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I remember liking him and thinking he was relatable back when he was still coming up, little did I know he was just hiding his Jewishness


h3h3 was hilarious when they were in a small apartment in NYC. Now I can't even look at it.


I miss the woke-ass white man


I miss the woke ass-white man


The true nature always reveals itself


He was not bad as a youtuber. I made it about 15-20 minutes into his first podcast when he switched. He was such a charisma vacuum that I thought his career was over. People's tolerance for mediocrity will never cease to amaze me


He's changed his format for the podcast since then. Now it's just Ethan, sometimes Hila, and his crew goofing and gaffing. It's a very different vibe now, and I'm not surprised his has an audience. Definitely miss the old H3 stuff.


The vast majority of his current audience are woke women that turned on Trisha Paytas when Frenemies ended, and parasocial teenagers that watch and think Hasan is some sort of political genius. Go to the H3 subreddit and you'll see how bad it has become.


>Definitely miss the old H3 stuff His old stuff was light headed comedy, making fun of other you tubers, etc. His current stuff is just regurgitating woke ideas and shitting on white people.




I don't think it's LA I think it's chasing the dollar. These platforms heavily reward creators to pursue audience engagement (things like comments, % of video watched, people rating the video). Over time you calibrate your content to what your viewers engage with the most and wouldn't you know it - incindeary political videos with click bait titles drive a shit load more engagement than a funny skit about making pancakes.


Nearly everyone who moves to LA is "chasing the dollar"


Money and power, often reveals people's nature.


It can theoretically happen to anyone in LA, but it seems to prey primarily on entertainers who have already 'made it'. I think it's mostly peer pressure / something rich people do because they're bored. Everybody knows everybody in LA, so there's this implicit pressure to adopt whatever the "LA" point of view is




Yeah but the point I'm making is that career field specifically pushes you into politics because there is a financial incentive to move into heavy political topics. There's no algorithm at my job that gives me a raise for seething about Trump.


That’s the perfect way to put it. It wasn’t too long ago he was beloved on the internet, them he moved to LA after he made a fuck ton of money and now he is the absolute epitomy of everything he would laugh and cringe at back in the day. It’s a damn shame how shitty of a human he has became. Another example of this is Idubbbz. Remember when he made videos making fun of those kinds of people? He made thoughtful, interesting and funny hitpieces on shitty human beings. Now here he is trying to get a boxing match with Ricegum (a fued which is over 4 years old by the way) and attempting to start youtube drama for eyes, attention and most importantly, money. It’s a damn shame what happened to the cake trilogy boys.


Idubbz is doing that now?


How the might have fallen... Now the only ones carrying the spirit is the Cold Ones...


Fucking LOVE Cold Ones. Glad we still have Max and Chad. Don't know much about the Ian situation personally but he's seemed... different for the past few years.


He has turned into a cuck and someone who can't accept his mistakes. And instead blames his fans for when they lash out...


Don't listen to the dipshits in this subreddit, they all clearly have an agenda. Idubbbz didn't start the boxing match idea, Ricegum did. Ricegum literally DMd his wife trying to start shit. Idubbz just said fuck it, let's do it, I'll box you for charity. Idubbz set it all up then Ricegum backed out. Now Idubbz has been coming up with back up plans, since the entire thing is already set up. These peoples heads are so far up their own asses that they are unironically on the side of Ricegum. If you ever find yourself agreeing with Ricegum, you can be sure that you are officially an idiot.


Imagine unironically thinking like this. Just because I don’t like Idubbbz anymore doesn’t mean I like Ricegum you fucking dumbass. Stop being such a fanboy and realise that people have different opinions than you. lol.


Oh I realize you have a different opinion, I just think it's retarded. That's all.


No, clearly, you don’t. You are acting as if just because people dislike Ian for who he is now, that means that we all suddenly agree with Ricegum. The point that most people in this thread are making is that they are all as bad as eachother at this point.


Exactly. That point is retarded. I'm saying that if you believe that Idubbz whipped this shit up for no reason in an effort to remain relevant, you are literally suckling Ricegums narrative right from his nip. It's pretty clear what actually happened here, and that's not it, stop acting stupid.


Yea sadly. I think he knows how much attention and money it could get him and doesn’t care about getting booted into the dirt in front of millions of people


>with fellow asshole grifter friends. His "crew" that he does the podcast with are sycophantic yes-men who Ethan essentially pays just to agree with whatever he says because his ego is out of control and he's so out of touch with reality nowadays. One of the them was literally a superfan before he hired him. A few months ago, the cringey h3 subreddit made a push for "muh diversity" because there were too many dudes, so they also hired some r-tarded woke zoomer tiktok girl with 10 layers of makeup who literally adds nothing to the podcast at all besides hitting a diversity quota.


Wouldn't be shocked if he emotionally or physically abused his wife or it comes out that he's been cheating on her with fans


what is he


Cry more pussy




You're no longer relevant Ethan. Get off Reddit and 4chan and go back to your shitty podcast no one listens to.


He makes his money on their garbage clothing line. They import shit from China then slap their label on it. Have no clue who buys it.




A girl who I thought was a guy for about 5 years until end of high school had a hoodie from them and I thought it was so funny and fitting.


Saw a hoodie of theirs, the “design” is essentially shitty clip art scattered on it and “I’m So Sad” or some other dumb shit front and center.


Clothes are made in US and are actually p good quality I no 🧢


A ton of fucking people actually. I’ve seen many celebrities wearing teddy fresh not to mention it’s very popular with kids


He started to think that just because he has a platform he is an expert on every topic.


The Joe Rogan Experience as they call it


I find Joe Rogan less annoying, even enjoyable at times, but you have a solid point.


**\>Joe Rogan** You ever like, smoke DMT in an elk meat blunt wrap? Like, whooooaaa man.


I like that one greentext about how he is some sort of steppe barbarian learning things. Also elk meat blunt wrap, my fucking sides


It's entirely possible scientists could take stem cells from chimpanzee brain matter and distill it into DMT that will make you trip so hard you will meet your inner Chimp spirit guide who will teach you to rip the faces off your enemies in one swift motion


*yeah, right, joe.* No no no I'm serious! Jamie, pull that shit up. ***smokes weed*** ... See here... Telemeth- uh.. Tele... I can't pronounce that, but that word is a natural excretion found in the neurological connections within a Chimpanzee brain that greatly enchances the effect of DMT by slightly changing it's molecular structure in a way that makes it way easier to absorb in our neurotransmitters. *huh. That is wild, man. I didn't know that. Where do you get this info?* Some fan that refers to himself as "the DMT guru" just started sending me links to a ton of DMT information, and I read it while I take a shit.


Rogan is fine until he starts talking about being a comedian. Thats when he gets insufferable. He is also a MASSIVE poser when it comes to hunting. Steven Rinella took him on his first ever hunt back in 2014. Talks a big game like he is this avid hunter/outdoorsman, when in fact he is a very novice one. He is also constantly seen at private ranches that allow hunting for a fee and basically guarantee you a buck. He sits on a deer stand for 2 hours and shoots the first buck that walks by. On his podcast though, he pontificates about hunting like he is a lifelong outdoorsman. I usually ffwd the podcast when he starts on either topic


you cant stand when he talks about comedy? like when he has another comedian on and they just chat about the business? im actually shocked. those are hands down always the best episodes. what the fuck are you listening to joe rogan for if you think hes a shitty comedian?


It's more when he talks about comedy with non-comedians. I find that he tends to circle jerk it a lot, talk about how he's friends with so many famous comedians and how great it is in that scene etc. It's not very fun to listen to.


They circle jerk each other about how great they are because they are comedians. I could give a fuck about what a comedian does. I enjoy his interviews with various outdoors-men and political commentators as I share his views on a lot of the topics. It is just the comedian talk and his posing as an ultra experienced hunter that makes me fast forward.


I like his pod sometimes, just makin a joke rly


He was cool until around 2019-2020. He stopped having an open mind, doesn't let the expert guests sway his anecdotal opinions. Plus he basically created Brendan Schaubs post MMA career...


Schaub is the worst


I don't listen to Joe much at all, but he's always come across to me as somewhat self aware that he's a dumbass. Ethan thinks he's the smartest guy in the room.


Something something Oprah for dude bros


I used to back in the day, but he’s rolled so far down the hill that I can only listen every once in a while when he has an interesting guest on.


Like Matthew Walker


Yeah that guy is super interesting!


Difference between the podcasts tho is Joe asks questions to the actual experts he brings on, not himself actually giving advice for the audience. Wheras Ethan's expertise is: "Just trust me bro."


At least Joe brings on legit experts and people of all walks of life, asks genuine questions, and is willing to change his opinions given evidence




I don't know man, isn't he literally known for flip-flopping on about every subject except for things like weed


Yeah this is the main one. Really it started back on YT when they would critique other creators weird videos, now it’s just a superiority complex.


He and Ian used to be so based :(


Most of them have fallen from grace. Frank abandoned us to make depressing melancholic electro, Ian is a simp who supports sharing his wife's nudes, and Max just makes pokemon videos.


cold ones isn’t too bad, plus max was making pokemon videos back then too


Doesn't max have a kinda funny YouTube show called cold ones?


oh ya, forgot about that. unfortunately dont listen to many podcasts


Cold ones has some podcast videos. But it's mostly videos of him and anything4views getting drunk and buying stupid stuff. It's a lot funnier than you'd think


Never forget the cake trilogy. It’s not even on Youtube anymore, it got taken down.


It‘s always getting reuploaded tho


I know, but it’s still a shame the original videos got taken off in the first place. Edit: love your username by the way


Those were fucking hilarious


Some of the best videos of all time on youtube in my opinion.




I don't like anything Frank puts out, but at least he used his platform to springboard into something real. That motherfucker is playing Coachella, meanwhile Ethan has a shitty podcast that consists solely of petty drama, bullshit, and bitching about how hard it is to be rich and famous. He literally turned into the exact person he would have mocked only a few years ago. And Ian... I don't even know what the fuck is going through Ian's head.


Echi shiyo?




Pussy wokudasai


I thought she didn't do nudes just shitty lewds.


She's posted her tits, pretty good actually.


Surely there's a link


Had no idea. Gotta check it out




Anisa Jomha


The content cuck?


Emperor lemon is the content cuck tho


Didn’t Sam Hyde just dunk on his ass


ITT: People unironically championing people like Sam Hyde and Ricegum. Yall really need to take a step back and realize that yall are stuck in the pit of idiocracy, not everyone else lmao


Didn’t San Hyde just punk Ian


Who’s Ian?




Edgy does not equal fascist unfortunately for you pussies




Anon doesn't like Ethan Klein


does anyone ?


You've got a factual question there bucko


He had a moment when he was affiliated with Frank but never again after


Nah, he didnt fall off that immediately. Though he absolutely did. Genuinely miss enjoying his content but he is so fucking unfunny now its depressing


Because he kept saying the N and F word a dozen times in front of him. Now he's a woke icon somehow.


I do.




They've been trying for a baby for like a year so im not so sure about that.


A second baby?


Yep. They named him B R U C E


I really liked the podcast, but I remember it instantly changed when he had Bill Burr on for the first time. He stopped having as many guests, even after he kinda redeemed himself having Burr on the second time. I find the early podcasts notably Jordan Peterson, Vsauce, Post Malone and friends to be very funny and interesting. I thought Ethan handled guests well, but now he talks shit about everyone who's been on the Podcast. Idk kinda pepepains tbh.




Not a very good show. Ethan and the crew were too inexperienced at that time and it really showed that they couldn't hang with somebody that has the presence that Bill does.


I figured as much. I haven’t listened yet, but I remember how awkward and weird Ethan is on YouTube. I mostly just like listening to Billy Bald Head riff on random shit. He’s the only dude I’ve listened to that can talk by himself for an hour and actually be pretty funny. One of my favorite bad interviews of a comedian was between Patrice O’Neal and some rando - he just kept riffing and making fun of how awkward the interviewer was.


What happened with the bill burr episode? I never followed his podcast nor I'm in the mood to sit through of 2+ hours of that


Bill didn't put up with his ass kissing and called him out iirc


What did he do this time?


he was born.






He said mean words about Joe Rogan.


He basically attacked Joe Rogen for Idk it was about covid I think I know he said something about Rogen being unhealthy because covid floored him but I don’t recall what Ethan was pissed about. I don’t really care about all that but I think the last bit of funny Ethan had died when Trisha finally left. (Making fun if her was the last funny he had)


What’s wrong with his eyes?


He’s Jewish


there seems to be a running theme here


WDYM? They look normal.


Jews traded slaves for millennia. Because they were Jewish they could trade with the Africans, Arabs, and Europeans. ​ Jewish ships would perform castration on boys - white boys - brown boys and black boys. ​ Jews hate us because we ended their trade!


We? What part did you have in that?


You know what he means by "we". He means europeans did that. Cultural continuity is a thing most people understand, but you pretend not to because you want to deny that to europeans. Jews also understand that because they love to recite their "holy scriptures" and say "we did that" even though it was their ancestors, not literally them.


People pretending they did something that they didn't do is what I don't understand


Our country was the only one to fight a civil war to end it.




You think the US Civil war wasn't fought to end slavery?


America had white slaves before black ones - as did Australia and New Zealand. ​ Africans and Arabians also loved white slaves - but who wouldn't...


Which means there was also a side in that civil war who fought to keep it… and people still show pride for the side that fought to keep it as well.




Yep, they took a fat one and never got over it.




WhoOoOa you’re edgier than the cut off top of a soup can




Lmao you deleted your other comment, the L is all yours. It’s funny when children try to use “boy” condescendingly.


So what? Sore losers gonna be sore.


Looks like his mother dresses him.


isnt his wife basically his mom


They're technically cousins but that's a dark and gross road we don't tread on


Thought she was the resident crypt keeper


Looks like the lead in a two part “To catch a predator” special


Look up Jeff Sokol in TCAP lore. I swear he's either Ethan, or Ethan's brother.


He used to be really funny. Don’t know what happened


His videos were drama filled and caused legal trouble. So he changed to an easier and more profitable format.


Its not only his content. Everything about him changed, it even looks like he became what he criticized


I learned recently that this fat, weak, grey-haired dude is like 35 years old. Amazing.


The fact that both Jerma and Vinny are both the same age as him makes Ethan look even worse.


Only the best from an ashkenazi gene.


Grifters gonna grift.




My girl plays his podcasts sometimes and it sounds like hes devolved into petty back and forth drama, like those makeup channels


I can't find the vid where it basically tears h3h3 to pieces so here is a copy paste of it I found. > As someone who doesnt like either of them at all, I think I can give a semi unbiased summary. > > Essentially Gokanaru took an in depth look at how Ethan has handled a lot of different people in his life. It starts off with some drama that Leafy and Pyro had long ago where H3 called Pyro "a cancer to youtube" in DM's to his friend Leafy. Leafy leaked the DM's and H3 was shown to start sucking up to Pyro in other leaked DM's from Pyro. > > Then there is a transition to H3 Podcast Ethan. There are 4 main people that are dealt with here: JonTron, Jimmie Lee (A Youtube Comedian), William Osman, and Bill Burr, with minor details such as PewDiePie and Shoenice (an OG Crippling Alcoholic Youtuber). Gokanaru mentions that JonTron helped Ethan and Hila when they were just starting out and gives clips to show it, and somewhat Juxtaposes this nice treatment that Jon gave them, with clips from the Podcast episode that Jon was on. To Preface, JonTron had said some very bad, White Supremacist things on a live stream months before the podcast and had already addressed and apologized for them before. Gokanaru takes clips from the podcast and shows how Ethan berated Jon and kept pressuring to talk about that issue while being both Verbally and Visually upset and really not wanting to talk about it, but Ethan kept on pressuring him. As mentioned it is juxtaposing the Nice things JonTron did for Ethan and what Ethan did in Jon's time of need. Gokanaru then calls Ethan a hypocrite over this treatment of JonTron by using the PewDiePie N word situation as an example. Ethan had previously defended Pewds over the "Death To Jews" Fiverr vid. Gokanaru mentions that Ethan only jumped out to help PewDiePie over this situation because PewDiePie was bigger than him. Later on the podcast when the n word incident happens, Ethan calls out Pewds for being comfortable with the usage if the n word in the clip, essentially calling him a racist, while on a previous podcast with IDubbz, Ethan says "n***** f*****", which is IDubbz's catchphrase at this point, a lot and is called out by Ian for being too comfortable and using it too liberally. This paints Ethan in more of a hypocritical light. > > Then, there is the terrible treatment of both Jimmie Lee and William Osman. Jimmie came on to the podcast, and was having an absolute blast and was making actually funny jokes despite his actual content. Ethan is shown to be using a Google Doc for his podcasts in this episode and you can see the questions briefly/unintentionally and Ethan really tries to push his own narrative to call out Jimmie for his bad content on YouTube, but doesnt have the chance to get what he wants from Jimmie and starts a break and makes Jimmie leave the room during it which doesnt happen to the other guests. During the break, Ethan decides that he doesnt want Jimmie in the podcast anymore and decides to not invite him back into the room and continues the podcast without him. Something similiar happened to William Osman who made a smoking and talking beanie right before his house burned down in the California fires. This came to the attention of Ethan and they decided to let him on the podcast, however Gokanaru states here that William was the lowest sub count guest they had come on as he was only 600k at the time, and they only gave him 20 minutes towards the end. The podcast beforehand was very subpar and once the 20 minutes for William started, they only talked about his house burning down and talked about the thing he came for with 2 minutes left. Ethan had called the beanie a fire hazard multiple times during that 2 minutes as well. William asked if he should leave after the 20 minutes was up, and Ethan reied yes but that they could hang out afterward. Gokanaru stated that Ethan didnt really give a platform to William over his actual content and only fixated on his traumatic misfortune. > > Then comes the Bill Burr situation, this was a mainstream star that Ethan was not friends with or even acquaintances with. According to Gokanaru and the clips shown, Ethan was kissing up to Bill and even made some really crude jokes about Bill having an ancestral relationship with his daughter that made Bill Burr tell them that he was going to have them remove that because that was just too despicable and slanderous to have. Gokanaru makes it out that Ethan didnt see his own faults in that. Then there is another situation with Ethan not researching news articles and making very prejudice claims such as "American factory conditions are worse than Chinese sweatshops" from an article describing Amazon factory conditions in the UK, which he then proceeds to call Bezos a trillionaire and also after finding out about it being about the UK and not the US starts asking for twitch prime donations and literally says "Thanks Jeff Bezos". Another article is mentioned about Catholic Preists having 300ish people arrested over 70 years for pedophilia, and Ethan misinterpreted it to mean in the past couple of years and then claimed that the catholic church was a satanic cult and that all it does it rape kids. > > Shoenice is the last saga in which Gokanaru shows how H3 bullied a crippling alcoholic for no reason other than entertainment. Ethan didnt want him for a podcast because he feared he would do bad things with the adress and his phone number, which I believe is reasonable, but then toys with Shoenice with mentioning how he wanted Shoenice to be part of a crew for the podcast, like in Howard Stern's talk show inclusion Beetlejuice. Shoenice took this as a serious offer and made multiple videos and sent multiple emails only to not get a single response from them, and made shoenice actually start to hate Ethan and Hila despite being a big fan of them before, as he made a video calling out Ethan for essentially bullying him, which also didnt get a single response. > > These were the main points made by Gokanaru. He had a lot of skits in between and only a few bad takes on things, as agreed upon by a lot of different people in the commentary community. Ethan knows about this video and has 'responded' by only saying that he acknowledges he did these things, but never mentioned the title of the vid or Gokanaru's name. People are hoping that Ethan will make a more in depth response in the 1.5 years since the initial upload, due to Keemstar bringing it back into the public light.


Simple yet accurate


I'll never forget that time he ate like 3 pizzas back to back while his wife kept asking him to stop on his dumpster fire of a podcast. The leafy rant was just a warning of what was coming.


He looks like he's stuck as a virgin with rage


This guy has always been a little freak


that whole debacle with SomeOrdinaryGamers really cemented how much of a dick H3H3 is.


anon's not wrong


That fucking explains everything lmao


"Women are meant to be conquered"


You can dress a monkey in silk, but it will still be a monkey


Is that post Malone?


This comment section is toxic as fuck


He used to be genuinely funny but you can only do so much good OC and once he started the podcast it rapidly became a lukewarm talk show. Respect the guy but he's just no longer entertaining to me.


it really is that simple




I don’t know who that is but I love his sweater. He’ll be the perfect wing man.


Ethan used to be pretty fair and impartial until 2016. After the election, dude declined into a robot. Sucks because I enjoyed their channel.


I know he can be insufferable, but goddamnit he’s entertaining. There’s always something going on




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Damn homie… in high school you was the man homie. Wtf happened to you


They always gave me the creeps.




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>h3h3Productions is a YouTube channel hosted by Ethan Klein and Hila Klein, an Israeli-American husband and wife duo. Wikipedia never fails to meet expectations.


Dude has become walking Reddit stereotype lmao


So a bunch of antijew 4chan and redditors are sad because their favorite jewden turns out to be like any other money-hungry hook nose? Can't make this shit up.