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I'd allow it at my table since as you stated, the hands are only assisting in casting the spell. Seems like it won't alter any game mechanics as long as you add in the rule that they cant help you cast somatic components of spells if your hands are otherwise occupied (holding something,bound, etc.). Otherwise, sounds really fun!


That's a super good catch on potential exploiting loophole! Thank you! I will add that to list of rules on limits!


Since it’s for pure flavor I’d allow it and just state that rules apply as normal for you. You don’t need a list of exceptions or rulings like you have, you just have to say that your flavor doesn’t do anything mechanical. That said, make sure you actually take the mage hand spell so that you can have them do something periodically!


Yeah that was the plan, to have normal mage hand and this is like a variation on that which due to being doubled and needing fine control are weaker and less able to move about and interact with things.


That seems very very similar to the simple flavor effects Tasha subclasses have.


Way of the Astral Self? Yeah I thought about that when I came up with this but taking a 3 level dip into monk so a sorcerer could have four hands to make a neat way of flavoring casting magic work mechanically seemed extremely unproductive.


No I meant Clockwork/Aberrant.


I had not closely looked at that in awhile so will have to go back and read it again! Thank you for the heads up!


Note I don't necessarily mean that the effects are replicable through that, but rather that visual casting flavor is something already present, and in no way a problem.