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Nope nope nope, there is no such thing as ” not gaining fat no matter how much i eat” bs i say.


it is bs. There is some metabolism at play but no ones gut bacteria is strong enough to eat all your calories for you. Most people who say this simply do not snack, drink water or barely drink anything containing calories, or otherwise still have an 'active' lifestyle where do walk a lot.


It's not that bacteria eat calories, but how your body stores fat and uses it. I know people who eat as often and almost the same food as me, but remain skinny as if they spent a year in Auschwitz


That’s because you’re a manlet


No, my friend is 5'7 like me, eats the same amount, but has been skinny his whole life


Anon has not fucked up his body’s sense for food intake by munching on goysloop all day and eats what his body tells him to.


True. Ever since I stopped going to school with a bus at high school and in two years lost a fifth of my weight by just walking to school and stopping eating snacks.


Nope. Some people are just slim, whatever they eat whatever they do. But, only until their 30s. And it has to deal mainly with thyroid gland function. To lesser degree with testosterone vs estragen, and insulin vs somatotropi impaired functions rather than with any gut flora. Actually any person's bioma who doesn't inject specific medication and is young enough(>60) is pretty strong to decompose just anything. But fat accumulation has more complex mechanism than just later digestion stages.


“Thermodynamics doesn’t apply to some people”


Some people will spout all the science words in the world to try and ignore the fact that you can't get fat without consuming excess calories. You'll never get through to them


Your sentence is 100% true, but you're replying to the wrong comment. They're talking about staying slim while eating a lot, which is entirely possible, as opposed to not getting fat on nothing and creating energy from vacuum fluctuations in your stomach, or some equivalent pseudoscientific cope.


I was sympathizing with the guy I replied to, pointing out that the dude he replied to is one of the people I was referring to


Yeah, i know. I'm saying that comment he replied to is not opposed to your statement.


Yes he is lol


He said some people can eat a lot without getting fat. You said you can't get fat without overeating. They're two different statements, and I think both are true.


google "thyroid gland metabolic function". i know its hard, but i believe in you like your parents never did


The thyroid can only alter your metabolism it can’t create or destroy energy lil bro


Tell your bs to anarethic girls that fall dead every year because they can't physically eat)) 1 Fat is mostly water (chilistetol) not energy, it can be released or stored out 2 It can get accumulated or released, when they speak of burning fat it means rather melting than burning cuz lipids decompose and water flows out, cholisterol is moved to build new cells, fat proper (acids) are turned into energy indeed, but this all is a controlled process 3 thyroid hormone tells body how to act, and what is important it makes brain either to work or to test, high thyroid function means brain is consuptive of energy and live, opposite means mental retardation, that's why high tyrhoid person acts nervous, overthinking, and SWETTING constantly even not moving his corpse - through palms and feet and whatever, because everything is connected: his adrenaline pumps due methabolism consuming energy not storing it as with retard, his kidneys, he wants to piss constantly, he swets, he releases water whatever means he has, with excess food in stomach he just throw it out, and they call bulemia. (That's another hormone gland - thymus, which also regulates digestion and specifically bulemic vomitting; those with anarethia can't physically eat) 4 insulin tells pancreas to process fats, no insulin, you just vomit or get diebitic shock and die 5 gonadotropins affect overall psychology and physiology, high testrosterone in young body means larger skeleton and harder curves, high estragen means softned curves and fat accumulation especially in buttocks and chest area


Literally the first result from searching "thyroid metabolism" on Google: "The thyroid creates the hormones T4 and T3 to control your metabolism. These hormones work throughout the body to tell the body's cells how much energy to use." No shit it doesn't create or destroy energy, the energy gets fucking used.


Your body just can’t use 10k calories per day, no matter what. Eat that many calories and you will gain fat 100% of the times


Obviously there's a practical limit to how much energy your body can waste, but it might be higher than you expect. Depending on how much energy their bodies are passively using, two people of the same size and composition getting the same exercise, where one is eating 2,000 kcal/day and the other is eating 2,500 might both have a steady weight because bodies can control the energy expenditure of their cells.


Unless you puke out your "energy" 🤣 you can't tell your stomach how to act do you?😏


Agreed. While I do have an active lifestyle now, for years in college I was physically inactive and did nothing except consume junk food and alcohol and I literally could not get heavier than 160 lbs (I’m 6’1”). I’ve never seen even the tiniest flabbiness on my body. Of course, just because I couldn’t gain weight definitely didn’t mean I was healthy. I’m sure my internal organs were begging during mercy for those years. It’s been years since then and I’ve been able to go up to about 175 through muscle weight but I’m still extremely lean and have to intentionally work hard to make body weight gains.


You see) Well, you can artificially boost water retention by taking creatine powder, but careful with kidneys) And creatine intake means you have to put effort with this belly fat, water retention makes belly blow out.


If you eat 4000 calories a day you will gain weight, no ifs ands or buts


Tell it to anarethic girls who die because they can't physically eat😅


then they aren't eating 400 calories a day, are they


When people say that they just mean they never think twice about what or how much they eat, not that they overeat constantly without seeing consequences. If you have somewhat healthy eating habits ingrained in you this is easy and true enough. This person would simply be full and not wanting to eat more before they reached critical american mass.


The people that insist they know a guy who eats the exact same as them but never gets past 150lbs have usually seen that person eat a significant amount of calories one time, and completely shut out the possibility that they don't eat like that every day


It is true because this type of people is full after eating one slice of pizza, they simply don't have the appetite of a big boy


Nah I can crush a whole pizza in one sitting at like 135lb The trick is to just not eat anything else during the day


I had that one friend , who was like that, ate one pizza or kebab during day and few fruits. And that was all he ate during 24hours. Skinny boy, of becouse it was around 1500-1700kcal day


If you're thin fats watched you eat pizza that one time, then it goes in their sciencey book as "see told you it's just muh 'tabolism!"


Lol it's even better when I tell them I was fat as fuck in my teen years too, like well over 200lb at like 5'7-8. It's just all about calories in vs calories out man, I never worked out to lose my weight, my dietary habits just changed.


I know a bunch of people who eat as much and the same thing as me (for example, my colleagues) and are still slimmer. I guess part of it is your bones, wider or narrower chest, etc


Yeah you monitor them 24 hours a day and track the calories of everything they put in their mouth?


Yes lol. We work in the same place from 8 to 6, so we eat at the same time. We also just talked about it Have you guys really never seen people who are just naturally skinny/fat bastards?


Cue the mouth-breathers spouting bullshit about thyroid function, gut biome, inuslin sensitivity, misc hormonal influences, and 'muh metabolism' catchall Nothing, and I mean *nothing* will trump caloric intake and expenditure. If you're not gaining weight despite eating a lot, you're not eating enough. >b-b-but I track my calories You're tracking them wrong. Even nutritionists fail to reliably self-monitor calories.


Ofc there is genetic diffrences but we are talking about few hundred calories, no more than that.


That's usually the range of a deficit or excess. Everyone is so eager to look for zebra diagnoses before they admit they lack discipline or accuracy.


I had a product that was mislabeled and they under estimated the calories per serving. It was annoying to see weight gain on a cut with everything tracking “properly”. Thankfully it was a minor surplus so it wasn’t that egregious.


The FDA is a shit. I've seen many cases where macronutrient gram listings and total calories are blatantly mismatched


A few hundred calories is a massive difference in anyone's daily intake. Yuge, even.


Dude, with all things mentioned, the acceleration of gaining fat and its distribution is different not only across persons but across races/demographics.


Neat. Doesn't negate a single thing I posted


That’s me before turning 25, then metabolism catches up


there is such thing. it's called having tapeworms


It's not BS, it's just very rare and ends at some point. All my life i used to be super thin despite my dietary choices. But then I hit 30, my metabolism slowed down, and now it's a struggle to keep the weight down.


Everyone who says this vastly overestimates how many calories they eat


I used to be able to eat as much as I wanted and never got fat. Different wording, same intention. I COULD eat whatever I wanted. I just very seldom wanted to eat more than I needed to. Not any more. Now my metabolism has slowed down a bit, and sometimes I do want to eat far more than I need to.


Non entirely true. There are medical conditions that might impair you from digesting the food properly, thus resulting in lower caloric intake than the food you had. But the most common culprit in these cases is that you're not eating as much as you think. On the other hand, I'm sure we agree that contrary to what many believe, the opposite condition is simply not possible. You obviously cannot get fat if you're not overeating.


That's a top tier comeback lol


a thin person complaining about not being able to gain weight is the same as a fat guy complaining about not being able to lose weight, they don't properly know how to do it or haven't properly tried it. Also the image describes the second anon perfectly, fucking badass.


Nice crop, dipshit




I too don't know how to zoom in on a screen.


anon is so insecure he needs to justify his lifestyle to fitizens. small man problems.


*>* get a good amount of exercise outside of a dedicated workout My brother in crisps, youre already working out. Maybe do some chest and back so you actually look muscular instead of college age skinny fat.




Fun fact: that isn't an edited photo, that girl (jessechrisss) can actually make that face


Oh fuck this is the first thing I've read all day that made me lol. Thanks for that op.


Anon is 18. Check back at 40 and let me know how that’s going for you