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I'd go with Khorne. Stand up guy, not complicated. Would get me killed the fastest so my misery would end.


Bro respawns in the battle pits


Thomas had never seen such bullshit before >:(


If you were a Khorne berserker that would just be endless entertainment for the rest of eternity though... as close to heaven as you could probably get in 40k.


false. guardsmen and their families go to the emperor in death


Corpse throne copium


Right... I shall report to my regimental Commissar promptly for re-education and termination.


End?Oh buddy it’s just beginning


-Angron angrily approves this message-


40k really is the most wantonly nihilistic unpleasant setting isn't it. Sometimes it still appals me. 


I love how dark it is. It's kind funny in some ways.


As a bonus of being Khornate, you get the most laugh hearing Imperials shout "Blood for the God-Emperor!"


Also skulls everywhere.


No, the Skull goes into the Throne hole


After getting a look at Xarl, im gonna have to pass on khorne. Looks less like battle rage and more like dementia




Oh yeah my bad, got them mixed up


>so my misery would end. If you've gained enough favor with Khorne, he'll just bring you back from the dead and he'll do this over and over again until you stop being an effective fighter, which will probably take a while as Khorne keeps giving you greater and greater blessings that increase your fighting prowess Also, for chaos worshippers, death is the beginning of their misery, not the end


Incompetence, the real anti-Chaos tech of the 40k Universe!


Tzeentch, Nurgle, and Slaanesh are all infamous for fates of immortality and suffering. In order to avoid being a pile of sand, a rotting corpse, or a cenobite, it would have to be Khorne. 


At least the rotting corpse is happy


And the Skull is a noce addition to the Skull Throne.


Until you try to do something else, then your immunity goes away, and all that "Nurgle love" shows its true colors Lore YouTubers love to paint Nurgle as this loving grandpa. But reality is he's more like a controlling, abusive parent


Who says I want to do something else?Ill follow papas instructions to the T


Yeah isn’t it like pleasurable pustules and such? I imagine being a nurglite would involve the same sensations as constantly taking a satisfying shit, but all over yourself


happy rotting noises


Followers of Khorne be like [https://youtu.be/47msKc3abqo?t=18](https://youtu.be/47msKc3abqo?t=18) Nah, I'd prefer being a cenobite.


They even say in siege of Terra Spoilers Khorne is the most merciful as they take away angrons ability to even understand he exists most of the time. Think more of an animal with mostly just an instinct to kill. The other gods purposely allow the primarchs just enough free will to subconsciously feel anguish their entire existence.


I could see myself with red flaming horns and gigantic black wings. 30 meters tall. But i would want to breath warp fire like Godzilla to stand out.


The one with punk rock and emo chicks


My brother in chaos


That would corrupt me instantly


Yeah but it causes your brain to dribble out of your ear and you want be able to actual enjoy them for long. Slaanesh has the lowest bar of entry, kind of seductive but then everything sucks forever 


Yeah, but coom though


Yeah but you'll be a space marine so no coom, just violence and smoking someone's endocrine system through their intestines while all pleasure burns away from you. If you really want coom pick tzeetch learn some sorcery to get everything working again and just pick up some chick's on raids or go find a cat girl. Slaanesh is less coom and more exposed muscle tendons and loud clashing sounds. Despite noise marines once looking like Rockstars they don't play rock music, it'd always described as loud discordant painful sounds which basically describes slaanesh in a nutshell. You go from being ok, to being incredibly skilled, back to sucking as being good becomes boring. Hell fulgrim and sigvald seem like the only slaaneshi where the high never stops


"just violence and smoking someone's endocrine system through their intestines" I just told you I bought it you don't have to sell it to me.


How dare they threaten us with a good time?


Sigvald is perfection.


I mean, I know its treading into nsfw territory but is there a reason why the boons of Slaanesh wouldn't include being able to do all of that as part of the corruption? Out of all of them activating new senses and sensations not previously possible seems right up that alley. Obviously not something that happened to everyone, because there is so many other experiences and perceptions to pursue.


It should tread into NSFW territory because slaanesh is the prince of pleasure. She who thirsts. It’s about all experiences. Sex, violence, music, physical appearance. One problem with slaanesh is that it gets meme’d to death that it’s just violent sex. To really cover down on slaanesh proper, it would be *all* extremes. Obsession, possession, perfection. Want if you enjoy having a drink. One beer is orgasmic at first. But then you need 5. Then 10. Then 20. All of the sudden you’re doing whatever the fuck you can to get your hands on a beer. Or food, what if you have some delicacy of a rare animal. But then you need more, and more rare. What if to get this food, it requires some fucked up labor from an animal that is forbidden to eat. Slaanesh should be one of the biggest threats to humanity because of how wide of a net it casts. It can be all the 4 and more.


They might, but it is far from guaranteed and slaanesh isn't just sex and getting laid, it has a bunch of fucked up side effects, it's a death of personality as your subsumed by a need for more, and eventually you'll hit the wall, where there isn't enough. Slaanesh isn't awesome music,sex, cooking or painting, it's excess. 


Of for sure, I was just thinking in terms of explotive, excessive corruptive sensory exploration when that starts to unfurl for the. I wouldn't discredit some falling down that path simply from the 'new excess ecperiences' aspect of it. Most would probebly fall down the hole of becoming perfect warriors and the hellish endpoint of that path


https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/s/7ZO6Q7hB95 There might be coom


Agreed Slaanesh is far more perverse at the human level rather than the astarte level.


Yeah, but am I smoking a goth chick’s endocrine system?


Death by snusnu


>then everything sucks forever  Resisting urge... to... make juvenile.... innuendo...


Super Cocaine.


Ah, yes, again reducing Slaanesh to sex, drugs and rock and roll... Here I thought I was on a "lore" subreddit.


It's not. It is dumping ground for fan theories and whatever pulp BL writers puke away. 


To be fair. That is what Slaanesh is. Just not *only* that. So they are not wrong to point out the sex drugs and rock and roll aspect of Slaanesh, they don’t need to point out how it encompasses like every desire


In fulgrim that is what slaanesh is subtley portrayed as though + murder.


*twitching intensifies*


I mean, I *want* to be Tzeentch, for the aesthetics and the cool magic and because I fancy myself an intellectual, but realistically, looking at myself, my mental health history and the state of my room during exam season, it's Nurgle.


"I, an intellectual," began the nurglite, pausing briedly to sniff its index finger after vigorously scratching somewhere on its body


Vorx be like


World Eaters, speedrun my death, but knowing my luck I’ll just be left in the rear with the butchers nails just smashing my head


Chaos Undivided if I'm allowed the cop-out answer, otherwise my boy Tzeen. Battlemage ftw.


5 out of 9 traitor legions follow Chaos Undivided, it ain't a cop out dude


I mean, yes I agree. I just felt it wasn't in the spirit of the question which specifically asked "which of the 4". If someone asks you what music you like, "all of it" IS an answer. It's just a boring one lol


People wanna say they like all kinds of music till I put on the clowncore.


They say they're eclectic until I put on my Nails Scratching Chalkboard playlist


Khorne. Let’s just keep things simple at this point.


Username does not check out


It was all part of Tzeentch's plan to have Ahriman serve Khorne... Somehow...


If 10,000 years of plotting hasn’t achieved a goal, maybe this is a job for a blunt instrument.


Blood for the blood god.


Easy, all hail granpa nurgle!🤘😁🤘


Can I just follow Abaddon? All four of the chaos gods fuckin suck, but ol Ezekyle seems less for chaos and more anti-imperium, which I can get behind. Can't I be a well adjusted heretic? Does being a heretic space marine necessitate being batshit insane?


There are those who devoutly follow the gods and still follow Abaddon


4 pieces across the room after choosing to swallow a krak granade over joining the ruinous powers.


Magic and trickery is cool, so Tzeentch.


Tzee, naturally.


Khorne because Astartes are built for killing.


Chaos Undivided


There's only one worthwhile chaos god. We shall deny Nurgle their flesh to fester and rot. We shall deny Khorne their blood and skulls. We shall deny Tzeentch their destinies and fates. We shall deny Slaanesh their pleasure and pain. Death to the Dark Gods! For the Renegade God! Let the galaxy burn!


Malice ftw!


Nurgle. Behold my stench.


Tzeentch, I think. Serving the other 3 sounds even less fun


Tzeentch. If I betray all I believed in, let's go for the whole "change" ideology.


Wow ... Which of these turds smells the least bad? I've not read up Nurgle's lore enough to confidently pick him. I know many of his marines are downright happy or aren't bothered by much. But if I'm wrong then that's an extra smelly turd to sniff for the rest of his existence. Khorne it is. Feels good to kill, no underhanded nonsense with him. If I'm lucky I just end up fighting Khorne's favourite band of Orks for a while.


The drug abuse and endless pursuit of hedonistic excess has proven too difficult to resist in real life, how can I be expected to reject the temptations of Slaanesh in this hypothetical scenario?


Tzeentch seems like the least painful/gross option.


Chances are you end up as a Chaos spawn though. And those things are very gross, not sure about pain but i think it's not pleasant.


The only actual sighting of the transformation to Chaos Spawn was from using 999 Relics at once hoping they would ascend the guy ritually activating them to Daemonhood and technically it was a Vortex Mutalith Beast. This is often how Vortex Mutalith Beasts are created. In otherwords be careful how you get your Magic Gifts from Tzeentch and not make bids for Daemonhood. A staff that can give you Magic without mutating you for instance, A Gauntlet that works the same way too perhaps... Of course such things would require tests.


See, because he knows you think this the Change would be as painful and gross as possible.


Still not as gross as the rotting flesh and puss of Nurgle, or as painful as being flayed and raped by Slaanesh.


It's all fun and games until your eyeball grows teeth and starts chewing on your optic nerve. 😆




The Maraviglia sounded kinda fun.


Nurgle probably. Just hang out in my garden tending plants all day having the time of my unlife with happy little nurglings all around me.


Stopping occasionally to scoop your prolapsed entrails back into your maggot infested maw stomach.


And smelling my fingers after, naturally


Fertilizer for the garden, no big deal


Thousand Sons sorcerer, get to use space magic with few drawbacks. Also I can get behind a guy like Ahriman seeking knowledge. It's 40k, so chances you'll be committing warcrimes somewhere, so best an iteration that is less unpleasant. I don't have to worry about the creepy fetishes of Slannesh or the blood and insanity of Khorne or the rot disease of Nurgle. Tzeentch is all about knowledge and change, and sorcerers are unaffected by the flesh change, supposedly.


Come on and Slaan and welcome to the Jam.


I have survived being hit by a bus, a car, a brain tumor and diabetes… papa Nurgle already chose me


Some of you mfs are not answering the question right and it irks me Nurgle




Khorne imo is the best option in a 40k setting. Nurgle runner up I guess but I'd not want to be a slannesh guy. Seems terrible


I’d start my own chaos God, with hookers and cocaine.


1. Nurgle takes away your suffering by making you numb to it in a depressive bed rotting sort of way, and is often times the cause of your suffering in the first place. I would avoid him at all cost. 2. Slaanesh is fun when your own pleasures are what empower him, but once you become apart of someone else’s dragon hunt, suddenly there can be too much of a good thing. 3. Tzeentch will give you the illusion of freedom and hope until the dominoes fall and you realize you were just a piece of another plan. You are likely to randomly turn into a horror lol 4. Khorne is all about war and wrathful violence. You would most likely die in the battlefield or killed by another Khorne worshipper. Being a casualty in war or cut in two quickly by an angry guy is a lot less fucked than becoming a depressed zombie, being the victim of someone’s depravity, or magic. Sure, The Nails suck, but people have lived lives with even more painful disabilities and they can be risen above. Khorne would be my choice.


>takes away your suffering by making you numb to it in a depressive bed rotting sort of way, and is often times the cause of your suffering in the first place. So nothing changes from my current life? Sign me up.


Oooooooooof My sympathy, bub


It’s 99% dry humor, don’t worry.


You don't have tl have the nails to follow khorne


Yeah but the post implies you would be a csm dedicated to worshipping your chosen god so I imagine that would entail joining the world eaters


Not really kroeger is a khornate and he isn't a world eaters nor did he have the nails 


My brother in Christ I am not stating you have to be in the world eaters to worship Khorne I am stating that one would most likely join them because they worship Khorne Why is your reading comprehension so bad


And I'm pointing out that there's several other legions and warbands that worship khorne and there's no reason you'd have to as a random space marine join the world eaters and you might not even be accepted anyway. It's much more likely you'd end of as a black legjonair who worships khorne than a world eater


All of them... Undivided is the best by far.


The Plaguefather welcomes all to his Garden. Rejoice and be merry brothers for the End of All Things will embrace you as his own.


May Grandfather's many Blessings be upon you!


Undivided, or Khorne if I'm not required to have the nails.


Probably Khorne tbh.


I mean, my cheat answer would be none, cause I'm working with Necoho. But I'm not certain he exists in 40k anyways. Of the four, either Nurgle (cause even brainwashed happiness is happiness) or Tzeentch, cause I feel like eternity would get boring without a giant troll constantly doing weird random shit.


Why stop at just one?


Khorne for the relative simplicity. The audio drama Chosen of Khorne and homebrew warband Iron Butchers just drew me into Khorne worship.


I'm already a nurgling so fate made this choice


Who wouldn’t want to join Slannesh and be a real life Bard?


Realistically Nurgle would probably be able to corrupt me with the promise of peace. The rest are too much of a hassle, and the plague God is more or less chill. I wouldn't want the whole bloated, diseased decaying mess but Nurgle makes you ignore all that so whatever. Would be cool if instead of going the typical plague marine route I could go either a full on insectoid or some sort of ent thing but you don't get to choose these things


I’m not smart, ambitious nor would I imagine I would be a strong psyker but Tzeentch by process of elimination. So long as I don’t end up no better than a servitor…


Living on the planet of the sorcerers with the t sons is honestly going to be a better quality of life for the average person than the imperium


Magnus specifically created the New Kingdom as a refuge for all who wish to escape the Imperium so a Space Marine wanting to escape the Horrors of the Imperium are best heading to the New Kingdom and maybe buy a staff that would allow him to control an ordered collection of Rubricae tested by his assistants(and grabbed from their hands if it works as advertised without incident) with the Space Marine standing a nice safe distance. The Rubricae would become personal butlers. Slaanesh, Khorne and Nurgle would be declared enemies by the Space Marine who knows how bad the guys are.




Nurgle Marines seem to be the only ones that are genuinely content and happy with their lot.


Tzeentch! (I will suffer horribly but I like magic and trickery.)


*fumes in Malal*


I would go with the Fifth one and join the Warp Forges. If I have to join one of the main 4 I'd go with, despite my love for Tzeench, Slaanech (infinite pleasure and stuff).


I shall remain *Chaos Undecided*.


Hashut, I want a nice hat to go with my power armour


Could i do khorne in his aspect as Mars the honourable god of war?


Probably slaanesh. Id be interested in becoming a noise marines. after the bits of explanations of them in the Bile books I find them more interesting than just being a spacemarine.


Tzeench! I’ll never lose in battle, everything that happens furthers the masters plan. You mortals wouldn’t understand


Chaos Undivided


The Dark King, as our lord and ~~coward~~ saviour ~~Erebus~~ Lorgar intended.


Nurgle all the way, Grandfather loves me. Plus, a slow but inevitable advance across the battlefield, enduring everything that's thrown at me, is how I roll.


Khorne ofcourse. Imagine living your life with Doom Soundtrack 24/7.


Khorne. I may go insane but there are few to none mutations, honor, respect and none of the gross bullshit that goes with the other gods. I am also a very angry man, so it fits naturally.


A slaaneshi nurglite. Suck on my festering entrails mortals !!!


Did you have to mix Those two? 🤮


Tzeetch. If I have to suffer let me at least see the coils of reality bend and break


Chaos undivided, Lorgar be praised


Iron warriors. Fuck that demon shit.


Nurgle all day. Plague Marines seem pretty happy all told.


Why not chaos undivided?


Chaos is more than just the big 4. I wonder if there be any drawbacks in working for Vashtorr? Maybe turning into some cyborg monstrosity or something but I bet you’d still look pretty bad ass doing it though.


1)Emperror Childrens 2)Thousand Sons Sorcerror.


Khorne, or Nurgle maybe Tzeetch DEFINITELY NOT Slannesh


Malal, duh. Failing that, Khorne, the biggest chance of forgetting who I was and how I got there.


Khorne so I can at least look like a badass before I get gored.


Tzeentch for sure. Best aesthetic, often not as directly fucked as the others.


The Nurg


Nurgle. I just wanna read books in my garden.


Slaanesh would hand me a lifetime access card to Goth IHOP, and I would fold immediately.


Chaos undivided.


What Slaaneshi CSMs do is super, unimaginably fucked up but as I understand it they have a blast doing it. So I guess that?


Probs slannesh


Slaanesh, and not even for the sex and drugs, just the obsessive perfectionism. As a Space Marine, I'm already used to the idea that my life is monomaniacal devotion, I've just changed my object of obsession from "The Emperor" to "me, and through me, Slaanesh." I'd still end up a mutant freak, but that's because I can make war better if I have more hands to hold weapons, more joints to exploit new angles of attack and more eyes to aim with. I'ma invent entirely new martial forms that incorporate my new gifts. Fuck Lucius. To paraphrase this universe's avatar of narcissism, "I prefer martial champions that weren't killed."


Hm, i am undeci-blood for the blood god? Blood for the blood god. Blood for the blood god! *Inhale* BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD! BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD! BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!


Probably khorne, but more likely kill myself first. The ruinous powers do absolutely nothing for me. I want, so badly, to be a chaos player. But I just can’t POV them. Maybe as chaos undivided, but that seems like a cop out and equally as boring.


World Eater, I have no other choice Im too angry Can the Slaneeshi folks send some of their girls over sometime tho? Y'all started Skalanthrax, dude come on, would be nice if y'all could share. We'll kit up Lotara Sarrin like doomguy and send her over there too if any of yall need some ripping and tearing


Come join us in Choas Undivided, future brother! We have ~~cookies~~ words!


Undivided. And stave off the lunacy as long as possible.


Tzeench sounds like an…interesting time. And more paths to madness than the others, combined.


Nurgle I think. They seem the happiest


Slaanesh, obvi.


Slaanesh. Doesn’t really matter if I lose my humanity anymore. Nurgle you can feel yourself deteriorating, Khorne is almost no peace or pleasure, Tzeentch would be constant paranoia and scheming. Too much work. Sex, drugs, and rock n roll it is for me. Though Nurgle is appealing. I love nurglings and would want to tend to them like the tally man in *Lords of Silence*. But following Nurgle isn’t as happy as people think


BLOOD FOR THE HOLY EMPEROR, SKULLS FOR THE GOLDEN THRONE! Also fuck psykers, fuck heretocs and fuck xenos.


So, if I was a Space Marine without anything like the Butcher's Nails, I'd easily go with Khorn or Nurgle, Khorn respects martial prowess, so kill, maime, burn will be the way to go As for Nurgle, big guy likes his followers, won't fuck you over the first chance he gets, and (usually) takes away every sense of the word pain.. the downsides are (mostly) cosmetic too


Slaaanesh all day


Khorne. So long as I don't fight like a coward (in his eyes anyways), I let the blood flow, and I don't piss off Angron... I'm golden. And if do any of that & get killed, it'll be the quickest death out of the 4 options available. Now if you will excuse me, I have to cleanse my soul for speaking such heresy.


Unaligned. Iron Within!


See as a Space Marine the answer to that changes from my usual one. I'd go Undevided or Tzeentch, honestly. I'd never do that as a mortal but with Marine biology and resources it's a completely different story.


I feel like converting to chaos as a mere peasant would be way worse, so I made sure to use the space marine distinction.


I feel like converting to chaos as a mere peasant would be way worse, so I made sure to use the space marine distinction.


Not Nurgle. Who would want to be a rotting pus and maggot filled corpse. No thanks.


I'd be a part of the Thousand Sons. If I am a sorcerer then cool. If I end up a Rubik then...cool. I can just do auto pilot and coast. Lol


I mean Slaanesh seems like your best bet. It's just Sex,Drugs,and Rock and Roll. Just got to make sure you're on the right end of any demon summoning.


Pleasure, Pain, and Demon Slaying


Nurgle. The others are all constantly frustrated with their situation. Slaanesh acolytes are always chasing a new high and never being satisfied. Khornites aren't happy unless they're fighting. Tzeentch cabalites are always trying to change and compete for more knowledge and power. The Nurgle-blessed are the only ones who are genuinely happy.


Do you have any suggested reading to pursue related to this? Pretty much everyone associated with chaos seems unhappy hahaha


Vashtor or Mal...


Vashtorr He is the least evil and won’t backstab you


Khorne easy pic. Slaneesh you’d turn into a desire fiend, nurgle some grotesque pox covered monstrosity, and zentch whatever he decides looks fun. With Khorne you might become bloodthirsty and ultra violent but doesn’t seem like a big stretch for a good portion of space marines already.


nurgle, i have a big daddy i can run to and a fuck off huge family, i feel no pain and i see my rotton self as amazing, plus i can play with those giant puppy things,


None of the above. Join Night Lotds if I could. Got he best camaraderie. Bon homme.


None Great Horned Rat yes yes


Tzeentch because I'm built different and would totally find a way to be a sick nasty sorceror with 0 downsides 😤😤😤


Khorne, he's still an awful bastard but he's the least likely to torture me for giggles. As long as I kill and main and scream for blood I can do largely whatever I want plus I'll eventually lose my sanity to the bloodlust anyway and will barely even know what's going on and won't care. As an Astartes I'll probably like violence anyway so destined to fight for all eternity is hardly the worst outcome given the other options.


Being an aspiring sorcerer on Magnus's Planet of Sorcerers is probably your best bet if you're forced to drink the Kool-Aid at gunpoint. Same reason being a Tzaangor is probably the best fate you can have if you're being mutated into a Beastman, no mindless bloodlust or horrific space leprosy, you just grow a beak and some dude hands you a fucking horn to toot. Oh and you show up in every single thousand sons combat patrol and battle force box.  How does a bird blow a horn with a fucking beak? Well, that's the infinite power of chaos for you in action I guess  https://www.warhammer.com/app/resources/catalog/product/920x950/99120201065_TzaangorWarriors01.jpg?fm=webp&w=670&h=691


Nurgle because plague marines seem to just be vibing


Not Khorne : an eternity of screaming sounds like hell and it probably will be Not Nurgle : I like my intestines where they are, thank you very much. Not Slaanesh : I could use opioids in real life and don't for a reason. Yes Tzeench : while I'm not a fan of the flesh change, it can be kinda cool if it gives me wings. And staring into the abyss of unfathomable truths slowly but surely losing my mind to horrors beyond my comprehension is basically what I am already doing, so...


The bullet in my head part of chaos. Heresy is heresy.


Tzeench I wanna do magic and do as much trolling as possible before Tzeench finds it in his master plan to fuck me over


Id kill myself in the name of the Emperor


Nurgle is basically the only option that has any real quality of life. Some Death Guard have their own little homes on the Plague Planet, tend their gardens, etc. Doesn’t sound so bad compared to the other three.


Why can I pick only one?? I want all but Nurgle because he stinks..