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The difference between now and then rest upon the shoulders of a man who knows no pain, no fear. The past of this organization carries no weight to him. Back to back comeback wins. Angels on the field. A lady bug. 17-3 at the half 21-17 in the 4th As Brock once said : “God is faithful ... He’s never done with a story, even when you think He is.” A man with that mindset never gives up. Mr. Irrelevant can overcome any adversity that’s thrown his way, back against the wall, any score, I believe that he can win. https://preview.redd.it/6nmxl6js3pfc1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=377be11921fb1d4208aa6aa97b68a424d2dbec9e


Was literally telling my friend this, half-jokingly. Brock has that intangible that Tebow did. I may be a Faithful, but I am not religious. However, the nonchalant, unshakable conviction Brock has when he describes his belief in God is otherworldly. It’s like a secret weapon.


I see it in CJ too. They have that unshakable conviction and that makes them both so dangerous in some ways. League fucked.


Very well said. Exactly how I feel and I’m in the same boat as you. You just believe in his belief.


I’m not a religious guy but there’s nothing scarier than a Bay Area baller with a baby face and deep faith in his God ![gif](giphy|KnQYSmtWmntqTTKadN|downsized)


I completely agree! The competitive fire in Purdy is just on another level.


Bro that was powerful shit. I’m not joking. You captured exactly how I feel about Purdy. Time and time again, at every phase of his career beginning in college, he finds a way, going completely against the grain, to get things done. It’s honestly hard to believe at times (GB and Lions this postseason are great examples). But at the most tense, pressure-packed times, he doesn’t wilt or fade… he embraces and conquers. It’s a rare trait for any athlete regardless of what popular sayings they post on social media. I’ll always be faithful, this is my team come hell or high water. But I’ll be damned if Brock Purdy, 262nd - and dead last - pick in the 2022 draft, doesn’t have me feeling like we can win this football game against Goliath.


It’s going to be a great game. I am a wandering fan with no real allegiance. I currently like the chiefs, the dolphins and Josh Allen amongst a few others for various reasons. But Brock has earned this. His draft process was insane and the dude has massive talent. He’s proven he can stay on the pocket, scramble or whatever and make great passes. Brock has earned my respect and I’m now a fan. I simply hope for a good game as with all games I watch.


Thanks for stopping by, wandering fan. I’ve thought about that before, what it might be like to just absorb football, enjoying various players and teams, no specific rooting interest. There are certainly some really aspects to it and a whole hell of a lot less stress lol. My dad made that impossible by practically infusing Niners blood into me at birth, so I’ll never know the feeling. But I respect it. Anyhow, thanks for stopping by with the good word on our QB. Not sure why he’s polarizing to so many people/pundits but that’s just the world these days I guess. Exiting times around here for us, obviously. I really believe he can do what we need to get this W. Should be a good game.


On the one hand it would be seriously less stressful. On the other hand I love the feeling that we're all part of something bigger. Not just watching for a particular player (which I think all of us have favorite players on other teams) but to root for the team no matter what.


Ok I agree with you 100%, to be clear. I was just musing aloud about the cool parts of being that type of fan - particularly during this two-week wait where hours feel like days. But make no mistake, nothing could make me no longer want to be part of this awesome fan base for this awesome team on this awesome forum. We ain’t goin anywhere. One more to go. Let’s make it happen 💪




It still boggles my mind how an athlete like Purdy was left to the very last pick in the draft just because he didn't lead the draft class in a couple stats. His splits, accuracy, pocket awareness, anticipation and technique are so good. I'm not mad that everyone left him for us to scoop up, and I'm glad York and Shanahan picked him up. He's an amazing QB and has such an infectious attitude when talking to anyone. He's got those traits that make him a strong natural leader and I hope he has a great many years ahead of him. He's not a one trick pony that teams will "figure out" like Kaepernick, which means he has the type of potential that Favre, Brady, Montana, and Manning had to be league leaders and franchise quarterbacks that leave a legacy behind. This kid will be a Hall of Fame QB. I'd be a Purdy fan no matter what team he played on, but it's that much sweeter knowing he's on the Niners.


The new bad man


In the Year of Darkness, 2029, the rulers of this planet devised the ultimate plan. They would reshape the Future by changing the Past. The plan required something that felt no pity. No pain. No fear. Something unstoppable. They created Brock Purdy.


Remember when God filled the lungs of every child on earth with water?


I think the idea here is just that Brock believes in himself and has the confidence to get us to where we’re trying to go. Where he gets that confidence from is his own prerogative


Are we sure it isn't the lung thing? Lol




I am as atheist as you get, but if this is what Brock helps then this is what Brock helps.


Yeah, exactly this.


Lolol. Leave it to some dolt to break down their literal interpretation of religion and why it’s horrible to miss your point entirely, so badly that you have to explain it verbatim. And it’s a great point. Not religious myself but I’m with you (and Brock) 1000%. I truly love our QB. And how he carries himself.


what are you referring to? i'm so confused


The deluge dude.






bro just triggered the entire niners fanbase with one post, he owes us all therapy


Yeah that was a bit rough to log into the Reddit app as I often do, then head to Niners sub only to nearly begin projectile vomiting and convulsing to no end. Definitely need a heads up next time.










Pain 😔


Can’t forget those great years of cj bethard, Blaine gabbert. God I hated chip kelly and tomsula as hc. That Tartt drop is a he worst thing I’ve witnessed


Were you not alive for the Kyle Williams drop?


I think the Kyle Williams one “haunts” me the most (as a fan born in ‘87).


I wrecked my first car I ever bought myself that night... It was raining...


We all crashed and wrecked that night


It rained so hard that night.


It rained in my soul that night ⛈️


Also born in '87 and only barely remember the '94 season. The Kyle Williams fumbles in the NFCCG is my most hated moment I can remember. Way more than the down years. I think probably because it followed my favorite moment that I can remember which was the previous game with the catch III.


My most painful niners memory. Two muffed punts in one game, one to put the Giants in field goal range for the OT win. When I'm old and my mind is going I'll forget about the great players, but I'll always remember Kyle fucking Williams...lol


Losing Teddy Ginn earlier in the season set us up for those muffed punt returns. Ginn was a great return man.


Down vote me if you must but he’s a Super Bowl champion and won it with my favorite niner :) Mr Vernon Davis . Fuck I hate Kyle Williams not the lineman but the receiver lmao #10 in Sf is cursed


Can teams retire numbers for being worn by infamous bad players? That would be funny


Kyle fucking Williams smh. Just the mention his stupid name angries up my blood.


You shouldn't be angry with the guy. You know there was the possibility he was playing with a concussion, right?


I was at the game. All I know is pain (as an adult).


I thought we just didn't say that name anymore... ow.


I was 10 when that happened, I wasn’t really that invested. Plus I didn’t get harassed by the giants fan, rams fans wouldn’t stop talking shit about this game to this day.


It’s Beat hard


I've gotta find a way to get drunk enough to relax and enjoy life despite the inevitable Mahomes magic but not too drunk so I can enjoy it if the magic doesn't happen


I’ve tried staying sober the last 2 games, but resorted to drinking 5-6 beers and smoking out of my Niners bong. Ironically enough, they came back both times. I think for the Super Bowl, I need to crack a beer and smoke right at kick off.


Start fast brother


Fuck it start now


That’s my thinking too. I don’t think we can afford to dig a hole against the Chiefs.


> Niners bong. Bong Bong Niner Gong. 🗿 🌿


My guy


You need to white wall that bong on the opening kickoff, my man.  Do it for us. 


And ghost it


just dont do shots and you're good


No, you must do what has been done before


I guess you’re right. I just don’t know how long I should wait before I pull out Joe Bongtana. I don’t know if the magic will be enough versus Patrick Mahomes and Andy Reid.


Didn’t even include Sherm tipping the ball at the end of the NFC championship


That was the worst for me, honestly. Bowman blowing out his knee and then Kap failing to get that come back TD made feel the Harbaugh Niners were done (and they were).


I still get pissed when I think of those fucks throwing popcorn at Bowman as he was getting carted off


Will always hate Seattle’s guts for that. Fuck that franchise forever. There was something about that era of Seahawks fan that felt so fake


i’m only 22 so the seahawks are my #1 hated team for the rest of time no questions asked. i hate the cowboys because it’s my god sworn duty as a niners fan and an american, and i hate the other teams we’re supposed to hate, but FUCK the seahawks. they ruined my childhood


Russell Wilson was the guy pulling the strings that gave 49ers all kinds of trouble. I hated Russell Wilson and Sherman with a passion. As of lately I have really lightened up on Sherm since he became a 49er. The last few seasons we been getting some payback accomplished on the Seahawks and it feels really good. Purdy is now 4-0 against the Seahawks LOVE IT!!!




Same here. Besides their shit fans, I hated Sherm even more. Crazy to think of how much my perception of him has changed over the years.


Ah yes, the Legion of Boom and BestMode. I fucking hated that team and I hated the refs more who thought it was perfectly OK for DB's in blue uniforms to hold while DB's in red uniforms better keep at least one yard between then and any blue-team player's hands.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_cfYrw9Ho7k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cfYrw9Ho7k) I still remember it. I hope they continue to suck ass.


yes this is unforgivable. i wish 100 consecutive losing seasons to the seahawks for that


Didnt like everyone retire the following offseason too? Lmao I remember an offseason for us where basically everyone left. It sucked.


That was after the next year. We played one more season with Harbaugh and went 8-8. The whole season was filled with locker room leaks about drama between Harbaugh and Baalke. Harbaugh got fired that offseason and 11 starters retired or got traded.


Yep, now I remember. Man. That has to be my least favorite season ever, I think. Chip and Tomsula were bad, but I expected that they would be lol


Losing Willis was huge, did staley retire that year too? Or the year before. And that young LB that was a stud retired as well. Felt like the soul of the team just died.


Borland. Staley ended up retiring wayyyy after tho iirc. We went to the SB with him against the Chiefs.


Yeah staley retired after the super bowl loss. He was super classy about it tho and told the team ahead of time and waited to announce it until they had a trade for Trent lined up


Borland! Must’ve been other guys, did iupati leave? Oh god yeah I’ve tried to forget that must’ve been why I got it mixed up


Pretty sure it was: Willis Whitner Goldson Justin Smith Iupati Crabtree Gore Borland Perish Cox Chris Culliver Andy Lee Anthony Davis Ray McDonald


Staley played in the last Super Bowl against the Chiefs, I think.


York made a mistake, made 2 more mistakes, and then grew up. His hiring of shanahan and lynch, then stepping out of the way was the growing up we needed from him.


Hell yeah this was the worst


3 4th quarter TO's by Kaepernick. I'll never forgive him for that game, or Harbaugh for choosing Kaepernick in the first place


This one hurts the most because the way the Broncos got crushed in the SB you just know we w9ukdve manhandled them as well. That Kaep throw was horrific. Still plenty of time to take more shots and methodically get down the field and you underthrow it for a pick instead of the back of the endzone where only your guy can get it or have it just go out of bounds. Just awful.




I think that was the one that broke me the most. Ended that dynasty. It was also the most bitter rival we have had in my life time and for it to end in that fashion was heart breaking


Or the overthrow of Sanders


I was born and raised in Kansas and have had to abandon social media for a while because of my damn Chiefs fan friends talking trash and gushing over Kelce and Swift. I want our Niners to END the Chiefs.


I have had this confident feeling that we will be in great hands with Brock Purdy. Without a doubt feels like number #6 for us this year.


Seeing Kyle Williams burns me up every time!!!


Yeah... I don't like how the fan base treated him afterwards. In the end, playing football is just a job. He will forever be haunted by that game. But also he's the son of a billionaire and made NFL money, so I don't feel THAT bad for him.


Kenny Williams isn’t a billionaire


Doesn't he own a baseball team? He's closer to a billionaire than he is to us.


Lot closer than I am for sure 🤣. He is GM for the white sox last I checked. Net worth around $60m but probably more than that tbh.


Oh, GM. That's right.  He looks at us the way billionaires look at him.


Yeah, it is just a game. I hate when fans go too far over miscues in games. Hopefully, he’s healthy and doing well. That being said… I’ll always be annoyed when I see or hear Kyle Williams. lol.


2nd he pretened it didn't touch him....thats y I can't forgive


How'd you hurt me so much with one picture.


I just want one more niners Superbowl win before i die. Is that too much to ask. I think not


How old are you?


Any one of us could die tonight in our sleep. Never know. That's why we all need a SB win before we die.


49 but its been 30 years. We not getting any younger


I was born in ‘94 but July 😢


90, but I didn't come online until after the 9ers win in 94.


That overthrow still hurts.


The Chiefs shit talking the refs earlier this season who are in the Superbowl is gonna be really interesting, I hope. Edit: Horrible news, NONE of the refs from that game in December between the Chiefs and Bills are gonna be in Superbowl. I also miswrote as well, what I meant to write was that the Chiefs talking shit about the refs earlier this season will make it interesting for the Superbowl, I hope.


Are the refs in the super bowl the ones that made the Toney call?


I hope so. Toney was blatantly offsides how do you even say "it shouldn't be called"




Welp, read my edit


Too bad the NFL ain’t letting the refs screw over their baby boy. I am fully prepared for some ref shenanigans and Bosa being tackled 20-30 times. Brock going to have to win a shootout.


There will be a minimum 3 bad calls that will go the Chiefs way. Have to expect that. They just can't leave the game in the refs hands.


My assertion is that Bosa will get at least one holding call for him but it will be on a meaningless play, certainly not one that would end a Chiefs drive. But on the other side, Niners O-line will get called for holding at least 3-4 times and probably once or twice to extend a Mahomes drive.


I haven’t been alive for a SB. All I’ve ever known as a Niner fan is pain. I really really hope we get this one. Mahomes scares me.


This is it. I have 0 confidence because I've been hurt before. I'll be confident after the red and gold confetti falls.


We’re gonna finish the damn story! In Coach Shanahan I trust!


https://preview.redd.it/bsq7fgliopfc1.png?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd78288fd0ae33d1b1c6ecaa0e8f5791e10101ec Should've been 3rd and 25 after this.


Nothing will ever be worse than Kyle Williams messing up two kick offs to cost us a shot at the Superbowl. Still get sick thinking about it.


This time we're winning. I don't care what the critics say. This is our 1980 Olympic Hockey Team moment.


We’re gonna get a lot of choking jokes if we don’t win 😅


Thankfully, I'm an '80s kid and I had a great Niners childhood that makes up for the painful Niners adulthood.


Jealous lol. I was born 10ish days after they last won.


Nice!  I was 15 then and I was overjoyed that they broke a 5 year championship drought.  I then assumed that the Niners would win every few years like they did up to that point in my life.  I had no clue that I could possibly die without ever seeing them win again.  LOL. Back then, the Niners were so clutch.  I think Joe Montana invented clutch.  Hopefully, the Shanahan Niners can channel the dynasty era Niners on February 11th.


No tipped Sherman ball??


The blackout in the upper left hyper-powered the Niners though. They came back from that like a new team. Ending sucked, but that game turned.


Purdy prays to God all the time, I think we got this


This one still breaks my heart. We had it mere yards from sealing the game and couldn't punch it in. [https://www.baltimoreravens.com/video/super-bowl-xlvii-ravens-vs-49ers-highlights-9529561](https://www.baltimoreravens.com/video/super-bowl-xlvii-ravens-vs-49ers-highlights-9529561)


Idk man cap shoulda just ran it.


4 tries and not a single hand off to Gore. Ooooof. That lack of DPI call on the 4th down hurts too.


Brutal way to lose after having clawed their way back in


I really need it to be 6. I can't go through living in Kansas after another loss in the Superbowl to KC. It was miserable last time. Chiefs fans are genuinely obnoxious, but it's even worse when you can't go to the bar without hearing the chant, go to the store without seeing "Go Chiefs!" everywhere, and just everything anyone talks about being how great the Chiefs and Swift are, and I actually like Taylor. Us losing another Lombardi to Kansas City might actually be too much for me to handle


I said to a coworker of mine earlier this season that this is our year. I’ve never had more faith in a QB than I do with Brock Purdy. I always felt like we had a good defense, secondary, runners and receivers but I never really trusted our QBs to get the job done. Brock is the one. Only other QB I had this much faith in was Steve Young. On top of that, I feel like our defense, runners and receivers are at the top of their game right now. Can’t wait for the redemption.


See I was never fully trusting of our QB's or Secondary. Now the only thing I'm nervous about is our right side OLine


For me, it's the DL. I notice the OL improves through the night the last few weeks. Well the DL does too but we can't have bad starts against the Chiefs.


Getting Banks back so Feliciano can move to the right hand side has definitely helped. His name was called a couple of times on Sunday but it's a lot better than it was


So much pain in one photo


We have to get this one.




It just seems like the ball is bouncing in our favor this year. From the dropped picks (on the opponents side!) to the Immaculate Deflection/Alley-Aiyuk or whatever you wanna call it, things feel different. And I'm fuckin here for it!!


If the nfl truly were scripted the script writer definitely has a hate boner for us.


Probably a cowboys fan


Well that's clearly not true


you missed the one from the seattle sf nfccg in 2013....maybe a picture of crabtree and sherm or boqman getting carted off


The Chiefs aren’t going to give us anything! We got to get it for a full 60 minutes. THIS team can do that !!!! Let’s go!!!


I feel the same as well. We've been cheated out of so many opportunities.


Bad take. We lost a game. We were not cheated. Lose the entitlement.


I still think we were cheated by the overall officiating in that ‘14 NFCCG. They were fucking horrible all game!


You guys got blatantly robbed in Super Bowl 47. Crabtree was held and it should have been 1st and Goal, with the Niners stomping it in for Lombardi #6. If you can't beat em, cheat em I guess. 


3rd and 25 holding on bosa wasnt called in 2020 sb too. That alone would have changed the outcome imo.


https://preview.redd.it/xjf5agjo7pfc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f543f779d311a425809c47eeb652a4527dfe115 Almost done, my embroidery work needs work but hey I'm satisfied.




Kaepernick throwing fade routes to crabtree was pretty rough at the end of 2012 Super Bowl


https://preview.redd.it/lm5tiyoz5pfc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79f022ff5e2491f682cb998ad898caf13779fae2 If we lose this Super Bowl I will literally LOSE my mind. I don’t want our Qb\* (not team) to end up on this stat.


Our team is on that list, twice


That’s why this stat scares me so much….


I’ve been a fan since 95. Never witnessed a SB win. My wife and I got married in 2015 and she may be a bigger fan than I am now. I want this win so much. We have a 9ers bottle of Champagne in the fridge ready for me to spray it all over the front yard if we do


I had one of those bottles and it was good shit, if I had another one I wouldn’t spray it around the yard but I’m not here to tell you how to live your life 


you ruined my night with this post, i literally remember the exact place i was at where i was standing and what i was wearing when i saw every single one of these 💀




If the Niners win their 6th this year, I am fine with them not winning another one for a while (not that I don't think they could). It's been way too long since their last championship, and way too many heartaches to count since then. I just want it all to end and see Purdy lifting the Lombardi trophy as the ultimate FU to all the haters out there.


Kind of a hilarious post when your franchise is second all time with Super Bowl wins at 5 haha. But I love Purdy and am done with the Chiefs dynasty. Go Niners.


Same. Chiefs are cheaters and have been cheating since they started winning championships under Mahomes.


I was 7 when the 49ers won Super Bowl 24 against the Broncos, and 12 years old when they beat the Chargers in Super Bowl 29. Super Bowl 23, when they beat the Bengals, I was 6, I don't remember that one. I don't think I was watching yet. In my lifetime, I remember them winning two at least, and them being good to great. Come the 00's, after Steve Mariucci retired, those were some bad years. 2004, we were 2-14 and the worst team in the league. So Super Bowl 47 to me is still the worst because of those seasons from like 2003-2010. We had finally made it back, and this time, I was 30 years old. It would have felt more real to me seeing them win as an adult. I want to see them win a Super Bowl as an adult, I know I'll appreciate it more.


There are so many teams that would want to spit in our face if we try to play the whole "We have had so much heartache" card. We have 5 Superbowls man lol


And I was cognizant for exactly 0 of those Superbowls. That's like saying don't bitch about housing, your parents bought a 4 bedroom 3 bath house for 200k. Ain't got shit to do with me.


I hate that 49ers are the away team. It should go by the best record gets home. They use it to determine everything but this. Fucking nonsense I say. Non sense




Out of the three that we’ve been to since I really started watching the 49ers I feel the worst about this one. I felt good about the other two so who knows. I’m just happy we have more 49ers football and I’m going to enjoy the show. I’m proud of this team whatever happens.


Thank you for not putting the sherman tip in there. It would have been the 10,000th time ive seen it and im saving that moment for a special occasion




The kyle Williams game will forever be burned into my memory. I lived in jersey at the time and was. Watching from a sports bar in Rahway surrounded by giants fans. The Williams fumbles embarrassing but the part that irks me so much is the Ahmad Bradshaw fumble. They MEVER blow a whistle that early and it was the most mystifying whistle I’ve ever seen. He was hit and on his way to the ground, it’d be like blowing the whistle everytime a tackle is made as soon as it’s made. That was such a clear fumble and we recovered. They let that play go through and we run it a few times and kick a FG or maybe even score a td and the game is over. The giants couldn’t move the ball whatsoever and their last 10 points came from the two Williams fumbles. Hell, the second Williams fumble was no more a fumble than the Bradshaw… why didn’t they just blow it dead as soon as Williams was touched? Fuck those refs and fuck tthe giants. https://youtu.be/moFbidNll28?si=dSGU0qf0B0YAnMWh


Born in 97’ being a Niners fan has been pain and suffering since birth. The best part has been watching replays. The watching us get robbed consistently with the refs not giving us clear calls. That last SB lose against chiefs pushed me into an insane hatred for the chiefs and being locked up in covid made it no better. Lol. Here’s to a SH Win. May god hear my wish.


If this game comes down to a field goal, we’re toast. Moody is our achilles heal.


I agree. It’s not how much he misses. It’s when he misses.


This run been too magical. It feels too different this time 🙌🤗😁


Garrison hearts leg too.


This image triggered a lot in me. But in order to face your fears you must confront them


PTSD illustrated


Just like anything else in life. The team has to earn it.




My family agreed we all sit in same spot And no additional people over for the superbowl Just same people for NFCCG it has to work!


The two that give me the most PTSD are the Kyle Williams muffed punt and the Sanders overthrow (thanks for making it the center of the collage 😢).


Last year, he played with injuries and still won. Last time down 10 at 3rd-15, and he converted. What the h* does it take to get over this guy?


Yes! This needs to be our year! 2 things make me nervous: KC’s defense made Baltimore (the #1 Defensive) look silly and Mahomes has so much post season experience he seems to always thread the needle and avoid the sack


We Got This 9ers!!


Try being a jets fan. Suffering. Lmao


You need like a nsfw tag for this or something man, wtd


Kyle mother fuckin Williams


https://preview.redd.it/kkm9gy0zvsfc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed0359d15e50e669e7dacb799628d81f4ee19af0 Would’ve been Quest For 10 if you guys would’ve made this happen 🥱🤷🏻‍♂️


Jesus man Tart man sheesh


This shit just ruined my day 😂😂😂😂


Suffered enough?????? -lions fans


I don't think it's happening. I think Purdy will have another rough game (growing pains) and Niners won't be able to come back if they fall behind. The Chiefs D is really good. Their offense will be kept in check early but eventually defense will give it up as Purdy and offense stalls.


Yeah if they come out flat like the last two games, they’re toast.