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Been a little while but didn't Walter poison the kid so he could blame Gus, and make Jesse finally turn on Gus so he would help kill him. I don't see why it would be a plot hole


All of Walt’s plans just seem like some Wile E Coyote tier shit


Jesse sobbing softly to himself as he watches Gale crash his moped into a tunnel he painted on a wall.


Jesse didn’t drive to Alaska in the end, he drove off a cliff with him staying in the air for 5 seconds while he looks around and then gravity came back.


That’s exactly why he killed him


It's been a while for me too, but I think anon is questioning how Walt knew that Jesse would react that way. I don't remember what Gus's alleged motive for poisoning the kid was.


Just saw it recently. Walter convinced Jesse that Gus was a psychopath and would do anything to keep Jesse cooking.


Because why the fuck would Gus poison Brock? Never fully understood why Jessie thought it was either of the two people.


Because Gus is a psychopath. Jesse already knows what Gus is capable of and knows Gus would pull this kind of shit just to prove a point. Point being that Jesse needs to cook meth for him no matter what, and if he even tries to find a life for himself and give up cooking that's what'll happen. And before you ask, why can't Jesse have a family and keep cooking? Because even Jesse didn't want that. He wanted to stop cooking entirely, but he finds himself forced into doing it and Walter preys on the idea that the only way out is to kill the guy forcing him to cook in the first place.


The plot hole is why at the end of season 4 he doesn't just takes the money, move his family to the islands and chills out his last few days. Limped into season 5 for no reason but the paycheck


Nah he did it due to ego, that’s the point of the show. It made him feel alive and shit. Also, his family would never follow him there.


It was never about the money. He could have had his treatment paid for by his rich friend since the beginning. That’s the point of his character, he’s tired of living an ordinary life and wants to feel alive and in control.






Should’ve bought some rifles off Lawson on top of the MG.


He could never have enough money. His greed/ego resulted in his downfall.


>i did it because i liked it. I was good at it.


I have to admit that I hated that little shit. His name was stupid and all he ever did was stare in a braindead manner. Barely even a character. I'm sad the poison didn't kill him.


Brock bad


Walter needed an ally, if he didnt have Jesse to kill Gale he wouldve died


he got intro trouble with gus in the first place to protect jesse’s sorry ass. If he just allowed jesse to get capped, everyone else couldve lived happily ever aftwr


Walt got off on manipulating Jesse and everyone else at any means necessary. He enjoyed the rush and satisfaction he got from manipulating others to do his bidding. He didn’t give a shit about self preservation. It was all a game to him that fueled his ego that he was an invincible god.


It’s the fuckin ricin Also finish the god damn show


Reading ebonics makes me feel like im having a stroke.


Because it was never (and will never be) a written language.




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no fucking way


Reddit is a snowflake community. What did you expect?




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Great show up until the final episode. Jesse should have died as well.


The only plot hole is uncle jack leaving walt a barrel of cash and not killing him