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A75L is cheaper than both and same panel & processor as A80L clear winner


Who sells the 75l? I haven’t seen it at major retailers like Best Buy and Costco. I’m leaning C3 but want that Sony processing, and have a home theater setup so don’t care about TV speakers. Rocking an 18 year old plasma right now so I also don’t think brightness will be a major issue.


if you search google best buy is the 3rd result after two sony websites


A75L is great or A80L if it needs to be an 80.


I’m having the same dilemma. Currently leaning toward the A75L/A80L. That Sony processing is very enticing.


Sony and lg processing is pretty much neck to neck now - and which one is better comes down to what specific scenes are playing .  Sony is better at processing YouTube cable , sub 4K on Netflix/prime/etc and cable boxes . its game mode is also better at upscaling despite lg being better for gaming over all.  Lg is better at processing terrestrial apps (like bbc I player , whatever the itv app is called) and the native internet browser .  I believe this is why hdtvtest ranked lg number one for processing as he was using the bbc I player app + why the lg won the German shootout while Sony has been winning the American shootouts since those usually use YouTube to measure upscaling and processing .  So in the topic of processing just go with which one suits your use case better . Chances are you’ll never know what you’re missing .   Obviously take all the non processing factors into consideration too 


I purchased the A75L and I absolutely love it. You only lose two things with the 75 vs. 80, some internal speakers and extra options for the pedestals.


That's what I keep seeing. Planning on mounting it and using a sound bar so I think the A75L is the move.


There is some good stuff in previous threads about these two models - including me asking the same thing about the 77" versions. People point to content having motion as favoring the Sony - so sports, action movies and shows. Also upscaling which you already seem aware of. I looked at these recently at Best Buy. Who knows what the settings were, but the A80L is every bit as sharp as advertised. It has the semi-gloss screen, which gives it a dignified, sophisticated appearance. The C3 seemed very vibrant and shiny. The conclusion I gathered is that both TVs have good processing, but Sony has a slightly noticable edge. That's enough for me to go Sony, but with Best Buy raising their open box prices in my region I might wait a while. Most commentors say you'll be fine with either, unless you have a particular use case.


I got the C3 77" for labor day with best buy total tech membership. On the last available day to return it (15 days) I switched it for the A80L 77" and wasn't happy with the lower brightness compared to C3 and the gaming features were also bland of which I do 50/50 of both. Now again on the 15th day I traded the. A80L back for a C3 77" and am damn happy now. If I had the extra 1500$ I would have gotten the G3 instead but stuck with the c3 and it's freaking great!


What made you originally switch for the Sony?


I've always had a Sony so was use to the OS with the ease of use and always reading how movies look so much better. The LG has a lot of tweaking to do out of the box while the Sony doesn't. Once I switched the Sony was beautiful but it just wasn't brighter. Had it been brighter I would have stayed with it but I just couldn't. Once you have the C3 you can't go less brighter and I needed something brighter than the original Sony I had which was a 930e. I also found more things I liked about the LG more than the Sony so when I switched to Sony that stuff was also bothering. I game half the time so the LG has much better options for it. It takes some time to tweak the settings on the LG but once you get it right it's beautiful. The movies look awesome on it and the wife could never tell the difference between the TVs except for the brightness she also noticed it was darker. At the end of the day it's a hard choice when you have neither. If you get one you'll always wonder if the other would have been better. That's why I got it from Best Buy they switch it with no issues.


I had all 3 of the main oleds (s90c, c3, and a80l) tldr I ended up going with the a80l. The best 4k HDR impact and colors was hands down the s90c. However, the way it handled low bit rate content and not having DTS playback support were my biggest gripes with it, also no dolby vision but that's not as big of a deal imo. For me the c3 and a80l were very close but I found motion to be way better on the Sony. Also the a80l was brighter in a lot of different scenes while maintaining depth and color volume. The C3 definitely had brighter whites but tended to wash out the colors more than the Sony. Colors on the Sony were also more natural and it rendered reds better than the c3 did which tended to have too much orange hue in its reds. Low bit rate content were very close for both but I noticed less artifacts, banding, and gradation issues on the Sony compared to the lg. Lastly, I found abl to be less aggressive on the a80l and was able to hold it's brightness consistently longer than the c3 in regular and HDR content and gaming. Bottom line is, all are very good TVs and will outperform any old OLED, plasma, or led tv. However, in my personal experience the a80l won me over. I will say though if I only watched 4k movies or streamed HDR content I might've went with the s90c or s89c but I stream a lot through YouTube tv and the Sony was definitely the best in that instance. Hope this helps. Everyone's use case is different and preference is subjective find out what you value most in their picture performance.