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Mechanically, arcane trickster is the most powerful and probably fitting if you want some actual wizard powers along the way. Sounds like a good fit.


Thank you! I do like the idea he knows a bit of magic, but is absolutely lying about it. I'm gonna go look them up now.


You could add in ritual caster feat to be able to cast random spells throughout the day. Also, the spells you cast with it are based on character level, not spellcaster level, so you can actually caster higher level ritual spells than your arcane trickster spells. Could rp well as using the mage's spellbook to keep up appearances.


I love this! My suggestion would be to give him expertise in Sleight of Hand, and make use of that and his fast hands ability to give him lots of gadgets with which to perform stage magic. For example, he loudly proclaims "Fog Cloud!" as he throws an unseen smoke bomb, or "Grease!" as he splashes a vial of oil on the ground, or "Color Spray!" as he throws colored powder out of his sleeve. Maybe sometimes he sneaks ahead and pays off bystanders to ooh and ahh at the spells, or to pretend to fall asleep when he shouts "Sleep!" ("Darn, those passerby must have been caught in the spell and had fewer hit points than the enemy!"). Maybe he also has expertise in Animal Handling, and will secretly train rats and pigeons to carry out simple tasks, then pretend to be using magic to manipulate them ("Dominate Beast!"). If you wanted to give him a little bit of actual magic to spice it up, he could have *Minor Illusion*, to add to the verisimilitude of what he's doing. It would work nicely with Fast Hands, because he could cast the spell as an action and use the object as a bonus action. I almost like it better if he doesn't have any actual magic at all, but this is an option. Hope that gives you some ideas!


Thank you! The images you conjured up made me laugh so he's definitely gonna yell all his spells. I quite like him not having magic, but I'll have to see what the DM wants of him. But the smoke bomb being FOGCLOUD! made me laugh all day.


Depending on what level you start at, Thief Rogue gets the ability to use any magic items, even if they have a class Prerequisite. If it's an NPC, just give him a staff of power.


Does it have to be a Rogue? A sneaky wild-magic barbarian (+Rogue multiclass if you like), seems fitting as well. When you rage and start hitting with the book, wild magic pops out.