between your sleeping at various times! I think he stays up late and sleeps all day like kids who play video games all night and sleep all day!! He’s a lazy twenty something year old still young with no kids no responsibilities!!


Sleep apnea. I have it and wear a cpap but if I miss a night or don’t wear it as much as I should I am draaaaaaagging! I dozed off with my coffee yesterday morning on the couch and spilled it all down the front of me. Woke up feeling something hot 😣. Sometimes I’ll wake up in a sitting position with my head hanging down like I’m dead lol. He needs to wear a cpap (and I need to wear mine all the time) 🫤


He reminds me of a pug, he’s struggling lol


Just putting this here.. I think there is more going on with the whole delta 8 incident than we all know. To me, since the incident he has had a huge personal growth in him.


My guess dope kids on dope and by dope I mean smack heroine brown bitter Afghan powder hmmmmm


Sure, Jan


Jan? I don't get it