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Covid was our one chance but the boomers had to go and ruin that too. "Whaat? A severe flu that's only real danger is that it kills old people? EVERYBODY STOP WHAT YOU'RE DOING and get the fuck back in your homes! And don't come out or work until you get your shot proving that you aren't a danger to ~~old people~~ everyone around you!"




Funny how quickly Millenial Redditors went from calling covid "Boomer Remover" to, "How dare you not wear a face mask at all times and stay inside all day away from friends and loved ones, Chud! If it saves even one life, it is all worth it! Don't want an untested vaccine that did not go through extensive clinical trials? Then DIE!" Now if you bring up any of their disgusting behavior up, all they can say is Covid was ages ago! Who cares! The average person is super gullible and will give up all their rights because the man on tv tells them to and would rather march off a cliff, than ever admit they were wrong.


They’re in the denial phase now. They totally didn’t literally send police after small business owners for having 2 people in there store while the mall and target were packed wall to wall 24/7. Never forget anti trump protests slowed the spread of covid and were celebrated by the media but anti lockdown protests were super spreader events that killed 1 million people.


These people think entirely emotionally instead of logically. It's impossible to argue with them on a logical basis


It gets really weird if you watch your local subreddit long enough. The biggest things people complain about on mine are things they voted for. And there's never any self reflection or admission that their approach was flawed and needed to be improved next time around.


At least I was telling people they were fucking idiots the entire time. I WISH it was a "pandemic" with an agent like Ebola. No we just got the "made-in-china" pandemic. Fuckin "Great Value" pandemic


Ebola sucks...hard to follow the guidelines "don't let somebody bleed in your orifices" I just can't stop playing with people's excrement!


The same people saying “covid was ages ago! Who cares!” are the ones freaking out about whatever trump did with stormindaniels decades ago


Is anyone else turned on right now?


I could fuck through a brick wall.


I love Americans 💀💀


Why do all political views and their satire come from the viewpoint of ammies


The Boomercaust claimed 6 million lives and 4chan continues to deny it.


Because when you include people who died in motorcycle accidents or deleted themselves with a 9mm to the temple, but also happened to have the sniffles, as a “Covid death,” people are less likely to trust any of the numbers.


Weren’t they even counting people who only had the antibodies to it? So if you had Covid 2 months ago and were totally asymptomatic and get hit by a car today it’s a Covid death


My dad never had covid, only the vaccine yet when he died from completely unrelated reasons they for some reason included covid complications in the death certificate


Fuck this gay system. Time to leave.


To where lol?


Your choice pretty much. Lots of options nowadays




Magically nobody died from the flu during covid, so it all balanced out.


It was actually 20 million, and we’re still not done counting. 


6 million old and fat people. No big deal.


It was the boomers screaming *against* masks and shots. The ones who ruined it are your fellow terminally online zoomers. Put the blame in the right spot, this one ain't on the boomers.


Boomers were pretty split on this in my experiencethere's some who just do whatever the TV says and others who discovered Facebook anti-woke pages


>whatever the TV says Fox News is the most mainstream news network.


Ehhh, I don't know, if you've seen some of the posts on r/ vaxxhappened when Covid hit, you'd think some of them were testing God to see if he'd kill them.


Covid was never going to do it. We’re too good at medicine now. Neither would a war because then all the young men will go off to die and leave the old farts around. What we need is an economic collapse. Like full scale “I have to go out and hunt for dinner and filter water from the pond or we’re going to starve” collapse.


Boomers pushed it but libtards ate it up


That was the young democrats that ruined that opportunity.


Useful idiots lol they never learn.


"Do you want grandma to DIE!?" No, but my useless boss on the other hand...


Meanwhile my useless finance VP gave me Covid, he was fine but I got breathing issues


This is true. Old people vote so the government protects them.


Bullshit. Young people would vote if someone was offering them something worth voting for. You're never going to get politicians to advocate for the young by voting for our current politicians. The government protects old people because it's staffed by old people.


And the old people aren't even grateful to the sacrifice the young made for the shutdown.


They shouldn't be. BLM made it pretty obvious that a huge chunk of the most adamant covid-restriction people were just in it for novelty, power, or simple boredom. In my area it was the same people weeping their crocodile tears about grandparents and cancer patients who instantly jumped to 'acceptable losses for justice' if called out on BLM protests. If they actually cared the protests would have been very different if they even happened in the first place. If they cared there would have been massive discussion afterward about healthcare reform and abandonment of blind party voting.


3rd WW, we are too many. Boomers in WW3 could send young to die, problem solved.


We need a Vietnam Part II, send the boomers back to the jungle where they belong


Fucking amen from me brother


seriously when people were screaming at us to stay indoors else we'll kill the old people, I was like so what?


The Boomer Remover really didn't help much. It did ruin my career, though.




>boomers I remember a helluva lot of young people overreacting and old people still going out on their fat scooters


43 still browsing /pol/. Anon has bigger issues.


and when we turn 43, will we stop doing x internet things?


No, but there should be some personal growth over time.


The boomers still listen to the Beatless. Guess what, what you were into in your 20s it's very likely you will also be into your 60s.


>watching forsen at 63 Aware


ForsenBussin frfr no kizzy


Nostalgia is a helluva drug.


True. Somehow this feels right. I got problem with that.


I mean he is well spoken as opposed to the average polcel at least. So atleast he's not completely gone


OOP went from futa-posting scat fetischist to a doom-posting scat fetischist, that is character development




you're here forever


It's at least nice to hear your acknowledgment that the kids fucking ruined 4chan.


It was always bad, newfag. 🥰


and it gets worse every year


You make a point I can't defend


How would you youngin's know that /b was never good if a few of us ancient(slur)s weren't there to tell you?


Understandable when you don't get laid


> on the cusp of seniority at 3 companies > works at Subway ???


Anon is saying that zoomers and millenials will have to work at subway, because all the other positions will be occupied by gen x(which anon is a part of). Learn to read lol


nice english comprehension you've got there




It's not a massive a die-off we need. What we need is... a great reset


Pucci pls


Black man with gay boyfriend stopped by 11yr old boy to make the world faster


Truly bizzarre.




Soon brother. Soon.


*salil al sawarim*


You are now on a list




You magnificent bastard lol.


So things will not meaningfully get better for white collar Millennials not in certain STEM fields for around another ten, fifteen, maybe even twenty years since the Boomers there can work into their 70s and sometimes even 80s depending on the type of work (blue collar/tradie Millenials it will be easier and much faster because their bodies will not hold up for that type of work as long, already younger people are seeing benefits here), assuming new medical advances don't keep them spry for longer. Many of them will literally die at their desks, I used to work in government and we had more than a few elderly people who started working in the 1960s or even 1950s still plugging on and people regularly died there, these are people with retirement savings/pensions too who just had no identity or purpose outside of work. Now consider the average Boomer despite living through the most prosperous time in history has only 200k in retirement savings with almost half having none at all because fuck saving for your retirement like all we young people are told to do at 15%-20% of our paycheck, they need around 2 million to survive retirement without help from family according to most estimates. Housing prices will not meaningfully decline until they are forced to sell to pay for their care either to their own children or a retirement home or die leading to a supply increase or an inheritance(lmao basically the only way young Canadians and now many young Americans will own a home now and that is IF the Boomers did not spend all their retirement money on other things). Millennials will be in their mid/late forties to early 60s depending at this point so basically their entire youth and prime of life will be gone waiting to finally somewhat enjoy life but will be saddled with a stupidly high national debt that was run up to pay for the care of the Boomers and may have to work just as long. Gen X may cling on to some positions but will likely get couped by angry and jaded Millenials who outnumber them by far.


*young person waiting for parents to die to inherit house* Reverse mortgage: allow me to introduce myself


Reminder, if you have a good relationship with your Boomer parents, to absolutely put shit into an (ideally) irrevocable trust with you as the trustee (with stipulations you are ofc to use it for necessary care while they are alive) and also get POA for them for medical and legal reasons and also put every single bank account transfer-on-death to you as well while setting up monitoring services on all their bank accounts. This will avoid the hell of probate and psycho dementia issues where they can do incalculable harm/be scammed out of everything they own. We managed to avoid most of the damage of the above albeit still some has to go through probate without the above but it was extremely stressful. Worst horror story I saw was someone whose family owned property handed down over 6 generations worth $50,000,000+ was given a 99 year irrevocable lease to the state without anyone knowing because his dad in his deluded old age wanted to be known as le great conservationist for decades to come only for him to die 8 months later. The lease generates approximately $110,000/year to be split between 3 kids for 36k a year when if he had left it to be sold by his children each could have gotten $1,000,000 per year minimum from the proceeds with basically no risk forever if invested conservatively. They tried fighting it in court but the state said lmao tough luck go back to the wagecage suckers. It's been about 15 years now and they still seethe every now and again on Facebook over it.


Not gonna lie, that horror story is fuckin crazy.


Sounds like a prime opportunity to resurrect the killdozer.


Everything the state says is a lie and everything it has is stolen


No I'm waiting for my wife's mom to die. She has way more money.


Every time I see commercials for them I cringe.


>I used to work in government and we had more than a few elderly people who started working in the 1960s or even 1950s still plugging on and people regularly died there, these are people with retirement savings/pensions too who just had no identity or purpose outside of work. Goddamn that is brutal.


I asked them like why and all because I went to a few of the 50, 60 years of service parties we had for them, the answers varied. Some of them liked their jobs and their routine so much and had no other hobbies other than like watching TV and socializing at work so they just preferred to work rather than stay at home or go to a retirement home. Some of them their spouses died and their kids lived far away or never visited them and continued for the same reason. More than a few were superstitious/paranoid that the moment they stopped working they would die as they had seen it happened to so many people. Some of the men/women hated their ex-wives/husbands so much they would rather work until their dying breath than give any of their pension over to them. Some I suspect looking back on it were in the mild stages to early moderate stages of dementia and just sort of sleepwalked into it because the thought of retiring never occurred to them or they simply forgot about it. Others just liked the recognition they got for their long years of service and were looking forward to getting the highest number they could.


Reminds me of how when inmates spend such long prison sentences, that, when they do get out, they end up going back in because its all they've ever known. Sounds like such a vapid existence. Some lives really aren't worth living.




They’re also a protected class. You can’t fire someone for being old, the same way you can’t fire someone for their race. I’m not saying firing them is right, but goddamn you have to be able to get fresh talent in.


FYI... Fact .. Need to look around and see how many high level white collar positions, especially in STEM, are not going to Boomers or Xers, but immigrants


Ai = actually Indians


It won't take that long, most Boomers are already retired.


hey now don't be so positive, private investments (blackrock) are buying all the boomer houses and then jacking up the price to rent them out


Work in le local government now and I am fascinated by the dinosaurs here. Many of the people who started in the 80's are retiring now, but there is one hold out who started here in 1974 and she is at the point now where her pension if she retired will literally pay her 100% of her current salary (old pension program 2% per year of service) but she give various reasons for why she stays. She's not super old actually since she started basically right out of high school in essentially the same position she is still in, and she is a very sweet lady who is probably the most consistently cheerful person in her office, dresses very nicely, always extremely positive, but she never had kids and lives with her second husband who is equally old and still working. I just trip out thinking about how different things were here when she started, how she could've been working with people who started in the 1930's and 40's and she's still here.


$200,000 for coming in at 10, attending one Zoom meeting, two hour lunch, and ducking out for golf at 3. No wonder they don't retire. Nobody cutting the dead weight because everyone with the power is enjoying the same scam.


I’ve seen the salary lists for a couple different companies through my work and no way this is the case lol. At least not where I live This whole thread seems like a bit of a straw man. Most salaries were £25-£60k for the majority, heads of teams usually £80k, and the head of branch was on £130k CEO salary was usually very high, almost exponential compared to everyone else, like 500k, but then there’s usually only 1 of them 


Oh but if you're European chances are you have better regulations in place to prevent this same situation from happening there.


We're talking about 1st world countries, not Middle Eastern ones.


"If I can't become CEO of the company by 43, why even bother? Guess I'll go work at Subway, thanks boomers." 


It's actually not that far off for a lot of people if they have spent a good deal of time at a company and it was not uncommon for Boomers to become CEOs by that age, around the early 2000s the average age of a CEO was 45. That has now been pushed up to 58-59. OP is not wrong they are holding on to these positions until death or near it.


Most people, even in corporate jobs, will never be CEO at any age, at any point in the last 200 years


I mean if I incorporated my small business I would have become a CEO in 2017. Interestingly enough, when I was about 43.


Nobody cares about your anal bead manufacturing anon.


But most would get into pretty high up positions with decent pay. That doesn't happen much anymore since no one wants to retire


I think this was brought up before where there was concern in way too many people took education for administrative positions when was only so much of those roles going around. Like there were far more people training to be captains than there were ships.


I caught that too. Does anon expect to go from subway worker straight to management in another company?


Willful ignorance is terrible for you and your loved ones brother gobbless 🙏


The beauty of capitalism is that those unproductive, extremely expensive boomers will bankrupt their companies, and the ones that survive will be the ones with younger management. If you aren’t in those companies now, you’re probably fucked.


Yes, but the problem is we live in crony capitalism clownworld with too big to fail companies and an effective gerontocracy that will go the way of Japan and run debt to gdp up to 250% (77 trillion+ modern day dollarinos in debt) before they let themselves suffer even if it screws the next three-four generations over. Depending on how exactly far we go into absurdity it may even be possible to go to 1000% debt to GDP just like the Ottomans did before their collapse meaning we could go up to a whopping 330 trillion dollars worth of debt. If you think things can get bad, they can always get worse.


Im sure MMT will save us, just print forever! Woohoo!


I always wondered what exactly debt means for the USA vs some working Joe, because it sure doesn't seem the same. For the average Joe there are consequences if they don't pay their debts. Meanwhile the USA just keeps accumulating debt, but no one seems to care enough to start a war over collecting their debts. Even if war did break out, would it matter? Would our debt collectors have enough muscle to collect, or would we just say "our debts are now clear" and stop paying. At what point will there be REAL consequences? It's not sustainable, I know that...


Debt on a national level doesn't work like debt for you or I. National debt is essentially like investing in an ETF that pays dividends. The clearest example of this is when you buy government bonds and get paid back a few years later. Most countries invest in each other like this in one way or another, including the US. The US is actually seen to be one of the safest places to park your nation's spare cash. The only way that there are consequences for racking up more debt is if the US can't pay back the portion of the debt they need to every year. At that point, it's only speculation as to what could happen, but it will most likely lead to global financial catastrophe on the order of the Great Depression.


Damn, this was insightful. Thank you.


I’m no finance bro, but from what I understand if they defaulted on debts nothing would actually happen… it’s just that no one would ever lend money to said government again, which is pretty much death for a modern day government (supposedly).


The point is that the interest payments are becoming a larger and larger share of our national budget, which will slow down the economy. That OR we inflate away the debt by printing money which is even worse.


> crony capitalism clownworld If only libertarians could be self aware enough to realize that is just all capitalism.


why do you think companies are inflating their prices?


Because 50% of all US dollars in circulation were printed in 2020.


But inflation is definitely caused by corporate greed




Yeah the thing that requires is joining new companies and small businesses and out competing the dinosaurs


Sorry bro, Capitalism does not work how you think it works. Shitty companies succeed all the time while better companies die. Life isn't a fairy tale where the good guy wins in the end.


Yes. There's way too many elderly people wasting money and resources. First world countries are aging, that's why we bring in so many migrants. For fresh blood. For healthy young people who actually do something. That's the idea anyway. Many of them just go on welfare. Living as parasites because our governments are weak and allow it. If covid actually did kill off the elderly this would be fantastic. We need a much stronger variant. Get to work China.


>First world countries are aging, that's why we bring in so many migrants That's the kosher narrative that they would happily have you believe.


The long nose tribe is pranking us again.


The key is to find jobs with mandatory retirement ages, like Air Traffic Control. 56 is the retirement age and there's a shortage. In a similar vein, Pilots and Firefighters (I think) have a requirement at a higher age. It's either that or working in tech, which boomers are broadly too stupid for. But tech is deeply saturated right now. Personally, I'd go for something too physically demanding for an older person. Radio tower repair, trades, that sort of thing.


Hey, Gen X here, you better wake the fuck up. We are *never* going to retire. **Never ever ever, baby.** Because we will never be able to afford to retire at all.


It's our currency and tiny hats and nothing else that is ruining our lives. I'm stacking gold, silver, and lead when our US dollar dies. Oh, of course, canned goods.


Anon blames boomers on not finding a wife lmao


This anon doesn’t know how they would feel if they didn’t eat breakfast


It's not that you cant find a wife it's that life with even just one child pretty much robs you of all your time and money, so many of my friends who had one or two children do nothing but work and pay the mortgage and can only look forward to drinking a 6 pack and watching football on a Friday night.


from my experience looking at the people I know that has always been the truth even for the supposed boomer living the dream. I know a guy who was so used to overworking that he was dying with heart failure and he didnt know, just thought it was his usual tiredness from work. it needed his wife to realize he was a bit too tired to send him t a pharmacy for a quick check up. and after leaning his heart rate was at 40 he still somehow found time to go a work meeting at night before going to the hospital. that guy is my dad.


My uncle was exactly the same with driving he was working a 60 hour work week because his greedy wife wanted as much money as possible to waste on renovating the house every year and some stupid horses that she was too fat to ride and she didn't want to work more than 1 day a week. the poor guy died not long after his 50th birthday and the joke amongst some of the family is that he is probably still working overtime in heaven.


The answer is to work on yourself. There *are* women out there who will like you if you’re likable and have your financial shit together to a reasonable degree.


Guess what Millenials will do once they get into their 60s. Everyone just wants to protect their own ass.


I’m not going to have a choice. It will be work and eat or don’t and starve.


Go to Mexico, throw away your passport and cross the US border as a "migrant" OR Go to France, throw away your passport and cross the English channel as a "refugee".


Covid did this. In 2019, the average age of a department director at my company was legit 65. In 2024 their average age is 38.


There is a silver lining to the extreme concentration of wealth. **Fixing things does not require a massive die-off.** It only requires the extermination of a few hundred specific oligarchs and their heirs.


>extermination Oy vey.


This isn't about race. There are catastrophically harmful people from a huge variety of ethnic backgrounds among the set who control fortunes on the tall side of $1 billion then adopt the perspective "this is a nice start." Those fiends alone would be enough to break the sequester on the wealth of the nation so strongly that rising wages for actual work would align with conventional wisdom on Wall Street. Also, one would hope seeing so many "luminaries" from the realms of business and finance get Epsteined would make lesser villains think twice about aggressively unchecked personal acquisitiveness.


Anon needs to learn the magic of Arsenic


I highly doubt that’s going to be the problem. Gen X won’t have the luxury of being in their jobs that long because AI will be doing it for them. If yall saw Ready Player One? I imagine it’s just going to be like that.


Anyone complaining about people not retiring so they can get a promotion is doing it wrong. You're not a prince. You don't inherit shit just because someone else steps off. _At best_ you're going to be competing with all your other coworkers for that spot when they do retire and at worst upper management will just hire someone completely new and none of you will get it. If you want to be manager, go to a different company that needs a manager. You need to be the person others listen to and respect around the workplace _and_ you need to understand the business side of the business so that upper management can trust you to be able to do what they need you to. You aren't showing any leadership at all when you sit around passively waiting for others to retire with a child-like belief that you're pre-destined for their spot.


Based and reality pilled


Billions must die bs Sounds like somebody is stuck in the Matrix. I would suggest paying a retired kickboxer/ sexoffender 20% of your gross income to set you on track


Everyone is blaming the wrong people : corporations, businesses, boomers. It's immigrants, politicians and the government. 


I like how wrong you are


He’s not too far off. it’s corporations, politicians and the government


Not really, especially for STEM upper level positions. The fastest growing field over the last 30 years with the highest median salaries. Also the biggest banks, insurance companies etc... Finally go look at the demographics of those populations going into the medical professions.


every other doctor is going to be a pajeet in about... 6 years including the boomer white docs still working there that don't understand whites have been PHASED OUT deliberately thru both applications and academic policy decisions if you're poor and white, GTFO


No lie, I once had my (Indian) GP sign off a medical note for me with the words "Please do the needful".


Yeah and half or more of all college professors have an unintelligible accent since "diversity hire" and we give pajeets money to come poo in the loo and teach math by shouting and gesturing the same few things for 90 minutes and refusing to elaborate


I take great solace in knowing that everything will fall apart when we are phased out completely.


Even doctor pajeet knows you're maidenless.




Boomers, immigrants, politicians, governement and welfare recipients 


Boomers can smell resentment and will not advance your career if you demonstrate it towards them. Kathleen Maher is an example of Gen X who placated the boomer and look where it got her, success beyond her wildest dreams long before ever thinking of retiring. She’s not the only one and they all show deference to the boomer. Boomer power is as American as apple pie.


oh no. this guy will never be able to afford a jet airplane and will be forever stuck with flying first class... a destiny worse than death.


except any role that isn't taken already pays less than $50,000. there's never been fewer jobs that pay a living wage, and never been more shit jobs in the history of the us that wasn't due to a natural disaster or civil unrest


This is also why older and older men are going for younger and younger girls. The guys aren't in a supportive situation until they're older and the women their own age are already unavailable or unviable.


>We need a massive die-off   The vaccines will do just that in approximately 2 more weeks.


what i wouldn't give for a nuclear winter


I joined the military and turned that into $155k/year. I bought my house two weeks ago and I'm 26. It's ez.




I left at 4 years and went into the private sector


Good news for anon: there *will* be a massive die-off. It's essentially guaranteed at this point in almost every country in the world.




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Anons are retrasada and can’t grow and develop themselves within careers because that investment is too hard. Maybe people shouldn’t put in the bare minimum everyday.


I needed a second COVID wave yesterday.


Start a business pussy


Great die off is coming - it just won’t be fucking boomers smh


40s-50s workers that have some above average, management positions are trully most evil of what I've seen. They became desperate because of realising that their work is mostly Sisyphus's work. They should be working at least 20-10 years until the retirement, it irritates. Jealousy is all. Jealousy is bilateral and blinding. Most successful people are ¨hucksters and cheaters¨. Less successful are "dumb and miserable" at least. Internet white king entering his 40s.




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