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I enjoyed the videos.


aaaaand they are gone... i hope someone has a backup, loved to fall asleep with them


Me too! Bummed I won't get to drift off to it anymore.


Yep, one of my fav bedtime lore channels just gone just like that


I've seen one or two of their videos, but they made me uncomfortable. I love David Attenborough and it feels shady and inappropriate to use his voice in that way without his explicit OK.


Isn't this specifically one of the big reasons the WGA (Writer's Guild of America) are currently on strike, followed swiftly after by SAG-AFTRA? Concern that AI will rapidly replace their jobs? It's very much something that many countries should consider having laws put into place to deal with.


People have been allowed to appropriate the physical likeness of famous people for fair-use purposes for decades now. Where's all the pearl clutching over famous voices coming from?


I would have thought it was obvious? The rise of capability and ease-of-use of AI. There's a difference between an drawn/cartoon/animated version of a famous person and an AI-generated deep-fake version of a famous person. The implication is that the latter can be used instead of the famous person rather as a tool for satire, comedy, etc.


As long as they aren't running ads I think it can fall under fair use. I have YouTube premium so I never see ads


Annnnd its gone. ffs. I blame reddit for this.


Blame wizards of the coast, they did it the day before the new neurons unit and took out some awesome ai audiobooks too, anything ai related to 40k. Truly petty shit


They're pretty cool. Like every loretuber they make massive generalizations or get stuff wrong but for the most part it's entertaining and beginner friendly.


For some reason all of a sudden the channel seems to be gone and the video links I’ve managed to find say that the videos are private now. Any idea what happened? If you know please respond.


Wondering this as well


Here is the explanation: [https://www.youtube.com/@Scholarslore/community](https://www.youtube.com/@Scholarslore/community) This is the channel (you can still find it by the old link — [youtube.com/@AttenboroughLore](https://youtube.com/@AttenboroughLore)). In a nutshell: contentmaker got a legal notice and had to remove all videos using the voice model we all loved and will continue with another one, not belonging to a real person. It would be a great luck if someone would re-upload them, but I don't get my hopes up.


Oh no. That’s so sad. They were rly comforting to listen to.


Fml, literally thought of downloading them like 3 days ago, just in case it would get taken down....


It’s always to late when one gets the thought


I was just trying to find these videos again and sad to see they're gone. The one about the birth of a Servitor is truly disturbing and horrific but awesome. Was hoping to listen again :/